A Place Called Home (32 page)

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Authors: Dilly Court

BOOK: A Place Called Home
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‘I was thrown from a horse. It's a hazard that we circus riders face every day.'

‘Circus riders?' Dora sank down on the nearest chair, fanning herself with her hand. ‘You're joking, of course.'

‘I can explain.' Lucy made herself comfortable on the sofa. ‘It's good to be back in London. I've missed you, Dora.'

‘You've been away for nearly a month without so much as a word. Hester said you'd gone to find Froniga and that she'd joined a circus, but I'd no idea that you had too. We were all so worried, and now you return looking as though you've been dragged through a hedge backwards. You must tell me everything.'

Making her account as brief as possible, Lucy related the events of the past few weeks. Eventually her voice began to crack and she broke off with an apologetic smile. ‘Dora, I love you, but I'm dying for a cup of tea and something to eat. I was in too much of a hurry to bother with breakfast, and I've just risked life and limb to visit my solicitor in Pickett Street.'

‘Of course, how silly of me.' Theodora stood up and went to tug at the embroidered bell pull. ‘You look half starved, and that outfit does nothing for you.' She stared at Lucy, shaking her head. ‘I don't know Pickett Street, but if you have to dress like that to go there it must be even rougher than where you live now.'

‘It doesn't matter; none of this matters. The good news is that I've found Granny, but there's a problem.'

Eyes wide with anticipation, Dora clutched her hands to her bosom. ‘You've found her? This is like a story in a penny dreadful.'

‘She's in prison.'

‘Oh, dear! It gets worse and worse.' Dora sat down beside her, taking Lucy's hand in hers. ‘I am so sorry. What was her crime?'

‘She fell in love with a bad man. It happens to the nicest women, Dora.' Lucy had a sudden vision of Monty dressed in the black tailcoat he wore in the ring. Quite why he came to mind was a puzzle. She liked him well enough, but that was all. Stella might think otherwise, but she was wrong.

‘Don't stop there.' Dora gave her hand a squeeze. ‘Go on.' She looked up at the sound of someone knocking on the door. ‘Enter.'

A maidservant scuttled into the room. ‘You rang, Miss Theodora?'

‘Tea for two, Bessie. Ask Cook if there's any of the delicious chocolate cake left.'

‘Yes, miss.'

Dora waited until the door closed. ‘Now, start at the beginning and tell me everything. This is so exciting, and I was feeling particularly bored and out of sorts this morning. Now I'm agog to hear your adventures.'

‘I'll give you a full account, but first I want to know about Sid and Essie. Hester told me you'd found them a home with a respectable family.'

‘I was sorry for the poor mites and I knew that you must be struggling to provide for them as well as your young cousins. Then, to make matters worse, young Sid was caught stealing, and I had to work really hard to persuade the constable not to arrest him.'

‘It was good of you to go to all that trouble.'

‘Bram helped me.' Theodora's cheeks flushed a delicate shade of pink and her eyes shone. ‘When I told him what I had in mind he went out of his way to make sure that the Coopers' household was suitable. He was so good with young Sid, who was being very difficult after you left.'

‘That sounds like Bram. He was always wonderful with his sister's children.' The memory of her first encounter with him and his young niece and nephew brought a smile to her lips. ‘I'm glad you took them under your wing, Dora, but I'd like to visit them myself and see how they're getting on. I feel responsible for those two little urchins.'

‘We'll go together. Bram said he might call this morning. He wanted to make sure that the children were happily settled.' Dora's blush deepened. ‘We got on so well, even though it was a brief acquaintance, and I have the feeling I'll be seeing a lot more of him.'

‘The trouble with military men is that they can be posted almost anywhere in the world at a moment's notice, leaving a trail of broken hearts behind them.' Lucy had not meant to speak so sharply, but Dora must have mistaken Bram's natural charm and courtesy for something more.

‘It's not like that, and even if it were it has nothing to do with you, Lucy.'

Her friend's sharp tone came as a shock. Dora was usually compliant and sweet-natured. They had rarely argued, and even when they disagreed it had been about trivial matters, but it was obvious that she was not going to be put off easily. Lucy was suddenly ashamed of her outburst. Bram was free to choose whomsoever he fancied and it was nothing to do with her. She managed a wobbly smile. ‘I'm sorry, Dora. I spoke out of turn.'

