A Lighter Shade of Blue (Kings of Chaos Book 2) (21 page)

BOOK: A Lighter Shade of Blue (Kings of Chaos Book 2)
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Chapter Thirteen
Blink of An eye




“Are you ready?” I ask, bounding down the steps where Shadow and Bolton are waiting for me.

“I think your mama is more excited than the both of us,” Shadow says.

I gasp. My heart races. We’ve been all but married for three months and while we’ve felt like a family unit, this is the first time I’ve ever heard the M word being directed at me. I hold my breath.

Bolton grins. “Yeah, Dad, I think she is. But that’s all right.” He stands up, jogs over, and wraps his arm around my waist. “We can have fun together, even if you’re too old to enjoy the carnival anymore.”

“The hell, you jumped ship on me,” Shadow rasps.

I can’t help be laugh. This is more than I’ve ever dreamt. “I’m ready for a night of fun with my two favorite guys.”

Shadow’s lip quirks up slightly, but his eyes are beaming.

Thank you,
I mouth, grateful for the gifts he’s giving me. I’ve never felt so
in all my life. He gives me the freedom and the confidence to be selfish without mentally flogging myself for it later. This is my family, and that’s okay.

Shadow nods his head in acknowledgement. “Let’s get out of here before the lines get insane.”

“Like anyone makes you wait,” Bolton scoffs.

“Hey, I do my time in lines,” Shadow counters.

“Right, Dad,” Bolton says as we head toward the door.

As I mount up behind Shadow, and Bolton climbs onto his bike, I know peace. I wrap my arms tight around Shadow’s waist, hug him tight with my thighs, and snuggle up into his cut. He pulls off and the wind tugs at my hair like an annoying sibling. I throw my head back and laugh as I take in the stars dotting the sky and the scenery races by. This is what I was missing in my life before Shadow. This feeling of belonging, happiness, and contentment. No more emptiness, or martyrdom, as Ruthie called it. The thought of my smart-mouthed friend made me grin. She had something going on with Skull. I’d tried to ask her about it, but she was being tight-lipped. I hoped they would be here tonight, so I can get more information.

We pull up to the empty lot and find an impressive crowd gathered. I wrap my arm around Bolton, amazed that he’s damn close to surpassing me in height. “You’re growing too fast. In a minute, you’ll be graduating from high school and wanting your own place. What am I going to do then?” I ask.

“All those kids you work with aren’t enough?” Bolton asks.

“Not the same. They’re not my Bolty.”

“Don’t worry, Bolt, We’ll give you some siblings before too long,” Shadow says.

Shocked, I glance over at him. I wasn’t sure he even wanted more kids, and I was okay with that. Unable to hide the joy on my face, I grin like a mad woman.

Shadow chuckles. “Yeah, not long at all.”

His deep voice sends shivers down my spine. Embarrassed, I turn my attention back to Bolton. “What should we do first?”

“Rides then eats. I learned that the hard way.”

I grimace. “Yeah, I remember it vividly.”

He laughs. “Yeah, you would, you were riding the Tilt-O-Whirl with me at the time.”

“Yeech.” I stick my tongue out and shudder.

“Love you, Ma.” He kisses my cheek.

I’m suddenly putty. He’s always felt like my boy, knowing that bond is returned makes me feel like fireworks are exploding in the sky just for me.

“So rides it is,” Shadow says, walking over and standing to my left.

We track down the ticket stand, and I enjoy the brightly lit booths full of games and prizes. The sweet smell of funnel cake mixes with the aroma of kettle corn and fresh fries. My mouth waters thinking about the snacks I’m going to indulge in later. A plastic bag full of blue happiness catches my eyes and I pause. “Cotton candy,” I cry.

Shadow shakes his head, but the smirk on his lips tells me he’s not annoyed. “I think you’ll be all right if you eat some of that first,” he assures me.

I grin. He spoils me in his own way. I ignore the stares of the people around us and grab the bag.

“That’s three dollars,” the curly haired blond boy with the shaky voice says.

“Damn, inflation is serious, huh?” Shadow asks. He fishes his wallet out of his back pocket and tosses him a five. “Keep the change.”

I open the bag and pluck off a puffy lump. The sugar melts on my tongue and I’m reminded of my youth. The fun times with Calla before she became a bitch and my parents started to treat us differently. I smirk when Shadow takes a pinch and pops it into his mouth.

