A Second Chance

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Authors: Isabella Bearden

BOOK: A Second Chance
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Book 1


Table of Contents

Title Page

A Second Chance (Chance Series , #1)



Book 1 | Author Calista Smith


ABOUT THE AUTHOR | My name is Abby Isabella Bearden, born and raised in Atlanta, Georgia! I got married to my best friend at the age of 19, and I enjoy every minute of it. I'm a huge animal lover, as we have 3 fur babies of our own. I love to read, write and spend quality time with my family. I am currently working on Courtney’s story that goes with this series and a few other projects.

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Copyright © 2013 Isabella Bearden

Published 2013

"Cover design © Arijana Karčić, Cover It! Designs"

A Second Chance is a work of fiction. All names, characters, places and events portrayed in this book either are from the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any similarity to real persons, living or dead, establishments, events, or location is purely coincidental and not intended by the author. Please do not take offence to the content, as it is FICTION.

Trademarks: This book identifies product names and services known to be trademarks, registered trademarks, or service marks of their respective holders, The authors acknowledges the trademarked status in this work of fiction. The publication and use of these trademarks is not authorized, associated with, or sponsored by the trademark owners.



his is for everyone that has ever been taunted and picked on for just being different. Remember that everyone is created equally; no one has the right to judge you, but you.



Thank you to everyone out there that has read my books, and has supported me though this journey. Those of you that have helped spread the word about my page, it means a lot to me to know that you have pushed me out there. I hope everyone enjoys this book, as much as I did writing it. Thank you all, to the moon and back!

My husband – Thank you for putting up with me, as I know I was a huge pain the in butt when it came to me writing. You have been my main support system, even though I didn’t even want you to read it. I love you!

My family- Thank you for supporting me, and standing behind me. I love you!

Dawn Martens – Thank you for helping me with this book. If it wasn’t for your knowledge & help I wouldn’t be where I am right at this moment. You are amazing writer, with a kind heart and a great friend.

Angel Steel –  You are an amazing and kind hearted woman that has truly given me strength to go forward with my dreams of writing. You have helped in me in so many ways, and I am proud to say that I consider you, one of my very good friends! Thank you so much for your help!

Stacie Ramay – It all started when you beta read for me, when my first book came out. Now you are my best friend, no matter where life takes us, you will always be in my heart. Thank you for standing by me and giving me advice when I need it. Remember, I’m always here.

Lindsey Melia – My Irish besty! I never thought that I would meet someone that, I have so much in common with! You, also, have helped me and supported me though this and you still push me, to go for my dreams. Thank you for believing in me.

Lily Wallis – From having just one conversation, it turned into a friendship. You have also supported me, when I didn’t have many people to count on. Thank you for being a great friend.

I also want to thank all my Beta readers, that took the time to read it and give me your feedback, it means a lot to me! Thank you!

Chapter 1

y name is Rayleigh Bell and I recreated myself. 

Have you ever been the one kid in class that was picked on constantly, because of your weight or for wearing glasses or just being different? That was me. I was the kid in class that was taunted and picked on every day for being overweight, to the hideous glasses I had to wear on a daily basis and the clothes that I had were nowhere near close to being popular to me or anyone else. I was always short and stubby, until I found kick boxing.

I started kicking that bag before my last year of high school and the weight just fell off. More than one hundred pounds all together. All the anger that was built up in me from all the teasing and name calling—I just kicked it all away. Then I got contacts, got rid of the glasses, stopped dying my hair black, and let my natural auburn hair grow out and got it cut into layers that cascaded down my back. I also got myself a new wardrobe. But there was one thing that l wasn’t looking forward to, my senior year. I wanted to move, to get out, a whole new beginning.

To Start over.

Luckily, my family agreed with the decision I had made, so me and my mom and dad, along with my twin brothers, just up and moved. My brothers didn’t mind, since they were only in the sixth grade and didn’t have many friends anyway, and my only best friend was my Great Dane, Tiny. We named her Tiny because when we got her, she was tiny enough to slip though the picket fence around our old house. She wasn’t even close to being tiny anymore.


t’s moving day. I listen to my iPod all the way there; “Wide Awake” is playing in my ears.  Someone taps my knee. I turn from the window and look at my mom who’s trying to speak to me.

“What do you think of the neighborhood so far honey?” My mom asks me.

I look around and realize that we must be nearly there. We pull up to a white house with blue shutters that looks really homey. We all get out and walk up to the house just as the movers back the truck up in the driveway.

My parents found a house with three bathrooms, which means not only do I get my own room, but I get my own bathroom too. I walk into my bedroom to see not only do I have a bathroom, but I also have something I never imagined. I open a set of French doors and step onto my very own balcony taking in my surrounding’s. Before I could enjoy the scenery and the sun on my face, I hear some guys yelling next door and the sound of a basketball bouncing away. I couldn’t see them from where I was standing, so I decided to walk back down stairs to help unload the truck, as I was about to make my way, my mom stopped me.

“So what do you think?” she asks, looking around the house.

“I like it, Mom. It’s so different. Thank you for my bedroom,” I say with a smile. I start to walk away, but stop. “Mom, have you seen Tiny?” Tiny usually follows me everywhere, but I haven’t seen her since we got out of the SUV.

