Abbey's Protectors [Beckett's Wolf Pack, Triad Mates 4] (Siren Publishing Menage & More) (15 page)

BOOK: Abbey's Protectors [Beckett's Wolf Pack, Triad Mates 4] (Siren Publishing Menage & More)
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She squeezed gently and pulled up on their lengths, loving the silky hardness of their cocks. She swiped the pads of her thumbs over the mushroom heads and did some growling of her own as she gathered the moisture that was pooled there.

“I like this,” she told them, looking first at Clay and then at Hunter.

“What, sweetheart?” Hunter asked, groaning as she pushed down on his shaft and released it to gently caress his balls.

“Being with you,” she told him, never stopping her tender exploration of him. “I love making love with you. I love when you both fill me up. I love when we’re connected.”

“Honey, we’re going to love you together,” Clay murmured against the side of her neck and biting down on it lightly. “We’re going to make a baby tonight.”

“Clay,” Abbey whispered. “Do you really want that with me?”

“Yes, honey,” he answered without hesitation. “I do. We both do.”

“We’re going to fill you with our cub, Abbey,” Hunter told her. “You’re going to be even more beautiful than you are right now when our baby is inside of you.”

A loud noise permeated the beauty of their bedroom. Both men’s attentions were pulled from her as they looked toward the commotion, their brows drawn in confusion.

“We need to check that out,” Clay told Hunter seriously.

Hunter nodded and returned his attention to their mate. “Stay here, Abbey. You have to stay safe. Clay and I will be right back.”

“I don’t want you to go,” Abbey pleaded, pulling at their forearms as she tried to keep them with her.

Their arms whispered away in a mist that drew Abbey up as she watched her men walk away from their bed and head toward the door.

Everything suddenly changed. They were no longer in their bedroom, and they were no longer naked. She was on the ground, kneeling as she faced her men. It was bright out, attesting to the afternoon sun.

Abbey crawled toward her men, watching as they walked toward the glass door of the diner that was nestled between the flower shop and the Laundromat that she had used just that morning to launder her small bundle of clothes. They were wearing jeans and black T-shirts, and Abbey struggled to understand how and why everything had just changed.

“Don’t let them go out there, Abbey,” the voice of the beautiful woman who had appeared to her along with Abbey’s father not so long ago warned her gently. “Your mates are in danger. You need to stop them. Another wolf pack is waiting to ambush them. They will not be so lucky this time. If they go into that alley, they will die.”

“No,” Abbey moaned, getting to her feet and running after her men, trying to make up the distance down the busy street as they disappeared through the diner’s doorway.

She chased after them, turning the corner and running into the alleyway between the shops just in time to see six men open fire on her mates. Hunter and Clay crumbled to the ground, blood escaping their bodies from a multitude of wounds. She watched in horror as the life slowly dimmed from their eyes.

Abbey screamed.

Chapter 9


Abbey bolted upright in the bed. The sight of the two men who had shown her such gentle caring lying bleeding on the concrete ground made fear slice through her. She had to get them. She had to prevent them from getting ambushed. The beautiful lady had commanded her with such intensity, she didn’t doubt the realness of the vision. These kind men were in grave danger. She couldn’t allow them to get injured or killed. She was not going to question the vision. Pushing aside her hesitation and wariness of the past week, she knew what she had to do.

Grabbing the key to the hotel room that she had left on the small table, she pulled open the door and ran from her room. The door slammed behind her as she raced away from the hotel and ran toward the diner at the end of the street. She had never run so hard or so fast in her life. Pure fear filled her and drove her. At least she didn’t have her backpack and duffle bag to slow her down this time. She had thought that she had run fast during her escape from her husband. That was nothing compared to how her fear drove her now.

She said a quick prayer to the beautiful lady, asking that She would help her make it to Clay and Hunter in time. Just the thought of the men getting injured made her sick to her stomach. Her mind screamed at her that they were meant to be her future. She tried to ignore the pull they had on her, but she couldn’t deny the deep connection she felt toward them any longer. They had wrapped themselves around her soul. She had first felt the connection when the men had found her in the woods, and she had felt it strengthen during her time in the hospital. It felt almost as if there were soft ribbons tying the three of them together.

She reached for the large handle of the diner door and tugged it open, rushing inside. She immediately spotted Hunter and Clay in the back booth against the far wall. The ribbon she had felt before snapped completely into place and drew her closer to the men’s souls. Without a moment of hesitation, she ran toward them.

“Clay,” Hunter whispered, his eyes widening in surprise as the door of the diner was wrenched open and Abbey ran inside. For a split second, he was unable to speak as the shock of their mate actually running toward them caused the loss of his ability to process the information.

“What?” Clay asked, his words cut off abruptly as the scent of their mate bombarded his senses. His head snapped up in shock. In that moment, he could feel the bond of their triad snapping into place. He turned and launched himself from the booth in time to catch their mate as she threw herself into his arms.

Hunter was beside them immediately, shocked and pleased when Abbey pushed slightly away from Clay, threw herself at him and tugged him closer so that she fiercely held both men around their waists. He felt their bond tighten, and he growled as his wolf howled and leaped inside of him.

“Come with me now,” Abbey demanded.

The sudden commotion of a loud crash in the alley beside the diner drew everyone’s attention. The panic that filled Abbey was immediate. The dream was coming true. She couldn’t let it happen. She couldn’t allow her men to be injured or killed.

Her men? Hell, yeah!

She was done denying her feelings, her dreams, or the guidance of her father and the beautiful lady. She would figure it out later. Hunter and Clay would help her figure it out.

We have to get the hell out of here. Now!