People around us all but drop their jaw at the big, bad biker having fun with his family.

That’s what you get for being so small minded.
He’s one of the most loyal, honest, beautiful men I’ve ever met. His soul is so pure it would blind the holiest priest. The sacrifices he makes without question and the depth of his love, astounds me daily.

The three of us finish off the bag and make a beeline to the Scrambler. The minutes fly by in a mixture of dizzying rides, laughter, and fun. After all the insanity, it was a healing serum I couldn’t get enough off.

“I love you guys, but I am not riding this one with you,” Bolton says as we come up to the Ferris wheel. “I see some friends from school over that way.” He points to a group of boys waiting by the bumper cars.

“That’s fair. Boy’s got his own life to live,” Shadow says.

“How about we meet back up in a few hours?” I ask.

“Just be home before midnight, okay? I’ll keep mama bear entertained,” Shadow adds.

“You got it, Dad, see you later, Ma.” He disappears into the crowd before I can answer.

“You don’t want to hang out?” I ask, poking out my lips.

“What I have planned for you isn’t fit for him.”

“What?” I lean in and whisper. “We’re at a carnival.”

“I know. That’s why we have a tunnel of love to explore,” he whispers into my ear. “You scared?”

I nod my head. “What if we get caught?”

He wraps an arm around me. “You know I’ll always take care of you. They call me Shadow for a reason. You’d be surprised what people don’t see. But you have to be a good girl and keep quiet.”

“You don’t do things that inspire silence,” I whisper. My breasts are heavy, my nipples are taut, and my pussy is achy. He’s got a direct line to my desire. With one look or husky whisper, he has me ready to go.

“That’s why it’s fun.” He pats my ass and pulls me into line for the ride.

“Hey, man, I want to pay up for three rides,” Shadow says, slipping him a twenty dollar bill.

“Sure thing, man,” the tall worker replies with a wink.

I can see the knowledge in his dark eyes. I glance away. My face is hot, but so is my core.
The man is making me shameless.
He opens the bucket, and Shadow helps me step inside the shiny red cart. I sink down and he throws his arm over my shoulders, pulling me close.

He brushes his lips over the shell of my ear. “Let’s see how many times your man can make you come.”

His beard tickles my skin while his words make me gasp. The ride moves to allow the next cart full of people to board. He slips his hand under my skirt and trails his thick finger down the seam of my panties. “My shy girl, already wet for me. Am I turning you to the dark side?”

“I think you might be.” My voice warbles.

He eases my panties aside and touches my clit.

I go up in flames, gripping the edge of the seat as he circles my walls.

“So wet for me, and…tight.” He pulls out and eases in two fingers.

“Oh…” I bite my bottom lip.

“You have to remember to be quiet.” He kisses the area just below my ear.

I close my eyes and let the sensation of the cart circling and his clever fingers manipulating my flesh take me away. I struggle not to rock the bucket as the pressure builds. Panting, I tip my head back. Whimpers spill from my lips.

“You’re so beautiful when you try to contain yourself,” he whispers.

“A-almost there,” I say.

He increases his speed, and I’m flying with the moon hanging high in the sky with my man at my side.

He repeats the process twice before he guides me off the ride on shaky legs. “You look tired, girl. We need to get you off your feet.”

“Yeah, or away from my sex crazed old man.”

“It’s not my fault you’re irresistible and I got a lot of lost time to make up for.”

He only speaks of prison in passing now. But I know it affected him. He sleeps for shit, and he’s always watching his surroundings. I lift my hand up and cup his face.

He kisses my hand and steers us to the ride on the outskirts of the lot. We line up for the giant swan boat.

I watch as the people in front of us look back and think better of riding. With all the fucked up shit going on in the world, it amazes me that they continue to judge people by outdated stereotypes. The monsters I see on television are pretty polished, and adept at lying. We’re straight up. What you see is what you get. You might not like the packaging, but it’s America, we can dress how we please. I straighten my shoulders and hook my arms around his bicep. We step up to the entrance dock.

“Give us ten minutes, brother,” Shadow says to the teenager.

The kid is dressed in throwback white pants, with a red and white stripped sports jacket and a straw hat. He smiles nervously, showing braces. “I could get into trouble for that, sir.”

“I’ll make it worth your while.” Shadow presses a C note into his hand.

