Acceptable Behavior (9 page)

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Authors: Jenna Byrnes

Tags: #Erotic Romance Fiction

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With a growl, Sam wrapped his hands around Travis’ neck and shoulders and brought him closer to deepen the kiss. They rocked together, kissing and fucking, until Travis could barely breathe. He leaned up and grabbed the headboard for purchase, then gritted his teeth and fucked with all the intensity he could muster.

As an orgasm churned in his balls, he reached down and clasped Sam’s leaking shaft. A few good pumps and they were both coming, shouting, and eventually laughing and rolling together on the bed.

Sam held him tight and gazed into his eyes. “You already do, baby.”

“Hmm?” Travis was barely coherent anyway, he figured he must have blacked out and missed something.

Sam smiled. “You already own my ass. From this day forward, nobody touches it but you.”

Travis nearly came again. He reached for the beautiful face in front of him and began kissing everywhere he could reach. “It’s a deal,” he finally murmured. “Same goes, by the way.”

Sam waggled his eyebrows. “Good. Now lie back. I’m headed down to check out my real estate.”


Chapter Five




Sam closed his laptop computer and pushed away from his desk. He’d gotten his work caught up, his latest articles had all been accepted and he’d been paid for them. It had taken the better part of a month, but he’d finally found a manageable routine juggling his job, Mel, Levi and Travis.

Just thinking about him caused Sam’s cock to thicken and created a dopey smile which stayed on his face more and more these days. They stole hours together whenever they could manage it. The doctor had one day off each week, not counting most weekends, and with Levi in school they made the best of that time. They spent roughly six of those seven hours in bed, or as Travis had promised, bent over the sofa, fucking on the kitchen table, or pressed up against the steamy tiles as they fucked in the shower. They did it in every room, in every position imaginable, and as many times as one of them could manage it.

On Travis’ work days, Sam was waiting for him when he got home and they’d enjoy a couple of intimate hours before Sam had to head back to watch Levi. On Saturdays they’d take his nephew to the park or the zoo, and they’d even made a few Cubbies baseball games. They’d fix dinner together and enjoy family activities, which Levi seemed to love.

Mel was even doing better, and often spent Sundays with Levi and their friends Ronna and Pete. Depending if Travis was on call or not, Sam would either use that time to get some work done, or help Travis with housework or other chores he’d ignored all week. They usually lasted about an hour before they wound up in bed again. The laundry always got washed and dried, but not always folded or put away. Sam didn’t care, and knew that his lover didn’t either.

Lover. Partner
. Trav called him by both titles and Sam couldn’t have been happier. They hadn’t actually discussed their relationship but things were good, Sam had no doubts about that.

Glancing at his watch, he saw it was nearly time to pick Levi up from school. He strolled out to the living room and saw Mel sitting on the sofa, texting someone. “Hey,” he said.

She glanced up and smiled. “Hey.” She kept texting.

“It’s almost time to get Levi. Are you able to go for him today?”

Mel stood and tucked her phone into her jeans pocket. “Can we both go? I was hoping to talk to you.”

The hair on the back of Sam’s neck prickled. “O-kay. What’s up?”

She grabbed his arm. “Come on. We’ll talk on the way. Can you drive? I’d have to stop and get gas if we took my car.”

He felt in his pocket for his keys, and nodded. As they walked out to his car he couldn’t resist adding, “Mel, you know you need to keep better track of these things. I won’t always be here to fetch him, and his teacher really hates it when you’re late getting him.”

They got into the Volkswagen and buckled up before Sam drove.

She tossed her hair over one shoulder. “His teacher is queer and he just plain hates
. I think he prefers you to pick Levi up, for obvious reasons.”

Sam shook his head. “Please don’t call people queer. The way you say it sounds like a bad thing.”

Mel looked out of the passenger window. “I almost called him a fag, but I knew you’d get pissed at that. Guess I was right.”

He scoffed. “Um, you think? Geez, Mel. You can be a bitch sometimes but I don’t call you that.”

His sister laughed. “Why not? Derek does. I don’t care.”

“Derek.” Sam snorted.
Her boss is such a class act.

“Yeah, that’s what I wanted to talk to you about. Derek needs a place to stay for a while. I told him he could crash with us.”

Sam was stunned and tried to process that bit of news. “When’s he moving in?”

