A Wedding in Red Creek: Rori and Jackson (The Sons of Dusty Walker Book 9) (9 page)

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“Ha. I wouldn’t doubt that you and those brothers of mine
would do something like that to me.”

She giggled. It was actually dark green, very traditional,
and had every bell and whistle available.

“Thank you for getting me such an awesome gift. And, uh…” He
held very still. “I got a wedding gift for you too, but you might want to
approve it first.”

“A puppy?” She would love one, but they’d agreed to wait.

“No. But I was tempted.” He braced up on his elbow and she
laid flat to see his face in the moonlight. Handsome, manly, and all hers.

“Marliss has a friend who does house cleaning.” He made a
grimace. “With this big of a house, and all the work you and I are going to be
doing over the next year, I figured we might—”

Joy lit her face. “You got us a maid?”

He nodded. “Not full-time, live-in like Marliss, but once or
twice a week.”

“That’s perfect, and so thoughtful.”

“Yeah. Plus I absolutely hate cleaning.”

“Well then, it’s a gift we can both enjoy. Which makes it
more than perfect.”

They rolled onto their sides again to look out the window.
This was going to be where she lay every night for the rest of her life. “I
love you, Jackson.”

He pulled her a little closer, stretched his arm out over
her shoulder, and pointed to the moon. Drawing with his finger, he said, “Rori
and Jackson forever.” He wrapped his arm around her. “Now it’s set in stone.
Moon stone.”

Rori laughed through her tears of happiness.


Don’t Miss Jackson’s Story

If you haven’t read the first and second book in this
series, the ones preceding Rori and Jackson’s wedding, here’s a little excerpt of
them for you. You can find the entire first chapters and the book blurbs along
with links to help you get your copy at my


The Sons of Dusty Walker


Jackson sat in his dad’s chair and opened the top file.
Virginia coal and gas plant production specification codes…
The words
didn’t even register as English. “Hell.” Jackson didn’t have enough fuel in him
yet for this tedious shit. He stood, hiked up his jeans, and walked back down
the hall to the small kitchen. Pouring a cup, he spotted a black ringed-binder
on top of the refrigerator.

He pulled down the book and flipped it open. The first page
had a newspaper article about Dusty Walker’s first day as owner of the newly
re-incorporated company he and his wife had inherited from his father-in-law.
“Huh.” So Dad had changed the company name. And his wife owned half, which
probably explained why Dusty had stayed with her, the greedy asshole.

Jackson felt the heat of anger surface again, and shook his
head. The guy was gone. Wasn’t it time to shove past this pissed-off phase and
move on to…moving on?

He scanned through dozens of pages of news articles, the
first half from actual newspapers, the later ones printed from online sites,
all of them chronicling the rapid growth of the company under his father’s
leadership. He had to admit, Dad had a crap-load of business sense.

“Hi there.” The receptionist’s voice reached him from her

“Hi. Is he here?” A deep female voice had Jackson cocking
his head.

“He is. Let me—”

“Wait, which one is this, now?” That sultry voice again.

“It’s Jackson, the third son. He’s twenty-five. From
Oregon.” Abby didn’t bother to lower her voice. She must not realize he was
just around the corner. Or did she know he was there, and just didn’t care if
she appeared professional or not? “Did you hear about what went on with Dylan
last week? You know Zoe Chapman, right?” Abby’s voice went quieter.

“I know Zoe. What happened?” The sultry one sounded curious.

Abby’s voice dropped down to a mumble and the two spoke for
a minute.

Jackson strained to hear, but couldn’t catch anything.

“That’s quite a coincidence.” The sexy voice spoke.

“Yes, I thought so, too.” Abby tsked. “So, would you like me
to let Jackson know you’re here to see him?”

“Wait, is this the rodeo cowboy?” Ms. Sensual Voice sounded

“Yes. That’s him.” A giggle. “Is that a problem?”

Jackson set down his cup and moved a few inches to peek
around the wall. His jaw dropped.