Abbey’s thoughts were nearly sending her into a state of complete panic. She jerked on their waists and tried her best to pull them toward the front door, but the men remained frozen in their spots.

“We have to leave,” she told them firmly, tugging again but getting nowhere.

“Abbey,” Hunter whispered softly, reaching up to touch her face gently before twining his fingers in the length of her beautiful hair and fisting it tightly. His wolf snapped, demanding he take their woman and claim her immediately. Hunter was in complete agreement. The growls rumbling within his chest were testament to the feral need he had to keep their mate close. He wouldn’t chance that she might disappear again.

“Mate,” Clay growled, reaching up and touching her hair lightly before taking firm hold of the back of her neck and pulling her closer toward his chest.

Abbey struggled against their hold despite the immediate sense of need that filled her at being held so tightly. She was able to pull back enough so she could look up at them. The intense look on their faces sent a shiver of emotions through her. Their constant, rumbling growls and the way their eyes were completely golden told her that they were more than men. It should have frightened her, but it didn’t.

“We have to leave. Please.” Her voice was soft as she did her best to soothe them, but the urgency of the situation was scaring her deep down to her soul.

“You’re not going anywhere without us,” Hunter told her firmly, fighting with all that he was to control his wolf. He was deeply caught up in the feeling of their bonding tightening around them, but he wasn’t about to lower his guard and possibly lose her again.

Another explosion of sound brought everyone’s attention toward the side of the diner. Both men straightened and looked toward the commotion, their training invading their thoughts and pushing their wolves down momentarily.

Abbey panicked. She could tell the police officer in each of them would demand that they investigate. She had to play hardball.

She pushed at their chests and stepped back, relieved when both men’s grips loosened enough for her to break their hold on her. They took a step toward her, lifting their hands to reclaim her in their embrace. She took another backward step, glad when the men matched each one of her steps with one of their own. The constant growls coming from them made her know that she had their complete attention.

Thank goodness.

“Am I your mate?” she asked them firmly.


Both men answered together, their voices solid, their growls punctuating their answer.

“Then if you want me to be your mate, you’d better come and get me.”

With that, she turned and ran through the diner, pushing open the door so that it crashed against the building, not stopping until she was outside and on the far side of the parking lot. If she had to get them to chase her in order to get them to safety—then that’s what she would have to do. She ran with determination, turning right and racing with all her might away from the diner and the danger that she knew awaited Hunter and Clay.

She only made it to the edge of the parking lot when four arms surrounded her and slammed her back against the solid steel wall of muscle of both men’s bodies. Their constant growls were becoming more intense and feral. Despite that, the only fear Abbey felt was that they weren’t far enough away from the pack that was waiting to kill her men.

“Where’s your car?” she asked them, petting their forearms as they surrounded her waist.

“My truck is over there,” Clay told her, his voice barely human.

Abbey turned in their arms and looked at both men. She saw the expressions of pure need on their faces, and her heart raced at the thought that those feelings were directed at her. Reaching up, she touched their cheeks lightly, mesmerized by the way their eyes had turned the most beautiful golden color she had ever seen.

The sudden growls behind the diner made Abbey’s heart pound in fear. There was no time left. They had to leave.

“Please. Take me back to the hotel,” she pleaded.

She barely got the words out when both men pulled her toward Clay’s truck, opened the door, and lifted her to hurriedly place her inside. Clay took his place behind the steering wheel, starting the engine quickly and putting it in gear. Hunter had barely climbed in on the other side of Abbey and slammed the door shut behind him when Clay peeled away from the parking lot.

“Turn right,” Abbey yelled, grateful when Clay followed her direction without question.

He drove down the street, listening to Abbey’s directions. His heart was pounding against his chest, and his cock was throbbing in his jeans as her scent filled the cab of the truck. His wolf was demanding release. He wanted his mate. Clay was right there with him.

Hunter’s continuous growls joined Clay’s. His wolf was just as much at the forefront, demanding the claiming of their mate.

Abbey reached down and took both men’s hands in hers, rubbing her thumbs over the backs of their knuckles as she tried to soothe them. “It will be okay. I promise,” she told them calmly. “There’s the hotel. Park in the back, Clay.”

Clay did as she instructed, screeching to a halt in the back of the hotel parking lot, throwing the truck in park, and turning off the engine. He turned toward Abbey and reached for her face, holding it between his large hands and dragging her toward him so he could devour her mouth.

She whimpered against him and pushed at his chest. “Stop,” she was able to squeak out.

He pulled back immediately, his eyes completely golden, and his growls coming from him in deep, continuous sounds. Clay eased back, releasing his hold on her face to gently caress her body, and followed the sexy contours of her waist and hips. His wolf was demanding the connection, and he was in complete agreement.

“We need to get inside my room,” Abbey told them, pushing at Clay to get him to open the door, thankful when he finally opened it and stepped down from the cab. She followed him out of the truck, reaching back to take hold of Hunter’s hand and pull him out behind her.

She tugged the keys from Clay’s hold, waited until Hunter slammed the truck door shut behind him before she pressed the button to lock the truck. She tucked the keys into the front pocket of her sweatpants and took a quick, calming breath.

She grabbed hold of Clay’s hand and tightened her grip on Hunter’s hand. She tugged both men toward the back stairs of the hotel, quickly climbing the stairway and going to the door of her room. She had to release the men’s hands to search her pocket for the key, petting their chests lightly to soothe them as their growls immediately increased in strength and volume.

“Stay calm, Mates,” she whispered, glad when her words were able to penetrate through their haze of feelings. She didn’t exactly understand what it was they were feeling, but she knew they were experiencing something so deep they had very little control over themselves. If she were to be honest with herself, she wasn’t far from being in the exact same predicament.

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