A Taste for a Mate (4 page)

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Authors: Carrie Ann Ryan

BOOK: A Taste for a Mate
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“Would you like to see what is going to kill you?”

He nodded toward to the man who’d abducted her, Isaac, who began to strip. Long scars trailed down his body and Willow tried to turn away. Hector tugged at her chain again and forced her to watch. Isaac bent at the waist and knelt. Willow gasped as the sounds of bones breaking and shaping resounded throughout the room and hair sprouted through his skin down his arms and torso. The bones on his face angled and lengthened to resemble a snout. His body heaved and twisted as he completed the change. Where Isaac had stood as a man, now an enormous golden eyed, black wolf hunched. The wolf hethrew back his head and howled, sending shivers down her spine and goose bumps along her arms.

Willow screamed.

Screamed and screamed while trying to scramble way. The leader only pulled on the chain harder.

“You will die by his claws and teeth. You will be begging for death before he is through with you, little woman.”

He tugged on the collar again, cutting off her breath.
Dear God, please save me.
As she fell to floor with black spots dancing across her vision, the wolf crawled on top of her. Drool dripped down her body. She reached out, trying to reach for an escape that wasn’t to be found and blessedly passed out.





Willow shot up and winced as pain lanced through her body. Memories of what had transpired flooded her mind. She was locked in a den of werewolves. The monsters of her nightmares were real and on other side of the door ready to kill her after they – she gulped – played. Willow had always thought she was stronger than most, but even this was too much for her.

Tears wet her cheeks as she begged God for a chance. Please God, let Jasper find her and save her. She was alone in a cold, dark room with no chance of escape. Sorrow enveloped her.
Please, Jasper. Come.


The Alpha had taken her because he had a feud with her mystery man. What had he done to deserve that wrath? What did she even know of him? What little she’d overheard during her stay led her to believe that he, too, was a werewolf. But he’d been near her for weeks and never hurt her. Why would that cruel man take her to hurt him?

When Jasper came, he’d be answering her questions.

If he came for her.

Willow took a deep breath and flinched at the pain in her ribs. Damn. They were probably broken. She needed a doctor.

Finally closing her eyes, she calmed herself and curled into a ball. Suddenly the door broke away from its hinges and flew across the room. She gasped in terror.

“Willow.” Her name was a growl but relief flooded through her.


He came.

“Willow. Oh baby. Let me get you unchained.” Jasper knelt down and brushed his hand against the bruises on her face. Unwillingly, she at flinched, and he froze. Cursing under his breath, he growled again before reaching for her chains.

The sound of metal crunching and grating hurt her ears, but Jasper removed the cuffs from her wrists and ankles. Her skin prickled, and pain shot up her arm as the blood flowed freely again. She moaned and bit her lip.

“I know it hurts Wil, but let me get this collar off you and then I’ll take you home. I’m so sorry baby, I…” He choked off the last words as tears fell from his eyes.

He was crying for her? He couldn’t be all that bad for a werewolf.

“I’m going to put my shirt around you and then pick you up. It’s going to hurt, Wil, so brace yourself.” His eyes, still glassy from unshed tears, gazed into hers.

Jasper laid his shirt over her, tucking it around her. Pain shot through her body as he gently, oh so gently, cradled her nearly clad body to his chest. His lips caressed her forehead, and he took a ragged breath.

“Let’s go home, baby. Reed, go start the car and, North, I want you in the back with us to check her when we head out. Adam, make sure you stay behind us and watch our backs.”

Willow finally noticed the three men that joined them in her cell. Even in the dark, she could tell they were Jasper’s brothers. The same green eyes filled with looks of pure anger stared back at her. The one called Reed was much skinnier with sandy blond hair. He nodded once and lowered his gaze before jogging out of the room.

From the corner of her eye she recognized Adam. He’d come into her shop with Jasper a couple of mornings, but he’d kept his distance, much like he was doing now. Willow strained her neck to see the last brother, North, who also looked like Jasper but with less muscles and dark blond hair. He seemed to be checking her body for injuries from across the room, and with each surveying glance, the anger in his eyes intensified. Though deep down she knew the anger wasn’t directed at her, she still shuddered and buried her face into Jasper’s chest. He smelled of forest and man, yet underneath, there was another scent – wolf.

Jasper held her closer and rubbed his cheek across the top of her head. She could feel the beat of his heart against her cheek, and as his breathing slowed, so did hers. Jasper would protect her. She had to believe that.

“I’m taking you home, Wil.” When he took a step toward the door, she winced, and he froze.

“Did I hurt you? What can I do?”

She shook her head and shivered. It hurt all over, but being in his arms was worth it. He hadn’t told her how he’d got here, and she didn’t want to face what was out there.

Jasper’s grip tightened for only a fraction of a second before it loosened. “They aren’t out there, Wil. They were gone when we got here. I think they knew we were coming and left you here for dead.” They bsuroth winced at the truth of the statement. “We can talk more once I get you home, baby. Okay?” She nodded against his chest as he followed North to Jasper’s Jeep, Adam close behind.

Willow had almost fallen asleep in Jasper’s arms when they stopped suddenly. Jasper’s growl vibrated against her cheek. She looked up, and her heart stopped. They were surrounded by wolves and men – at least thirty bodies. Panic crawled up from her toes as she opened her mouth to scream. Only Jasper’s voice prevented her.

“Don’t make a sound. They can hear even your heartbeat. I will protect you. We all will.”

A cackle of the most grotesque sort swept through the surrounding forest.

“I wouldn’t be so sure, Beta. You will not live past the hour.” The deep voice surrounded them, but Willow couldn’t see who it came from.

Jasper growled again and North moved to cover them. She could hear Adam’s heavy breathing behind them through her haze of pain and knew he must have moved closer as well. The pounding in her head and the men around them took all her concentration.

