A Very Wolfie Christmas (2 page)

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Authors: Acelette Press

Tags: #christmas, #shifter, #holiday short

BOOK: A Very Wolfie Christmas
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Sasha was only
half listening, his focus on Megan, who shook hands with a
well-dressed elderly couple. The Hellspawn were right. She could
charm the birds from the trees, and that was just one of the things
he loved about her. He had to make more of an effort to fit into
her life. Stop moping over the Welsh mountains he missed so badly,
and turn himself into the guy she needed by her side. The guy her
father would be proud to have as a future son-in-law.

“Mighty Mike’s.

Sasha snapped
his attention back to Hugh. “Mighty Mike’s?” It was a shifter club
in the city, and not somewhere he’d ever expect Megan’s brothers to

“Oops.” Hugh’s
expression was comical, and Alex jabbed his brother in the

“Dickwad,” he
hissed. “You weren’t supposed to tell him.”

“What’s going
on?” Sasha asked.

“Nothing.” The
Hellspawn spoke together, but Sasha didn’t believe them for a
second. He took a sip of his beer, and stared at them. He knew he’d
get nowhere, if he pushed them. He’d have to be smart. “You…uh…into
rock music?”

.” Hugh sat up straighter in his garden chair. “Your
mate’s playing, and he invited us.”

Sasha’s bonded
Mate was Megan, but her brothers had zero idea of his shifter
nature, and that was how it’d stay. “My mate?” The penny dropped.
“You mean Dion? And his band?”

“Yes.” Hugh was
an enthusiastic as a drowning man clutching at a thin straw.

Sasha was about
to call bullshit, when a familiar caramel-spice fragrance tickled
his nose, and he turned to see Megan returning.

“Sorry, babe.”
She caught his hand, and squeezed his fingers. “Dad wants me to
stay with him, while he talks to his voters. I could be a

Sasha made a
lightning-quick decision. He could lurk on the fringes of the
party, or he could step up to his new life, and take his place by
his Mate’s side. “Why don’t I come with you?”

Her eyebrows
shot into the tumble of hair that fell over her forehead. “Shaking
hands and making small talk with businessmen? Even Hugh and Alex
balk at that.” At her words, her brothers grinned and held up their

She didn’t
think he was up to it? Sasha loved a challenge.

He smiled at
her, loving the flustered look in her eyes. “Lead on,


Sasha lost
count of the number of people he greeted, the middle-aged women he
flashed cheeky smiles at, and the amount of times he repeated the
same stock phrases:

I’m Megan’s
boyfriend. I’m a civil engineer.

Yes, I’m from
Wales. Have you been there?

No, Sasha is a
Russian name. My grandmother was from Siberia.

With every
passing minute, Megan’s smile grew warmer, and the cramps in his
hand were almost worth it. When things wound down, her father
turned to Sasha and clapped him on the shoulder. For the first time
in the ten months he was dating Megan, he saw approval in the older
man’s eyes.

“Good job,
Sasha, I think they liked you. If you ever consider a career in
politics, let me know.” George de Salis bent to whisper in his
daughter’s ear. “Take your boy, and go enjoy yourselves now. I’ll
let you know when it’s ready.”

Sasha pretended
not to listen, but his superior hearing meant he heard everything.
He puzzled briefly over the words. When
was ready? Not
dinner, as that was a continuously served barbecue selection. Had
to be something work related. Now he and Megan were free, he had
other priorities, and kissing her was top of his list.

He grabbed her
hand, and led her round the back, to the rose garden. The sweet
floral perfume filled the air from yards away, and to his delight,
they were the only people there.

“Thank you,
Sasha. You were awesome.”

His wolf rolled
over in delight at the love in Megan’s eyes. His beast longed for
her to run her fingers through his fur, and the man wanted much the
same. He framed her face with his hands, and dropped his head to
brush his lips across hers. God, she tasted incredible. He needed

Digging one
hand into her thick hair, he tilted her into the perfect angle to
take his kiss, and then turned up the heat. The little hitch in her
breath ramped him up more, even before her hands slid around his
back and under his T-shirt. Her cool fingers brushed over the hot
skin low on his spine, and his cock leapt to attention.

