A Month at the Shore (62 page)

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Authors: Antoinette Stockenberg

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s husband, Paul, and their four-year-old son were killed instantly. Their daughter, Jessica, who would
ve been two in a week, had lived another forty-eight hours. Judy Maroney, behind the wheel, was
saved, just barely,
by the driver
s-side airbag.

And she could not forgive herself, both for being at the wheel and for
. That, at least, became Liz
s theory. How else to explain the post-trauma amnesia that had no medical basis?

s mother-in-law, to whom Liz had once spoken, had a different theory. She believed that Judy, rejecting the unspeakable horror of her loss, had invented a new identity to get around having to face that abyss. Hence the single

and now legal


Whatever the reason, Judy Maroney had for all practical purposes died in that crash. And the woman who replaced her


had never once, to Liz or to anyone else, alluded to the accident. Tori was pleasant, she was friendly
— by far the most cheerful member in the grief group

and she was totally amnesiac.

The accident had resulted in a huge settlement for her. Money hadn
t given Judy back her memory

it certainly hadn
t given her back her family

but it
given the woman named
lots of people willing to call themselves friends. Or references. Or whatever she wanted.

Hey, you,
behind her.
Have you heard a word I said?

had an almost spooky knack for knowing when Liz was focusing on her amnesia. Liz was forced to back up mentally, searching her brain for the last of her friend
s lighthearted babble.
Of course I heard. You think I should give my house a name.

I really do. Houses sound more important when they have names. How about
West Gate
? Or
? Or

m quoting you, now


I was talking about the mortgage, not the house,
Liz said, laughing.
She set her wineglass on a nearby stepstone and turned her attention
yet again
to the imposing mansion to the east. Since yesterday, it had held her in its thrall.

Privilege. Tradition. Wealth. Elegance. Lineage. It was all there, on the other side of the barbed wire. Everything about it was the opposite of her own life. Liz had been born and raised in Newport
s Fifth Ward, a working-class neighborhood of
mostly Irish
families that

until the yuppies began moving in recently

had changed little over the past century. Privilege in the Fifth Ward meant getting a parking place in front of your own house; tradition meant meeting with the same people every Friday night for a game of

Do you think I
m being too ambitious?
she suddenly asked
Do you think I should work my way up through the Point and the Hill before I go after East Gate and the rest of the
Bellevue Avenue

Heck, no,
said cheerfully.
This is
! The town has a long tradition of society-crashing. Where would the Vanderbilts be if they
d taken some slow-but-sure route?

Liz turned to her friend with a wry look.
m not trying to break
society, Tori. I just want to be able to make a little money
it once in a while.

came up to Liz and put her arm around her.
. You
ll make tons of money. And you and your
little girl will live happily ever after in a big house of your own. If that
s what you want.

Together they gazed at the shingled and stuccoed Queen Anne
style mansion, sun-washed and golden in the evening light. After a moment
Susy, by the way? With your folks?

Liz nodded.
s been feeling ignored, what
with the flurr
y of moving an
d all. My parents have her overn

Lucky for you they live in town.

t it, though?

Liz was very aware that her friend
s own parents were dead. Even if they
d still been alive,
t know them. The amnesia was so bizarre, so sad, so complete. When Liz met
in the grief group, she herself was on the ropes emotionally. For a while she
convinced herself
that as she pulled out of her numb state,
would, too. Then she realized that being left by a husband

even learning there
d be no more children—
t come close to losing one
s whole family in a car crash.

re doing it again,

Sorry. Did I tell you that someone in the mansion has two kids?
asked Liz.
I saw them playing outside. There
s a little blond girl who
s my Susy
s age; I think her name is Caroline. And there
s a two-year-old boy that the housekeeper has to chase after every minute.

re thinking they
ll be playmates for Susy?

was the dry laugh of a working-class townie with no illusions.
Not unless
I attack this fence with cable-
She turned and began walking back to her new little home, a cozy twenty feet away from where they stood.

She added,
I just meant, with kids around
re always celebrating something or other

baptisms, bar mitzvahs, birthdays, graduations, weddings. The kids could end up being my ticket to
Bellevue Avenue
. Besides,
Liz said with a musing smile,
d be fun to do something for those two. They looked


Netta Simmons was on her hands and knees picking up pieces of a broken soup bowl when a plate of steamed vegetables went flying over her head, smashed up against the eighteenth-century inlaid sideboard, and came dribbling down the polished wood not far from where she knelt.

s it,
the housekeeper decided, tossing the soup bowl pieces into a plastic pan.
I quit. After thirty
eight years, to have to put up with

Leaning on one knee for support, Netta got to her feet with a painful
and turned to face her tormentor.

"Caroline Stonebridg

Netta began, her lips trembling in her jowly cheeks.

Caroline, sweetheart, that wasn
t called for,
said Cornelius Eastman from the head of the table.
You could have hurt Netta. Now, come

be a good girl and say you
re sorry.

The five-year-old blonde with the Shirley Temple curls turned her steel-blue gaze on Netta and said,
Under her breath she muttered,
That I

Instinctively the housekeeper turned to Cornelius Eastman
s son: handsome dark-haired Jack, him that she had practically raised from scratch, him that would
ve cut off his hand before he
d ever raise it to her in anger

with or without a plate in it.

