A Thin Line (33 page)

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Authors: Tammy Jo Burns

Tags: #regency romance, #Historical Romance, #disability romance, #blind romance, #duke romance

BOOK: A Thin Line
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“The nerve of that man,” Kala growled in frustration followed by a cacophony of sound.
“Gone a bloody week and never bothered to tell anyone where he went.”
More pounding.
“He could have been dead somewhere.”
She struck the keys forcefully and let the music fade off into a discordant sound.

She sat with her head bowed over the keys.
She berated herself for caring about someone who didn’t reciprocate the feelings.
He didn’t seem to care how she felt.
Why should she care about him?

“Damn him,” she said a bit hollowly and began to play once more.
This time the music sounded haunted and fragile.
With nothing else to keep her occupied, she found herself becoming quite good at the piano.

What seemed like hours later, Kala let the mood of the music change.
Pounding on the keys gave her an outlet, and since she had lost her sight she had to find new ways to take out her aggression.
Once calm enough, she stood and walked towards one of the chairs that sat in front of the fireplace.
They seemed to be having a mild autumn, and Mikala had not felt the need for a fire today, but enjoyed the big chairs that sat in front of the fireplace.
They were perfect for thinking.

She walked confidently to the chair and sat, falling hard to the floor.
She gave a yelp of surprise.
What had happened to the chair?
Judith had instructed all the servants to leave the furniture in its place and had explained why.
They readily agreed. So who would move the furniture after she had worked so hard memorizing the layout of each of the main rooms?

Gabe’s mother came to mind, but she remained in her bed with a hurt ankle.
She had attempted to get out of bed every day for the last three days, but always ended up hobbling back to it from what Judith reported.
The doctor had come by and announced he feared one of the bones had chipped, making the injury more serious.
Now the older woman had been ordered to remain abed.
Did Gabe do it?
Nothing had happened while he had been gone.
Did he find joy in ridiculing her?

She crawled on the floor until she found the chair, which happened to be a good two feet from where it should have been.
Mikala put it back where it belonged and gingerly sat down, her bottom smarting after the fall.
Would Gabe be so cruel as to do something like that?
She didn’t need this to worry about on top of everything else.
Perhaps one of the servants just forgot and moved it.

“I’ve been at Derek and Tessa’s,” her husband’s deep voice came from the doorway.


“I’ve been at Derek and Tessa’s,” he repeated.


“Why do you think?”

“Are you black and blue?”

Grandmother practically asked me the same thing, and the answer is no, thanks to Tessa.”

“I’ll have to have a talk with her.”

“Kala, do you hate me that much?”

“I haven’t decided.”
The room remained silent for a few minutes except for his footsteps across the room and the creak of the leather chair next to her as he took a seat.

“I didn’t know you played the piano.”

But I found when you can’t see, that is about the only activity left for one to do.”

“Perhaps it won’t be permanent.”

“The way my luck has been going lately, I won’t hold my breath.”

“What does that mean?”

How quiet do you think you can keep the divorce?”

“You are not getting a divorce.”
His voice sounded harsh and angry to Kala’s ears.

“Why not?
You made it clear months ago how you felt about me.
You don’t want to be married to someone that you consider to be stupid.”

“I never said that.”

“You did.
When you and Derek found Tessa and me at the folly.”

“Kala…” he began.

“Don’t you dare say you didn’t mean it, because you know that you did.”

“Is that why you were so willing to turn me over to the authorities?”

“Believe it or not, no.
But that definitely destroyed anything I ever felt for you.
I am not a stupid woman.
I may act a bit impetuous sometimes, but I am not stupid.”

“Point taken.”

“Is that all you can say?”

“You won’t allow me to apologize.”

“It always comes back to being my fault, doesn’t it?”

“That’s not what I meant.”

“It doesn’t matter anymore.
I need to freshen up for dinner.”
She turned to leave the room and fell over a coffee table that had been moved into her path.
She tried to catch herself but felt her wrist twist and give.
She landed hard against the edge on her side, losing her breath a little, before flipping completely over to land on the floor.
She could only imagine she looked like a court jester of old attempting to make the king laugh.

“Are you all right?”

It took some moments for her to respond to his repeated entreaties.
Her side stung and her wrist throbbed.
She heard the concern in Gabe’s voice but still lashed out at him.
“Why are you doing this to me?
Do you enjoy watching me trip over things and make a fool of myself?”

“What are you talking about?”

“You moved the furniture on me.
Is it your way of getting laughs?
Let’s watch the blind girl fall?”
She attempted to push herself into a sitting position, but groaned, grabbing her wrist.
She lay back down on the floor.

“I haven’t the foggiest idea what you are talking about.
Let me see your wrist.”

