A Prescription for Love (17 page)

Read A Prescription for Love Online

Authors: Callie Hutton

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Historical, #General

BOOK: A Prescription for Love
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Silence reigned for a moment, then as Clarence opened his mouth, Mr. Lester’s voice rang out. “Ten dollars.” He faced him and Clarence. “You two can
share the meal with my daughter.”

Applause broke out as Mr. Lester accepted his win from the auctioneer, who grinned at the crowd, waving the ten-dollar bill. “This money will certainly help our missionary efforts.”

The box with the bright blue star sat ominously in the middle of the table as the auction continued.

Michael leaned forward and whispered in Heidi’s ear. “Are you all right?”

She gave him a curt nod and kept her face turned away from both men.

Why did he even place himself in the middle? Heidi claimed to not want Clarence as a husband, but either she’d never informed him or the man was dim-witted. Or clever and manipulative. In any case, he needn’t involve himself. Nothing had changed since he’d sworn years ago to never involve himself with a woman again. Even if that woman was sweet, soft, beautiful, and spent every day close enough for him to savor her rosewater scent.

Mr. Lester later paid three dollars for his wife’s box, which sat next to Heidi’s on the table. After several more bids, the auctioneer handed the last box to a gentleman who beamed brightly and took the hand of a small blond woman who gazed at him adoringly.

“That ends the bidding.” The auctioneer wiped his forehead with a handkerchief and nodded to the crowd. “Gentlemen, you may now join your lady to share her delicious supper. In a little while, the dancing will begin.”

Conversation broke out as gentlemen joined ladies at their tables and opened boxes. Soon the aroma of many different meals filled the room.

Clarence dragged Heidi’s box toward him and opened it. “Looks wonderful, my dear.” He regarded her with narrowed eyes. “I’m sure you know I love ham.”

“Excuse me.” Heidi rose and quickly left the table. Mrs. Lester followed, her eyes concerned, and tucked her arm into her daughter’s, their heads bent close together.

Clarence got to his feet and tugged the sleeves of his jacket. He glared at Michael. “Henderson. I’d like a word with you. Outside.”

“Gladly.” Michael thrust away from the table as Mr. Lester glanced from one to the other, his eyebrows furrowed.

“I have a problem.” Heidi wrung her hands and faced her mother after they entered the ladies’ restroom.

“I’ll say you do, dear.” Mother smiled. “You seem to have two men fighting for your attentions.”

“It’s not funny, Mother.” She paced in a circle. “I told Clarence this afternoon I no longer wished to marry him.”

Mrs. Lester dropped to a padded wire-framed chair in front of the gilded mirror against the wall. “You did what?” She spoke in a breathless voice.

“I don’t want to marry Clarence. What I don’t understand is why he wants to marry me.”

“What do you mean, dear? Why wouldn’t he want to marry you? You’re pretty and well mannered. Any man would be proud to have you as his wife.”

Heidi sat in the chair next to her mother and clasped her hands. “Do you really think so? You and Papa always made me feel as if Clarence was the only man who would have me because of my asthma.”

Her mother patted her hand. “We certainly took that into consideration. Even though you seem to think Michael has found some magic cure for your illness, the fact of the matter is, you are not a strong woman. But Clarence is very fond of you.”

Heidi rose to her feet and shook her head. “I don’t think so. In fact, he actually scared me today.”

“What are you talking about?” Her mother’s brows drew together.

Heidi took a deep breath and sat once again. “He came to see me today at Mrs. Wilson’s house. I-I told him I wanted to break our engagement.”

Her mother shook her head. “Oh, Heidi, you should have spoken to Papa and me before you said anything to Clarence.”

Heidi jumped up again. “Why? Clarence seemed to be of the opinion I had no say in my own marriage because he made arrangements with you and Papa.” She turned to her mother, her hands out in supplication. “Why wouldn’t I have a say in who I marry?”

Her mother sighed. “It’s not that you don’t have a say, but Clarence and your papa worked out some things to your benefit. Things to ease your life a bit.”

Heidi’s jaw tightened. “What

She waved her hand, a slight blush rising in her cheeks. “Nothing you need concern yourself with.”

Heidi groaned. “When will you stop treating me like a child? I’m a grown woman, and I can make my own decisions.” She stiffened her spine and glared at her mother. “And I’ve decided I don’t want to marry Clarence Manfred.”

