Abducted by the Centaur Tribe (2 page)

BOOK: Abducted by the Centaur Tribe
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“I am Chloe,” I said, taking another long pull from
the wine. “What is my purpose here?”

“That depends on Dagon. I'm to make sure you eat and get
some exercise.” He took the empty plate and wineskin, then
trotted away. “I'll be back in a moment.”

The gate closed behind him and I rose. My legs wobbled so much I
could hardly stand. I couldn't tell if it was from the journey or
the wine or some combination of both. My head was still swimming
when the gate opened again. I stared at the floor, watching it
rotate slowly.

“I'm called Timo, by the way,” the centaur said.

I jerked up in surprise. He was inside my hut again, and I
hadn't noticed him enter. The wine was really getting to me. I took
a faltering step toward him, then stumbled. He caught me before I
hit the packed-earth ground.

Up close he really was younger than the others, the man half of
him around my age. He smelled of cedar dust and sunflowers in a way
that reminded me of Niko.

He carried me to my bed, and laid me tenderly on it. A gentle
hand stroked my cheek in just the way Niko would. I caught it,
pulled it to my chest. The moment of tenderness was too much for me
to let slip away.

His other hand touched my knee, stroked up my leg. My eyes went
wide, and even through the haze of wine my alarms were

“Shh,” he said. “You're safe with me.”
He leaned over me, looked me in the eyes as he soothed me. He had
such deep, rich eyes. Brown like polished wood. Looking into them,
my nervousness faded and the tension crept out of my chest.

He leaned closer, his lips brushing mine. That bare instant,
that tiny brush, it woke an animal within me that I hadn't even
known existed.

I kissed him back.

And it was good.

Better than anything I had imagined. Warm and soft and tender.
Then frantic and burning and hard. His hand slipped up my leg,
making my eyes widen again when he brushed over my woman parts.
They burned with an unfamiliar desire, but he hardly slowed until
he reached the belt of my robe. The robe fell open, leaving me
naked before him.

His kisses moved from my lips to my chin, then to my neck. Oh.
My. Gods. When he kissed my neck I thought I had found a lover to
rival the tales of Zeus. A chill swept through me, then a burning
wave of heat. My nipples grew painfully hard, and when his lips
traced toward them, I could feel them pucker. He kissed my breasts,
his warm tongue tracing circles on my tender flesh, creeping closer
and closer to my wonderfully sensitive nipples.

I screamed.

I didn't mean to, and it wasn't from panic. I just felt so
amazing there wasn't any other reaction.

He licked me faster, pulled a nipple into his mouth. My cries
rose in fury. His teeth bit gently into my flesh, and convulsions
rocked through my body, making me gasp for air.

Then he pulled away.

“What? Don't stop!”

“Have no fear of that, Chloe.”

He shifted the bed around--I hadn't even realized it would
move--and then he was above me, straddling me. Something huge and
dark hung between his hind legs, and it took me a moment to realize
what it was--his manhood. Or centaurhood. I didn't know what to
call it, so I giggled.

Timo flushed red, then buried his face between my legs. His
tongue found my soaking slit and plunged inside.

I screamed again, louder than ever.

He flicked it in and out, then worked up to my jewel. Everything
I had felt before paled before the feeling of that velvet tongue
swirling and flicking. I shook so hard I thought I'd fall from the
bed. Something felt like it was building within me, as if I could
soon burst like an overfull wineskin.

Timo kissed me on the mound, then rose up above me. I stared at
him, open mouthed, and watched as he grasped his magnificent,
quivering cock and guided it toward me. He didn't ask, but neither
did I tell him to stop.

That burning rod of flesh touched me, rubbed my wetness up and
down my slit, then he plunged it inside.

I screamed again.

Pain and pleasure mixed in equal proportions, both greater than
any I had experienced before. Timo thrust deeper, then pulled back
and thrust again. The pain receded, but the pleasure remained.

The fur of his chest brushed over the flat plane of my stomach.
He lowered himself until I could feel a portion of his weight on
me, pressing me into the bed. His fur was like Persian silk, so
soft on my still aching nipples. I wrapped my arms around his
waist, feeling his throbbing strength.

