A Marquis to Marry (2 page)

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Authors: Amelia Grey

Tags: #American Light Romantic Fiction, #Romance - Historical, #Fiction, #Romance, #Romance: Historical, #Historical, #American Historical Fiction, #General, #Fiction - Romance, #Regency novels, #Man-woman relationships, #Regency fiction, #London (England), #FIC027050, #Contemporary, #FIC027000, #FIC014000, #Royal houses, #Nobility, #Love stories

BOOK: A Marquis to Marry
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Morgan nodded. “She’s probably fuming by now.”

Race downed the remaining wine in his glass, and with a grimace, asked his cousin, “Do you mind taking over this hand for me? Some problems just won’t go away without a little push.”

Once again, Race excused himself from the game and headed for his music room. Upon entering, he saw a prim-looking gray-haired woman dressed in black, sitting in a side chair with mountains of furniture piled up behind her.

Race stopped in front of her, bowed, and then took her hand and kissed it. “Your Grace, you should have joined us. I take it you aren’t fond of cards, but I trust my servants have made every effort to keep you comfortable.”

“Please, my lord, I am Mrs. Princeton.” The tall woman rose and backed away from him while she curtsied. “May I present the Dowager Duchess of Blooming.”

The woman pointed to a much younger lady who stood by the window, staring at him with an amused expression on her lovely face. Race’s heart skipped a beat. The dowager was not an old, unattractive lady. She was a stunning beauty.

She walked toward him with a slow, confident stroll, stopping a respectable distance away. “You know, I’ve heard that about you,” she said.

His stomach did a slow roll. “What’s that?”

“That you can charm a leopard out of its spots and a nun out of her virtue.”

Race raised one brow. “You shouldn’t believe everything you read in the gossip pages.”

“In your case, I think they may be right.”

Race let his gaze slowly peruse her. He appreciated the fact that she looked him over as closely as he looked at her.

She had the prettiest eyes he’d ever seen. They were a light shade of green, large and expressive. She wore a forest green traveling dress banded at the high waist by a black velvet ribbon. Her shiny, dark brown hair was swept up to the top of her head with soft, wispy curls framing her face.

“Then tell me, Your Grace, are you a leopard or a nun?”

Mrs. Princeton gasped.

Race cleared his throat. For a moment, he’d forgotten the other woman was in the room.

The dowager quickly hid her grin behind her hand, not answering his question at first, but finally saying, “I can see you are surprised by my age, as most are,” the duchess continued. “My husband died a short time after we married. His son from his first wife is now the Duke of Blooming, and he and his duchess reside at Chapel Glade in Blooming. I live nearby at Chapel Gate.”

Her words brought to mind the vague memory of a young lady who married an older, reclusive duke because of an indiscretion. Could she be that lady?

“I see,” he said. “I have to admit that you have caught me at a busy time, Your Grace, and I feel at a complete disadvantage.”

“I’m sure that’s not a place you often find yourself.”

“To say the least.”

Suddenly, that same amused smile played at her beautifully shaped lips again, and it irritated the hell out of him. So much for his and Morgan’s thinking she’d be horrified at being left alone to sip her tea for the better part of an hour.

“Do you mind if we speak alone?” she asked.

She was full of surprises.

“No, of course not. I’m more than willing if you are sure you are comfortable with that.”

“Your Grace?” the duchess’s companion said, moving to stand closer to her. “Are you sure you want me to leave the room?”

“I am. The rain has stopped. Perhaps you could take a short walk in the garden.”

“Yes, Your Grace.” The woman’s spine stiffened, and her shoulders lifted as she turned and marched out of the room.

The duchess turned back to him and smiled again. Race’s heart fluttered so fast he felt thunderstruck. What the devil was that feeling all about? And why was he so sensitive to every move she made?