Mother regarded her with narrowed eyes. “Does Michael have something to do with your decision?”

She crossed her arms and studied her shoes. “Maybe.”

Her mother leaned forward. “Heidi, you’re being foolish. A man such as Michael Henderson would not want a sickly wife. Clarence agreed to certain allowances for you.”

Anger churned in her stomach. “He told me the type of
he intends to grant me, and I won’t accept them.”

Her mother cleared her throat. “You don’t know what you’re talking about.”

Heidi shook her head. “Yes I do, and I want more than what he plans to offer me.” The edges of her lips turned up and she glanced off in the distance, heat rising to her face. “I know now what I’d be missing.”

Mother’s eyes grew large and she grasped her throat. “Oh, Heidi, what have you done?”

Chapter 15

Michael followed Clarence outside, letting the heavy, scarred wooden door swing shut, drowning out the noise of the band tuning up and the conversation of those enjoying their box supper. Steam shot from the warmth of his mouth as Michael’s breath hit the cold night air.

“What the hell do you think you’re doing, Henderson?” Clarence turned to him, hands fisted at his side.

Michael leaned against the clapboard wall of the church, arms crossed. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

“Heidi Lester is
fiancée.” Despite the dim light shining from the church hall, with his flushed red face and bulging eyes, Clarence radiated anger.

Michael needed to remain calm. This man deserved to have the hell beat out of him, but Heidi had been through enough embarrassment tonight. She didn’t need to witness the two of them rolling on the ground like a couple of bar brawlers. “So you say.”

“You’re damn right that’s what I say. As does her mother and father.” Clarence bristled. “We’re betrothed, and her parents agree. She accepted my ring. It’s done.”

Michael’s eyebrows shot upward. “Is that right? Funny how you haven’t mentioned the one important person in this discussion. You agree, her mother agrees, and her father agrees. What about Heidi?”

Clarence shrugged. “Of course she agrees. Her parents know what’s best for her, and once she gets this nonsense out of her system, she’ll return to Oklahoma City and do her duty.”

“Her duty!” Michael shoved away from the wall. “The year is nineteen aught three, Mr. Manfred. A woman no longer marries to
do her duty
.” Michael brought himself up short and smiled. He sounded like Ellie. She would be proud.

“Heidi has always done what she was told. She will honor her parents’ wishes and marry me. And you can bet I won’t wait one day past her ridiculous demand of a full month,” he snorted.

God, the man annoyed him. From what he’d seen of the Lesters, the mystery remained why they would want their beloved daughter tied to such an arrogant, pompous man. “If that’s the case, then I doubt Mr. and Mrs. Lester truly know you.”

Clarence’s lip curled. “Regardless of what your opinion is, Henderson, stay away from Heidi. She belongs to me.” He moved to grab the door, but was soon flat on his back, holding his jaw.

“You aren’t fit to clean her shoes, Manfred. I have no plans with regard to Heidi, but she certainly deserves better than you. A man whose behavior is so low he can even manage to embarrass a whore isn’t worthy of a decent woman.” He rubbed his knuckles, then placed his hand on the doorknob as Clarence sat up and continued to hold his chin, hatred spewing from his eyes.

Michael gave him a sharp salute. “I’ll be happy to tell Miss Lester and her parents you’ve taken ill and returned to the hotel.”

Early Sunday evening, Heidi sat in front of her bedroom window and watched the snow drift past. She pressed her palm to the glass as if she could touch the soft flakes. How much fun to catch them on her tongue. What did snowflakes taste like? Never allowed to leave the house when it snowed, the mystery of the cold flurries drew her.

She sat up, her mouth in a circle, eyes wide. Nothing stopped her from going out in the snow now. Being her own person, she made her own decisions. Hurriedly, she pulled her boots from the bottom of her closet and tugged them on. Two sweaters under her coat would certainly keep her warm enough, along with her scarf, gloves, and hat.

Excited as a small child, Heidi bundled up and headed downstairs and out the front door. She tilted her head back and snowflakes landed on her eyelashes. So cold. She giggled. One hit the tip of her nose, melted quickly, the remaining drop of water sliding off the edge, hitting her chin.

Not caring who saw her, she stuck out her tongue and held it until several flakes had dropped. Yum. Snowflakes tasted wonderful.

