Abuse of Chikara (book 1) (2 page)

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Authors: Stanley Cowens

BOOK: Abuse of Chikara (book 1)
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That would have to wait, but first, it was time to pick up something special his fellow cops had been saving. These were some items Bill kept in a house that he rented, off the books, of course. He proceeded to the address he got from the license plates. It was a nice house in Oak Park; the exact address was on South Mason. Red had worked in the area years ago as an Oak Park cop. This particular building had experienced a nasty fire, if he remembered correctly. Some African American family had lived there at the time. There had been rumors that the owner had set the fire himself to get the insurance payments, and then turned around and sold the place. Red would not doubt it, but he did not blame the property owner. He would have done the same shit himself in his place.

Word had been around that the owner’s tenants had been stiffing him on rent payments. From what Red had heard, the owner made sure no one was home at the time. Red never found out if it were true or not. He was not the most knowledgeable person on fires and could not see how somebody could get away with that any way. In any case, the place had been sold and completely redone. It was a large three-floor type of deal with multiple apartments. It had a small garage area and a really huge back yard. It was a nice place for barbecues or get togethers.There were lots of parks, restaurants and stores in the area. When he was done, Red wondered if these stuck-up, arrogant white pricks would sell the place.

Earlier at the liquor store Red had thought he vaguely recognized the ringleader of the shit talkers. He was a white teenager of medium build with blond hair, blue eyes and wearing sports clothing like a Black Hawks’ jersey with matching pants with black Adidas gym shoes. He had seen this guy buying drugs often and did not doubt they had stashed a ton of shit in their home. The run on the plates revealed the punk lived here in Chicago and was not just visiting. He had no doubt he would find all types of illegal drugs in this cracker’s home. He also had no doubt they would plant some if they did not find some anyway. Red could spin it so many ways. This guy was about to come in very handy for Red.

Red thought he had better concentrate on the task at hand. This was a nice-looking place Bill had picked to stash things to be honest, and these were his favorite colors: blue with white trim. Sure he would concentrate, but It would not be so nice for that prick when Red was done. Earlier Red had left his police vehicle at home .He did not want to draw too much attention to what he was doing. An area like this did not have many people out at night, so his chances of being caught were lower. Not that he much worried about it, to be honest. His friends on the Oak Park police force would easily smooth things out for him.The liquor store where he ran into the whites earlier was a good place to buy legal, as well as illegal poison, if you knew the right people. Many people who bought alcohol there knew of the stores “other” merchandise being sold there. It was the hard stuff and not just weed or mushrooms. Shit, it was why Red often time went there.

It was time to get to work now. Red took the cooler out of his trunk and opened it revealing a ton of ice and two plastic bags. In the bags were a hand and part of a foot. They had belonged to a female police officer that had gone missing a few days ago. This particular officer had the bright idea of being a hero. She had tried investigating some of the higher ups in the force. She was taping conversations with supervisors, recording roll calls, looking into things that did not concern her. Many of the commanders handled jobs for politicians and people of power in Chicago.

She had arrested some close business associates of the mayor’s on drug charges. The association with these fellows would be bad enough, but she had tried picking them for more information, which they were looking like they might provide. The mayor wanted the problem solved and Bill had solved it.

Red took out his tools and began to pick the lock on the trunk, easily opening it. After placing the body parts in the trunk, he closed it and took some of the officer’s blood they had saved and stored to keep it fresh. He painted it on the outside of the hood. He would be halfway home when a stranger driving through would see the blood and call the police to investigate. Of course, the stranger would be working for him. And, of course, there would be plenty of witnesses who had seen somebody fitting the description of the young man who had insulted Red earlier arguing with the female officer. The main issue would be to make sure everything fit in time wise. The lady had gone missing three days ago; the witnesses, and this guy’s movements, would have to match up with the time frame..This would be the perfect set up, It was about motive, opportunity and means. Red had checked and this female officer had even busted the guy twice for minor drug offences. The motive was right there. Of course, he would have people who would swear this person has been talking about getting revenge for years. Red had checked and this guy even sometimes hung around the area the officer had come up missing in. Luckily, he was in the area when she was last seen. The guy had probably been caught on video camera film from stores around the time, and had possibly used his credit card in two stores in the area. Once again, he would easily have witnesses who would swear they had seen them in the area at the time.