His wolf urged
him on.
Take her. Now. Here.
Common sense nagged at him,
though. They stood in a very public section of the garden—her
father’s garden. He and her stepmother could appear at any minute.
Anyone could.

“I need to be
inside you,
.” He murmured the words against her
throat, and then flicked his tongue over the pulse, enjoying the
way it raced at his touch. He thought fleetingly of the gift buried
in his pocket. Was this the right time to ask her?

“Not here.”
Megan giggled. “But we could go back to my room for an hour. If you
wanted to.”

Sasha lifted
his head, and gazed into her warm eyes. With her cheeks flushed and
lips swollen, she looked as close to perfect as he could imagine.
With an effort, he dragged his thoughts back to her words. “Only an

“We still have
family stuff to do.” Her eyes flickered to the ground and back up
again. “Traditional stuff. You know.”

She was
fibbing, he knew instantly, but judging by the mischievous grin
that was fighting to escape her, it was nothing for him to worry
about. He stole a kiss as he thought again about the ring burning a
hole in his pocket. He wanted her full attention for that. Best to

“Talking of
family stuff, your brothers tell me we’re going clubbing with

“What?” Shock
flashed across her expressive face, followed by an annoyed frown.
“Did they say anything else?”

Sasha slid his
hands down her sides to curl around her hips, and pulled her into
his body. “Mighty Mike’s.”

“The idiots.
I’ll kill them. I really will. It was
to be a
surprise.” Megan looked woebegone. “How much do you know?”


Was it his
imagination, or did she look relieved? “Yes, he is.”

“When is

“New Year’s
Eve. It’s going to be a private party.”

organised a party for me?” He was touched. Spending more time with
her brothers wasn’t his preferred idea for a night out, but since
he was trying to fit into her life, he’d do it. “I know a good way
to say thank you.” He stroked her bottom, caressing her through the
denim skirt. “A
good way,” he murmured.

“Hmm. Does it
involve getting naked?” Megan leaned against him, her amazing
breasts rubbing over his chest.


His wolf
panted, eager for more. “Let me see.” He pretended to think. “It
might do, yes.”

“One hour.”

we can do a
in an hour.”

Chapter 3

With their
hands tangled together, they snuck into the house and managed to
avoid everyone, as they hurried to Megan’s bedroom. At last the
door was closed, and Sasha tugged down the window blinds, to block
out the bright evening sunshine and give Megan and him some
privacy. They tumbled onto the bed together, in a tangle of limbs
and hot kisses. Now he finally had her attention, he wanted to make
the most of it.

Her shirt went
first. Up and over her head, and dropped on the floor to reveal a
lace-edged, coffee-coloured bra.

murmured Sasha, pausing to cup his hands around her full breasts.
Her nipples firmed beautifully when he brushed them with his
thumbs, and he did it again, harder. The way she trembled at his
touch threatened to unhinge him.

They’d been
together almost a year, but sex with Megan was still the best part
of every day. He didn’t think he’d ever tire of her. Of
. She was so responsive. So completely into him. The
scent of her arousal drove his wolf wild, and he needed to taste
her. To hear her moan. To make her come.

close-fitting denim was hot, but what lay beneath was better. With
clumsy fingers, he tried to unzip the skirt and tug it down her
legs, only to give up. “Fuck it,” he growled, and shoved it up to
her hips instead.

delighted laugh made him smile, and he gave her stomach a playful
nip. Remembering his earlier daydream, he took a short breath, and
then a longer one, and tried to put the brakes on his libido. His
cock was hard enough to hammer nails, but he could wait a few

On his knees,
he moved further down the bed, and caught one smooth, golden ankle
in his hand. Her skin was like satin, soft to his lips, and
delicious. Her surprised giggle faded, when he trailed a series of
kisses up her calf, circled her knee, and then continued up the
inside of her creamy thigh.

Reaching his
goal, he paused only to blow a breath across her visibly damp lacy
panties, before continuing his trek down her other leg.

dug her fingers into his hair—“you’re teasing.”