Tall, maybe just a few inches shorter than his six-feet,
two-inches, even in her flat…red
? Different. Her jet-black
hair shone in the bright light as it swung thick and straight, cut just at her
shoulders. Her jeans clung to her curvy hips and she had a booty that made him
forget to breathe. The graphic printed T-shirt strained at the press of her
full breasts against the front of the material.

He ducked back into the kitchen and swallowed, recognizing
the heat rushing through his body as blood racing from his head to his groin.
Holy hell, she was the best thing he’d seen in this town, by a long shot.

“I was hoping…” Her sexy voice switched to a long sigh. “For
one of the business-type brothers, but I was in Kansas City for two weeks
setting up new servers for a startup company, and I really need to talk to one
of Dusty’s heirs.”

Jackson took another quick look at her. Yeah, she definitely
put a rocket in his pocket.

“You should talk to Jackson. He’s a nice guy.”

Ms. Sensual Voice pressed two fingers between her eyebrows.
“It can probably wait until next week. Talk to that one, instead.”

Abby shrugged. “Why?”

Jackson knew he had to make his presence known before the
hottie said something that’d make her too embarrassed to go out with him. He
grinned. And he would sorely like to take her out. Then take her back home, and
spend the night with her. “Because…” Stepping out of the kitchen, he strode
toward her, using his sure-hit cowboy gait.

She turned to look at him. Her sky-blue eyes widened and her
cheeks pinked up to a sexy shade of embarrassment.

“Our guest thinks this dumb ol’ cowboy don’t have enough
gray matter upstairs to understand what she needs.” And what she needed was to
have those red lips of hers kissed. Hard.



and Jackson: The Sons of Dusty Walker


Jackson Walker knew he was dreaming, but with his
sweetheart, Rori Hughes, snuggled tightly in his arms, and the two of them
cradled warm and cozy in her bed, he couldn’t wake himself.

“You’re just like your father.” Rori stood in the middle
of Main Street, Red Creek, Kansas, her fists on her hips. “You can’t change
DNA, Jackson. You’ll break my heart and you’ll just rationalize it away with
the fact that you’re Dusty Walker’s son.”

Jackson reached over his head to attach his rodeo number
on his back, turned away from Rori, and instantly found himself behind the
wheel of his pickup, flooring the accelerator, squealing tires as he raced away
from her.

He woke with a gasp and opened his eyes. Light from the
streetlamps filtered in around the curtains, casting stripes on the ceiling.

Rori’s sweet patchouli scent drifted up his nostrils but she
didn’t move. Exhausted? They’d made love half the night in their hideaway
apartment on the second floor of her computer store on Main Street, and she’d
fallen deeply asleep just a few hours ago.

Easing his arm from under her, Jackson slid out of bed,
pulled on his briefs, and padded out of the room and across the wood floor to
the small kitchen. As he drew a glass of water from the tap, he stared out the
window. Down the street a ways, the D. Walker Mineral building stood half in
shadow as if hiding itself from him.

His dad. The man had been dead and buried for over a month,
but his legacy lived on. Especially the part where he’d conceived four sons
from four different women—none of them his wife—and had kept the four brothers
from each other.

Now that all four of them had each spent a separate week in
this boringly quiet little town, somehow they’d each decided to stay, at least
most of the time. Some of them had kept interests back home that had to be
dealt with. “Stupid spawn of a deceitful asshole.” Jackson shook his head,
catching himself. No, he had forgiven his father, had sat down and spoken with
his mother, who still loved ol’ dead-and-gone Dusty as if he were her main
reason for breathing.

Drinking his water, he let it cool his anger. That dream,
though. So real, it had to mean something. Jackson wandered into the living
room and checked the time on one of Rori’s many gaming consoles. Nearly four in
the morning. Was he subliminally picking up uncertainty from Rori? Hell, he
could barely keep track of his own thought processes, much less sense anything
from anyone else.

He sat on the arm of a heavy recliner and stared at the
blank TV. The rodeo reference in the dream disturbed him. Rori had been okay
with his travel schedule when he’d told her he wanted to hit a few hot rodeos
this fall. How come, in his dream, it felt like he was abandoning her?

