A Sorta Fairytale (3 page)

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Authors: Emily McKee

BOOK: A Sorta Fairytale
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You sit down across from me. “Did I miss anything fun while I was gone?”

“No,” I mumble.

Your smile fades away like a storm cloud covering the brightness of the sun. “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing’s wrong.”

Relaxing against the back rest, you stare at me. Your focus causes a shiver to creep up. “Are you cold?”


You nod, not breaking eye contact, as you grab your beer and take a sip. I take a drink of my now almost gone chardonnay. “Do I make you nervous?”

I blink as I shakily put down my glass. You’re watching me, giving me goose bumps on my arms and butterflies swarming in my belly. “Yes,” I say softly.




“I don’t know.” I shake my head, trying to figure out how we got to this point, sharing feelings and figuring out why I feel this way about you. But you smile at me, making me forget what I was thinking.

“What are you thinking about, Stella?”

I shy away, looking at anything, anywhere else but you. Because when you look at me, I feel like I’m the victim caught in the spider’s web. I can’t move. I can’t do anything besides stare at the creature who’s going to overtake me, devour me, and completely consume me. “I can’t tell you.”

You place your hands on the table in between us, cracking the joints slightly. I cringe. “What?” you ask.

“That,” I say with utter disgust. “Doesn’t that hurt?”

You stare at me for a few seconds then grab the chilled bottle of beer and take a few generous gulps. “Not really. It actually feels pretty good.” You wipe the excess alcohol from the corners of your mouth. I tilt my head to the side. “What?”


You lean into me, giving me flutters in my stomach I know shouldn’t be there. I’m trying not to fight it. I really am, but it’s still at the forefront of my thoughts. “Like I said before, Stel, there’s always something behind a nothing.”

Before I can reply, I hear, “Stella.” We both look toward the voice. Hazel eyes are shooting daggers at me. My belly tightens, and I swipe my right leg over my left, trying to relieve some of the pressure. But when those hazel eyes stare at me, I’m gone.

“Thomas, um, hi,” I stammer.

“Sorry I’m late.” Turning toward Alex, you say, “Thanks for sitting with Stella while she waited for me.”

You’re staring at me with a look of disbelief on your face. “Yeah, no problem,” you mutter. “My break’s up, anyway.” You scoot out of the booth.

As you begin to walk toward the bar, Thomas yells, “I will have a glass of your best scotch, on the rocks.” Thomas doesn’t break eye contact with me the entire time. For a moment I almost forget you and the conversation we shared. But while my bottom half waits for Thomas, my chest beats for you.

“Coming right up,” you say in a mechanical tone.

As Alex walks away, I feel the tension of fiery hazel eyes staring down at me. I look up at Thomas.









Chapter 5



Stella & Thomas


You don't take your eyes off of me as you hang the coat up and sit down. Cracking your knuckles, you place your hands on the table. "So." He smirks. "What have you been up to?"

I shrug. “Nothing much.” My belly tightens, my eyes widen, and I stare at you, trying to break the tension.



You lean into me, not wanting others to hear when you ask, “No one’s come over wanting to take you home and fuck you?”

I gulp and lean back. “What?” I ask, amazed you would ask that in a…
Oh wait
. I look around and realize there still aren’t many people in the bar. Even fewer in our vicinity.

The corners of your mouth form into a small, mischievous smile. “Do you like that?” Lifting my hand, I grab my chardonnay and bring it to my lips. I take a healthy gulp. “Do you have nothing to say?”

“There’s nothing to say,” I reply as I place my glass back down.

“Good, because the only one who’s fucking you tonight is me.”



“How can you be so sure of that, Thomas? You were over an hour late.”

“I know.” You don’t sound apologetic.

I take another sip. “So why do you think you’re still going to fuck me? Cocky much?”

“You love my cock, Stella. Don’t deny it.”

“I wasn’t going to,” I sigh.

“Mmm,” you hiss. “I need to get you out of here and fuck you. Now!”

“Your drink,” Alex says, grimly placing the glass down in front of you. “Anything else?”

I lower my head. I don’t know what to say. I don’t know why I feel like I should say anything. There’s nothing going on between Alex and me. We just had a conversation while I waited for you, nothing more than that.

“No, that’s all,” you say. Pulling your wallet out of your coat pocket, you grab a few dollar bills and hand it over to Alex. “Thanks for the drink.”

Taking the cash, Alex says, “Yeah, no problem.”

I kind of wish Thomas hadn’t shown up. I was really having fun with Alex, which isn’t like me at all. A conversation with Alex won over an amazing fucking from Thomas.

“Is everything all right?” you ask, swallowing a sip of the amber liquid.

I turn away from Alex. “Yeah,” I reply. “Just a bit tired. I’m not much of a drinker, and this is my second drink tonight.” That’s not the truth. It’s far from it, actually, but you don’t need to know the real reason I’m not in the mood.

