A Thin Line (7 page)

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Authors: Tammy Jo Burns

Tags: #regency romance, #Historical Romance, #disability romance, #blind romance, #duke romance

BOOK: A Thin Line
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“Oh, my,” Clarissa gave a soft chuckle.

I met McKenzie through my brother, and Dewhurst just seemed to appear.”

“Well, I do not know any of them very well, but Southerby’s godmother is my aunt.
We played together some as children, but have lost touch over the years.”

“You really should renew your acquaintance.
He is a wonderful man and does not deserve the treatment some of the
has given him just because of his mother’s background.”

“I agree.
People can be very judgmental.
Are you ready to return to the ball?”

“Of course,” the two women walked out of the room arm-in-arm.

“Come, let’s take a turn around the ballroom.”

“Are you certain you want to be seen with me?
I might tarnish your reputation.”

“Pish, I am a duke’s daughter.
I can do more damage with one well-placed word than any of them can do over an entire season,” she smirked.

“Why Clarissa, I didn’t know you had it in you.”

“There you are Clarissa.
Where have you been?” An older, very distinguished man interrupted their conversation.

“Visiting with Mikala.
Miss Simmons may I present my father the Duke of Hamilton?”

“Miss Simmons, it is an honor,” the tall, slender, silver-haired man bowed deeply over Kala’s hand.
She curtsied deeply in return.

“No, Your Grace, the pleasure is mine.”

“Clarissa, your step-mother and her brother were asking after you.”

“Of course she was,” Kala heard Clarissa mutter.

“What was that?” Clarissa’s father bent low to catch what she said.

“I said, was she now?” She said loud enough for her father to hear and Kala could see the strain behind the smile.
The two women said their goodbyes and parted ways.
Perhaps she would pay a visit to Clarissa and offer a shoulder for her to lean on if she should need it.
Something did not seem quite right about her father’s new wife and it was the least she could do after she stood up for her against those piranhas in the retiring room.

Kala walked past a gallery on her way back to the ballroom and witnessed Gabe quickly open a door and disappear inside.
Suspicious, Kala moved quickly down the hall and ducked into an alcove not too far from the room that Gabe entered.
She hid behind the curtain, not waiting long before an exotic beauty also entered the room.
In fact, she looked to be the same woman she had spied him sequestered with at the earlier ball.

Anger radiated from every pore of her body.
Kala quickly hurried over to the door and pressed her ear to it, silently cursing the noise from the ballroom that overflowed into the gallery.

“My superior was pleased with the information you gave me when last we met,” the feminine French voice said with a touch of sultriness.

“What took so long to make the connection?
I expected to meet with you again before now.”

“What with the war, it is harder to send messages, darling,”

“I see,” Gabe replied but sounded suspicious.
Kala bent down and looked through the keyhole.
Blessedly no key hindered her view.
The duo stood almost on the other side of the room.
Kala watched the other woman move seductively towards Gabe.
She lifted a finger and ran it down his scar.

“Do you not believe me?” The woman asked with a pout.

“Should I?”

“Did the information I gave you last time not come true?” She continued with the pout.
Instead of looking sad, it only made her lips look more sensuous and kissable.


“Then what is it?”

He started to turn towards the door, but her hand on his sleeve halted him.

“Darling, that is no way to act,” the woman snaked a hand around Gabe’s neck and pulled him down into a heated, passionate kiss.
Kala felt a trembling rage work through her body.
He was kissing that...that whore!

“When does he want the next shipment?” Gabe whispered the question in her ear.
Now he nibbled her ear!
The nerve of him!

“In two weeks.
My superior is getting a little nervous.”

“Why’s that?”

“He thinks someone is suspicious.”

“No one is going to suspect anything.”

“I tell him that, but,” she broke off with a shrug.
“Will I see you soon?”

“You know you will.”
He bent down and kissed her deeply once more.
Then he turned towards the door, this time no hand halted his progress.
Kala flew across the hall to the alcove, plastering her body flat against the wall, barely breathing.
The curtains swished softly as they drifted shut just as the door opened and closed.
She held her breath until she heard his retreating footsteps.

Kala waited for the woman to leave, but instead she heard the sound of approaching footsteps once more.
Surely Gabe isn’t back for more
, she thought angrily.
Once more the door opened and closed and once more she rushed over to the door, taking her previous stance.

The man’s voice seemed slightly familiar, but Kala could not make a positive identification.
He stood with his back to the door and could have been mistaken for any number of gentlemen she had seen this evening.

“Everything is set, my love.”

Did he suspect anything?”

My informant has no notion of who you are.”

And who is he?”

“I would be betraying you both, my love, if I told you that.”
Kala watched as the woman plastered herself against the man and captured his lips with a passion that she found embarrassing.
The gentleman backed up towards the door and swiftly turned pressing the woman against it.
The sudden movement startled Kala out of her crouching position.