“Maybe tonight. He’ll probably give me a ride to work then we’ll both come back together.”

“Tonight? That doesn’t give me any time to find another place, Mel.”

“Oh, I don’t expect you to find another place. I still need you to watch Levi. I was just thinking, we might have to switch bedrooms. Derek sleeps nude, and Levi doesn’t need to see that. You either, for that matter. You might try to steal him.” She laughed.

Sam was trying to wrap his mind around her rambling and ignored the jab. “So you want to switch with me, and I’ll sleep on the sofa?”

“It seems like the best solution. I mean, we’ll need some privacy anyway. I guess we could have Levi sleep on the couch. I’m just afraid Derek might wake him when we come in at night.”

“Levi needs his bedroom,” Sam said firmly.
So do I
. “This is really selfish of you, Mel. I’m only staying there to give you a hand with him. We agreed from the beginning that I needed my own space since I work from home.”

She shrugged. “You can still use the bedroom for that. Hell, you can sleep in the bed until we get there. We’d just have to wake you up then.”

Share bed sheets with Mel and Derek?
Sam shivered at the thought. “I don’t think so, sis. It sounds to me like you need to hire a sitter to watch Levi. She can leave when you get home.”

Mel sighed loudly. “Now who’s being selfish? I told you, I still need you to watch him. But I promised Derek a place to stay, so we have to find a way to make this work.”

Sam couldn’t believe what she was telling him. “So basically, you’re just using me, is that right? For whatever you need, and whenever you need it. I think I’ve been pretty reasonable about things up to now, Mel.”

being reasonable? You’re getting a free place to live out of this deal, so don’t act like you’re such a martyr.”

His jaw could have hit the road passing under their wheels. “Only because you said I didn’t have to pay rent! I spring for all the utilities, which in that un-insulated rat trap is almost as much as rent. I’m also buying food and necessities for the three of us.”

“Levi and I hardly eat anything. Stop being so dramatic!”

Sam was livid. He raised a palm to face her. “No, you stop. This is bullshit. If you bring Derek home to live, then Derek can babysit for you and pay your bills. I’m leaving.”

“You little shit!” Mel struck out at him, slapping his hand and shoving it down.

“Quit it!” he demanded, more bothered by what he’d just said than by her striking out at him.
I can’t trust Levi’s care to Derek. I can barely entrust him to Mel.
He shook his head. “No, that was a stupid fucking thing to say. I won’t go without Levi. You can’t take care of him, and neither can that stoner boss of yours. Levi and I will find somewhere else to go.”

She snorted with disbelief. “You’re joking, right? Like you’re gonna take my kid.”

He shook his head. “You can still see him after school until you go to work, but we just won’t be living there. Maybe he can stay over with you nights you don’t have to go in, if you think you can keep yourself clean for that long.”

Mel’s face twisted into something furious and ugly. She smacked his shoulder and pounded his arm. “You are a stupid, ungrateful shit! I can’t believe after everything I’ve done for you—”

Sam fended her off. “Stop it! You’re going to make me wreck. After everything
have done for
? Are you fucking out of your mind?”

She grabbed for the steering wheel. “So wreck! Who cares!” She pointed the car into oncoming traffic.

He panicked and forced the wheel in the opposite direction, overcompensating. The Bug went up on two wheels and teetered there for a moment.

“Stop it, you stupid fucker!” Mel screeched. She leaned toward him.

Sam felt the car topple. “Hang on!” he yelled, and braced himself.


* * * *


Travis had just finished with his last patient on Friday afternoon when his cell phone rang. He pulled it from his pocket and saw Sam’s number. Smiling, he stepping into his office. “Hey there,” he said with sultry inflections.

“Trav, I need your help.” Sam sounded out of breath and unnatural.

His heart skipped a beat. “What is it?”

“Mel and I were just in an accident. I’m okay, but my car is toast. I’m not sure about her. I mean, she’s alive, but unconscious. The ambulance just took her to Cook County General. Another one is going to take me.”

“God, Sam!” He forced himself to remain calm. “If you’re okay, why the ambulance?”

“I might have a broken wrist or something. I have to go now. But I need someone to pick up Levi from school. I hate to ask, but there’s no one else.”

“I can go. Jefferson Elementary, right?”