Hell, the whole concept confused him. This was the first
time in his life he’d even considered settling down. How did he know if it was
real love, or if Rori just happened to come into his world when he needed
someone? The thought of walking away from her, though, nearly broke him.

“Hey, cowboy.” Her sexy, low voice preceded the padding of
her bare feet across the floor. “Are you looking for a rematch?” She stepped in
front of him, and her functional blue cotton robe flapped open as she reached
for the game controller, revealing her curvy, nude beauty.

Jackson set down his glass and pulled Rori onto his lap,
dropping them both into the big chair. “You know I’m a lover, not a paid
assassin fighter.”

Rori giggled, her shoulder-length black hair swinging wildly
as she settled in, her blue eyes glowing. “I appreciate that you tried it,
though. For me.”

“Anything.” Something choked the word in his throat a bit as
he stared at his amazing woman. “Anything for you, darlin’.” His fingers found
the tight, red bud at the tip of her breast that gave them both so damn much

As she sighed, the memory of his dream assaulted him again.
He had to get his shit together. Rori was the best thing that’d ever happened
in his life, and he would make this work if it took every last ounce of his
strength to do it.


Connect With Me

Don’t you love a wedding? I had a lovely time writing Rori
and Jackson. Of course, they had to travel over a little bit of rough road to
get to that happy ending. I hope you enjoyed the final book in the series. I
hate to see it end!

Be sure to read the other books in The Sons of Dusty Walker

Book 1, Dylan by Jodi Redford

Book 2, Jackson by Randi Alexander

Book 3, Killian by Desiree Holt

Book 4, Rogue by Sable Hunter

Book 5, Zoe and Dylan by Jodi Redford

Book 7, Lexie and Killian by Desiree Holt

Book 8, Kit and Rogue by Sable Hunter

Book 9, A Wedding in Red Creek by Randi Alexander

I’ve included links to the authors’ websites so you can
easily find the stories.

Watch for another series coming from our group. Desiree
Holt, Sable Hunter, Jodi Redford and I are already planning another four-part
set of stories – four sisters this time. Subscribe to my
so you can hear all the latest on my upcoming projects.

If you liked reading A Wedding in Red Creek: Rori and
Jackson, please do me the honor of returning to where you purchased the book,
and to Goodreads (if you use that service) and post a review for me. Much

I'd love to hear from you. I've listed all the places I hang
out, and I hope you'll connect with me at one or more of them.

I have a FREE READ for you. A short, hot story that I hope
you’ll enjoy. Click
to find out where
you can get your copy.

All my best,


"Rode Hard and Put Up Satisfied"




Fan Page



Randi’s Blog

and Wicked Cowboys Blog

69 Shades of Smut Blog

the Author

New York Times and USA Today Bestselling Author Randi
Alexander knows a modern woman dreams of an alpha cowboy who takes the reins,
and guarantees they’re rode hard and put up satisfied.

Published with Cleis Press, Wild Rose Press, and
self-published, Randi writes smokin' hot romance with heroes who'll have you
begging to ride off into the sunset with them. When she's not dreaming of, or
writing about, rugged cowboys, Randi is biking trails along remote rivers,
snorkeling the Gulf of Mexico, or practicing her drumming in hopes of someday
forming a tropical rock-band.

Forever an adventurous spirit with a naughty imagination,
Randi is also family oriented and married to the best guy in the world, her own
cowboy, Kick. Give in to the allure of erotic passion, strong but vulnerable
heroines, and irresistibly seductive cowboys, as Randi's emotional love stories
sweep you off your feet and leave you breathless with passion.

Saddle up! And prepare yourself for the sexier side of
happily ever after.

Other Sons of Dusty Walker Books



Dylan (Book 1) by Jodi Redford


Zoe and Dylan (Book 5) by Jodi


Find Zoe and Dylan at
and on




Killian (Book 3) by Desiree Holt


Lexie and Killian (Book 7) by Desiree Holt


Find Lexie and Killian at
and on




Rogue (Book 4) by Sable Hunter


Kit and Rogue (Book 8) by Sable Hunter


Find Kit and Rogue at
and on Amazon

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