Abandoned Angel (32 page)

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Authors: Kayden Lee

BOOK: Abandoned Angel
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Angelina, who felt as if her heart stopped beating, had to fight to catch her breath.
Had Justin not walked into the room, seeing her ghastly expression, she very well could have hyperventilated.

“What’s wrong Mommy?” he asked; his innocent voice full of concern and loyalty. He did not know how to feel about the horrid look on his mommy’s face.

“Mommy, Mommy,” he tugged at her shirt.

Angelina hardly heard Justin. It was as if his voice was drowning out somewhere in the distance. She was in a state of shock over the image on the television. Angelina had no doubt that Blaze was one of the men lying on the cold, cement ground, covered over by a death blanket. Spike had won after all, and the fact that Blaze deserved so much more than that rang through her mind. Angelina knew that Jose would do anything that Spike wanted, including killing Blaze. She believed he had succeeded.

“What’s wrong Mommy?” Justin asked again, his voice trailing off as the sound of the doorbell chimed behind him. He watched his mom stare at the television, unmoved. The sad look on her face scared the boy.

“Mommy, someone’s at the door,” Justin continued, wanting to get his mother’s attention. His squeaky little voice rang through the air as he tried to demand her to listen.

Angelina had noticed the change in his behavior, and loved the confidence he now owned. She was very proud of her little man. After seeing the frightened expression on his face, she came back to her senses. She did not want Justin to see her hurting.

“Ok baby, it must be Elle,” she responded half-heartedly, the weight of her body wanting to give in.

“I'll get the door,” she explained.

Angelina had worked hard at teaching her little boy never to open the door to a stranger. She stressed that it was her job to see who was knocking, not his. Justin was doing a superb job of listening to that rule. As tempted as she was to tell him to let his sitter in so that she could get her emotions under control, Angelina did not allow herself to do that. It would only send him mixed signals.

Angelina forced herself to move, needing to push the image of the dead bikers aside. It took all the willpower she possessed to walk to the door without breaking into tears. She had difficulty sorting through her emotions. At the moment, it was hard for her to concentrate, and to walk, and to breath. Life could be difficult, but Angelina would manage because she has a child to take care of. She would have to mourn Blaze later, when her son was not around to see it. For now, she would let Elle into the apartment and go from there.

When Angelina opened the apartment door, she stared into the familiar face of a friend. Disbelief consumed her mind.

“Hi Angel,” grinned Blaze, with that notorious, much missed, mischievous smirk pressed across his handsome face.

“Miss me?”



Maybe life would not be so difficult after all.








“I have always loved to express myself through my writing, and cannot wait to sit at my computer to see what will come out next.”


Lee, who lives with her husband and children, enjoys the quiet time she can spend in front of her computer typing away, creating characters just waiting to come to life. The creative relief compliments her every day family life, which she cherishes greatly. As well as novel’s,
Lee also writes children’s stories, which she loves to tell to her son, as well as dabbling in poetry. Keep an eye out for her next creation; you are sure to enjoy it.




Twitter: http://twitter.com/Kaydenlee2u

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