“You got it, man, ten minutes,” the boy says eagerly.

“I like how you do business,” I tease.

“You will once I get you inside the boat.” His voice is even huskier than normal.

I press my thighs together. Excitement courses through my veins. It feels good breaking the rules and doing all the things I missed out on as a teen. We step down inside the boat, and a for a moment sadness strikes. This could’ve been us all these years.
Never again will I sacrifice everything.
I may make mistakes, but I learn from each and every one of them.

The boat makes its way into the tunnel and Shadow pulls me onto his lap.

I straddle his thighs, unbutton his jeans, and free him from his jeans.

“I been ready to sink inside of you all night, baby. You ready for me?” His calloused hands move down my arms and over my thighs. He pulls my panties aside.

“Why don’t you find out?” I sink down on his cock and we both cry out. Gripping his shoulders I ride him, hard. It’s amazing being in control of the massive man. He holds onto my hips and we find a steady rhythm. I squeeze my muscles and he grunts. The slap of our skin, the smell of leather, sex, and something unique to Shadow makes me high. I want to give him back a portion of what he’s given me. I lean in and bite down on his neck.

He growls.

“I want to see you come undone and let go. For once, I want to be in control. I want to make you feel…
. Like you make me feel.” I’m struggling to remain separate from the immense pleasure.

His hands drop from my hips and he leans back. “It’s your show, girl.”

I roll my hips as I lift up and fall down, willing him to experience the pure bliss he gives me.

He hisses while his arms flex.

Now I know he’s restraining himself. It’s not in my man to follow. That he’s allowing me to lead now says so much. I want to please him. I want to be the good little naughty girl he’s been revealing beneath my surface, layer by layer. My body is on fire. My muscles twitch and I know I’m close. I feel him grow impossibly hard, and I know he’s close, too. I lean back farther and explode, bringing him over the edge with me. Shaky, sweaty, and empowered, I rest against his shoulder as we catch our breath. The light from outside the tunnel begins to filter in and we scramble to right ourselves.





“So…you decided to take things further with Ruthie?” I say to Skull.

“One day at a time, man.” He laughs. “Funny, you think you’ll never get caught up until you find that one woman that gets under your skin.”

“I tried to tell you that years ago.”

“Yeah, I get it now, brother. Still glad it didn’t happen to me like it did you. That’s a lot of years to be pining.”

“All worked out,” I reply as we watch the girls dress up and pose for Old West pictures.

“How’s she doing after everything?” Skull asks.

“Good, man. She’s going to be fine. She’s strong, pun not intended.”

“Yeah, it’s in her blood. I mean, Psycho still scares the piss out of me.”

My phone vibrates.
Can’t have one day.
I remove it from my pocket and see Stone’s name. “Yeah, P.”

“Your Old Lady with you?”

“Yeah. What’s up?”

“You need to get her to County now.”

“Shit, her mom?” I ask.

“No, Psycho, man. He’s in a bad way. It ain’t looking good, and the message was loud and clear.”

“Aww, fuck. I’m going to get her now.”

“Hurry,” Stone says before he hangs up.

I hang up and stride forward, catching Blue’s attention.

She arches a brow.

We got to go,
I mouth.

The joy fades from her face and she nods. Whispering a quick excuse to Ruthie, she takes off her olden dress and rushes toward me. “What’s wrong?”

“We need to get to County. I’ll fill you in then.”

“Is it,” she swallows hard, “Calla?”

I wish it was. Because this is going to kill you.

“Okay.” She looks relieved.

I know Stone will make sure everyone else who needs to be there is contacted. Right now, she’s my number one concern. Shit is never easy long with Chaos. I push the speed limit as we roar from the parking lot and onto the highway. The twenty minute trip takes us twelve. I park in the first place I can see and rush to the front door.

A prospect is waiting when we come in.

“They’re up on the third floor. No news yet.”

“About who?” Blue asks.

The prospect looks to me.

I shake my head. “Let’s get up there.”

“No.” She shakes my hand free. “What aren’t you telling me?”

“Take the bass out your voice, girl. I’m trying to do what’s best for you.” I wrap an arm around her waist and half drag her to the elevators. “Trust me to do that the way you’ve been trusting me all night.”

Her lower lip trembles. She knows it’s someone close to her.