The Alpha stepped forward to glare at the three of them.

“I have a proposition for you.” Hector, took another step toward them, smiling. “As much as I want to kill you and drink the marrow from your bones, this human scrap has entertained me. She is untainted and unclaimed. You give her to me and I will let your wolves go. For now. I have plans for this little human.” His smile was cruel, and Willow almost vomited with fear.

Would Jasper give her to them? In doing so, he’d save himself and his brothers. He hardly knew her and had only asked her out. They hadn’t even kissed or been on a date. She was nothing to him, and his brothers’ lives were on the line. She knew the choice he would have to make and she didn’t want to make it any harder for him or herself.

She tried to wiggle down from his arms to let them live. Jasper’s hold tightened a moment before letting her go. Blood rushed from her head and her heart shattered.

He let her go.

She was to be the sacrifice. Holding in a whimper from the pain of standing and a broken heart, she tried to keep herself steady. Jasper held onto her shoulder and when she tried to take a step away from him, he brought her closer to his chest.

She needed to get away from him. Death hunted for her, but she couldn’t look at him, for he would see the betrayal she felt.

Stop being ridiculous.

 Choosing his family was the right choice. Betrayal shouldn’t be a consideration.

“I see.” Jasper’s voice lowered to a rougher edge. Willow dared a glance over her shoulder and gasped at his fny ace. She’d been right, he was a werewolf. His upper canines had elongated, and a ring of gold had formed around the forest green of his eyes. But she wasn’t afraid of him. Not this wolf.

Jasper growled under his breath, and she flinched. “Then I guess I must claim her now.”

Before she could register the shock of his comment, Jasper tugged her to his chest and bit down on the curve of her shoulder where it met her neck. When his teeth punctured her flesh, she felt and heard a distinctive pop, before pain shot through her system. The bite deepened, and he held on, growling all the while. Willow’s knees gave out, and she would have collapsed to the ground if not for Jasper’s hands holding her up. He rocked against her and she felt his rock hard erection against her ass.

He’s tearing into my flesh and getting off on this?

Panic flooded her.

But then a curious tingling swept over her. Peace and sex. Like honey, the feeling flowed through her blood and body to her head and breasts, then down to her stomach and womb before tickling her toes. Gasping, she held on to Jasper for stability as she came against him in front of thirty angry wolves and his brothers.

Her juices flowed down her legs as the men surrounding her flared their nostrils in excitement. Some broke formation to rub the evidence of their arousal, awakening her from her sexual fog.

Jasper released her shoulder, licked the wound, then nuzzled her cheek. Heat climbed her face as she became of aware of what had just happened. Jasper had bit her, and she’d orgasmed.
What the hell?

A roar of pure rage and hatred echoed through the mountains.

 “Fucking Beta! You think that just because you’re a Jamenson you can defy me? You fucking claimed her? I’ll kill you. But first I’ll take that bitch, rape her and beat her in front of you!” Hector screamed, spitting out his words in pure fury. He opened his mouth to condemn them again, but was suddenly flying through the air after being smacked by the front of Jasper’s Jeep. The crunch of gravel beneath the tires was the only warning they’d had.

The Jeep skidded to a halt in front of them. Adam threw himself into the front while North grabbed Willow by the arms, ignoring her wounds, and jumped into the back. Jasper followed close behind. He’d barely landed in the seat before Reed drove off into the forest like a maniac.

“Fuck!” Reed roared as he drove on. “He had you mark her? In front of them? Fuck, man! Fuck!” Reed’s knuckles whitened against the wheel as he drove. He looked in the mirror and cocked his head. “The wolves aren’t following us. I don’t know what’s going on, but it’s like they’re stuck there. Is some unseen force holding the other wolves back? Why would they do that? That wasn’t wolf or witch magic, man, but I don’t fucking know what it was. That was something deep. We gotta tell Dad.”

What were they talking about cl? First werewolves and now magic. Her head spun.

Jasper pulled her off North and laid her across his lap. His warmth swept through her, seeping into her bones. She curled into his body, his arms cradling her.

Reed panted and talked fast as the adrenaline sped through his system. Willow reached over the seat and touched his arm. Startled, he swerved off the road, before righting himself and looking toward her.

“Thank you for coming back.” Her voice was raw, and it hurt to move, but it needed to be said.

“Yeah, man, thanks.” North nodded toward Reed and began to examine her, though it was difficult as she still lay across Jasper’s lap. His pokes and prods made her wince and moan. With every flinch, Jasper’s growls grew louder, and his arms tightened.

 “And thank you North and Adam. It’s nice to see you. Well, not nice, but...” She was rambling and she knew it. She looked up at her savior and tried to hide her heart. He couldn’t know how deeply she felt for him.  “Thank you, Jasper.” She choked off a sob, and his hold tightened almost painfully.

“I need to breathe.” She tried to smile, but she knew it came out like a grimace.

His hold loosened immediately, and he rubbed his hand against her ass. “Sorry.” His voice roughened. The anger in his eyes hurt her already wrecked heart. That bite had meant something, and they’d forced him into it. She didn’t know what the future held, but Jasper had been coerced into doing something he didn’t want and he would only resent her for it.

“I think she has some broken ribs, Jasper,” North said. “But other than the bruising and a few cuts, I don’t think there’s anything else broken. I won’t know until we get back to the den and my equipment.” North stopped touching her and immediately Jasper’s shoulders relaxed.

They rode for over an hour before Jasper finally broke the silence.

“We’re almost at the den, Reed and Adam, you both need to tell the Pack what happened. North, Willow and I will join you at your clinic, and you will check her for deeper injuries.” His brothers nodded in agreement. Willow was surprised they didn’t question Jasper’s demands.

I wonder what that means.

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