Abuse of Chikara (book 1) (35 page)

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Authors: Stanley Cowens

BOOK: Abuse of Chikara (book 1)
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After a few minutes the mother took the young girl to the bathroom to clean up the butter that was all over her dress. Dirty Red’s spirit followed them to the bathroom and notices an opportunity. There is a black woman doing her makeup not too far from the white woman and her child. Red focuses his energy and kicks the white female hard in the ass, sending her flying into her young child. As expected the white woman automatically assumes that the black woman had kicked her in her big white butt. It was a reasonable assumption as the black woman was the only woman in the bathroom at the time. The white chick got up angry and shoved the middle-aged black woman in the chest. Of course, the black woman had not pushed her and did not take kindly to being shoved by some random white broad. The black chick pound caked the hell out of this white broad. The young white child started crying and ran out of the bathroom. Soon police were called and investigating the issue. The white woman had been beaten senseless. Both woman were telling police the other one had pushed them first. The white husband was looking dumbfounded. Dirty Red was there laughing his ass off. It was good that only Psycho Boy could see him because they would be kicking his ass out of here if he were still living. Funny how he still looked the same as before, but he could not touch anything and no one could see him. This entire situation could end up being more fun that when he was alive. Unlike other evil spirits, he was not tied to a specific area like a home or forest or something. He is tied to Psycho Boy, which makes him mobile. He goes back to the theatre and spends the rest of the film fucking with random white people. Tomorrow morning, he would reach out to his and Bill’s mutual enemy. He did not know half of what Bill knew, but he knew how to get in touch with the Carpenter and set up a meeting. That’s something Bill would have never thought of doing or attempting. He did not know if Quinton would go for it, but it was worth a shot.

Quinton had thought it was some type of trap actually. Some special trick Bill had come up with. However, Psycho Boy had been true to his word… Looking up through the basement floor with his special scope that could see through walls, he could see Bill was here and his buddy in white also. The man in white seemed to have an uncanny sense of danger. He seemed on edge as soon as they entered the small house. He did not really trust Psycho Boy, but the chance was too much to pass up. It was the only way he could get Bill, and maybe this was the way it should end.
He would like to see Bill and the man in white get out of this one
. Psycho Boy had said the only way he would get Bill into a specific location for him to do this is if Quinton was here and did it himself. He knew a bit about Psycho Boy, and knew no amount of torture would get him to cooperate.. Also, there seemed to be something just right about ending this long ordeal this way. Face-to-face, man-to-man. Maybe he could have done this another way given more time.

He had tried car bombs, but they had been found and disabled. The man in white usually checked all areas of anyplace Bill went for bombs and other surprises. He even tasted Bill’s food for him. He had tried a few poisons that were tasteless, but the man had been able to taste them somehow. His race, whatever it was, must have been able to taste things humans could not. Also, he had seemed unaffected by the poisons. This was a calculated risk on his part. He might survive, and the abnormal Asian man in white had a better chance of surviving, while Bill would be killed. This was the best way to make sure Bill got what was coming to him. Psycho Boy excused himself and went to the bathroom. Bill told the Asian man in white not to bother sweeping the place. He trusted Psycho Boy more than anyone currently alive. He did get a bit worried when Psycho did not return after a long period of time. He checked the entire house, except the basement. Of course, Psycho must have gone down to the basement. The guy always liked hanging out in basements for some reasons.

Gang Jian followed him downstairs Before he could even react, Quinton grabbed him in a bear hug. “Hello Bill, are you ready to die today, finally?”

He had not expected Quinton to be here, but it was crazy of him to think Gang Jian could not stop him before he did any major damage.

“Quinton, don’t be a fool, kill me and Gang Jian will kill you.”

“Your super-powered friend may indeed kill me Bill, but you are not getting out of here alive. Hope you’re ready to follow me into hell, brother.”