I wish I could spare her the pain. She’s been through enough recently. I press the up arrow button and after an eternity, the doors open. I hurry her inside and press three. Her body is shaking. The cart comes to a stop with a ding. We step out into a group of Chaos members. The sound of weeping is prominent. The brothers see us and the crowd parts like the red sea.

Stone is supporting a sobbing Pixie.

“No! Daddy?” Blue cries out. She runs to her mother, and hugs her. “What happened?”

“He got stabbed leaving the house tonight. I won’t lie to you, Bluebell, it doesn’t look good.”

“Who?” she whispers.

“That’s where it gets more difficult. They burned his back piece off, Blue. This was an intentional message from someone. Your mom says she has no clue who would want to do that. It wasn’t done by any of our local chapter. We’re putting out feelers now.”

“You can’t stop lying, can you?” Blue yells. “You still trying to protect your precious little bitch after she does this to Dad. I know it was her!” Blue grabs her mother’s arms and yanks her away from Stone. “Stop lying and start telling the truth. This entire mess is your fucking fault!”

Stone looks at me, and I shake my head. Whatever they have going on right now, is not a secret I’m privy to.

“Fucking now, Mother!” Blue yells.

Pixie jumps.

“You got something you want to share with me, Pixie?” Stone asks.

“C-Calla. She’s not his,” she whispers.

“What?” Stone exclaims.

“She’s Battle’s. W-we found out when she had to research her family history for school. I never told anyone else, but she knew.”

“Jesus Christ. You know we don’t lie about shit like this, Pixie. This shit is betrayal!” Stone hisses.

“I know. I’m sorry. I am so sorry,” she sobs.

“Tell Dad that, stupid bitch,” Bluebell hisses. Her eyes are full of hell. “Dad didn’t even know until way later.”

I grab her hand to keep her from clocking her mother.

“I’m going to talk to Battle’s family.” Stone sighs. “You know this was in his rights, don’t you? If he thought we were all a part of this, I can’t fault the man for not going through me. You know you’re messing with this club. After we settle this with Psycho, you and I are going to have a long conversation,” Stone says.

“Did you know about this?” I ask Blue.

“Not until recently. Calla hinted at it, but I didn’t believe her. I mean, would you?”

“Hell, no,” I say.

“Exactly. But it nagged me, so I broke down and talked to Pop and he confirmed it.”

“Jesus, Blue. Why didn’t you say anything?”

“Because if it hit the fan, like it is now, I wanted you to be able to look Stone in the eyes and tell him you had no idea.”

“Thank you for that.” I kiss her forehead. “No more secrets. Good or bad, we’re in this together from here on out.”

“For better or worse, then?” she asks.


“Hold that thought,” she says, glancing over my shoulder.

I turn around and we see the doctor in green scrubs walking over to her mother. I can’t catch his whispered words, but the utter devastation on Pixie’s face says everything.

“No!” she wails, falling to her knees.

“Daddy,” Blue whispers. She sways and I catch her. “I’m never going to talk to my daddy again.” Tears pour from her eyes.

I hold her against me, wanting to murder the man who caused her pain. There’s a way to handle shit like this. You don’t go rogue and shake your brother. But this could potentially cause a break. We don’t want that, so I know Pres will handle it with kid gloves. Thought of that bad ass motherfucker being taken down that way doesn’t sit right with me. I hold her to me.

“He’s going to have a warrior burial. I’m calling in every chapter, Pixie. He deserves that for the years he put in with us. I won’t let whatever happened today interfere with that. You get him prepared for pick up. We got church tonight, boys. One hour,” Stone says.

“Dad, Ma, what happened?”

Bolt’s voice turns my head toward the entrance.

“She’s not your mother,” Pixie screeches. “She didn’t carry you.”

“But she raised me and sacrificed for me. She’s here now when Calla is where?”

“Now, ain’t the time. Lock this mess down,” Stone booms.

“What happened?”

“Come here, baby,” Blue says holding out her arms.

Bolton walks over and rests his head on her shoulder. “What’s going on?”

“Babe, your Grandpa. He…he w-was attacked and he didn’t make it.”

“No.” Bolton’s voice wavers. They’d always been close.

The two hold one another and I wrap them in my arms, providing all the silent comfort I can.

I pry myself away from them twenty minutes later. I hate leaving them, but club comes first. This is a potential bombshell and we need to put a lid on it quick.

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