“Check with your brothers, she may be with them,” she says. I nod my head as I walk outside to look for her. Glancing around, she wasn’t in the front yard, and I peeked in the backyard expecting her to be rooting around in the abandoned flower beds, but no Tiny.

“Is this your dog?”

I turn and standing there is the most handsome guy I’ve ever seen up close—with a basketball in one hand, a smile on his face, and my dog, Tiny sitting obediently at his feet.

I couldn’t help but to look, he is muscular and tall with brown shaggy hair. I tried not stare, but damn, he is so fine. I see him starting to chuckle, I’m pretty sure there is drool coming from my mouth now. Pulling my gaze from this fine guy, I straighten myself up.

“Yes, she wandered off when we all got out of the car. I’m sorry if she bothered you.”

He bends down to scratch Tiny’s head, and then smiles up at me. “Nah, she isn’t bothering me.” He looks down at Tiny and loves on her some more. “Are you the new neighbor?” He asks me, while standing up.

“Yeah. I’m Rayleigh and this big baby here is Tiny.” I state, pointing at Tiny.

“Rayleigh.” He says slowly, as he lets it roll off his tongue, eyeing me. “I’m Tate.”

“RAYLEIGH!” I hear my name being called.

“I’m sorry, that’s my dad. He must be looking for me to help move some things in.”

“Yeah. I’ve got to get back to my game anyways. I’m assuming since we are next door neighbors that we will be going to the same school.”

“Uh, yeah I believe so.”

“Well, if you ever need a ride or anything just let me know.”

“Sure thing.” I bent down to grab Tiny’s collar to walk her back to the house, as I look back up, I see Tate’s green eye’s burning into mine. Oh his eyes are going to be the death of me.

“RAYLEIGH!” We hear again.

“I’M COMING!” I shout back to my dad.

“I’ll see you around.”  I tell Tate as I turn away to walk back to my house.


get back to over to my new home and spot my dad talking to the movers. I walk past him, telling him I would be right back, as I put Tiny in the house so she wouldn’t run back next door.

I walk back outside to where my dad is in the moving truck moving boxes to the front.

“Sorry dad. Tiny decided to pay our new neighbors a visit.”

“It’s okay. Just need to get this stuff inside. Grab those two boxes there and take them inside where they belong.” My dad states to me.


As I pick up 2 light boxes, I hear someone behind.

“Do you need any help?” I jump, dropping the boxes I had.

I hear him move behind me, I look over and see him bending over and help pick up the boxes. “I’m sorry; I didn’t mean to scare you.”  I look up to acknowledge him, getting trapped in those green eyes of his. “I just thought maybe you could use some help.” He states.

“Uh, thanks but I think I have it.” I tell him with an apologetic smile.

As I was about to excuse myself, my dad clear his throat from inside the truck. I look up and see my dad standing close enough to see what is going on.

“Dad, this is Tate. Tate is our next door neighbor.”

“Nice to meet you, Tate. If you would like to help, you can grab a couple of boxes and follow Rayleigh inside.” I look at my dad and give him an evil face, as he just smirks at me.

Oh this should be interesting.

Tate grabs two boxes and follows me inside, I tell him just to sit them down in the kitchen. As we are about to head back outside to get more boxes, my mom comes down stairs.

“Who was that, honey?” She asks, I can tell by her voice she is curious.

“Mom, this is our neighbor, Tate. We met a few minutes ago, when Tiny decided to pay him a visit.”

“Oh, Well nice to meet you, Tate. I’m sure you already met my husband.”

“Yes ma’am.” He answers.

Before my mom could say anything else, I excuse us to go grab more boxes. Tate walks ahead of me, when my mom holds me back.

“Well isn’t he a cutie.” She says, shoving me a little.

“Yeah, I guess.” I tell her, like I haven’t even paid an ounce of attention to him.

Chapter 2

After unloading everything and getting my room organized, I look at the clock and see that it’s almost 11 o’clock. We moved right when school is starting back, so I knew this weekend was all about getting prepared.

Saturday morning came bright and early. As I get up to get ready for the day, I hear some kind of commotion outside. I walk to my french doors and look over towards Tate’s house. There was a man and woman outside yelling at each other. The man was getting inside of a car with his briefcase. I guess Tate doesn’t have the best home life.

Seeing the man leave, I went to get ready for the day. I put my hair up in a messy bun, apply a little amount of make-up, along with denim shorts and a tank top and slid on my flip flops. 

I walk down stairs, hearing dishes banging against each other.  I turn the corner and see my mom cooking breakfast and my dad looking for something in the kitchen.

“Good Morning.” I tell both of my parents as I pour myself a cup of coffee. 

“Morning Sweetie.” Mom says as she gives me a kiss on the cheek, as my dad waves at me to acknowledge me.

Whatever he is looking for, he isn’t giving up on so easily. I stand by the counter as I sip on my coffee, while my mom finishes up breakfast, as she adds the finishing touches, my brothers come running down stairs fighting over which of them Tiny, gets to sleep with. 

I put my coffee down. “Hold up, rug rats. Tiny is not sleeping with either of you. She is sleeping in my room like she always does.” I tell them sternly.

I don’t want my brothers thinking that just because we moved means things are going to change. Things are going to be just the same way as before, just in a completely new neighborhood.

“Okay.” The twins say in unison.

I pick up my cup, and face my mom. “So mom, since school starts Monday, can we can get the supplies that we need?” I ask her.

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