A Quiche Before Dying (21 page)

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Authors: Jill Churchill

BOOK: A Quiche Before Dying
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“Why didn’t she just tell the police? I would have,“ Thelma said piously.

“It was her own sister, for God’s sake!“ Uncle Jim barked.

“Ruth not only loved her sister, she understood and probably sympathized with why she did it,“ Jane said. “And to be quite honest, I agree. But when Ruth learned that the maid had almost died, she couldn’t stand it. She knew that Naomi had to be brought to justice for that horrible error. For all her surface fluffiness, Ruth’s a very rigid person when it comes to morality. But she still couldn’t bring herself to turn in her beloved sister.“

“That doesn’t answer my question. Why give all those incomprehensible clues to Jane?“ Thelma asked. She didn’t add, “of all people,“ but the implication hung in the air.

“Because she couldn’t drop hints to the police,“ Jane explained. “The police don’t have a house she could see from her house. If she’d sent them the birdcage, they wouldn’t have known which crime it referred to, even if it came with a tag attached saying `CLUE.’ And I think the first one, the book, was meant for either Shelly or me. It was left in Shelley’s car when Ruth knew where we were—at Bob Neufield’s house because she sent me there with that library list. The cage could have gone to either of us, but the patio table appealed to her for some reason as a good place to leave it. Then, since I’d gotten that, I had to get the flowers.“

“A book, a birdcage, and flowers,“ Jim Spelling mused. “I wouldn’t have put that together and made anything of it.“

“I didn’t either at first,“ Jane admitted. “But you see, she was leading me along step by step. First the book that meant: ‘The explanation is in here.’ Then the bamboo cage, meaning: ‘This is the part of the book.’ The bamboo cage represented the Japanese prison camp. Then the flowers, saying: ‘This is how it was done.’ “

“That’s the part that makes me wild,“ Uncle Jim said. “She could have killed you with those damned flowers.“

“No, not really,“ Jane said. “She knew I didn’t have any children little enough to chew on flowers like a baby or toddler might. And none of us were likely to drink the water they were in. They don’t exude a poisonous smell or anything. They scared me to death when I realized what they were, but they weren’t really all that dangerous.“

“I thought you said the flowers came from a florist,“ Thelma said. “It’s downright irresponsible for a florist to send out—“

“No, they weren’t from the florist, they were only wrapped in the florist’s paper. Naomi had been hospitalized a few months ago and got lots of flowers. Ruth, being a frugal person, had automatically saved the paper—just because she saved everything that might come in handy someday. That was probably a legacy of the prison camp, too.“

“The fact is, she didn’t want to take the responsibility for ratting on her sister, so she dumped the moral dilemma in Jane’s lap,“ Shelly said, cutting another paper-thin slice of pie. “What about the name, though? How did Maxine Harbinger get to be Naomi Smith?“ She glanced at VanDyne.

her first name, like Ruth tried to claim it was hers, but some foster parent along the line didn’t like it and called her by her middle name, Naomi. It stuck. She married briefly and got the Smith,“ he replied.

Thelma shook her head. “The woman set out to have her sister’s crime revealed and then tried to claim that she herself was the murderer? I think she must have been insane.“

“No,“ Shelley said. “She was very canny. I think she believed that Jane would keep quiet about the clues once she figured them out. That way, Ruth would have eased her own conscience by ‘telling’ someone, but Naomi wouldn’t suffer the consequences. When it didn’t turn out that way, she was horrified by what she’d done and wanted to protect Naomi. It wasn’t such a bad plan, actually. Jane might well have felt so sorry for Naomi that she might have kept it to herself. And without her insight, the police would never have figured it out.“

“Oh, I wouldn’t be so sure of that,“ Mel said firmly. “We were on the track already.“

“Mom!“ Katie screeched from the family room. “Make them

Jane ignored her daughter and focused on Mel. “I beg your pardon? You had no idea! Admit it!“

“We did, too. We were checking out everything we could about everyone, including tracing to see whether Naomi’s illness was real. One of the office staff was worrying away at the fact that a woman who lived in a middle-class suburb of Chicago had a blood disease that’s only found in the tropics and in severely undernourished people. He’d discovered that she’d suffered from it all her life, and was already trying to find a birth certificate to see where she was born.“

“Yes, and in another three years he might have figured it out if somebody had put a framed copy of the right page of Mrs. Pryce’s book in front of him,“ Jane said indignantly.

Mel grinned at her. “Maybe sooner than that.”

Thelma looked from Mel to Jane and back to Mel. She had a look of dawning suspicion.

Jim Spelling watched Thelma’s eyebrows draw together, and he grinned at her wary expression.

Jane turned to Cecily. “It was all because they lost their mother. It’s made me awfully glad I still have mine.“

“Mom! They’re terrible!“ Katie screamed closer at hand.

Mike came tumbling into the room. He had Todd in a headlock. Todd was laughing hysterically and flailing his arms, trying to land a fist in his older brother’s crotch.

Jane put her head in her hands. “Such a refined household,“ she moaned.

“No, that’s not the way,“ Mel said, getting up and coming around the table. He pulled Todd away from Mike to demonstrate a better hold. “See, if you can get his shoulder this way, he can’t use his arms—“

“Hold it,“ Uncle Jim said, coming to his feet. “That’s all wrong. You’ve got it backwards. Here, let me show you.“ He grabbed Mel to demonstrate.

Thelma was making feeble little cries of alarm and disapproval.

Jane and Shelley looked at Cecily. “Don’t they
grow up?“ Jane asked.

Cecily shook her head. “If your grandfather were here, he’d be right in the middle of it, knocking people around with his walker.”

Jane got up. “Outside! All of you!“ She started shoving them toward the door.

As they headed through the family room, Mel came back to Jane and whispered, “I’ve got some great holds I could show you later. How about it?”

And with the gentlest of fanny pats, he was off to join the others in the backyard.

“Why, Jane,“ Thelma said when Jane came back to the dining room, “your face is red as a beet. You’re not coming down with something, are you?”

Jane smiled.
























Table of Contents






















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