A London Season (2 page)

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Authors: Anthea Bell

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“You must own, Selina, that Persephone

s performance on the pianoforte did improve quite remarkably when
Jones was taking such a great interest in her talent. What

s more,” she added, with the air of one faintly surprised to find herself in possession of an indubitable point, “even though you could not, of course, employ him to instruct our girls in music any longer

Ford, good man, must be forty-five years of age if he is a day, besides having all those children, so we are safe enough with

where was I
Oh, yes

well, at any event, Persephone

s music has
to improve to a remarkable degree, and
Ford is full of praise of her gifts. You cannot deny that she is talented, Selina, indeed you cannot!”

“I don

t,” responded her sister, but in a gloomy tone, as though the circumstance afforded her little satisfaction.

Miss Mary seemed to read her sister

s unspoken thoughts and to sympathize, for she too fell silent for a while, before rallying to Miss Grafton

s defence again. “And there has not been anybody at all since poor young

I mean that misguided young
Jones,” she finished triumphantly. “Has there?”

“Apparently not,” said Miss Madden thoughtfully, “and that, you know, has me in a puzzle!”

“It can only mean that Persephone is learning conduct, sister!”

“For why, when surely she has been afforded no opportunity for any indiscretion,” continued Miss Madden, pursuing her own train of thought, “why should she have been so reluctant to leave Bath? One would have fancied her only too happy at the prospect of going to London for the Season.
young lady would be, let alone one with her prospects!”

“I dare say she is afraid of the Yoxfords. I am sure Lady Yoxford must have given her a dreadful scold two years ago, after that unfortunate business.”

“Persephone is afraid of very little,” said Miss Madden, with a certain grudging respect, “and certainly not of Lady Yoxford! Whom, between you and me, Mary, I consider very poor-spirited not to have taken charge of her before this.”

“Oh, but as you said yourself, Selina, her health precluded it!”

“Fiddlestick!” declared Selina, performing an abrupt volte-face on the subject of Lady Yoxford

s health. Her private opinion of that good-natured but indolent lady was not high. “I fancy that even now, Lady Yoxford has undertaken to bring Persephone out only because Sir Edmund recalled her to a sense of her plain duty! However, he tells me that he intends to engage some suitable lady to act as chaperon and take part of the burden from his sister

s shoulders. It is certainly true that Lady Yoxford is not in the way of taking a girl about during the Season, since all her family but the youngest child are boys. Well, if he can find a lady equal to the task

“Oh, and a music master,” put in Miss Mary, “for she would not be at all happy without her music, dear child! I do trust Sir Edmund will also engage a music master.”

“Preferably of advanced years and unprepossessing appearance,” said her sister drily. “Yes, well, I dare say nothing very dreadful may happen after all. On the other hand,” she added, after a moment

s sober reflection, “on the other hand, there is The Voice!”

Evidently even the partisan Miss Mary could not counter this mysterious but significant utterance, for she was able only to nod, saying faintly, “Dear me, yes, there is The Voice!”

And both ladies remained silent for a moment, shaking their heads. Then Miss Madden said, bracingly, “Well, my dear Mary, no one can say we have not done our duty! All that about Persephone

regarding us as family
, you know, was mere flummery

though very prettily said upon Sir Edmund

s part, I grant you! But I will confess to you, Mary, that I entertain a fondness for the child.”

“I knew it!” cried Miss Mary, radiant.

“And I well know that she is a favourite with
,” said Miss Madden indulgently. “Yes, all things considered, I am confident that with the precepts of the Seminary behind her, and in the good hands of Sir Edmund and the Yoxfords, Persephone will soon become less wild!”



ady Yoxford could not have been said to share Miss Madden

s confidence. When her brother, calling on her the day after his arrival in London from Berlin, first broached the subject of Persephone, she was a good deal put out. “It won

t answer, Edmund!” she said, as firmly as her spirit allowed

which was not so very firmly, for hers was a pliant, easy-going nature.

it will not answer!”

“But my dear Bella, there

s nothing else for it! I

ll make sure the child is as little of a charge on you as possible. Good God, my dear,” added Sir Edmund, a little impatiently, “surely I explained everything in my letter! Didn

t you read it?”