Red having worked as an Oak Park police officer had damn good connections. He had worked this all out before hand or most of it anyway. They knew to expect a guy taking the fall for this, but not exactly who would be picked. They would give this guy the business. They would not let him see a lawyer and work on him around the clock to get him to confess. Even if he did get a lawyer and fight eventually, it did not matter. There would be some issues with the evidence, of course. The crime lab they used was under direct control of the police, and would run the test a thousand times until the results were favorable to them. The higher ups would keep the pressure on them to produce favorable results as they always did. The defense would have access to the same evidence and have different results of course. Bill had already planned for that. See, he really did not want the guy convicted. He wanted the guy to be accused of the crime, get out on bail and run to another country that did not have any extradition treaties with the U.S. The guy would be out of the way and public opinion would be that he was guilty. If he were not guilty, then he would not have run is what people would say. Once out of the country he could easily have a hit put out on him and he would be killed.

Bill had pretty much paid a king’s ransom to make sure he would get a certain judge who would grant parole at an extremely high price. If the family could not afford the price then a Good Samaritan would of course come up with the money. The hardest part would be to convince the guy actually to flee the country, and to put the right people in place to befriend and convince him to do so. The Oak Park police would be very helpful in harassing the hell out of this guy and making him uncomfortable every time he stepped outside. It was a good plan with some details to be worked out, and it would work. It was not the first time they had done something like this, and it would not be the last. Red went home and went to bed. He wanted a good night’s rest as he had plenty of coordinating to do with the Oak Park police. There were plenty of judges, police and witnesses to pay off. He dealt with this stuff for Bill because Psycho Boy just wanted to kill motherfuckers and did not give a rat's ass about stuff like this. Oh well, the early bird get's the worm, so it is time to go to sleep.

Psycho boy is sitting around playing Xbox 360, and getting some head from a hot, white redhead he picked up. She is underage, but so what. He loves some hot underage 16-year-old girls. He is playing Street Fighter 4 his favorite game on Xbox. Truth be told, he loves all fighting and shooting games. The best part is playing when you are high on weed, smoking that good stuff and getting some brain at the same time. See, some people might have a problem with him banging young girls, but he did not care. Psycho does not believe in rules, regulations, right or wrong. He believes that might makes right, he always says. If you look at any society, people in power make the rules. Those in power find loopholes around the rules. Psycho refuses to be bound by anybody’s rules. You think those in power follow any fucking rules? Yeah right, it was part of the reason he liked Bill so much. This black guy just did whatever the fuck he wanted to do by playing the system.

Psycho had learned to play the system years ago when he was a young teenage boy living in Mexico. His mother had fallen in love with a Mexican man after vacationing there. Mexico had a lot of tourism and a large number of American immigrants. Mexico is home to the largest number of U.S citizens abroad. His mother could not resist the country and its culture, plus a new chance at love. Psycho had been teased and bullied the entire time until he started on a long journey of violence and kicking ass and taking names. Hell, he had gotten his nickname Psycho boy in Mexico, it had stuck for years even in the U.S Army.

It was time to get ready for the day’s activities. Bill would be taking a good number of officers to serve a search warrant on a local gang leader who was not playing by the script, it was time to get set out by the big dogs. By big dogs meaning the mayor and other higher ups. This guy was calling himself the Beast and was getting too big for his britches. He took care of some things for those in power indirectly. The Beast was a piece of work that had put in an incredible amount of street work. Rumors on the streets had it that the man had killed hundreds of people over the years in service to his gang. Bill knew that the man was a rapist and routinely raped woman and molested young kids. His association was not just with the mayor, but also the FBI had allowed the Beast to do pretty much anything he wanted and get away with it.