“I wish I could have gotten here sooner, but you know the workplace.”

I sigh. “Yeah, I know.”

“What’s with you tonight?” You place a hand on my knee underneath the table.

I push your hand away. “Nothing.”


Looking up at you, I grumble, “Sorry. I just wish you would’ve gotten here sooner.”
So I wouldn’t have had to meet Alex McNeil.

“I know,” you say. “But I told you I would make it up to you, didn’t I?”

I smile. “You did.”

You chuckle and sip your drink. “There’s my girl. So, what about we finish up our drinks and get the hell out of here?”

“Oh?” I coyly ask. “And what is it you would like to do, Thomas?”

You smile an evil, sly smile. “Oh, I think you know.”

I shake my head. “I don’t think I do.” I struggle to hold back a smile. I’m trying to play along, almost like we had just met. You place your drink down on the table and twirl it around, dipping your finger into the amber liquid. You rise from your seat, and I’m just about to ask where you’re going when you sit down in the same booth with me. You keep scooting in until my back hits the red brick wall behind me. “What are you doing?” My chest heaves in anticipation. You always know how to get me aroused.

You swipe the amber liquid across my lips, and I dart my tongue out and swipe it off. Tasting the burn, I swallow. You smile and lean in against my lips. “I’m going to take you to my place and fuck you now.”


Your pupils dilate, your breathing is even, unlike the uneven wisps of air I take in through my scotch mixed with chardonnay breath. “Oh.”

That answer gets my attention…and keeps it. Your hazel brown eyes blaze at me. I swallow the lump in my throat and release small, airy breaths. “Oh, yeah?”

You place your hands firmly on my knee and trace a delirious trail up my thigh, sending shivers down my spine. “What are you doing?”

You continue your exploration, slowly moving under my tight, black skirt, so close to my drenched thong that I lean into you. That’s when you move your fingers back. “I can already feel your wetness along the insides of your thighs.”

Your words make me sit up straight. I don’t see anyone else. I don’t hear anything in the bar besides my rapidly beating heart. I stare at your chiseled, scruffed face. You’re watching me like I’m your prey. I guess in a way I am. I move closer to you, wanting your fingers touching my sensitive nub.

“Don’t,” you command, and I stop in my place. You smile, pleased I listened to you. You always dominate when it comes to sex, and I like that. I really like that. “I want this to be on my terms. I want this to last, and as badly as I want to dip my fingers into your wetness, I’m not going to.”

I get lost in watching your beautiful lips move, thinking of them on mine, sucking on my nipples, licking my pussy, and I almost don’t hear you. Blinking a few times, I ask, “What? You’re not?” You bring your scotch to your lips. You keep staring at me, not answering. I feel like I’m caught in a trance. I wonder what torturous thoughts are racing through your mind.

Waving the hand with the scotch, you ask, “Done?” You know the only wine I drink is chardonnay.

“Wh…what?” I stutter, still daydreaming of your lips on mine, your cock in me, and your hands grabbing at my body. A deep chuckle resonates from your chest. Rockets shoot throughout my belly. Who knew a voice could be so sexy? How deep and rich and powerful it sounds, especially when you’re talking to me. I bite my lip and cross my legs. I need to relieve a little bit of the tension between my thighs.

“What are you thinking about, Stella?”

I release my lip and breathe deeply. Shaking my head, I mutter, “Nothing.”

The corners of your mouth turn up into a coy smile. “Liar,” you say. A small sigh releases from my throat. Your smile widens. Finishing the rest of your drink, you slam it back down on the table. “Ready?”

I don’t move.

“Get up.”

But again I don’t listen. Instead, I grab the glass, taking the final sip of wine. “So eager to get out of here, Thomas?”

“My cock wants you. I shouldn’t deny my cock. Don’t you agree?”

I flicker my eyes down to the growing bulge in your pants. “No, I guess you shouldn’t deny your cock of my pussy.”

Placing a hand on the table top and the other on the back of the booth, you lean into me and cage me in with nowhere to go. “Get your ass up, Stella. Now.”

Again, I don’t move.

“Now,” you bite out.

A smile forms on my lips. “Yes, sir.” This time you don’t move when I try to scoot out of the booth. “What?”

“I like when you call me sir.”

“Good,” I murmur. “Sir.”

Grabbing my hand, you pull me out of the booth. Putting your coat on, you ask, “Where’s your coat?”

I shrug. “I didn’t think it was going to rain. It was a pretty nice today, so I didn’t wear one.” I nod toward the door. “Come on. Let’s get going.” Before I know it, you pull off your coat and start to hand it to me. I take a step back. “What are you doing?” You’ve never done this for me before, and I’m not sure if I like it.

