Abziarr and his unwilling Queen (Lords of Arr'Carthian 1.5) (3 page)

BOOK: Abziarr and his unwilling Queen (Lords of Arr'Carthian 1.5)
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She raised the dagger but she did not stab me. I took hold of her wrist and took the blade from her.

“My death is not what you want,” I said. I put the blade back in its place on the wall before turning and leaving the chambers.

I arranged for my blacksmith to make a chain with a handcuff at each end - a large one for me and a small one for Susan. I wanted to have my mate with me without constantly being concerned that she would run away, so I came up with the idea of tying her to me. She would not be happy about it, but she would get used to it. Maara gave me an update on Susan: after I had left the room she had walked up and down for a while, restlessly, then she had begun to clear up the mess that she had caused. It had surprised me to hear that and I was eager to see it with my own eyes. These earth females were truly fascinating: they were so multi-layered and difficult to gauge. The females of my race were meek and submissive. The Carthian females were somewhat more autonomous, but still no comparison with the strong personalities of the earth females. Keela had fascinated me, but she had not caused a physical reaction in me the way Susan had. Moreover, she was Prince Marruk’s mate and even if revenge had been tempting, Keela would never have belonged to me even if I had killed Marruk back then. With Susan I was certain: she would belong to me. It would just be more difficult to win her over than it would have been with a female from my race - but that also made it much more appealing. Even if I, myself, was what the earth females called an Alpha-male, I still did not want a mate who simply gave herself to me with no will of her own. My queen was proud, brave and full of passion - and it would give me the greatest of pleasure to arouse that passion.

Having arrived at my chambers, I stopped in front of the door and listened out. Everything was quiet. Had she gone to sleep? The thought that she might be lying in my bed made me grow hard again -but I doubted that she would grant me that pleasure. She would rather sleep on the floor than in my bed. Of course the chain would ensure that she had no choice. I smiled. That would be very interesting.

“Open!” I said and the door slid open.

Susan was standing at the window when I entered. She did not turn round, but I could tell by her suddenly tense posture that she knew full well that I was there. I cast my eyes over the room. Everything that had been broken was lying in a pile in the middle - at least the bigger pieces were - small shards were still scattered all over the place. I would arrange for a few servants to come. They could put everything back in order here whilst I was taking breakfast with Susan.

“How long are you going to keep me here?” her voice broke the silence.

“For however long it takes for me to know that you won’t run away from me,” I replied.

“They’ll come looking for me,” she stated. “They’ll come here and free me.”

“That could take a while. I rendered their gliders unfit for flying.”

“They could come in the Cordelia and beam down,” she replied defiantly.

“No! They can’t do that. I don’t own a space ship, but I have defense technology that renders beaming down impossible. They would not arrive down here in one piece and they know that.”

“They’ll still come!” insisted Susan.

“Yes, they will. But by then you will be mine.”

“Why do you want me so desperately?”

“Because you’re my mate,” I replied simply.

She laughed cheerlessly.

“You have bizarre ideas here. I only came to see my best friend again and not to look for a man here. And I certainly did not pick you out!”

“I know that our ways are different compared to what you’re used to on your planet, but the examples of your friend and the other females show that a mate bonding between our races is possible. I feel our bond and I know that you feel it, too. Why are you fighting so hard against it? Is it a kind of game for you? Do you want me to prove to you, first, that I’m worthy of you?”

She laughed again. This time it sounded bitter. She turned round and looked directly at me.

“A game?” she asked. “No, ass-hole! It is not a game!
I just have no interest in men like you!”

“Men … like me?” I asked, raising my eyebrow.

“Men who think that they can own a woman like a piece of inventory!”

“What makes you think that I’m that sort of male?”

“You are MINE!” she said, imitating my tone from earlier, and I had to laugh. “You think that’s funny? I don’t!” Her eyes fell on the chain in my hand and she frowned. “What’s that for?” she asked, squinting at me suspiciously.