He twisted down and kissed me again, still thrusting inside. My
body shook, and that bursting feeling grew greater and greater. I
don't know how long he rode me like a mare. At some point his
breathing deepened, and I could feel him shaking.

He kissed me again, and this time I bit into his lip. He thrust
hard into me in response, and I couldn't take it any longer.

I burst.

Wave after wave of wine rushed through me, a pleasure I had
never known. I shook and screamed and clawed at his back.

Timo groaned. His hands wrapped around my head, forcing me to
his lips. We kissed and convulsed, both of us oblivious to anything
but each other and our exquisite passion.

Eventually he let me go and I flopped back, exhausted. His bulk
lifted away, though he brushed a hand on my cheek.

“That was amazing,” I said.

“For me, too.”

I smiled up at him, and only then did I hear the light applause.
I rolled to my side and found half a dozen other centaurs at the
far end of the enclosure watching us. My face probably flushed as
red as the wine I'd been drinking. They had seen my body! And
they'd seen me laying with a man. Err... centaur. It was a shame I
would never escape if anyone in my village heard about it.

And then I remembered.


I was no longer a maiden. Niko would no longer want me.

I pulled my robe around me and turned away from them as Timo
went over. I could hear them congratulating him, but I didn't care.
I just wanted to be alone. I just wanted to die.

Eventually the gate closed and they left me there, cold and
alone and miserable.


I woke in the morning and rose from my bed. My robe was filthy,
and a wide stain covered the lower half. Without anything else to
wear, I had to put it on, anyway. I paced across my enclosure,
looking for a way out. The wide boles that made up the walls were
rough and covered with splinters. If I wanted to escape, I was
going to take half the wall with me, and it was going to be
painfully embedded in my skin. The gate was no better. There was no
latch on the inside, and when I tried tugging at it, it didn't
budge one iota.

I slumped against my bed and settled in to wait. Someone would
have to come feed me eventually.

Perhaps an hour later the gate opened. A single centaur trotted
in, a platter of food in his arms.

“What's all this?” I asked.


I recognized Timo's voice. Seeing him in the daylight was much
different than in the previous night's gloom. He was as young as I
had suspected, but even more handsome. His bare chest had muscles
any man would envy, but his skin was smooth and bronze and without

I crossed to the table and plucked a grape from its vine. It was
like manna from heaven. The olives and dates were even better.

“How are you feeling today?” Timo asked. He backed
up, giving me space to eat in peace.

“Tired. Sore.”

“I didn't mean to hurt you last night. And I didn't know
there would be an audience.”

I wasn't sure I believed him about the audience, but at the
moment I was too hungry to argue about it. I shrugged and took a
sip from a wineskin, savoring the sweet hint of berry.

“What happens today?” I asked.

Timo shrugged. “Depends on you.”

I wasn't sure what to make of that. Since my stomach was sated,
I went back to my bed--the only place to sit--and perched on the
edge. “What's that mean?”

Timo came closer, took my hand, lifted it to his lips.
“Truly, Chloe, I am sorry if I hurt you.”

“You didn't. I was just embarrassed at the end. I've...
I've never been with a man before. Or a...”

“Centaur?” He laughed at that. “No, I'm sure
you haven't. Did you know that on some islands it's an honor to be
chosen by a centaur herd?”

“It's an honor to be stolen from your home?”

“Chosen, not stolen. Maidens go willingly, happily. My
people know more about pleasure than any mortal.”

“Pleasure I can believe, but do they not miss their

“Only for the year they spend with the herd. Then they
return home.”

“But the maidens never return to my village.”

He cocked his head at that. “Pardon?”

“The herd comes for a sacrifice every five years or so,
but none return. That is why we dread your coming. Why we've always
feared you.”

“Impossible. Dagon says...” Realization flashed in
his eyes, then his expression turned dark. Dagon had lied to him,
even I could see that. With an effort, he relaxed and looked back
at me. “Some things cannot be avoided, but perhaps others
can.” He kissed my fingers again. “Can I get you
anything else?”

