A Little Harmless Ride (10 page)

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Authors: Melissa Schroeder

Tags: #Adult

BOOK: A Little Harmless Ride
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What are you talking about?”

Well, seems that Kana got the impression that you’re hung up on Ms. Miller.”

Not good. And he knew better than to lie outright to Jerry. He could sniff out a liar.

She’s attractive, I give you that. But Bentley’s upset because he was in there flirting with her and I kicked his ass out to work.”

The older man studied him for a moment then nodded. “Just make sure you behave yourself. Joe wouldn’t want any harm to come to his niece. He loved that girl.”

He wanted to argue that he wouldn’t hurt her, but then it would be admitting that he was more than just a little attracted.

I know he did. Don’t worry, I’ll keep Crysta safe and sound.”

Did you get that fencing fixed up?” Jerry asked as he walked side by side to the house with Eli.

Yeah. We need to call up Mitch Smith at the county. Looks like it was cut.”

You don’t think it was Sam do you?”

That was my first thought but it’s on the opposite side from his ranch. Well, the second one I found was.”

There was a second one?”

Eli nodded. “If he were smarter, I would say that it was a diversion, but we both know Sam isn’t that bright.”

Jerry chuckled. “Yeah. Brains sort of missed the train for both of them. I’ll talk to you tomorrow, boss.”

He watched the old man walk away. He’d been with Joe longer than anyone and Eli knew he could trust him. But, unfortunately, he was about the only one. There were a lot of new faces around the place and while he knew many of them, he didn’t know how far he could trust them.

With a sigh, he knew he had to call Dillon and see what he had dug up and now he would have to have a background check on everyone working there.

At least it might keep his mind busy and off Crysta—but he knew that was a lie. At least it might help a little. It would also give him an excuse to pop on over to Oahu and everything could get back to normal.

As he made his way up the stairs, he was stopped by a shout. Danny Aiona was riding into the yard along with Freddy, another hand.

Boss, we have a problem,” Danny said, barely waiting for his horse to come to a halt before dismounting.

Slow, down Aiona,” Eli said. He noticed Jerry was already making his way over too, a grim expression on his face.

We got some cattle missing, boss.”

Jerry sighed and gave Eli a look.

Damn, and I thought I’d have an early night of it. Let’s call it in.”

And you need to go tell your partner,” Jerry said.

Yeah. You call, I’ll tell her.”

He just hoped she would ignore what happened earlier and focus on the present. Knowing Crysta, she would and for some reason, that pissed him off. He brushed those thoughts away and made his way into the house. Rustling wasn’t usually a problem, but when it happened, there was usually an agenda.

He had to go tell his partner her family apparently hated her enough to steal from her.

The day just kept getting better and better.

* * * *

Hours later, they were sitting in the kitchen and Eli wanted to beat the hell out of the Kaheakus. It had more to do with Crysta than the ranch. She looked washed out, beaten. He knew it wouldn’t be long before she was back up fighting, but knowing someone you’re blood related to pulled this shit, well, it had to suck.

Will they find the cattle?”

He nodded. “I bet they’ll be on our land before we know it. That or they’ll claim they came over of their own free will.”


Not much we can do about it; although, I am pretty sure someone cut that line. Looked like it.”

She sighed and rose out of her chair. “It’s been a long day. I’m off to bed.”

Are you going to tell your father about this?”

Yeah. No avoiding it this time. Not that he has to be kept up with everything I am doing, but I think I should tell him about this. Hopefully, he won’t feel the need to pop over on an unannounced visit.”

Don’t you want to see him?”

Not if he comes over pissed off. Then he will be all about making Sam cry. While it would be entertaining, it could kill the man. He’s barely hanging on by a thread as it is.”

Eli nodded. He watched her turn away and wanted to say something. Do something. She looked so sad.

Hey, Crysta.”

She looked back at him again. “You shouldn’t let it get to you. Sam’s a bastard to everyone. Even his own son.”

She gave him a small, tired smile. “Thanks.”

He watched her walk around the corner and disappear upstairs.

It was a sad day for a man when that little, pathetic smile was more of a turn on than a naked woman…unless it was that woman naked.

He really needed a trip to Rough ‘n Ready.






Chapter Nine



Several days later, Crysta was walking down the aisle at the grocery store not any happier with the situation. Her father had tried to insist on traveling over and missing his upcoming appointment at Bethesda. She’d fought with him, something she rarely did. Eli had finally gotten on the phone and ensured him she was safe. Which ended up in an argument with Eli. It pissed her off that Eli could get on the phone and tell her father she was safe.

The tension had gotten worse every day. Truthfully, she was over the other argument but they couldn’t seem to be in the same room without getting into a fight about something. Just that morning it had been about shopping. Eli hadn’t wanted her to come alone, and she had insisted on it.

