A Little Harmless Military Romance Bundle (A Little Harmless Military Bundle) (4 page)

BOOK: A Little Harmless Military Romance Bundle (A Little Harmless Military Bundle)
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There was no way he would make it. He didn’t have the ability to take it slow. If he tried, there was a good chance he would embarrass himself.

She arched up against him, pressing her crotch against his pants. Even through the cotton fabric, he felt her heat. He knew then it was imperative that he got naked ASAP.

He gave her breast one last lick, then he rose to his knees. He was ready to undress, but apparently she was sick of waiting. She sat up and took over the job herself. He didn’t wear underwear, so when she unzipped him, his straining cock sprung free. Her eyes widened, and she wrapped her hand around it.

“Oh, Shannon, yeah...”

His words trailed off as he lost the ability to speak. He watched her dip her head and take the tip of his penis into her mouth. The first flick of her tongue pulled a drop of pre-come from him. He shuddered, and he knew he should tell her to stop. There was every chance that he would lose it, lose complete control and come right then in there. But instead, he watched as his cock disappeared between her lips and into the deep recesses of her mouth. It was possibly one of the most erotic things he had ever seen.

She took it slowly at first, just pulling in about half of his cock. But soon he was thrusting in and out of her mouth, and she was humming against his sensitive flesh.

He pulled away right about the time he lost it. It was when he looked down at her that he realized he hadn’t brought protection.


Before he could say anything, Shannon solved the problem. "In the bag on the table.”

He noticed the plastic bag then. He jumped off the bed, got rid of his pants, and pulled out the box of condoms. His hands were shaking with desire, and he could barely get the box open as he crawled back up on the bed. When he did, the condoms went flying all over the bed beside her. She laughed, the joy of it loosening something in his heart. As he looked down at her, he couldn’t believe that this woman, with her loving nature and her beauty, wanted him.

“I don’t know about you, but that seems pretty ambitious. But you
the first Seal I’ve gone to bed with.”

He looked at the condoms and couldn’t fight the gurgle of laughter. He grabbed one. “I don’t like to waste anything, so we better get started, babe.”

He ripped open the condom and had it on in record time. He wanted it fast and hard, but he knew he couldn’t push her. He would probably have to leave in the next few hours, knowing his luck. So he decided he would at least try and take it slow.

He slipped his hands over her belly, enjoying the way her muscles quivered beneath his palm. So soft, so silky, her skin amazed him. He would never get enough of her, he knew that much. He slid his hands to her hips and pulled her up. With one hard thrust, he entered her. At first he worried he had been too hard, but the next moment she moaned. The sound of it filled the quiet room and filtered into his soul. He started to move, tried to keep himself in check. He was a man who was known for his control, but where Shannon was concerned, he barely had any.

It didn’t take her long. She was coming apart beneath him, and he couldn’t stop his own orgasm. Her muscles clamped down hard on his cock, pulling him deeper into her warmth, and he lost himself. With one long, hard thrust, he came, shuddering as he moaned her name.

He collapsed on top of her. She grunted then laughed and wrapped her arms around him. He leaned up and looked down at her. Fuck, there wasn’t a more beautiful woman. Oh, physically, plastic surgeons had perfected the female face. But never once had he seen a woman who produced such joy. He had seen some horrible things in his life, and being with her lightened his load.

“You really are too beautiful for me,” he said, embarrassed by the way his voice had roughened.

“Oh, really? I will have you know that you and Mal were the topic of discussion among many of the women. Two hot—not my description of Mal, but theirs—Seals… I am the lucky one here.”

He couldn’t tell her how he felt. There were thoughts in his mind, things that he should say, but he didn’t know how to put it into words. Hell, Kade wasn’t really sure what he felt. All he knew was that his heart was in his throat and that the man he was an hour ago no longer existed. Not after this. He had known it would be good, but Kade hadn’t known exactly how much this would mean to him. He’d had great sex before, but this was something else.


He heard the worry in her voice and could say nothing to ease them. He knew he had to look too serious for the situation. Instead, he kissed her, pulling her bottom lip between his teeth. She closed her eyes and hummed. After a few minutes of teasing, he rolled off her and went to the bathroom to discard his condom. When he stepped out of the bathroom, he smiled. Shannon was already snuggled under the covers, half asleep. She was notorious for being a heavy sleeper, and someone who could fall asleep at the drop of a hat.

He walked as quietly as possible and slipped into bed. His heart turned over when she shifted closer and snuggled against him. Damn, this was more than he expected, more than he was able to give. But for this night, before the reality of the world returned, he would pretend she was his to keep forever.

Tomorrow would come soon enough.

Chapter Four



Shannon awoke slowly, blinking in the darkness. As usual, the first sense that really took hold was her sense of smell. There was a strange combination of plumeria and musky male that had her confused. It took her a second to remember just where she was.

Chris and Cynthia’s wedding
. She shifted her weight and came up against a hard wall of muscle.


No wonder the bed felt like a heater. The man gave off heat like a steam engine. But she didn’t care. She had Francis McKade in her bed.

She smiled. She knew she looked smug, but who wouldn’t? The man she had in bed had to be every heterosexual woman’s dream come true. As her eyes adjusted to the darkness, she pulled herself up and rested her weight on her elbow. The man was amazing. Never in her life had she had a man that looked like this in her bed. Hard muscles, tattoos on his back, and damn, but he was like a wonderland made just for her. He was as gorgeous on the inside as on the outside.

Her fingers itched to touch, to explore. They were both tired from their trips over the Pacific, but she couldn’t stop herself. Without hesitation, she gave into her compulsion to touch him.