I don’t know if I kissed him or he kissed me, but our lips
were suddenly together and all I could remember was how wonderful
he’d made me feel last night. I swept my hands over his chest
and around his back, feeling the taut skin and the flexing of his
muscles. Timo untied my robe and I let it fall away. He was over
me, his bulk and his strength and his silky fur.

I slipped a hand between my legs, letting a finger slide through
my slit, feeling the warm slickness. Timo lowered himself, and I
guided him home, gasping as he entered.

He found a rhythm, driving himself deep within me, then pulling
out to plunge in again. Every thrust hit a spot I hadn’t
known existed, a spot deep within my soaking channel. I cried out,
begging for more, begging for him to go harder. He did.

My chest was slick with sweat, my nipples hard as river stones.
I was close, so close. And then I heard footsteps. Another centaur
was in my hut, watching. When he saw me watching, he came closer,
and I could see that he was aroused. His prick was thick and hard
between his legs, and he stopped so close that I could practically
touch it.

Some part of me, a part that I had never suspected existed,
wanted to reach out and feel it. My hand snaked out, but came up
short. The centaur gasped and took a half step back.

Timo laughed. “Atum, I think she likes it.”

Atum edged closer until his cock was close enough to grasp. I
could hardly wrap my fingers around it. The tip of my thumb only
barely met my middle finger. Not knowing what else to do, I gave
him a stroke, eliciting a gasp.

Timo returned to his thrusting, driving my lust to new heights.
Whatever inhibitions I might have had dissolved. I had the two
strongest men in the world with me, and I wanted to please them as
much as they were pleasing me. I tugged Atum forward, my mouth
opening slightly.

He didn’t need another hint. He swung his forelegs over
me, and brought his cock to bear on my face. I touched it with my
tongue and tasted him. He tasted clean with a touch of musk and the
barest hint of pine. My lips found his shaft and I smothered it
with kisses.

Above me, Timo shuddered. His groans echoed off the walls, and
he thrust into me and held himself buried deep inside. His cock
flexed harder than I’d ever felt it, and a hot wetness spread
within me.

Timo pulled out, leaving me hungry for more. I didn’t have
time to argue before Atum shifted around and mounted me. He
didn’t ask, he just fucked.

He wasn’t as generous a lover as Timo. His thick shaft
pistoned into me, and his groans soon filled the air. I tried to
buck against him and position myself so he’d please me, too,
but he either didn’t notice or didn’t care.

It didn’t take long for his eyes to go wide. His breathing
took on a deeper note, and he flexed hard like Timo, thrusting into
me erratically, then falling still.

I glanced over to see if Timo wanted to try again, hoping he
might be willing to finish what he’d started, but three
different centaurs looked back.

“Oh no, not all of you,” I said. What was I supposed
to think? They’d just watch and be happy? I could see those
giant horse-like cocks flopping between their legs.

The first came over as soon as Atum was out of the way. His fur
was a dark brown that faded to black in places.

I scrambled up to a sitting position, shaking my head. “I

“You can and you will, the black one said.” He
squatted onto his hind legs, practically laying on his back.
“Ride me, human girl.”

I shook my head again, looking around for Timo. He was nowhere
to be found. I momentarily considered rushing for the gate, but it
was closed. I was locked into a pen with three horny centaurs, and
I had a feeling I wasn’t getting out until they were all
happy. With a gulp, I rose.

My legs shook as I straddled him and lowered myself toward his
upright cock. Even as I was afraid, I was becoming more and more
aroused. Three centaurs, each of them older and bigger than Timo,
and they all wanted me. Of all the girls on Crete, they had wanted

My breath hissed out between my teeth as the centaur penetrated
me. I lowered myself more carefully, feeling every inch of him as
he filled my channel.

“She likes it,” he said, a smile blossoming on his

I rode up and down his shaft, trying to find a way that was more

“She’ll like this even more,” one of the other
centaurs said.

“What?” I asked, a ball of fear growing in my
stomach. I tried to lift up off the black centaur, but he caught me
fast by the waist and held me still.

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