She was the most intriguing woman he’d ever met. And it had nothing to do with her being a duchess. Because of his cousin, Blake, Race had been around dukes and duchesses all his life, and he wasn’t awed by them as were most of the people in Polite Society. Her Grace’s beauty was very appealing, but that wasn’t what unnerved him, either. He often had the pleasure of spending time with beautiful women.

She unsettled him because of her poise, her self-confidence, her regal manner. She was simply alluring, and when he looked at her, he was completely enthralled. His fingers itched to touch her. He had never met anyone so captivating. Everything about her told him that, with her, he had met his match.

“I believe I owe you an apology for arriving at your home unannounced.”

“Why do I get the feeling you don’t apologize often, Duchess?”

He saw a brief look of admiration flash in her eyes.

“I’m sorry that, in my eagerness to speak to you, I rushed right past my good sense as if I had none. I should have written and asked for an appointment to see you.”

“That’s difficult to dispute. I admit to being a little astonished that you didn’t.”

A soft smile lifted just one corner of her lips. “Only a little?”

She was teasing him.
All right, it surprised him a
damned lot!

The duchess was controlling their conversation, and he seldom let that happen with anyone other than his two cousins. She was too confident, too beautiful, and too desirable.

His gaze focused fully on hers, and in a more relaxed tone, he said, “Tell me what I can do for you, Your Grace.”

“I’m here because you possess something that belongs to my family, and I want it back now.”

Race went still. That proclamation raised the hair on the back of his neck. He couldn’t have been more shocked if she had suddenly slapped him.

What kind of accusation was that? You have something
that belongs to my family, and I want it.

What astonishing nerve she had.

Race grinned, and then he laughed. She was truly an amazingly strong-willed lady who had no problem speaking her mind. He appreciated the courage he sensed in her, but he couldn’t let her get away with being so brash.

His laughter caused the first crack in her overconfident demeanor. She bristled noticeably. It made him feel damned good to finally see her rattled.

“I’m sorry for laughing, Your Grace.”

She lifted her chin a notch to counter his arrogance. “No, you aren’t.” Her voice was taut and steady. There was a determined set to her lips and genuineness in her eyes that gave him a moment’s pause, but only a moment.

“All right, I’m not. I must admit you have amused me greatly.”

Her stance changed from relaxed to rigid. She didn’t care for what he said anymore than he had liked what she had said. “I wasn’t aware I had the capability to be so humorous, my lord,” she said.

“Then allow me to enlighten you.”

A couple of steps took him close enough to her that he could have touched her if he’d lifted his hands. He caught the scent of freshly washed hair and lightly perfumed skin. His body reacted strongly to her feminine draw.

He expected her to move away from him, but she stood her ground without flinching, and that impressed him all the more. He heard her labored breathing and, for a moment, he watched the rise and fall of her chest. She was so fascinating he found it difficult to concentrate on the matter at hand.

Yet, he couldn’t let her accusation that he had something that belonged to her family go unchallenged. That went against his easygoing nature.

His gaze swept up and down her face before settling on her gorgeous green eyes. Her breaths evened out, and he said, “First, you are certainly bold to walk in here and make such a claim. Second, I’m amused that you were so blunt. If you truly thought I had something that belonged to you, there are nicer ways to say it than, ‘It’s mine and I want it back.’ And third, Duchess, I don’t have anything that belongs to your family. And even if I did have something of yours, I wouldn’t turn it over to you simply because you demanded it.”

He bent his head closer so that his nose almost touched hers. Only a couple of inches separated their mouths. The fragrant scent of mint tea lingered in the air. With great effort, he resisted the impulse to press his lips against hers and feel their softness.

In a husky voice, he said, “And finally, Your Grace, just who the hell do you think you are to imply that I have stolen anything from your family?”

A light blush tinted her cheeks, but she didn’t shrink from his nearness. Rather than his forward advancement intimidating her, she relaxed a little. Just enough to hint that he might have caused her a flash of compunction before she summoned an inner strength to carry her forward.