‘Yes, you did. And anyway, Bram's sold his commission. He's leaving the army very soon. I thought you'd know that.'

It was a double blow. She had been aware of his plans, but he had not thought to tell her that he had carried them out. He had confided in Dora first, leaving her to find out at second hand. Lucy could only assume that he must be as smitten with Dora as she was with him. It had happened in the wink of an eye, and now they would both be lost to her. Bram would enter Dora's world while she, Lucy Pocket, struggled to earn a living in the East End, or risked her life in the complex world of circus folk. She struggled to think of a reply but was saved by the arrival of Bessie carrying a tray.

‘Tea and cake; just what we need.' Dora smiled, seemingly oblivious to the turmoil raging in Lucy's breast. ‘That will be all for now, Bessie.' She dismissed her with a careless wave of her hand. ‘You must try some cake, Lucy. It's quite delicious. And then I want to hear all about the circus. This is turning out to be the best day ever.' She poured the tea and handed a cup to Lucy.

Lucy's appetite had deserted her but she sipped the tea, answering Dora's questions about her time with the circus as best she could. She omitted to tell her about Stella's attempts at scaring her into leaving, and was just coming to the end of her narrative when the door opened and Piers strode into the morning room.

He came to a sudden halt when he saw Lucy. ‘Lucy, my dear girl. This is wonderful. I didn't expect to find you here.'

‘We've had such a lovely long chat,' Dora said enthusiastically. ‘Lucy's been telling me of her exciting time in the wilds of Essex. You'll never guess what she's been doing.'

‘Dora, please. You're making my head spin.' He took a seat opposite them. ‘You're looking peaky, Lucy, my dear. How did you come by that injury?'

Lucy put her cup and saucer back on the tray. ‘It's a long story, Piers, and to tell the truth my arm hurts and I'm a bit weary.'

‘I'll send for the carriage and see you safely home.' He reached for the bell pull. ‘You can tell me everything on the way.'

‘Thank you, Piers, but a cab will do,' Lucy said hastily. ‘There's no need for you to come with me.'

His disappointment was mirrored in his eyes. ‘We parted on bad terms. I'd like to put matters straight. We can at least be friends.'

‘Of course you can,' Dora said eagerly. ‘We can go back to how we were.'

‘I don't think so.' Lucy rose to her feet. ‘Look at me, Piers. I don't normally dress like this, but even so I'm leading a different life now. I'm not in your set.'

‘She's joined the circus.' Dora clapped her hands. ‘Isn't that just the most remarkable thing you've ever heard?'

‘I should go.' Lucy made for the door, but Piers stood up, moving swiftly to bar her way.

‘Don't rush off on my account. I do want us to be friends, Lucy. I've never got over you and I realise now what a fool I was to break off our engagement.'

Lucy drew herself up to her full height, looking him in the eye. ‘We were never officially engaged. We've had this conversation before, Piers, and my answer is still the same.'

‘We had an understanding and I let you down.' He held her at arm's length. ‘Even as you are now I still have feelings for you, Lucy. Can we start again?'

‘No, Piers. You might feel the same but I've changed, and when you know my circumstances you'll agree with me that we should leave things are they are.'

‘I don't understand.'

‘I've discovered my grandmother's whereabouts, and she's in prison. Do you want to be associated with such a family?'

‘In prison?' He released her, turning his head away.

‘I'm dressed like a pauper because I've just been to Pickett Street to see my solicitor. I'm going to do everything in my power to secure Granny's release and then I'm going to look after her, as well as Linus Daubenay's three children. They're my cousins, even if we were all born on the wrong side of the blanket. Do you understand now?'

Piers met her angry gaze with a reluctant smile. ‘Say what you like, Lucy. It doesn't change how I feel. Seeing you again has brought back all the emotions I thought I'd conquered. I still love you, my dear.' He clasped her hand in his. ‘Let me help you. I only have a modest income but I do have considerable influence in high places, which I could put to good use on your account. Will you at least give me another chance?'