“So you can cause more damage, I don’t think so.”

“Quit being stubborn and let me see.”
He gently took her arm in his hands and studied her wrist.
“I believe you sprained it.
We should probably wrap it to give it some support.”

“Why are you helping me?” She asked warily.

“Because you’re my wife and you’re hurt.
What else is a husband supposed to do?”

“Isn’t it a little out of character to help the one you injured?”
He helped her sit up and then grabbed her around the ribs to help her stand.
She winced at the pressure on her side that made contact with the edge of the table.

“What’s wrong?”

“I hit my side on the table before I flipped over.
It will be fine, probably just a little bruised.”

“Now this is the second time you have accused me of trying to intentionally hurt you.
Where are you getting these ideas?”

“Someone is moving the furniture on me.
Before you came in I fell trying to sit in the chair and then the table incident.
Nothing happened while you were gone.”

“So because I am home, it’s my fault?”
Anger emanated from his voice.

“You tell me.”

“Bloody hell.
No, I didn’t do it.”

“Then who?
The only other person I would suspect is in bed with a hurt ankle.”

“You are blaming my mother?”

Remember, I blamed you.
If you hadn’t been here, and she had been up and about, she is the other one I would have blamed.”

“Do you think we hate you so much?”

“I don’t know anymore.
Yes, but I don’t know why.”

“You think I hate you?”

“You didn’t want to marry me.
We both know that I am not, nor ever have been duchess material, regardless of any feelings I might have once had for you.
You didn’t want me in the role that I am currently in.
Can you tell me that you don’t resent me in the least?”

“No, Kala, I don’t.”

“I’m sorry, but I don’t believe you.”

“I’m sorry, too.
See that someone wraps your wrist.”
He paused to see the shock and hurt flicker across her face before she could mask it.
, he thought,
at least I know she can hurt as well.


“Hi there, beautiful.”
Tracy’s pulse quickened when she heard his voice.
She didn’t know why he was interested in a maid, but she counted herself lucky.
If his business investments took off, perhaps they would get married, have a little house, and she would no longer have to work.

“Hello,” she replied breathlessly before he captured her lips in a passionate kiss.

“How I’ve missed you, my sweet.”

“It has only been a few days,” she replied.

“But it felt like a lifetime.”
She could feel her knees melting like fresh churned butter.
“Are you ready for our picnic.”


They spent the day walking about London and going to Hyde Park.

“Tell me about your work.”

“There isn’t much to tell,” she shrugged nonchalantly.
The master is still gone, the mistress looks to be miserable and still does not have her sight, and there are still extra guards around the house.”

“Why so glum?”

“I can’t sneak out with so many people standing guard.
How can I come see you?”

“Well, think of it this way, love, when we are together, it will be explosive,” he said before pulling her into some dense shrubbery.
After dropping her of at Hawkescliffe’s house, the man kept on walking.

So the duke had left his wife of a few days.
And he had added security about the house.
He would wait and see what events unfolded, then he would be ready to act.
For, in this, patience was an art, and he was the artist.

Chapter 24

Several days passed where they treated each other civilly.
Kala continued to trip over things placed in her way.
Gabe always seemed to be nearby, ready to assist her, but still denied any involvement.
In the meantime, she could feel the bruises covering her body.
Frustrated and angry, she stomped about the house.

“What is the matter with you?” Gabe asked her, returning from a particularly stressful day at the office.
If only this war would contain itself to the battlefields.
McKenzie had finally returned and had been in a sour mood, yelling at anyone and everyone.

“What do you care?” Mikala fought back, bringing his attention back to the present.

“I care because you are my wife,” he attempted to remain calm, knowing no amount of shouting would do them any good.

“If you cared, you would listen to me and what I have to say.
You would believe me when I say your mother is trying to harm me.
But instead you always end up taking her side.
Just because she gave you life does not mean she is a saint.”

“Don’t you think I know that?” He asked sounding weary all of a sudden.

Mikala felt her anger dying a little.
“Gabe, I can’t keep doing this.
The stress alone is going to kill me.
I never feel well.
I am tired.
And as much as I hate to admit it, I am scared.
I want my sight back desperately, but it just isn’t happening.”

“Mikala, you’re strong.”

“One can only be strong for so long,” she said softly.
She heard him cross the room and pulled her into his arms.
For a moment she laid her head on his shoulder, allowing him to be strong enough for both of them.
Then she pulled back and pushed him away.
“I am just feeling sorry for myself.”
She felt him capture her lips in a slow, seductive kiss.
Kala felt herself leaning towards him and into the kiss.
She found herself wishing desperately they were happy and in love.
Once again, she broke the contact.

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