A Savage War of Peace: Algeria 1954-1962 (119 page)

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Authors: Alistair Horne

Tags: #History, #Politics, #bought-and-paid-for, #Non-Fiction, #War

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In the interests of space such “general” books as the above are only mentioned below specifically where I am particularly indebted. For the same reasons, I have not mentioned each time the mass of periodicals consulted throughout. I must, however, single out the
series (published by Tallandier from 1971 onwards, and totalling over three thousand pages) entitled
La Guerre d’Algérie
. I have found this series, and its illustrations, useful for background consultation throughout (though, occasionally, it tends to be imprecise on dates and similar points of detail), and also for the signed articles by (chiefly French) participants. I have also consulted the official F.L.N. periodical,
El Moudjahid
(abbreviated where specifically mentioned below as
), throughout; though with obvious caution on account of its overt propaganda content.

As much of the material used comes either from information supplied by participants (notably Algerian) who requested to remain strictly anonymous, as well as from other secret or sensitive sources privately communicated, I have been compelled to designate these references simply as “AH notes”, which also embraces my own personal diaries and notes.

Where information, or comment, derives from personal interviews I have set down the name of the principal in small capitals. Works to be found in the bibliography bear the author’s name only; where there are more than one by the same author, the appropriate number (e.g. Camus (2)) is given; a particular volume in the same work (e.g. Courrière iv) is designated in roman figures.

“A Town of no Great Interest”

: Macmillan(ii), Robert Aron, Julien, BOURGUIBA, TEITGEN, SÉRIGNY, Tillion(2),
The conquest and early French administration
: Quandt, Robert Aron, Abun-Nasr, Ageron(1), (2), Abbas, Holt, Gordon(3), Nora, Pickles, Mitterrand, Julien.
Attempts at reform
: Servier(1), Julien, Robert Aron, Pickles, Gordon(3), Camus(5), Tillion(2), Motley.
The Growth of nationalism to end of the Second World War
: Quandt, Julien, Gordon(3), HALIQ, BEN KHEDDA, BOURGUIBA, TILLION, Favrod, Robert Aron, Abbas, AH notes, Camus(5), Macmillan(ii), Crozier(3), Bacri,
, 23 Feb 1936, for Abbas statement.

2. “
Ici, c’est la France

The country
: Camus in general, especially on description of
pied noir
life and character, Beauvoir, Gide, AH notes, Roy.
The people: Muslims
: Quandt, Gordon(3), Roy, Fanon(2), Julien, AH notes.
The pieds noirs
: Robert Aron, Lartéguy(1), (2), Camus(1), (2), (4), (5), Lentin(2), Nora, Bacri, Roy, Tillion(2).
The Jews
: ANKAOUA, Chouraqui, Clark, Nora, Fanon(1), Julien, Favrod.

In the Middle of the Ford

French “gifts” to Algeria
: Robert Aron, Tillion(3), Quandt, Camus(5).
Land hunger and population explosion
: Favrod, Robert Aron, Gordon(2), Behr, Tillion(3), Nora, Camus(5), Raymond Aron(1), (2).
France distracted
: Matthews, Williams(1), de Gaulle(1), Flanner, Behr, Mitterrand, AH notes.
Electoral swindles in Algeria
: Robert Aron, Julien, Soustelle(1), Behr, Nora, Mitterrand, Tillion(2), Pickles, Clark, Favrod.
Nationalism after Sétif
: Quandt, Robert Aron, Merle, Gordon(2), Favrod, Julien, S. Bromberger, BOURGUIBA.
The neuf historiques
: Courrière(i), Favrod, Gordon(2), Soustelle(1), S. Bromberger, Behr, AH notes.

All Saints’ Day, 1954

The C.R.U.A. finalises its plans: EM
, Courrière(i), S. Bromberger, Soustelle(1), Flanner.
The first day of war
: S. Bromberger, Merle, Clark, Servier(1), Courrière(i), Tripier,
EM. The first French reactions
: Tournoux(1), TILLION, MITTERRAND, AH notes, Flanner.
French military riposte; the first winter
: Leulliette, SErvier(1), (2), Lartéguy(1), TILLION, S. Bromberger.