“What are you doing standing out there in the snow?” Mrs. Wilson’s booming voice carried from the front door to where Heidi stood at the end of the path.

Heidi spread her arms out and spun in a circle. “I’m enjoying the snow. Isn’t it lovely?”

“Lovely? No indeed. It’s freezing out there. You better come on in now and warm up.” Mrs. Wilson pulled her sweater closer and regarded her as if she had been let loose from the insane asylum.

“I’ll be there in a minute.” She continued to hold her head back, catching snowflakes.

The snap of the door closing echoed in the stillness of the falling snow. A couple of inches had accumulated on the ground, silencing the world, as if life held its breath, waiting for something magical to happen.

She really shouldn’t stay out any longer. Even Michael had warned her very cold weather wasn’t good for her lungs. A soft sigh escaped her lips at the thought of her handsome boss.

It had been as romantic as she’d hoped when they danced at the church supper last night. She smiled at the looks her parents had exchanged at her ability to dance. What fun to surprise them! Maybe soon they would admit she’d grown up, no longer a little girl.

Not concerned with Clarence leaving so abruptly, but happy he did, she’d enjoyed her first dance with the man she loved

Oh, dear.
How did that thought slip out?
A flutter in her stomach confirmed this was no random thought. Rather something that had been building for a long time.

When he’d held her in his solid arms, smiled at her excitement, and pulled her close, she knew. She loved him, would always love him. Michael represented everything she’d ever dreamed of in a husband. Strong, caring, protective, and responsible. Someone who would cherish the woman he married. Determination flowed through her. She would be that woman.

Her mind drifted back to the conversation with her mother at the church supper. Once she’d assured Mother she had done nothing wrong—surely the kisses she and Michael had shared were not wrong—her mother had agreed to speak with Papa about breaking the arrangement with Clarence. Not wishing to upset her mother, she didn’t dwell on Clarence’s frightening behavior, but simply emphasized her desire to no longer be engaged to the man.

A shiver ran down her spine, a reminder she needed to return inside before she had an asthma attack. She brushed the snow from her coat, shook out her hat, and entered the warmth of the house. She sniffed. Roast chicken. Hopefully with mashed potatoes and gravy. Maybe biscuits, too. Her stomach rumbled as she hurried upstairs to wash for supper. Sunday evening at Mrs. Wilson’s table always filled her with warmth, along with the delicious food to fill her belly.

“How are you, Heidi?” Gloria’s deep velvet voice startled Heidi as she bent over the box of threads she sorted in the back of the store late the next afternoon.

“Oh, Gloria. How nice to see you.” Again, Heidi got an uneasy feeling around Gloria. She made her feel like a bug the woman studied under glass. “What can I help you with?”

She waved her hand. “I need some hairpins. Plus I wanted to see how you were doing.”

“I’m just fine.” Heidi smiled, a tinge of something unpleasant settling in her stomach. “If you’ll follow me, I’ll show you where the hairpins are.”

Gloria touched her arm to stop her. “I think first I’ll have a chocolate soda again.”

She settled on a stool in front of the counter while Heidi prepared the soda.

“Did you find a room yet?” Heidi asked.

“Yes, in fact, I did.” She eased the soda glass closer and stuck a straw into the liquid, stirring slowly. She peered around the room. “Where’s Michael?”

The uncomfortable feeling grew. Gloria was a beautiful woman. Shiny brown hair, secured into a loose bun, wide brown eyes, and skin resembling cool cream. Her dress fit her form snugly, outlining all the places men would be interested in viewing.

“He’s in the back of the store. We had a delivery and he’s checking over the inventory and signing.” She wiped the countertop with a wet rag, rubbing a bit too hard at the spot of chocolate that had dripped.

They both turned toward the back of the store as Michael called a goodbye to the deliveryman, then rolled down the sleeves of his white shirt over his muscular arms and buttoned the cuffs as he made his way toward them.

Gloria slid from her stool and stopped in front of him. “Hello, Michael.”

“Oh. Hello. Gloria, isn’t it?” He nodded in her direction and moved to continue past her.

She positioned her hand on his chest to stop him. “I wanted to ask you something. Do you have a minute?” Her fingernails slid down, stopping at the top of his belt, resting there.

Michael eased back and frowned. “What do you need?”

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