Her face remained dangerously close to his, but her courage didn’t waver. “Your points are well-taken, and perhaps I should apologize once again. It wasn’t my intention for you to feel I was accusing you of stealing anything from my family. I assure you that is not the case. I merely said you have it in your possession.”

He heard sincerity in her voice, and that gave him some measure of assurance that she wasn’t a madwoman or just trying to trick him. Whoever came up with this scheme had her convinced she spoke the truth.

“What is it that you think I have?”

Her eyes sparkled and softened. “Oh, I know you have them. The Talbot pearls.”

Race’s mouth tightened as his eyes narrowed. His grandmother, Lady Elder, had left him the priceless and coveted necklace in her will. Five perfectly matched strands of pearls, each strand measuring thirty-two inches.

His gaze scanned her face once again, looking for deception. “My grandmother’s necklace?”

grandmother’s pearls,” she insisted.

Her courage was impressive, her beauty undeniable, but her assertion was troubling. Her bold gaze stayed locked on his. He appreciated the fact she looked him in the eyes and didn’t cower under his nearness. She obviously wasn’t lying. She actually believed what she was saying.

“Your audacity is almost as priceless as the pearls, but stand in line. You are the fourth person this month to approach me about the pearls. Though, I admit, none have come forward with as creative a claim as you.”

Concern flared in her dark-lashed eyes. “What do you mean?” She reached down and picked up some folded sheets of paper from the table beside her and extended them to him. “I have with me documents proving the necklace belongs to my family.”

Race didn’t offer to take the folded sheets of aged parchment from her. “Interestingly enough, the gentlemen who have come before you are not as clever as you. They are not claiming ownership of the pearls. They are offering to buy them.”

Her fan-shaped brows furrowed, and alarm etched across her face as she took a hesitant step toward him. “Who are these men?”

For the first time, Race sensed anger inside her, and it was seductive. Desire for her filled him once again. He wanted to pull her into his arms, crush her against his chest, and feel her soft, pliant lips beneath his in an eager kiss. He wanted to take her to his bed and unleash the passion he sensed inside her. That thought brought him up short.

He returned his thoughts to the matter at hand and said, “The first person to approach me was Mr. Albert Smith, a one-armed antiquities dealer, who wants them for an unnamed buyer. Does that unnamed person happen to be you, Duchess?”

She scoffed. “Absolutely not. I would never pay for what already rightfully belongs to my family.”

“Then perhaps you are acquainted with Mr. Harold Winston. He is employed by the Prince himself. It seems that Prinny has long had his sights on the Talbot pearls. He wants to add the collar to His Majesty’s Crown Jewels.”

“That’s absurd. The Crown already has more pearls, diamonds, and gems than all other countries put together, including Rome and the Catholic Church.”

“Ah, then that leaves only the mysterious buccaneer, Captain Spyglass, who recently sailed into London on his extravagant ship,
The Golden Pearl
.” Race tilted his head in puzzled consideration as his gaze settled on her green eyes once again. “I’m told he has mesmerized most of the ladies in Town. Perhaps you have formed an alliance with him?”

“I have read about the man, but know this, my lord, I have formed no alliance with anyone. Moreover, from what I have heard, Captain Spyglass is nothing but an unrepentant pirate.”

“So some say,” Race admitted.

“What does he want with the pearls?”

“No doubt to add to his vast collection. I’m told he’s been acquiring pearls from all over the world and garnering quite the collection, from what I understand.”

“Why is he buying pearls?”

Race bent his head closer to hers, and once again, she didn’t flinch. He had to admit that most everything about her impressed him. She was too intelligent, too sensual, and too confident for her own good.

He eyed her skeptically as he whispered, “Are you sure you don’t know, Duchess?”

“I can tell you only the truth. I have never met, nor have I ever had dealings with Captain Spyglass or any of these men you speak of. These documents prove the Talbot pearls belonged to my grandmother.

They were stolen from her more than twenty-five years ago.”

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