They both looked down at Quinton’s midsection and saw an assortment of bombs .The timer quickly clicked down to zero, and for Bill there was nothing but silence. The bomb went off, engulfed him, Bill and the Asian man in white, in a gigantic explosion. He lost consciousness and everything faded to black. The Asian man in white clawed his way out of the rubble of the home. He had felt a dark presence someplace in the home. Upon entering, he had noted the evil spirit hanging around Psycho Boy. He had assumed that was the presence he was sensing. He had not informed Bill about it as the spirit was not a threat to him. It would be years before it was able to cause anyone any real bodily harm. Even then, poltergeist and spirits were no match for him. He could easily dispel all, but the most powerful evil spirits. Even the most powerful evil, ancient spirits would be hard-pressed to fight his kind for long.

Humans had the wrong idea about evil spirits in general. Demons did not exist in the way humans thought. Demons were evil spirits. All evil spirits were once human beings that were exceedingly evil and selfish in life. Satan and the fallen angels were beautiful beings of light caste out of heaven. Not some Hollywood character holding a pitchfork with a red tail. The fallen angels had spawned their kind after mating with human females. At one time fallen angels could easily enter the bodies of human males with no restrictions placed upon them. These humans carrying angel souls had created their mix of half human, half angelic beings into the world. He had fulfilled his part of the bargain. Bill’s trust of Psycho Boy had doomed him. He had no doubt that the younger human had played part in this set up. Why he would turn on his master was beyond him, but it really was not his concern. Neither Psycho Boy or Quinton were his concern. He could not sense Bill’s or Quinton’s presence any more. Bill was no doubt dead; however, it was possible Quinton may have survived. His kind had trouble sensing humans when they were asleep or unconscious. He walked back to his all-white limo and instructed his driver to take him home. This had been a very interesting day, and he had to admit, somewhat exciting. Despite the fun, it was time to get back to his primary job of winning souls for Satan.

Psycho Boy returned after hearing the loud explosion. He knew what to expect before he even saw the rubble that was once his home. He sat there with long tears running down his face. Even though he played a part in the destruction of his home and mentor, he still felt actual grief at what he had done. He had to destroy this place because he loved it. He also had to cause Bill’s downfall as well because he loved that man like a father. He was not worried much about his cover story. He would say that Bill came to visit him, and he stepped out to the store to get them something to drink. When he came back the place, it was rubble. He would say Bill had been worried lately about the former superintendent attempting to harm him. Who would contradict his story? The only person left who knew what really happened was Dirty Red’s spirit and Red did not give a shit. In any case, he did not think Red could even communicate with anyone except him. He was a well-decorated police officer and know as a good friend of Bill’s. Hell, he had even appeared at the trial as a character witness. It was well-known that Quinton had been killing police officers at will. He called it in on his cell phone and soon ambulances were on the scene. No doubt others had already called it in. It might look odd if he did not report it as well. The process went as he thought it would. Lots of interviews and reports. They soon had a funeral for Bill weeks later. Closed casket, of course, as there was nothing left off his body to put on display. Most of the people at the funeral were cops or former cops, and law enforcement officials from different agencies. Psycho was one of the many people to stand at a podium they had set up to give long, drawn out speeches about Bill’s virtues.

Psycho actually enjoyed funerals. Free food and he got to socialize with many people. He was a very sociable guy and interacted with people any chance he got. Hell, he had even crashed a few funerals, weddings and parties. The funniest time is when he had crashed the funeral of a black family. He loved soul food and had given a great speech about the guy, even though he had never met him. Dirty Red was here at Bill’s funeral as well and seemed to be enjoying himself. He told Psycho that since Bill was so evil, he gave off a large amount of negative energy. This energy attracted evil spirits. As a matter of fact, many of the people at this funeral were extremely evil and they also attracted spirits. It was like a buffet for evil spirits in this place. He did the funeral and the wake. With all the free food and hot females of different races to hit on, why not? The department had given him some time off to deal with the emotional distress. He went home and got on Xbox live and kicked some ass in versus mode of Left 4 Dead three. He loved arguing with weak-ass punks crying about him tapping that ass. After a few hours, he went to sleep had another one of those werewolf dreams again.