He slowed when
he reached her other ankle, and gently tickled the side of her
foot. She squeaked and tried to jerk it away, but he held firm and
nipped at her heel. “No,
Like all wolves, he loved to play, and who better to play with,
than his Mate?

“Sasha.” Megan
tugged gently at his hair, but he ignored her and continued to kiss
a slow trail up her leg. “Babe. There’s something I need to tell

He paused, her
words sinking in. Shit. That didn't sound good. Lifting his head,
he gazed at her flushed cheeks. “What’s up?”

Her eyes
widened. “Nothing. This is—umm—an early Christmas present.” She
looked adorably nervous, and the anxious knot in his stomach eased.
“Come here. Let me kiss you.”

He complied,
unable to resist her. He kneeled over, braced his forearms on the
pillow to cage her in his embrace, and then leaned down to claim
her lips. “Talk to me,
,” he whispered.

She wrapped her
arms around his neck, holding him close, her breath a warm puff
against his throat. “Remember we talked ages ago about ditching the

He nuzzled her
cheek. “Mmm hmm. You were thinking about going on the pill.”

“Well I did. I
. And we’re safe now.”
“You have to wait
four weeks, but I waited six to be sure. So now we can. If you
still want to.” Megan only ever babbled when she was nervous, and
that was rare enough.

Sasha replayed
her words in his head. Did that mean... “I can go bareback?”

Her cheeks
coloured even more. “Yes.”

“Oh.” For once,
Sasha was at a loss for words. He gazed at Megan awestruck, and
must have been quiet too long.

She cleared her
throat. “We don’t have to...you know, if you’ve changed your mind.
I’m happy either way.”

He broke into
her awkward words. “Whoa. I’m just”—he hesitated, his voice rough
to his ears—“I’m blown away by you. I know we talked about this,
but yeah.” He gazed down at her, a lump forming in his throat. This
was a huge measure of trust on her part. God, how he loved her.
Even his wolf sat dumb inside him.

It was as
though his mind and body suddenly figured what she was saying. His
lust, already inflamed, exploded in a dizzying cascade of heat,
desire igniting in his veins. Christ. If he didn’t get out of his
jeans immediately, the zip would be embedded in his cock forever.
So hard now, his dick ached for release, and Sasha felt

“I need you.”
He spoke slowly, carefully, as though he was drunk. The wolf inside
him was going crazy, and he gave in to his beast. Slow and teasing
was now a thing of the past. “On your knees, baby.” His voice came
out as a growl.

Megan scrambled
into position, and then peeked at him over her shoulder. She gave
him the sweetest, most beautiful smile, her entire face lighting
up, and little sparkles dancing in her eyes. “Please don’t rip my
panties, Sasha. I like these ones.”

It took immense
restraint, but he tugged her panties down far enough to get access,
and then pushed two fingers inside her. She moaned, and ground onto
his hand. Christ, she was soaked already, the musk of her arousal
tying him in knots.

Sasha knew he
wouldn’t last long when he finally got free from his jeans. He
never had a hair trigger on his cock before, but he’d never had sex
without a condom, and with Megan especially… Kneeling behind his
Mate, he stroked her gorgeous ass, and then pumped some more with
his fingers.

His cock begged
him to move. The ache in his balls made his teeth hurt, but he’d
make sure Megan was satisfied before he went any further.

The moment he
slid his fingers over her clit, she tensed and cried out, her
orgasm squeezing his fingers. “Sasha. Please.” She sucked in a
ragged-sounding breath. “I need you, baby.”

It was too late
to worry about disgracing himself. He knew he’d not last long when
he got inside her. Taking care to unzip his jeans, he sighed with
relief his cock springing free, and ready for action. He shoved the
denim far enough down to be out of the way, and then positioned
himself behind Megan, one hand on her hip, the other grasping his

So beautiful.
This was the most perfect sight in the world.

His knees
trembled with the effort of holding back, so he gave in to his
instincts. One surge, and he drove in to the hilt. Little white
stars danced before his eyes. Jesus. Everything was magnified.
Every nerve ending. Her heat. Slippery.

His brain could
only think one word at a time.

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