“Yes, I dare say,” admitted Lady Yoxford, vaguely. “Only I may not have perfectly understood
do you really mean her to

“Well, she can

t stay with me, can she?” pointed out her widower brother. “Uncle John

s old tenants wish to continue leasing the Grafton town house, and I

m more than happy for them to remain there.

t want to be saddled with its upkeep, as well as that barracks of a place in Westmorland. I

d prefer to let that too, or even try if the entail can

t be broken and sell it,” he added thoughtfully. “Well, that

s all for future consideration. Myself, I don

t wish to live anywhere but Waterleys when I

m in the country.”

Isabella Yoxford could sympathize. Like her brother, she felt a strong affection for their childhood home of Waterlevs Hall, a pleasant Queen Anne mansion of modest size on t
e small but thriving Hertfordshire estate inherited by Sir
Edmund from their late father. “And that will be very agreeable for us, since now we shall see more of you!” she said comfortably. “I can quite see that to reside in Westmorland would be most inconvenient, when you are for ever needed at the Foreign Office.”

“Yes,” said Sir Edmund, returning to the matter under discussion, “but the thing is that when I

m in town, my old set of rooms will do for me quite as well as they

ve done these last few years, whenever I was home from the Continent. And I can hardly accommodate a young female in what is decidedly a bachelor establishment!”

Lady Yoxford was forced to admit the truth of this. “Oh dear, if only she began, and then caught herself up. She had been about to say, “If only Catherine had been alive,” but she knew better than to risk opening old wounds by the mention of her brother

s wife to his face. In answer to his look of inquiry, therefore, she amended her sentence, and finished, “If only Jack had not been so foolishly reckless! And it

s my belief,” she added, “that Sophia, far from exercising that restraining influence upon him that Uncle John had hoped for, positively encouraged him! Indeed, I would almost say it served her right to be with him in the carriage that day, except that of course it would be very dreadful to
anyone dead in such a shocking accident, especially when one was sincerely fond of that person, but still, you can see where Persephone gets her wildness! Not to mention her fanciful nature

for was ever a poor baby burdened with such a ridiculous name?”

“That was a sad day for us all

more particularly Persephone, despite her being too young to know anything about it,” said Sir Edmund quietly, remembering his dazzling cousin Jack: Jack, so uncritically admired, and so tragically dead in a carriage accident along with his young wife, fifteen years ago.

In point of fact, the admiration between the cousins had been mutual. With no brothers or sisters of his own, Jack Grafton, heir to one of the premier baronetcies in the country, had spent much of his childhood at Waterleys. He and Edmund had attended Harrow together, and ne had passed many a school holiday with Edmund and Isabella in Hertfordshire, rather than make the long journey up to the Lake District. Sir Edmund allowed himself a moment

s nostalgic remembrance of those carefree days. And now, he thought, his and Isabella

s parents were gone, Jack too, and last of all old Sir John himself. But surely the saddest loss because the most untimely, had been that of Jack, whose daring, quicksilver nature had fascinated Edmund, and who in turn had known how to value his cousin

s agility of mind and clever knack of getting the pair of them out of scrapes into which he, Jack, had led the way.

Almost with his last breath, as he lay dying by the roadside near his shattered carriage, dragged out of reach of the horses

threshing hooves, he had said faintly

though loud enough to be heard by the men who had run in vain to his aid

that he knew Edmund would look after the child. Edmund Grafton would not have needed this commendation from his friend and cousin to ensure that he kept a benevolent eye on little Persephone, but since his diplomatic activities kept him out of England so much, the relationship was necessarily an impersonal one. Indeed, Persephone Grafton was on his conscience, for he knew that her grandfather was too old and ailing to take much interest in the child whose mere existence reminded him painfully of his dead son. It was easy enough for Edmund to take care of the business matters relating to her upbringing from a distance, but he felt he should have done more. As it was, inevitably most of her childhood had been spent at school, with occasional visits to the Yoxfords in Upper Brook Street

although there had been none of those for the past two years. However, as Sir Edmund patiently explained to his sister yet again, the responsibility for Persephone

s welfare had always lain morally if not in law with Jack

s cousins, and now the legal guardianship of the Grafton heiress had passed to him, along with the baronetcy
and the entailed Westmorland estates.