Of course he’d won that argument. He always seemed to. And that made her even angrier. She got so irritated with him hovering over her shoulder while she shopped, she’d found the feminine hygiene aisle. It had worked just like it did with her father.

With a sigh, she turned the corner and decided to find Eli. Before she could turn down the next aisle an attractive man stepped into her path. He was Hawaiian, a few inches taller than she was and dressed like a paniolo.

Aloha, Crysta.”

She was taken back a bit. Sure, she was used to people knowing who she was when she was with one of the ranch hands or Eli, but she was by herself in the store. Still, Eli had told her that while the Big Island was the biggest island, it was still like a little ranch town, especially in the areas surrounding the ranch community.

She didn’t recognize him though. She had met a lot of people in the last few weeks, and she was usually good with faces. And there wasn’t a doubt in her mind she would have remembered such an attractive man.

I don’t think you remember me.”

We haven’t met.”

Confusion came and went so fast in his eyes she barely saw it. “Sorry, that usually works.”

How sad for the women you run across.”

He threw his head back and laughed. It took a moment or so before he got himself under control.

Is there something you wanted?”

Yes. We’re family in a way. I’m Sean Kaheaku.”

It took all of her control not to take a step back.

He apparently didn’t need her to explain. “Ah, I see you met my stepfather, Sam.”

Stepfather?” Now that she thought about it, he did look a little different from Sam and Sam Jr. He was taller and there was something different about him. She couldn’t put her finger on it.

He nodded. “My mother married him years ago.”

I’m so sorry.”

He chuckled. “Yeah, I was too. I just wanted to welcome you to the island.”

Now that you have, maybe you should get your ass out of here,” Eli said from behind her. He hadn’t raised his voice, but the threat was there. He stepped up beside her but didn’t even glance in her direction.

St. John. I heard my stepfather was out there a few weeks ago.”

Eli said nothing for a moment. “And?”

Anything he does or says has nothing to do with me.” Sean looked at her. “I just want that clear. And I wanted to meet my cousin up close.”

You didn’t come to Joe’s funeral.” Eli made the statement drawing Sean’s attention away from her.

Sam’s smile faded. “I was in Tokyo at the time. I didn’t hear about it until it was too late to get back. I was really sorry to hear about it.”

Eli nodded. “We have to get back.”

Sam ignored him and looked at Crysta. “If you ever need anything, here’s my number.”

He handed her a card. She took it even though she could sense it pissed Eli off. Man had to learn that he didn’t tell her what to do with her life and there was nothing wrong with taking a card.

Remember, the family isn’t all a bunch of racist idiots.”

Sean turned and walked away. Women watched him as he walked by, and there was more than one woman she was certain sighed as he walked past. In fact, there was something about him that reminded her of Eli. Maybe it was the way he drew the attention of women, or maybe it was the way he walked. All power and control. If she didn’t know better, she would say he was a Dom.

You need to steer clear of that man.”

She glanced at Eli and found him watching Sean too. “He’s harmless.”

He shook his head. “Hardly. I don’t know where he gets his money, but he always has a lot of it. There are rumors that the man has connections to the Triads.”

Wow,” she said as she watched him tease a little white haired woman. “Yeah, he looks like a gang lord. They always take the time to flirt with the little old ladies.”

Understand this, you will stay away from him and the rest of that family. They’re dangerous. Very dangerous. And they will never accept that I own the ranch.”



We own the ranch. Not you. Not me. We.”

Yeah. We.” He looked like he wanted to say something else, but he just shook his head and said, “Let’s go.”

* * * *

Eli was still pissed hours later. He sat through the boring meeting. Usually he had no problem paying attention. He took comfort in the routine of things. One of the many things Joe had taught him was how to deal with the nightmares after the missions he’d served.

But now, he was irritated. The fact that Sean was back on the island wasn’t a good sign. It was a really bad sign actually. If he wanted to make a play for the ranch, he didn’t have a chance. He wasn’t even blood related. But he wouldn’t put it past Sam to call him back to ask him to help. He didn’t have money, but he could offer Sam something more. Land. Land was hard to come by in Hawaii, even here on The Big Island. And much of the ranch was well hidden. A man who dealt drugs could get away with a lot there.

Everyone was getting up and walking out of the room when he realized the meeting was over.

St. John, you daydreaming there about your partner?” Syd Makelo asked. The guy was okay, hard worker, and he ran a tight ship on his Hawaiian style dude ranch.

He stood and tried not to let him see how he irritated him. “Naw, just fell asleep while you were talking. Kind of boring.”

Makelo chuckled as did some of the men around him. “So, you don’t find that wahine sexy?”

I’d have to be dumb, deaf and blind not to, but she’s my partner. And, on top of that, she is Joe’s niece. I’m sure he wouldn’t have appreciated anyone disparaging her character.”

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