A Long Distance Love Affair (7 page)

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Authors: Mary-Ellen McLean

BOOK: A Long Distance Love Affair
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I adore your smile.  It's so warm and sexy. And when combined with your eyes...well, you are one irresistible package.


After bragging to you about never getting sick, I've come down with a cold too.  I'm really annoyed with myself because I want to be lovely and luscious for you when you're here.  Hopefully I'll be over it by then (because it's such a LONG time before you'll be here!!)  I so want to please you... I can't wait to have your hands all over me and mine all over you (and that's just the entree). 


I don't know how I'm going to get any work done in the next two weeks.  Not only is Wanda giving me a hard time but so is my Presbyterian conscience... But I'm beginning to think I must also have French genes in me because they are egging me on to complete and total abandon.


I'm mad with desire for you.  Oh come quickly October 22nd! (This will no doubt be happening to all of us on that day...)


Chariette and Wanda




Dear Chariot


I’ve been remembering other times (before ‘all this’ started) where I have been in the same place as you, looking at you, quietly lusting for you, and loving the experience of being in your proximity and feasting my eyes on you clandestinely.  Oh how I longed for you in those days!  An intent and brooding passion it was then, and now it's light and beautiful and out there.


Your phone calls are a delight to me...and your voice just fills me with feeling and desire:


     "And like music on the waters


      Is thy sweet voice to me:.......


      So the spirit bows before thee


      To listen and adore thee;


      With a full but soft emotion,


      Like the swell of Summer's ocean."


This was from Byron.  I'm getting to really like him and his philosophy of life: "the great object of life is Sensation - to feel that we exist".  This is what you have made me feel.


Only two weekends to go... and then it will be the night of the 22nd and "the night was made for loving, and the day will come too soon"...


You will be my chariot, carrying me away on the wings of desire... (that was from me!)  Wanda too has great plans for you and I'm sure she will not take long in making her presence felt.








Dear Chariot


I have completely lost the will to work. My heart is thumping in my breast at the thought of you so near.


I am in a bit of a dilemma.  My vanity is pushing me to wearing contact lenses tomorrow but I can't read with them..so how will I read you all the poetry I want to and look beautiful at the same time???  Oh the questions life throws up!!


I'm so full of desire for you. 


I am also full of expectant joy at the thought of being with you. I can't get the delicious thought out of my mind of holding your beautiful head in my hands as you kiss my thighs.  (And there is a lot of thigh to kiss so brace yourself...)


How will I ever get through the day? And the night?  So longing to see you and embracing you with all of my passionate being...







Chapter 2:
Swimming on a Tide of Rapture







“Licence my roving hands, and let them go


Before, behind, between, above, below.”










Dear Chariot


I had a truly joyous evening with you last night. You have been a wonderful Christopher Columbus for me.  I don’t think I could have chosen anyone finer for this historic step in my life.  I must apologise for being so greedy but a girl just can’t help herself dealing with such divine goods…


The sex was great (I want you again right now …).  And so was lying in your arms and kissing and stroking you. It’s your hands that I love the most…. I haven’t done all the things I want to with you…have hardly begun really.  I loved your ‘form’ (I think I may have told you that at least a thousand times last night.)  I hope mine was satisfactory to you…


And thank you for the beautiful champagne (and I loved that thing you did with the champagne and the kissing!!)


Happy happy happy Chariette










Dear Chariot


I am definitely having an influence on you - you are becoming quite poetic!  You can quiver me anytime, in fact, I long to be quivered by you again (and again and again and again!)  (Hope you're counting - I know you're good at maths!)


It will be lovely to look into your beautiful eyes again.  You have no idea how they used to affect me when we worked together those years ago.  When you turned your eyes on me it was as though you looked into my soul.  I had to look away for fear of exposing myself to you.  I was so full of desire for you then I'm ashamed to admit it.  Now that I have the chance to hold your gaze it's such a divine experience.  I have never been so overwhelmingly attracted to someone as I am to you (and now that you know what a romantic little creature I am, I hope you comprehend the depth of that compliment).  You have a very charismatic aura about you which I find just magnetic and irresistible.  I have wanted to touch you since I first saw you and it was such torture to be in your presence and to have to restrain myself.  I went through such agonies of desire for you then!


And with regard to the moistness factor - well, there is a direct correlation between this and your ability to arouse me...  there's nothing I'm wishing for more just now than to become quite dehydrated at some stage this week...


 'I've oft been told by learned friars


 That wishing and the crime are one,


 And Heaven punishes desires


 As much as if the deed were done.


 If wishing damns us, you and I


 Are damned to all our heart's content;


 Come, then, at least we may enjoy


 Some pleasure for our punishment!'






Dear Chariot


I didn't understand completely what you were telling me in your (very welcome) email...please expand for me...


Are you saying you feel you need to be restrained with me?  Or are you commenting that you think I need to be more restrained with you? ... Or are you saying you would really like to be less restrained? .... Or..or..or  (Sorry! - Can't help myself!  This is what reading poetry does to you.)  I hope you will reply (when you get the chance)!  I am very interested in what you think (it's not all just lust contrary to opinion...)  And I need to know if I am displeasing you so that I will stop. 


I think you may have noticed, that in regard to my personal communication with you, I have thrown restraint completely to the wind and am swimming on a tide of rapture.  Let me assure you it is the most wonderful experience (for me at least), but if it is making you uncomfortable I will stop and talk about the weather.


It has been very cold here today...


Thank you for your lovely phone call again tonight.  I am feeling quite spoiled!  I think you have the sexiest voice and the most kissable mouth on the planet.  Most kissable other things too...






Dear Chariot


I hope all is going well for you..... the discussions, meetings and talk. I think of you so much I must be like your guardian angel!  Still trying to cope with the all-consuming longing for you (and failing!)


     "Come to me in my dreams, and then


       By day I shall be well again.


      For then the night will more than pay


       The hopeless longing of the day."






Dear Chariot


Coming in on the train this morning I was reviewing a book called 'Bioelectromagnetism' and it occurred to me that this describes perfectly the phenomenon of attraction I feel for you - all the elements are there - fervent biological desires, pulses that are quite electric and of course, the uncontrollable force of your personal magnetism.  Now can you see the effect you have on me that I can even read you into something like this??!!  I need to find a way to 'splendour-proof' myself from you and all my pleas to God in this regard have so far fallen on deaf ears.  I fear it is quite a hopeless endeavour.


I think you are such a divine creature.  I would like to kiss you on the crease of the inside of your elbow and run my tongue along the crease of your groin.  (Oh God...however am I going to get through the day....????) I could just lap you up like a cat with a full bowl of cream.  I just purrr at the thought of your touch.  I want to wallow in sensual play with you to our hearts' content.


"My whole soul revolves and my cup runs over."
















 Dear Chariot


Thank you for your lovely phone call last night.  I appreciate you risking limbs past all those ferocious dogs to contact me.  It so lifts my spirits when you call (although I don't think they could go any higher!)


When it comes to you, you've probably noticed that I am completely unable to wind down...I'm wishing fervently I could kiss your beautiful mouth just now and run my fingers across your cheeks - I so love to touch your face and look into your eyes and smile at you!


I have the family coming again this weekend.  It's just so lovely having a toddler in the house.   We are all his willing and adoring slaves.

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