The Sorcerer’s Cauldron

: AH notes, Soustelle(1), SOUSTELLE, MENDÉS-FRANCE, TILLION, de Gaulle(1), Greer, Williams, Tillion(2), (3), Maspétiol Report.
Collective responsibility
: Soustelle(1), Tripier, Servan-Schreiber, Simon, Nora, Lentin(2), Lartéguy(1), Vidal-Naquet(2).
The Philippeville massacres and conversion of Soustelle
: Marighela, Clark, Soustelle(1), Courrière(ii), Massu(1), Tripier, Leulliette, MITTERRAND.
Camus and civil truce
: AH notes, Camus(4), (5), (6), Raymond Aron, Beauvoir, Fanon(1), Nora, Soustelle(1), Flanner.

The F.L.N.: From Bandung to Soummam

F.L.N. policy and leadership
: CHANDERLI, BOURGUIBA, MOLLET, AH notes, Merle, Mitterrand, Quandt.
: Quandt, Lebjaoui(1), BOURGUIBA, S. Bromberger, Greer.
The F.L.N. consolidates: first rifts
: Servier(1), Soustelle(1), Greer, Fanon(1), (2), Tripier, Favrod, S. Bromberger, Gordon(2), Tillion(2), (3), CHAULET.
: Quandt, Gordon(2), Tripier, AH notes, Tillion(2), Merle.

The Second Fronts of Guy Mollet

Mollet sends conscripts
: Tournoux(1), Servan-Schreiber, Clark, Fanon(1), MOLLET, BEAUFRE, Lebjaoui(2).
Lacoste and reforms
: Gale, Tournoux(1), Flanner, Seriver(2), LACOSTE, MOLLET, Salan(iii), Tripier.
Suez and the Ben Bella hijacking
: Thomas, LACOSTE, MOLLET, MENDÈS-FRANCE, Macmillan(iv), Jenkins, AH notes, Merle, Tournoux(1), Tricot, Leulliette, Massu(1), Lartéguy(1).

8. “
Why We Must Win

France’s “New Revolutionary Army
”: Trinquier(1), (2),
Die Zeit
, March 1975, Tournoux(1), Servier(1), Beaufre, BEAUFRE, MASSU, COULET.
: Manévy, Greer, Leulliette, TEITGEN, COULET, Gale, Servan-Schreiber.
Motivations for winning
: Raymond Aron(1), Mitterrand, de Gaulle(1), Bollardière, Coulet, Servan-Schreiber, Lartéguy(1),
Salan and the “bazooka” conspiracy
: SALAN, TEITGEN, DEBRÉ, Salan(iii), AH notes, Fauvet, Henissart, Tournoux(1), M. and S. Bromberger, Massu(1).

The Battle of Algiers

Preliminaries — first bombs
: Tripier, AH notes, Pontecorvo film (and throughout Battle of Algiers), Drif, Courrière(ii), Lebjaoui(2), Massu(1), Tillion(1), Fanon(2), S. Bromberger.
Massu called in
: Massu(1), (2), MASSU, Godard, S. Bromberger.
Torture, and protest against it
: out of an immense literature consulted, principal sources as follows: Reggane film, Godard, Vidal-Naquet(2), MITTERRAND, TEITGEN, MASSU, TILLION, LACOSTE, JOXE, AH notes, Servan-Schreiber, Massu(1), Trinquier(1), (2), Salan(iii), Lebjaoui(2), Leulli-ette, Alleg, Bollardière, Camus(2), Simon, Fanon(2), Behr.

Lost Round for the F.L.N

Yacef’s second offensive
: Yacef, S. Bromberger, Salan(iii), Gale, Massu(1), Tillion(2), (3), TILLION.
Hunting down of Yacef and Ali la Pointe
: Salan(iii), Massu(1), MASSU, Tripier, AH notes.
Black moments for the F.L.N.
: Tripier, Gordon(2), Fanon(1), Tillion(3), S. Bromberger.
Liquidation of Abane: EM
, Lebjaoui(1), (2), LEBJAOUI, Courrière(iii), COURRIÈRE,
, Behr, S. Bromberger, AH notes, BOURGUIBA, Tripier, Favrod.