Jack Eastman stood up and threw his napkin on the table in disgust.
This is impossible, Dad!
he said angrily.
Send the brat to bed without supper

God knows she has no use for it.

Now, Jack

his father began unhappily.
know it
s not easy for you. You couldn
t have had this


in mind when you took over East Gate. But what can we do? Caroline is a fact in my life, whether


I don
said little blond Caroline.
And Netta knows it.

Netta saw Jack clench his jaw, a good sign. She folded her arms across her chest and waited with a kind of grim hope: maybe the son would overrule the father and lock the little monster in the carriage house for a year or two.

But no. In a controlled voice Jack said to Caroline,
When and
we can bribe a new nanny to take care of you, you can go back to eating all the junk you want. Until then, you will eat whatever Netta prepares for the rest of us. If you
throw one morsel of food again, you will eat in the kitchen, in a high chair, like your little brother. Now. Either finish your supper or go to your room.

Caroline stuck out her lower lip and said,
You wouldn
t talk to me like that if my mommy was here. When is she coming back? I want her here.
The child began a wailing refrain of
I want my mom-mee
kicking her chair leg for emphasis.

the girl
s lament was a routine event by now. Caroline
s mommy was a thirty-year-old woman named Stacey Stonebridge who
d rocked the Eastman household when she showed up seven weeks earlier with a boy in her arms and a girl at her side. The girl, she
d announced blithely, belonged to the elder Eastman.

No one much doubted the truth of Stacey
s story; that was the sad thing. It hardly paid to bother with blood tests
and DNA analysis. Stacey was pretty, leggy, and young, but most of all, blond

which is how Cornelius Eastman liked them a few years ago. Now that he was in his seventies, he seemed to have gone back to raven-haired beauties. But a few years ago? Oh, yes. Blondes couldn
t miss.

Eastman had taken one look at Stacey, packed up her bags, and removed herself to
for the remainder of the summer. This time, Netta knew, the hurt went deep. It was possible that tall, blond Stacey was the last straw. Time would tell.

s wailing continued. Cornelius Eastman rubbed his silver temples with manicured fingers and said fretfully,
Now, Caroline, we
ve been through all that. Please don
t pound. Your mother is at the clinic. You want her to get well, don
t you?

Stacey? Not a chance. She
s much too fond of her pills and her bottle. She
s not ready to get well.
Netta knew it, Jack knew it, and so did the elder Eastman.

Caroline pushed her plate away with a morose look. She was getting ready for the next phase of her tant
rum: self-

Cornelius turned to his son and said,
s the damned breeder, anyway? Didn
t you say he
d be here at six?

Jack glanced at his watch.
s what he said. Well, have fun. I can
t wait any longer. I
m off to the shipyard


Caroline began to sniffle.
I just didn
t want broccoli, because it
s my
I shouldn
t have to eat broccoli if I
m being five years
Tears began rolling freely.
And I
even have a
She turned to the senior Eastman with big, glazed blue eyes.
Dada? Do I?

Oooh, she
s good,
thought Netta. That Dada-thing that she
d come up with: it always made Mr. Eastman melt visibly.

He was doing it now.
we have a cake for you, darling,
the old man said, his face creasing into a hundred lines of happiness.
Would we forget you on your birthday?

She knows we have a cake,
Netta snapped.
s already dug a trench through the frosting.

Forget it, Netta,
said Jack tiredly.
s not worth it.
They were inte
pted by the ring of the doorbell. Caroline stopped sniffling at once. Cornelius Eastman grinned broadly. Jack shook his head with wary resignation. And in the adjacent new kitchen, installed expressly so that Netta wouldn
t have to fuss with the dumbwaiter and the old basement cook-area anymore, Caroline
s little brother Bradley let out a welcoming shriek.

The puppy was here.

Cornelius Eastman himself went to get the door, with Caroline right behind him. Jack got up to leave.

Jack Eastman, where do you think you
re going?
said Netta.

The next sound they heard was a high and relentless

Oh, lord,
murmured Netta,
your father really has gone and done it.

A white ball of fluff came cannonballing through the dining room, hardly stopping long enough to pause and sniff Netta
s skirt, then Jack
s trousers, before racing to the nearest table leg, lifting its leg, and peeing.

Caroline, who was in hot pursuit, stopped short with a scandalized look.
s a
puppy! I thought I was getting a
She dropped to all fours and began crawling under the table after the dog.


m sorry, honey, that
s all they had,
said her amused and silver-haired father, lifting the damask tablecloth.


Netta thought that Cornelius Eastman didn
t look sorry as much as glad to be done with the week-long hunt for a female Maltese. And nobody seemed sorry about the wet stain on the Oriental rug.

But I had a
name all picked out,
Caroline lamented as she lurched in vain after the bouncing white mop.

At that point Netta had to dash into the kitchen to fetch Bradley, who
d cleared his own tray of food with one sweep of his arm and was screaming incoherently. It was his way of saying,
ve finished dinner, thank you so much, and now I think perhaps I
d like to join the others.


The elder Eastman was chuckling at Caroline
s distress over the puppy
s gender.
What name did you have in mind, sweetheart?

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