Nevertheless, he no longer wanted to follow the script and Bill would put him back into place. They would serve a warrant. Willie, known as the Beast would resist, and there would be a shootout. They would kill a ton of his homies, steal their drugs and tear up his shit. Psycho would fuck a few hot Mexican chicks before killing them, of course. They could do anything they wanted pretty much. Who would believe a known gang leader over them with no proof? They did not want to take this person in, but rather send a message. They had gotten a no-knock warrant and would serve it at night. It was easy since this person was a well-known criminal and all the judges were in Bill's pocket . They would do this on January 6th. This was something being done on purpose as January 6th was something close to a holiday for the Latin Monarchs. This would be another way Bill could send a little message disrespecting the entire King Nation. Bill had gotten a nighttime warrant for this operation. It would take place at 12 midnight.

The fact that Bill and his crew were all Swat members did not hurt. Many Swat members take on regular police duties when nothing is going on that requires those extra skills. They were using a modified bus for this operation to avoid detection. The Beast might have lookouts. Bill had about 20 special tactics and weapons members, plus Psycho, himself and Dirty Red. The house they were attacking is large, but nothing too fancy. It was one of the Beast's hangout spots. It is not his main place, which is basically a large mansion with gates, armed guards and dogs patrolling the grounds. They have an informant on the inside that keeps track of the Beast's movements. He likes to party here with plenty of hot chicks. Beast has some of his more trusted people with him now. About 30 in all spread over the first and second floors. They were done partying all day, are half-drunk, and in a dead sleep. Of course, they will fight back and a big shootout will happen, but that is what Bill's hoping for.

Glancing over he sees Psycho Boy sleeping. Alfonso Rossi is the newest Swat officer. He starts talking to Bill about Psycho Boy and the mission. “So how did this guy get the name of Psycho Boy anyway, sir,” asks Alfonso. “I heard he beat his abusive drunk stepfather in Mexico to death and set him on fire. Somebody also told me this guy ran with the Mexican Mafia when he was a kid.”

Bill thinks about it for a second before speaking. Bill was like that; he did not talk before considering what he had to say. True, Psycho had run with the Mexican Mafia as a kid and had killed his abusive stepfather in a horrible fashion. However, money talks and it had talked very loudly for Psycho. His mother's family was very wealthy and had paid off a number of officials to get the boy’s record expunged. He had been sent back to the good old U.S. and joined the Army where he met Bill. Of course, the murder of his stepfather had been ruled self-defense with the right payments to the right people. Of course, he really had killed the guy for abusing his mother, but he had gone way beyond just defense and had used excessive force. Bill did not care; he liked the guy. Psycho was his pit bull in Iraq and here as well. Doing the dirty work, he would be off running into a building first and being shot at. He was fearless and did not care about being killed or hurt. Psycho had a warrior mentality and did not care about the consequences of any thing he did too much. He would have fit well into a Conan or a Berserk comic book.

Bill speaks to Alfonso again about Psycho boy. He has had some issues with the kid and he might be crazy, but we all are sometimes. He just admits it unlike the rest of us. When the shit breaks out you would rather have him by your side than anyone else. Bill knows Alfonso likes basketball, so he uses a basketball reference. “See, Alfonso, it is like basketball okay. You have a crazy guy on the other team who does all the dirty work and gets under your skin. Bull’s fans hated Dennis Rodman when he played for Detroit because he tormented their favorite players. He was fan favorite when he came to Chicago, though. You love that guy when he is playing for you. That's Psycho Boy in a nutshell.”

Bill loves these types of moments; see, he liked bonding with his people. He had a way of getting people to trust him, and it did not hurt that he was good at his job. When he had met Psycho at the age of 19, he knew that the boy had needed a father figure more than anything else. Bill had become that father figure the boy admired and looked up to. Even confiding in him that his real father had molested him at a young age.

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