A Manual for Creating Atheists (33 page)

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Authors: Peter Boghossian

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Subjective claim

A statement of preference that is neither true nor false.


Outside of the natural world.

Therapeutic alliance

The bond between the therapist and the client that allows the client to make therapeutic progress. This term, also referred to as “therapeutic relationship,” has been appropriated from Edward Bordin’s 1979 article, “The Generalizability of the Psychoanalytic Concept of the Working Alliance” (Bordin, 1979).


The Scientologist’s belief that a spirit is “stuck” in a human body.


A therapeutic process in which something that is damaged becomes whole.


Beliefs that are in lawful alignment with reality.

Truth claim

A statement of fact.

Urantia Book, The

The Urantia Book
, first published by Urantia Foundation in 1955, claims to have been presented by celestial beings as a revelation to our planet, Urantia. The writings in
The Urantia Book
instruct us on the genesis, history, and destiny of humanity and on our relationship with God the Father. They present a unique and compelling portrayal of the life and teachings of Jesus. They open new vistas of time and eternity to the human spirit, and offer new details of our ascending adventure in a friendly and carefully administered universe.” Urantia Foundation, custodian and publisher of
The Urantia Book


An organism that spreads an infectious pathogen but shows no symptoms.


Sufficient justification for a claim.

Wittgenstein, Ludwig (1889–1951)

Austrian philosopher. One of the most important figures in philosophy in the twentieth century whose work continues to influence contemporary thinkers.


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