The World Takes Notice

France discovers the war and the growth of anti-war feeling
: on the mood and atmosphere in France, here and elsewhere, generally: Flanner, Beauvoir, Pickles; specifically here: TEITGEN, Vidal-Naquet(2), Simon,
, Camus(5), (6), Nora.
The F.L.N. and the Jeanson network
: Beauvoir, Lebjaoui(1), LEBJAOUI, F. Jeanson(1), (2), Taleb.
The fall of Mollet and French government stresses
: Pickles, Soustelle(1), Macmillan(iv) de Gaulle(1), AH notes, Raymond Aron(2).
Strained relations with the Anglo-Saxons
: Tripier, Brace(2), AH notes, Greer,
, Clark, Tripier, S. Bromberger.

Le Dernier Quart d’Heure

The harkis
: Quandt, Servier(2), Boualem, Bollardière, Servan-Schreiber.
French “special operations
”: here and generally Courrière is well informed, AH notes,
, Servan-Schreiber.
Secret war outside Algeria: Der Spiegel
files, AH notes, S. Bromberger, Thayer, Joesten, Courrière(iii).
France and the Morice Line: Sakiet: Historia
, Manévy, Behr, Greer, S. Bromberger, Tripier, LACOSTE, Pickles,
, Clark.

A Kind of Resurrection

The “thirteen conspiracies” and the coming of de Gaulle
: M. and S. Bromberger remains one of the best blow-by-blow accounts of the events of May 1958; otherwise, Fauvet, Debré, Tournoux(1), Lagaillarde, Sérigny(1), (2), de Gaulle(1), Flanner, Crozier(ii), Behr, LACOSTE, GARDES,
, Salan(iii), Clark, Sergent(i), O’Ballance, Challe, Tripier, Macmillan(iv).

14. “
Je Vous Ai Compris

De Gaulle’s first visit to Algeria
: here and henceforth, de Gaulle(i), is obviously referred to throughout for his account of events; otherwise, Tripier, Favrod, Tournoux(1), Raymond Aron(2), Macmillan(iv), MACMILLAN, Reggane film, Sergent(1), Lartéguy(2), M. and S. Bromberger, Pickles.
The slow quest for a policy
: Tripier, Favrod, Tricot, Raymond Aron(2), F. Jeanson(2), Behr, Fabre-Luce.
De Gaulle purges the army and Salan
: Fauvet, O’Ballance, Behr,
, Tournoux(1).
Preoccupation in France
: Macmillan(iv), Flanner,
, Tripier, Raymond Aron(2).

The F.L.N. Holds its Breath

The impact of de Gaulle on the F.L.N.; the G.P.R.A. is formed
: AH notes, Boualem; BRAHIMI, Tripier,
, Courrière(iii), Quandt, Belloula.
The G.P.R.A. rebuffs de Gaulle
: Clark, Tripier, Historia, Favrod, Gordon(2), AH notes.
The A.L.N. under extreme pressure, Boumedienne
: AH notes, Tripier, O’Ballance, Feraoun(2),
, Courrière(iii),
EM, New York Times Magazine
, 13 Feb 1966, Quandt, BOURGUIBA, HALIQ, Gordon(2).

Neither the Djebel nor the Night

The Challe plan
, Roy, Challe, CHALLE, Fauvet, Boualem, O’Ballance, AH notes, Vidal-Naquet(2).
Political and economic initiatives; self-detemination
: Tricot, Challe, Tripier, Behr, Lentin, Sergent(i), SOUSTELLE, Roy.

17. “
Aux Barricades!

The “ultras” in revolt against de Gaulle
: Henissart,
, PÉREZ, COURRIÈRE, BEAUFRE, GARDES, Courrière(iii), O’Ballance, Sérigny(2), M. and S. Bromberger
et al
. Paillat(i), Fauvet, Liddell-Hart archives.
The “bombe Massu
”: Paillat(1), M. and S. Bromberger
et al.
, Sérigny (2), Challe, Behr, Lagaillarde.
Barricades Week
: some of the best contemporary reports appeared in the
Daily Telegraph
, under the name of John Wallis, the Paris Correspondent who happened to be in Algiers; otherwise, M. and S. Bromberger
et al.
, Behr, Paillat(1), Sergent(i),
, Challe, Sérigny(2), Ortiz.

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