“A little reassurance that you won’t run away from me - the alternative to this would be you remaining locked up here in my chambers. But as I want your company and I can’t spend the whole day here, I’ll …”

“What?” she interrupted me, placing her hands on her hips. She was laughing, but did not sound amused. “You want to chain me to you? I mean, literally?” She shook her head. “You must be completely insane.”

“Tell me, Susan. If I were to neither lock nor chain you up, would you stay with me?”

She laughed again, then snorted.

“In your dreams, ass-hole!”

I smiled.

“You see? Just as I thought. That’s why I’ve got this.” I waved the chain, but of course she already knew exactly what I was talking about.

“If you want to chain me up, you’ll have to get hold of me first,” she challenged me.

“I love a good hunt,” I said, grinning. I approached her slowly. I could see her scanning the room to look for an escape route. Our eyes met before she fled to the right, jumped onto the wide bed, rolled over and landed on the other side to look for shelter there. She was quick - I had to give her that. I growled deeply and she looked at me angrily. I knew that the males of her race were not shape shifters and could probably not make such sounds. I could feel my tiger trying to force its way to the surface, inspired by the prospect of a chase - but I only allowed my fangs to grow.

“You think you’re safe from me there?” I asked, intentionally displaying my fangs at the same time. I was pleased to ascertain that she showed no fear - it was interest that lit up her brown eyes.

“You think you can intimidate me with your teeth?” she mocked. “Come here and I’ll show you what I think of them.”

With a quick turn towards the wall, she had taken down one of the swords hanging there for decorative purposes.

Undeterred, I took a few steps towards the bed. She was holding the sword in front of her threateningly. By the way that she was holding the weapon I could tell that she probably knew how to handle it, so I had to make sure that I did not underestimate her.

“Before you consider using that weapon, I’d like to ask you something,” I said, stopping just in front of the bed.


“Let’s just presume that you successfully kill me with the sword. What would become of you then? You can’t get out of this room without me.”

She frowned, but still held the sword threateningly in front of her.

“Well?” I probed, as she did not reply.

“Then I’ll just die, too!” she said decisively, pushing her chin out defiantly.

“OK, that’s enough of this nonsense,” I said, sighing and I leapt in one move over the bed to take the blade from her hand. Her cry of surprise rang through the room. “I’m half man, half tiger,” I whispered into her ear. “You ought not to forget that again. Even in my present form I can run faster and leap further and higher than you – and hear, see and smell better than you!”

She was trembling as I put my arm around her waist and pulled her against me, but it was not fear making her tremble - it was arousal - I could smell it - strong and powerful.

“You like this game, don’t you, Susan?” I murmured, breathing lustfully along her neck. I could hear her breath accelerating and her heartbeat pounding wildly against my body.

She did not reply, but her body was telling me everything I needed to know. I slid my teeth carefully over her soft flesh and she shuddered in my arms. She put her head at an angle to give me better access and I took what she was offering me. The tip of my tongue slowly moved upwards, in circles, as far as her ear lobe. A quiet groaning came from her lips when I gently bit into her soft flesh. I was careful: my teeth did not pierce her skin. It was not yet time to make her fully into my mate. I wanted nothing more than to bury my teeth into her soft flesh, but that would have consequences that would be asking too much of her at this point. I had to take my time - prepare her for that.

“You will be mine,” I promised huskily. “… soon. And when you are, you will not only want it with every fibre in your body, but also with all your soul and from the bottom of your heart.”

“No!” she contradicted me, but her body was pressing against mine, proving that her words were lies.

I moved away from her, taking her left arm, to put the handcuff around her wrist. She looked at me - shocked and reproachful.

“How can you …” she began, but I silenced her outburst with my lips.

She wanted to move away, but as my tongue pushed assertively into her mouth she responded to my kiss, sinking against me. I took my time to enjoy the brief moment of cease-fire, exploring her sweet mouth fully. When I stopped kissing her, we were both breathless and she was silent until I attached the other end of the chain to my wrist.