Lucian was sitting around in his large mansion surrounded by guests. He watched the news on one of his large flat screen TVs. It seemed that Bill had been killed. It was possible that Quinton was dead as well. Then again, it was possible Quinton had survived the explosion as well. He could not read Quinton’s mind or sense his thoughts through their shared link between them. This link only worked one way as Quinton did not have the knowledge or mental ability to read his thoughts. He might very well be dead or simply just unconscious. In any case, both situations worked for him. He had plans for Quinton once he died. Alive he would still be of benefit by killing sinful, evil humans before they could get their act together. Quinton had become a killing machine far beyond his expectations. He was cautiously optimistic when they had made the deal. The man was driven to kill what he perceived as evil scum, and remove the corruption from human society. Of course, he would be killing to the end of time as human society helped create deviants. It did not matter whether the government system was capitalism, communism or socialism. They were all created to help a small group of people get ahead and get money. It was why human society spent more money building prisons than creating jobs. It was why funding for the education system was all over the place. Human society is all about profit and enrichment of some, not the betterment of all. He wondered if Quinton had ever truly understood this. What was it they had called him at the police department, Dudley Do-Right. Lucian knew that Quinton had once been a person who had an optimistic outlook on life and the human race. Of course, the death of his ex-wife, daughter and various family members by his enemies had changed his perspective a great deal. That hatred and the powers he had given the man had created a new being in body and mind. Quinton did not yet fully understand the extent of his abilities or the full effect of the change in himself. He had not just been changed physically, but mentally as well.

His power had effected the very neurons and neurotransmitters in the man’s brain. Neurotransmitters are deeply connected with emotions and behaviors in human beings. First, he had altered the levels of dopamine in the man’s mind. High dopamine levels are connected with people being risk takers, these people also need more excitement and stimulation than normal people do. People with higher levels of dopamine are more likely to be antisocial. That was just one of the main changes he had made to Quinton’s mind. Humans were born with an id, ego and super ego.The id was the part of us most concerned with satisfying our own needs. The ego is the part of humans that balances the needs of the person against the needs of others. The super ego is the moral part of human beings. He had decreased Quinton’s ego and super ego. He had increased Quinton’s id to incredible proportions. Mankind’s id is the part of them that is only concerned with its own needs; and it does not care about the needs of others and only its own satisfaction. That was why Quinton could kill and torture people now with very little guilt over what he was doing. Many humans did not understand how their minds really worked. The underlying emotions of humans are not available to them on a conscious level. The majority of human emotions are in their unconscious mind. What he had done would continue to deeply affect the man, altering his unconscious mind. He turned his attention back to his large gathering and made the rounds, greeting guests and making deals. Being the hosts with the most as some young woman had taken to calling him.

How time flew when you were having fun. Psycho and Josh were sitting around drinking red wine, smoking weed. This cemetery was really one cool place to hangout. Maybe he could find out if they would let him move in. He could easily live in a tent as long as he had some type of heater in the winter. Maybe just live here in the summer. Josh’s parents owned the place and they did not mind them hanging out here, as long as they cleaned up their mess and did not damage the tombstones. He might have violated that rule about damaging the tombstones, but was too stoned to remember right now. He would have to clean up the parts lying all over the place from the broken video game consoles on the ground. He had purchased about 60 of them since launch day. Fifty eight of them lay broken in pieces scattered around the cemetery. There were only two next generation Xbox consoles in good condition. One in his new house, he had just purchased on the South Side, and one in Josh’s place.

It was cool to just sit around and chill for once, catching up with an old friend in the cemetery. He loved being able to see random spirits here long dead. Besides Dirty Red, he could not see spirits anyplace else but here when he was high on something. There were people of many different races, cultures and religions buried here. Some chatted with him often about many issues. There was the young rapper DJ Jazzy, a homicide victim; Jessie, a hot white chick strangled by a jealous boyfriend; and Ted White, a businessman who died from a heart attack. Working for those fucking corporations will kill you. Way too many fuckers had book sense and no common sense. Those were the main spirits he talked with on a regular basis. There were plenty of others, but some were more willing to talk with him than others were. Of course, there was one new addition that was not happy with him. Bill was really pissed off because he would not get the opportunity to realize his ambitions. He had been told that places like this were way stations for the dead. Many hung around their bodies for days or weeks before getting sent to heaven or hell. Some never went and roamed the earth. He did not know why some just roamed the earth and none of the spirits he talked to would explain it to him.

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