s all very well, but I am sure I did what I could to amuse her when she visited us last,” said Lady Yoxford, apprehensively, “and you know what came of

Her spirits visibly quailed as she recalled what she, like the Miss Maddens, thought of as the Unfortunate Business of the over-susceptible tutor. Since Isabella Yoxford

s spirits quailed easily, she did not stop to reflect that the circumstance was unlikely to recur, but her brother, swiftly calculating her family

s ages in his head, pointed that fact out to her.

“Well, you

ve no tutor in the house now, have you? I know Charley

s at Cambridge, and surely Harry is away at Eton by this time! And didn

t you say, in a letter, that you had no plans to engage another tutor for Edward, but would send him to share lessons with the Barleigh boys? How old
Edward now


“Yes, and what with him and the twins, and little Maria on my hands too


s voice died away, and she sighed plaintively. “You do not know what it is to be a Mother, Edmund!”

Calling to mind the small army of staff, headed by the stalwart, familiar figures of Nurse Barker and Miss Merriwether the governess, who so efficiently ran the Yoxford nursery and schoolroom, Sir Edmund was unimpressed by his sister

s pathetic appeal, nor did he attempt to deny the obvious. “No, I don

t!” said he, smiling. “Almost a shame! For when I see how well motherhood becomes
, I appreciate its advantages! I conclude it has a positively rejuvenating effect

I swear you look a year younger than when I last set eyes on you, Bella, and that was over a twelvemonth ago!”

Lady Yoxford did indeed present a pretty picture, elegantly disposed upon a sofa and clad in a gown of blush-pink barege ornamented with rouleaux of a deeper rose hue around the hem, its sleeves fashionably puffed and wide at the shoulder. Her prettily rounded chin nestled becomingly into a falling tucker. At thirty-seven, just two years older than her brother, she could boast of a complexion whose delicacy was hardly faded, while the shining deep gold of her hair was undimmed: the grey and white of her drawing room in Yoxford House set off her rose and gold beauty to perfection. Hers was an amiable character, and only the prospect of being required to stir herself to unusual activity on someone else

s behalf could fret her for long. So she was easily enough cajoled by her brother

s compliments into momentarily forgetting the tiresome matter of Persephone

s impending arrival, and broke into a trill of laughter.

“Flattery will not serve you, Edmund!” she said, with mock severity.


m not flattering!” he protested. “You look charmingly, my dear.”

“So she does!” exclaimed a cheerful voice, as Lady Yoxford

s husband entered the room. “Ay, so she does! Well, how d

you do, Edmund?”

“Very well, George,” said Sir Edmund, turning to shake hands warmly with the Viscount, a sturdy, easy-going man whom he held in great affection. “And how do
go on? No need to tell me how Isabella is! I can see that for myself, as I have been telling her.”

“And pretty well for you I know your voice!” said his lordship, chuckling. “Hallo, said I to myself, coming in through the hall

by Jove, who

s this fellow making up to my wife, and in my own house too? Imagine my surprise on finding it was you! We hardly expected you these two days yet. Made good speed, eh?”

“Yes, a remarkably easy passage to Dover,” said Sir Edmund. “And how

s the family?”

“Tolerably well, tolerably well!” said the proud father, smiling, as he turned to glance at the pictorial record of his offspring. “You know, you

re right, Edmund: Isabella don

t look a day older than when
was painted!”

The picture above the mantelpiece was a group painted by
Charles Leslie two years earlier, representing the Viscount and Viscountess, their elder sons, the Honourable Charles and the Honourable Henry Hargrave, then young Edward and the twins Thomas and James seated at their parents

feet, while the baby Maria, pet of the whole family and then just one year old, was clasped in her mother

s arms. Parted from his wife during the latter period of the French wars (in which, like his brother-in-law Edmund, he had served with some distinction), George Hargrave had succeeded to his father

s title at about the same time as the Corsican Ogre was finally defeated. His absence from England with the Army accounted for the gap in age between his second and third sons, but on coming home for good, Lord Yoxford had been very ready to make up for lost time, and the longed-for daughter, after so many boys, had at last crowned his and Isabella

s efforts.