“Ooh! You damn ass-hole!” she swore in rage. “I’m going to make your life hell! Bastard! Macho pig! ASS-HOLE!”

“You can carry on swearing, but in the meantime we’re still going to the hall – breakfast awaits us there,” I informed her, unmoved, then I turned away. When the chain was so taught that she had no choice but to walk behind me, she began the list of insults again. I was amazed by how many swearwords one female could name, although ass-hole seemed to be her favorite. Some insults really were damn creative and I had to smile when she called me a mangy bundle of fur.

Chapter 3

When I took my seat, Susan stubbornly stayed on her feet behind me, as far away as the chain allowed. Although I admired her fighting spirit and was enjoying our little game, I did want her to eat something.

“Sit down,” I said in a tone that would not permit disagreement - a tone that no one had yet refused to comply with - but not so my little mate - she stubbornly remained where she was. I sighed and slowly pulled her towards me with the help of the chain. Leaning back in my chair, I looked up at her.

“If you don’t sit down on your seat and eat your breakfast, I’ll sit you on this table, remove the ridiculous clothing from your legs and feast on your sweet juices until you cry out my name. Not that I’d have anything against doing that, but I think that it could be a little awkward for you if I do that here in public.”

Her skin had assumed a beautiful red color and I had to grin. I was tempted to wish that I could carry out my threat. The mere thought of tasting her and making her call out my name caused my cock to swell to a very uncomfortable size. I had to change my position to sit at all comfortably.

To my disappointment she finally sat down and began to eat without deigning to look at me.

“That’s a shame,” I said, and she glared at me.

“What?” she asked angrily.

“Now I have a problem,” I said, smiling sadly.

“A problem?” she asked, her brow raised.

“Yes, my cock is so hard that I don’t know how to sit.”

“Not my problem,” she murmured, avoiding my gaze.

I laughed.

“I already feared that you wouldn’t be prepared to help me with my little problem,” I replied, sighing.

“Hell is more likely to freeze over,” she said. “I hope it’s really uncomfortable!”

“It is, I can assure you, if that makes you happy,” I murmured, picking at my breakfast.

“I hope I can make your life a lot more uncomfortable,” she responded sweetly.

I laughed.

“I’m already happy that you’ve abandoned the idea of killing me and are now only set upon making things uncomfortable for me.”

A nasty little smile appeared on her face and she looked at me.

“Who says that I’ve abandoned the idea of killing you? You really ought to be careful.”

The door opened and Lomkas, one of my best males, entered.

“Please excuse the interruption, sir. But you’re needed in the communication room. Prince Marruk requests an interview.”

“We’re coming,” I said, rising from my chair. I looked at Susan. “Are you coming, my love?”

“Do I have any choice?” she replied curtly, standing up, too.

“Well, if you don’t want me to speak with Marruk, then I’ll ask for him to be told that and we’ll finish our breakfast in peace,” I said, making a move to sit down again.

“I will come with you,” she hissed angrily. “I’m very curious about this interview!”

I gallantly offered her my arm, but she ignored me and this was how we set off to the communication room – with her one step behind me to my right.

The communication room was the only room in the castle in which technology could be seen. Even though the whole castle was equipped with technology, it was largely hidden, because here on Karrx7 we liked things simple and a little archaic. One side of the room was completely taken up with a huge screen: in front of this was the control desk with all its switches, levers and light indicators. There were five comfortable armchairs and I asked Susan to take a place before I sat down. Marruk, Keela, Kordan and Mortociar could be seen on the screen.

“Hello Abziarr, Susan,” said Marruk, leaning forward a little so that he looked a little larger on the screen than the other three beside him.

“What do you wish to say to me?” I asked, leaning back, relaxed.

“I’d like to ask you not to jeopardize our recently signed peace treaty because of a female. If she is not with you of her own free will then there is no reason to keep her with you.”

He turned to Susan who was sitting next to me, her arms folded.

“Are you at Abziarr’s castle of your own free will, and do you wish to stay there?”

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