“Yes. His teacher is Mr.
Crawford. I’ll call him real quick and give him your name. You’ll probably have to show ID.”

“Well, I would hope so. I’m leaving now, Sam. I’ll bring him to Cook County as soon as I can.”

“Thank you, Trav. See you soon.” Sounding relieved, he ended the call.

Travis gathered his things quickly and told his nurse he was leaving. Driving as fast as the speed limit allowed, he made it to the school in decent time. He entered the front office and told the woman behind the counter, “I’m supposed to pick up Levi Madison. Levi’s uncle called his teacher, Mr. Crawford.”

She nodded. “One moment.” The woman went to an adjoining room and returned with a sandy-haired man who had Levi by the hand.

“Dr. Trav!” Levi shot out and hugged his leg.

Travis smiled. Sam’s nephew had picked up on the nickname, and used it often. Travis liked hearing it from both of them. He patted Levi’s back. “Hey, buddy. Sorry to be late.” He glanced at the teacher. “Mr. Crawford? I’m Dr. Travis Nelson.”

“Colton Crawford.” He extended a hand and they shook. “I hope you understand that I have to ask for ID.”

“Of course.” Travis showed him his driver’s license. “I’m Levi’s pediatrician and a friend of the family.”

“Thank you.” Mr. Crawford turned to Levi. “Levi, we forgot your backpack in the classroom. Would you go get it please? We’ll wait right here.”

“I’ll go with you,” the school secretary offered. She took the boy’s hand and they walked down the hall.

Crawford gazed at Travis. “How’s his mother? His uncle didn’t know her condition when he called.”

“I honestly don’t know, either. We’re heading to the hospital now and I hope to get some details.”

“Good. I gave Levi a snack but he’ll still need dinner. Will you make sure he gets something?”

Travis was confused. “Of course. Why wouldn’t he?”

The teacher seemed to be choosing his words carefully. “Levi tells me he doesn’t always get to eat. He rarely has breakfast, either. Some days I think the school lunch is the only meal he gets.”

The comment shocked Travis. “He’s thin, but he’s not malnourished. I would know if he was.” As he said the words, he second-guessed himself. He saw Levi eating maybe two meals a week.
Surely Sam gives the boy breakfast and dinner?
He realized guiltily that Sam was probably in a bigger hurry to get to his house in the evenings than he was to make sure his nephew ate.

“Okay, I’m just repeating what the child has told me. Plus, some days his clothes are dirty. I’m not sure how often they’re washed. I don’t know how much he bathes, either.”

Travis’ hackles were raised. “Okay, Mr. Crawford. I’ll take all that under advisement. Levi will be cared for, I assure you.”

The boy returned with the secretary, and Travis couldn’t get him away quickly enough. “You ready, bud? Let’s go see your mom and Uncle Sammy.”

Levi held his hand and Travis led him out. He turned to the woman and said, “Thank you.” He cast another glance at the teacher, then walked out.

Levi chattered about his day on the fifteen minute trip to the county hospital. Travis listened with one ear while his mind raced. Why did he feel so indignant that the teacher had questioned Levi’s care? He didn’t know what went on in the crappy little apartment the boy called home. It bothered him that Sam was being accused of neglect, because Travis knew that Sam took more care of the child than Melanie ever did. As a pediatrician he should have seen it. Was such unacceptable behavior the fault of Sam or the boy’s mother?

He pulled into emergency parking and helped Levi out of the back seat. Again holding his hand, he led the boy into the busy ER. Travis glanced around but didn’t see Sam. He approached the front desk. “Sam and Melanie Madison were brought here by ambulance?”

The young woman behind the counter glanced at a clipboard. “She’s not able to have visitors but he’s in room E-three, just down that way.” She pointed to a hallway.

“Thank you.” He started to direct Levi when the woman interrupted.

“Children really aren’t allowed back there.”

Travis exhaled. “He needs to see his parents. There’s no one else to watch him.”

“Just for a few minutes, then,” she relented.

“Of course.” Travis headed down the hall. He wasn’t sure why he’d called them Levi’s parents. Partially true, but the rest of the truth took too much fucking energy to decipher. He paused in front of the doorway to E-three and glanced at Levi. “Uncle Sammy is in here. He might be banged up, okay? Just be prepared.”

Levi nodded nervously.

Travis opened the door and looked in. “You decent?”

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