He now said cheerfully, “So we

re to have another addition to the family, eh? I collect young Persephone is coming!”

Thus recalled to her sense of grievance, Lady Yoxford said plaintively, “Yes, and what am I to
with her, Edmund?”

“Oh, take her into Society, show her how to go on,” said her brother, rather vaguely. “Put her in the way of making a good match, I suppose

Lord, Bella,

t know what it is one does with a girl in her first Season!”

“Nor do I, having sons only except for Maria, who is just three!” Isabella pointed out. “And when I merely
of that tutor of Harry


Edmund, I can only say I shudder!”

“Poor young fellow


s looks turned his head!” said Lord Yoxford indulgently. “Can

t blame him, Bella! She bade fair to be a beauty even at sixteen, and I dare swear she

s a stunner now! And she

ll have learnt some sense too

eh, Edmund?”

“So I imagine, though I confess I hardly know
had no time to visit Bath when I was last in England. But I must go down there for her as soon as I may. Persephone

s eighteen
years of age


s high time she left that school of hers. Now, don

t fret, Bella! What I propose to do is engage some respectable lady of birth and breeding to chaperon her about town. All
need to do is present the child, take her about a few times

and if you give a ball for her, I

ll make sure all is arranged without the least need for you to bestir yourself. I promise Persephone won

t be a charge on you!”

“Oh, very well!” said Lady Yoxford, partly mollified. “If you are sure you can find a suitable chaperon
for my health, as you know, is not strong! But I suppose we do owe it to poor Jack, and perhaps it will be only for the one Season.”


t be any longer!” her husband confidently predicted. “Not with young Persephone

s face, as I remember it, and the Grafton fortune! By the by, Edmund, I trust the old gentleman left
enough to keep the estate up? It

s the very devil of a thing to be burdened with a great entailed place like that if there

s not the money to run it properly!”

“No, all

s well there,” Sir Edmund assured his brother
in-law. “And Sir John

s isn

t the only inheritance to have come my way recently, you know,” he added, almost ruefully. “There

s Cousin Sophronia

s property too. I fancy I had better break my journey at Cheltenham when I fetch Persephone.”

“Oh, ay

Isabella mentioned that. Old Lady Emberley

on your mother

s side, eh?”

Sir Edmund nodded. “Yes, though a distant enough connection in all conscience! She lived at Cheltenham, very retired, and why she should take it into her head to leave me her property, which is considerable, I can

t imagine, except? that she had very little family apart from Bella and myself.”

“And she didn

t approve of
, not at all!” said Isabella, a sudden twinkle in her eyes. “Do you remember how she came to stay at Waterleys, Edmund, and made me read sermons aloud to her?”

to make you read sermons aloud to her!” amended her brother, with an answering smile.

“And scolded poor Mama for allowing me to have my hair in curl papers at night! And brought
her own tea caddy with her, saying that she never went away without it

Mama was a good deal put
out by that. Oh yes, and you and Jack found that family of baby toads and smuggled them into the
caddy! Cousin Sophronia never did find out how they got there, did she? But she never came to stay
again, either!”


m not surprised,” said Sir Edmund. “Jack and I must have been a pair of little toads ourselves! By rights she should have made you her heir, Bella, not me

m sure the toads would have been rated a far worse crime than curl papers, if she had but found us out.”

“No, no, even if she
found you out, since then you have become worthy and respectable and a credit to the family!” laughed Isabella, throwing up her hands as if to ward off the playful cuff her brother pretended to aim at her, quite in their old childhood style. “While anyone can see that I am as frivolous as ever

though not, of course, of a strong constitution,” she hastily recollected, lest all this merriment should make her seem too robust.

“Best wife and mother in the world,” said Lord Yoxford, fondly. “Can

t have her wearing herself to a thread over young Persephone, y

know, Edmund!”

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