A Rope and a Prayer (53 page)

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Authors: David Rohde,Kristen Mulvihill

Tags: #Biography & Autobiography, #Editors; Journalists; Publishers, #Political Science, #International Relations, #General

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deadlines avoided by
in Dubai
e-mail correspondence of
exit strategy planned by
family support for
FBI cooperation with
government cooperation with
honeymoon of
“honor and veil” letter of
India visited by
Istanbul visited by
journal kept by
Kabul trip planned by
leaves of absence taken by
Maine visited by
marriage of
media coverage avoided by
media defensiveness training for
military rescue approved by
negotiations by
negotiation training of
in New Hampshire
New York Times
assistance to
Pakistani government officials met by
Pakistan trip planned by
Pakistan visited by
Paris visited by
photographs of
political situation as viewed by
prisoner releases as viewed by
proof of life (POL) evidence for
ransom demands as viewed by
Red Cross communications of
religious views of
Rohde reunited with
Rohde’s e-mails consulted by
Rohde’s escape as viewed by
Rohde’s kidnapping as viewed by
Rohde’s notes consulted by
Rohde’s phone calls to
photo editor
Skype used by
“Team Kabul” used by
translator used by
at United Nations
video recorded by
videos viewed by
in Washington.C.
wedding of
Mulvihill, Mary Jane
Mumbai bombings (2006)
Munadi, Sultan
Musharraf, Pervez
Nadeem, Captain
Nadir Shah, king of Afghanistan
Naqshbandi, Ajmal
National Geographic
Naw Zad, Afghanistan
Neumann, Ronald
New York Times
North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)
Northern Alliance
North Waziristan, Pakistan
Northwest Frontier Province, Pakistan
Obama, Barack
Obama, Michelle
Olomi, Fowzea
Omar, Mullah
Afghan border of
Al Qaeda forces in
anti-American sentiment in
British colonial rule in
checkpoints in
CIA operations in
constitution of
education in
elections in
FBI operations in
foreign militants in
government of
health clinics in
history of
Indian relations of
intelligence agencies of
Islamic fundamentalism in
kidnappings in
madrassas in
map of
military forces of
nuclear program of
Pashtun population of
peace movement in
Punjabi population of
reform movement in
security situation in
sharia law in
Taliban presence in
terrorist activities in
tribal areas of ; s
ee also specific provinces
tribal codes and traditions in
U.S. embassy in
U.S. foreign aid to
U.S. relations with
women in
Paktia Province, Afghanistan
Pashtunwali code
Patterson, Anne
Pearl, Daniel
Pearl, Mariane
Perlez, Jane
Peshawar, Pakistan
Petraeus, David
Phil (FBI agent)
Poullada, Leon B.
Powell, Colin
Power, Samantha
Provincial Reconstruction Teams
Pul-e-Alam, Afghanistan
Pul-i-Charkhi prison
Qari (guard)
Quetta, Pakistan
Rajasthan, India
Rashid, Ahmed
Rashid, Qais Abdur
Reagan, Ronald
Reid, Richard
Reines, Philippe
Reporters Without Borders
Return of the Taliban
Rice, Condoleezza
Robertson, Nic
Rohde, David:
Abu Tayyeb interview arranged by
Afghanistan situation reported by
at Bagram Air Base
BBC radio broadcasts monitored by
book research of
and Bosnia reporting and arrest and
cell phone of
Christian Science Monitor
deadlines set for
death threats against
documentary watched by
in Dosali, North Waziristan
drone strike against compound of
in Dubai
e-mails of
as embedded with military units
“engineer” as negotiator for
English-language newspapers read by
escape of
escape plans of
evacuation of
family of
final captivity video of
food given to
guards for
hunger strike of
India visited by
ISI interview of
in Islamabad
in Kabul
kidnapping of
in Lashkar Gah
in Makeen
media coverage of
medical care provided for
in Miran Shah
negotiations for
in North Waziristan
Pakistan situation reported by
passport of
phone calls of
prisoner exchange demanded for
proof-of-life video
ransom demanded for
Red Cross communications of
religious views of
relocations of
rope used in escape by
as South Asia bureau co-chief
in South Waziristan
Srebrenica massacre reported by
Stanczak video watched by
Taliban as captors of
at Tochi Scouts base
videos of
Wikipedia article on
Rohde, Erik
Rohde, Harvey
Rohde, Lee
Ruffo, Carol
Rumsfeld, Donald
Saberi, Roxana
Sangeen, Mullah
Sarwar, Beena
Saudi Arabia
Schmidt, Bill
Semple, Michael
September 11 attacks (2001)
Serena Hotel bombing (2008)
Shah, Timor
Shahzad, Faisal
Sharif (Taliban commander)
Sheikh, Ahmed Omar
Shia Muslims
Solecki, John
South Waziristan, Pakistan
Srebrenica massacre (1995)
Stanczak, Piotr
State Department, U.S.
Story of the Malakand Field Force, The
Strmecki, Marin
suicide bombers
Sulzberger, Arthur, Jr.
Afghanistan ruled by
Afghan resurgence of
commanders of;
see also specific commanders
Islamic fundamentalism of
ministate created by
in Pakistan
prisoner releases demanded by
as Rohde’s kidnappers
technology used by
terrorist attacks by
in tribal areas
U.S. culture opposed by
U.S. operations against
Talk for Peace International (TFPI)
Taniwal, Hakim
Taxi to the Dark Side
Taylor, Michael
Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan
Teresa, Mother
Thomas, Lowell
Tillman, Pat
Times Square bombing attempt (2010)
Tochi Scouts
Toynbee, Arnold J.
United Nations
United States Agency for International Development (USAID)
Van Dyk, Jere
Voice of America
Wahhabi Islam
Wall Street Journal
See also
North Waziristan, Pakistan; South Waziristan, Pakistan
Waziristan accord (2006)
Whitney, Craig
Wilson, Charlie
Zahir Shah, king of Afghanistan
Zardari, Asif Ali

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