The moment she touched him, she felt that connection. It had been there from the first and had grown each time she saw him. Now there was something telling her that this was the man for her, the one that could be forever. But sadly, she didn’t think it would happen. His work, her life, it wouldn’t work out between the two of them.

She brushed those unhappy thoughts away and slipped her hand down his torso. She shivered at the feel of his warm flesh beneath her fingertips. Could a man be in better shape? She didn’t think so. His abs were sculpted, and even without trying, she was pretty sure she could bounce a quarter off his ass.

To get a better look at him, she slipped the sheet away from his body. The moonlight was weak, but she could see him. He was tan everywhere. How did he do that? She knew without a doubt he didn’t go to a tanning salon. She looked at the scar on his hip. It was a puckered wound, not very big. She knew a year or so ago, he’d been shot. Mal had told her just that and nothing else.

She grazed her finger over it and then continued down. He had a thin line of hair all the way down to his cock. As she neared it with her hands, it twitched. She glanced up at him and realized she had awakened him. His eyes were barely opened, but he was watching her. The intensity in them was a little scary and very arousing.

“Sorry,” she whispered.

His lips curled up on one side. "No problem. Use and abuse me any way you want to.”


He nodded.

She didn’t break eye contact with him as she wrapped her hand around his cock. His eyes closed, and he groaned as she gave it one long stroke. He shifted against the bed as she continued to tease him. Soon, though, that wasn’t enough. She wanted a taste. Slipping down the bed, she settled between his legs and took him in her mouth. The first taste of him spurred her arousal. Sweet and salty, with a touch of Kade, so unique, like the man. At first she couldn’t fit him in her mouth completely, but soon she didn’t care that she gagged once or twice. It didn’t seem to bother him. His groans were growing in volume, and he was shifting against her, thrusting into her mouth. She slipped her fingers down to his sac and began to stroke him. Power coursed through her veins as she continued to tease him. She knew he was close. To make him lose control would be the ultimate conquest, but apparently Kade wasn’t going to allow it. He pulled her up and switched their positions. She found herself on her back, pinned to the mattress.

“You trying to be naughty, Shannon?” His voice was a guttural whisper, filled with so much arousal she could barely control the lust pouring into her veins. He loomed over her as if he was in charge, and well, it was the truth.

“I thought I was being pretty obvious.” Her voice sounded breathless, but it was nothing new. He always did that to her.

His eyes sparkled with a bit of devilment, and she felt her heart skip a beat. “Yeah? Well, I think you deserve some punishment for that.”

He rose to his knees, straddling her hips, his cock lying against her sex. Already she was hot, needy, and from the look in his eyes, he was going to make sure she was out of her mind. For a second he looked at her, then shook his head. He reached over to turn on the light.


He ignored her. When he had the light on, he returned to his position. “Got a problem with light, babe? You shouldn’t, not with a body like this.”

He brushed his hands up her stomach, grazing the sides of her breasts, then teasing her nipples with his thumbs. She sucked in a deep breath and moaned as she closed her eyes. She had very sensitive breasts, and just the simple teasing had her pussy dampening.

“Like that, do you?”

He didn’t wait for an answer. Instead, he placed a hand on the bed beside her and leaned down to take a nipple in his mouth. The graze of his teeth against the tip sent heat straight to her pussy. Damn, the man was going to kill her. The way he was straddling her, she couldn’t move her legs. The pressure built as he continued to suck one, then both nipples. Her body was hot, her heart beating so hard that she wasn’t too sure she would survive. When he was done there, he started to move down her body, licking and nipping at her skin. She moved against him, and he stopped.

“Now, naughty girl, you can’t move.”

She opened her eyes and frowned at him. When she opened her mouth to respond, he placed one finger against her mouth.

“You’re the one who awoke the beast, so you get to live with the consequences.”

She wanted to tell him to go to hell, but there was something so...sexy about him commanding her, telling her what she could and could not do. Unlike her brother, Chris, she had never been into BDSM, but with Kade, the possibility was titillating. And dammit, arousal deepened his accent. That alone made her toes curl.

He apparently took her silence as agreement. "If you agree, I’ll reward you. If not, I’ll stop. And you will regret it.”

She nodded, not knowing which would be better—the reward or the punishment? Which would be worse?

He traced her lips with his finger. The callus felt odd against her mouth. "No coming unless I say so.”

She agreed with another nod. Then he tortured her. Slowly, he worked his way down her body. She had never known a man so skilled with his tongue. Who would have thought that a tongue could arouse her by just flicking over her flesh, dipping into her belly button? By the time he settled between her legs, she was pretty sure he’d touched every inch of her stomach.

He drew in a deep breath, closing his eyes. Then he sighed. When he looked up at her, the need in his gaze had her breath tangling in her chest. In all her encounters, she had never had a man stare at her with such yearning. Tears burned the backs of her eyes as she tried to control her emotions. To know she was that special to him, that this was that special to him, made her want to cry happy tears.

“I’ll never get over how you smell. Every bit of you is delicious,” he said.

He lowered his head, and without taking his gaze from hers, he set his mouth on her sex. He used his fingers to part her labia and slid his tongue into her. At that moment, she gave into the man, allowing him complete control. She was already halfway there to begin with, but now, he had her body doing whatever he wanted. She would give anything to come, to be allowed to have her release. In and out he worked his tongue, lapping at her as if she were a delicious treat he adored. He slipped two fingers into her as he began to tease her clit. He rolled his tongue over the tiny bundle of nerves, then between his teeth, gently pressing down. Pressure soared, her body shivered with her impending orgasm. She felt the rush of heat flood her sex, but he pulled back. She made a noise that was halfway between a growl and a moan.

“I didn’t say you could come.”

BOOK: A Little Harmless Military Romance Bundle (A Little Harmless Military Bundle)
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