She looked at the door and began to hear sounds of passion filtering from the other side.
Deciding she had seen and heard enough, Kala quickly fled the hallway.
She ducked into an empty room and spent several minutes gathering her composure.
She spent the time committing every part of what happened in the gallery to memory.
She blushed as she thought about what she heard as she had left, and had to open a window to allow cool air into the room.

Knowing Drucilla would be ready to send the troops after her, she decided to rejoin the party.
She made her way around the ballroom and noted that Gabe danced with Clarissa once more.
By dancing the amount of dances with her that he had, he let the
know his intentions towards Clarissa.
Poor Clarissa.
Kala would not wish her worst enemy connected to a traitor.
Perhaps she should visit with Clarissa about the situation.
After making her way around the entire ballroom, Kala found Richard and Drucilla in almost the same spot she had left them.
Tessa and Derek were entering from the terrace and the three gentlemen that had been her shadows all evening were blessedly missing.

“Where have you been?” Drucilla asked.

“I needed some air,” Kala lied easily.

“You look flushed.”

“I am fine.
Where are the others?”

“They went looking for you.”

Dru, do you mind terribly if we go home now?”

“Of course not.
Here comes Dewhurst now.
I guess you should at least allow him to escort you out.”

“I suppose,” Kala replied pasting a false smile on her face.

Southerby and McKenzie both met them at the door and escorted her outside as well.

“Dewhurst, I had a lovely evening.”

“As did I, Miss Simmons.
I hope it would not be too forward if I asked to come by tomorrow?”

“I think that would be fine.”
He placed another sloppy kiss on her hand making her all too thankful she wore gloves.

“I think I will come by as well.”

“That’s fine, Southerby.”
He took her hand and dropped a kiss as well, but she quickly pulled it from his grip.

“Count on me, too,” McKenzie added in his deeply Scottish brogue, setting himself apart just slightly from Justin.
After a similar kiss delivered to her knuckles, their party finally entered their conveyance.

Kala found herself truly piqued at the three men.
They were fighting over her like a beggar might a piece of meat pie.
She had had enough!
Her head ached not only from their behavior, but also because of Hawkescliffe’s treachery.
Once their carriage began moving, she dropped her head back on the leather squab and attempted to command her muscles to relax.

“What was all that about?” Drucilla asked.

“Three men acting like imbeciles.
I have no idea what was going on, but I felt like a favorite toy three children were fighting over.”

“Perhaps some things will come to light tomorrow when they visit.”

I receive them,” Kala muttered, rubbing her pounding head.

Chapter 6

Gabriel escorted Lady Clarissa home.

“I had a wonderful time, Your Grace.”
Her words did not match her voice which seemed strained compared to the beginning of the evening.

“As did I, Lady Clarissa.”

“Please, call me Clarissa.
It is so much easier.”

“Yes, Clarissa.
If it’s not too forward of me to ask, is all well?”

“Of course,” she waved off his concern and smiled serenely at him.

“I see,” he replied, content with her answer.
“I will call on you soon.
Good night,” he bent and placed a kiss on her gloved knuckles.
She gave a curtsy and then turned into her house.
Gabe climbed into his coach and ordered the driver to take him home.
Kala had been the woman Dewhurst talked about earlier today, he felt sure of it.
He seethed in anger.
If he had known that, he would have gladly aided Southerby in his earlier endeavor.
How dare the man impugn Kala’s reputation?
He would have to have a talk with Derek and Richard and warn them to be careful of which vipers they allowed to escort her.

He arrived home to find his grandmother reading in the parlor.
She wore an old nightgown and wrap, her hair braided and draped over one shoulder.

“You’re up late,” he moved across the room and dropped a kiss on her cheek.

“Couldn’t sleep.
Something is bothering me, but I just can’t quite put my finger on it,” she looked up to see the look Gabe gave her.
“Don’t give me that look.
One of these days you will appreciate my ability.
Now, did you have a good time?”

“Fair,” he walked over to the sideboard and poured himself a brandy.
Considered a smuggled good now due to the war, he still refused to give up his favorite drink.
“Would you care for anything?”

“No, thank you.
Come and sit with me for a while.”
Gabe moved over to the chair across from the settee that she occupied and sprawled in it.
“Was it a grand event?”

“I suppose so.”

“You suppose?
Did you not pay attention?”

“Not really.
There were other things going on.
Besides, if you are so interested, why don’t you attend the events?”

She merely waved him off and redirected the conversation, “What were the other things going on?”

“I really don’t want to talk about it.”

“Yes, you do.
I can tell something is bothering you.
You just don’t think I can handle it.”

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