Dora leapt to her feet, knocking her cup and saucer off the table in her haste. ‘Say yes, Lucy. Please say yes. I'd love to have you as my sister-in-law.'

Lucy shook her head. ‘I'm sorry, Dora, but that can never be.' She turned to Piers with an attempt at a smile. ‘I did love you once, or at least I thought it was love, but everything has changed. My feelings . . .' She broke off as the door opened and Bram entered the room.

The butler hovered behind him, making apologetic noises. ‘It's all right, old chap,' Bram said, dismissing him with a wave of his hand. ‘I can announce myself.' He came to a sudden halt. ‘I wasn't expecting to find you here today, Lucy.' His smile faded. ‘You're hurt. What have you done to yourself?'

‘How dare you barge in on us unannounced, sir?' Piers snapped angrily.

Dora clasped her hands to her pink cheeks. ‘Bram is a friend. Don't speak to him like that.'

‘He's no friend of mine, and he's over-familiar as far as Lucy is concerned.' Piers took a step towards Bram, fisting his hands at his sides. ‘What is your business here?'

‘There's no need to be rude, Piers.' Dora stepped in between them. ‘Bram is here at my invitation.' She tucked her hand in the crook of Bram's arm, looking up at him with an adoring smile. ‘We have a mission to accomplish, haven't we?'

‘We did, but perhaps we should leave it until another day. I think I ought to take Lucy home.'

Lucy glanced from one to the other with a growing sense of frustration. Had they been small boys she would have been tempted to bang their heads together in an attempt to make them see sense. Dora's eyes were brimming with tears of disappointment and her bottom lip was trembling ominously as she clung to Bram. ‘You can't leave now. You've only just arrived.'

He removed her hand gently, but his attention was focused on Lucy. ‘I'm sorry, Dora, but you must see that Lucy is not herself.'

‘I do, of course, but my brother has offered to escort her home.'

‘I have indeed. Lucy and I have important matters to discuss,' Piers said firmly. ‘Very important personal matters.'

‘We've said all we have to say.' Lucy's patience was almost exhausted and her temper at breaking point. ‘I'm not a child. I don't need anyone to take me home.'

‘I was going to Leman Street to see the children anyway,' Bram said, grinning. ‘I'm sure Dora will excuse me this once.'

Dora reached for her hanky. ‘Don't worry about me.'

‘I don't want to spoil your plans.' Lucy could see that Piers was not going to back down, and she needed to speak to Bram, who seemed oblivious to the fact that he was about to break Dora's heart.

‘Not at all,' Bram said casually. ‘Dora wanted to make sure that the nippers had settled in, but we can do that any time. It's more important to see that you're taken care of. Isn't that so, Dora?'

She turned away, burying her face in her hanky. ‘Of course,' she said in a muffled voice.

‘I call it downright dishonourable to break a promise to a young lady.' Piers made a move towards the door. ‘I was about to escort Lucy home. I think you ought to remain here and apologise to Dora for upsetting her plans.'

Lucy threw up her hands, exasperated beyond measure. ‘I've had enough of this. I'll get a cab.' She left the room, hoping that Bram would make his peace with Dora, and that once and for all Piers would accept the fact that she had no intention of rekindling their relationship. She crossed the entrance hall, resisting the temptation to run. The footman, who had been staring idly into space, jumped to attention and rushed to open the door.

Despite her efforts, Piers caught up with her as she was about to step outside onto the pavement. ‘Please reconsider, Lucy. I meant what I said.'

She turned to face him. ‘And so did I, Piers. Thank you for offering to help, but I can manage on my own.' She was about to walk away when he caught her by the wrist.

‘You don't mean that, Lucy.'

‘I can assure you she does.' Bram tapped him on the shoulder. ‘Let her go, my friend, or I'll be forced to take action.'

‘You're both acting like schoolboys,' Lucy said crossly. ‘Leave me alone, Piers. And you, Bram, should put Dora out of her misery. You seem to have given her the impression that you're courting her, and she needs to be told the truth.'

His eyes widened and he shook his head. ‘I didn't say or do anything that might have given her that idea.'

‘If you've been toying with my sister's affections you'll have me to answer to.' Piers squared up to him. ‘I'd call you out if duelling weren't illegal these days.'

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