You shake your head. “Take the coat, Stella.” You don’t let me answer. Instead, you walk up behind, pulling me to you. I gasp when I feel your hard length rubbing up against my ass. I lean my head back. “Do you like that?” I sigh. “Mmm,” you growl. “I like that.” My mouth falls open and wisps of air escape. I don’t mean for them to, but I can’t help it. I can’t fight it. You chuckle, low in your chest. “Good,” you rumble before sucking my earlobe into your mouth. I cry out louder. Spinning me around, you pull me to your chest. “Don’t, not any louder,” you say angrily.

“Why?” I whimper.

You let out a laugh. “Why? Well, I don’t want anyone else to hear those beautiful moans, because if they do, they’ll want to fuck you. They’ll want to make you come. Shake. Shiver. Scream their name.” You skim your eyes down my body, trailing your fingers along my figure. Meeting my eyes, you say, “This little body is mine.” Your hot breath against my face sends shockwaves through my entire body, and I tremble. I start to take a step back from you, but you wrap a hand around the small of my back and pull me to you. Another wail escapes from my throat, and I shudder. “Come with me,” you demand as you grab my hand, pulling me behind you.


You spin around, and I run straight into your hard chest. “Where do you think?”

I look up into your blazing eyes. My insides clench. “Take me,” I beg “Take me.”

“Oh, I will. Don’t you worry.” Gripping my hand harder, you pull us out into the rain. In an instant, I’m wet, from the rain and you. You pull me down an alley.

“Where are we going, Thomas?” My teeth chatter from the cold rain falling around us.

Swiftly, you pull me up against the brown brick and shove your hips into me. I gasp when I feel your hardness against my sensitive area. “I need you. Now,” you hiss and crush your lips against mine.

I wrap my legs around you, pulling you even closer to me. Sucking your bottom lip into my mouth, I bite down hard. You grind into me, and I break from the kiss. “Oh.”

“You like that?” you breathe against my neck, kissing along my jawline.

“Uh huh.”

“Good,” you say as you trail your fingers between us and up my skirt. “Fuck,” you roar when your fingers move higher and higher. “That’s sexy.” You run two fingers up against my thong. “You’re soaked.”

I rest my head against the brick wall. I don’t think about how at any second someone could walk past and see us. I don’t care that when we fuck it’s going to be in an alleyway surrounded by dirt, rats, and trash. All I care about is having your cock inside of me. “Fuck me,” I mumble.

You continue to tease me as you move my thong aside, running your fingers against my slit. “All in good time.”

“No,” I say, untangling my legs from your waist. Spinning us around, I fall to my knees and unzip your zipper. My mouth waters when your hard, velvet cock springs out, landing right against my mouth. I grab you and give a few light squeezes.

I look up at you when I hear you mumbling, “Fuck,” under your breath.

As I speak, my lips rub against the head of your cock. “What do you want, Thomas?”

You move your hips, attempting to push into my mouth, but I back away. Giggling, I say, “I asked what you wanted.”

“Oh,” you groan, “so that’s how we’re going to play.” Swiftly, you pull me up and spin me so I’m facing away from you. My hands rest against the wet brick. Turning, I look back toward you.

“What do you want?” I tease as I shake my ass, rubbing against your cock.

You don’t answer me. Instead, you hoist my skirt up around my hips. Moving my thong aside, you place a knee between my legs to spread me. Running the head of your cock against my entrance, I gasp.

“Fuck,” you groan. “You’re so goddamn wet.” You continue to rub against my opening and my ass. I try to sway back to get you inside of me, but you quickly divert. Smacking my ass, you say, “I’ll do it when I want to.”

I start to groan out of annoyance, but then you slam into me. The groan swiftly changes to one of pure pleasure. “Fuck,” I mumble, biting at my bottom lip.

You grip my hips. “Oh, shit.” Trailing a hand up my spine, you give me shivers. You grip my neck and lean toward my ear.

As you suck it into your mouth, I whine. I try to sway my hips against your cock, but you push further into me, not allowing me to move around. “Please,” I beg.

“What do you want?” you ask after releasing my ear from your wet mouth.

“Your cock fucking me. Making me come.”

“Oh,” you breathe against my ear. Releasing your light grip on my neck, you move down the front of my body toward my swollen bud. “I’m going to do more than that to you, Stella.”

I rest my head against my hands on the wet brick wall. “Oh, fuck me already,” I yell.

Moving out of me completely, you slam into me over and over again. You squeeze my hips in your hands, pulling me back. My face rests against the brick, the rock pushing into my skin, but I don’t care. All I care about is your cock making me come, giving me the release I need.

“Fuck, Stella,” you groan as you move faster.

I bite hard on my bottom lip. I can’t be loud. I know that. We’ll get caught, and that’s what pushes me over the edge. “Fuck,” I wail as my release takes over, fast and hard, like the way you move in and out of me, pushing out my release for as long as you can while you wait for yours to come.

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