A Lady by Chance (Historical Regency Romance) (12 page)

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Authors: Cheryl Bolen

Tags: #Regency romance

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"That is positively irksome!" Charlotte protested.

"You won't find it so irksome when I am addressed as Her Grace," Kate said, strolling toward the doors. "I don't know about you girls, but I for one must select a gown for tonight."

Her sisters began discussing what they would wear as they followed Kate from the room.

Anna turned warm eyes to her husband. "Won't you come to my chamber, Charles?"

"I think not, my dear," he said. "There are matters I must discuss with my secretary."

Swallowing her disappointment, Anna reminded him of the ball they would attend that night.

"Be assured I will escort you, Anna," he said, his eyes cold obsidian. "I dare not leave you alone lest you seduce every blood in breeches."

Blood rushed to her cheeks and she hissed, "That's unfair, Charles!" She lifted her skirts and ran from the room before he could see her cry.


Chapter 13


A smile fixed on her face, Anna pretended to listen to her sisters' chatter in the carriage ride home from the ball, but her thoughts were on her husband, who now sat silently beside her.  She had felt like a fairy princess all night as her Charles, her Prince Charming, lavished attentions on her. He had danced with no woman other than her. He had solicitously procured ratafia for her and her sisters whenever they gave the slightest appearance of being thirsty. He had hovered over her all night, his hands caressing or stroking her in a tender fashion.

But now, with no one but family to observe, he shunned her, brooding in his corner of the carriage, and she knew the entire night had been a sham. In public, he would appear the devoted husband while distancing himself from her when they were alone. Why had this bleeding rift occurred between Charles and her? She had to repair it. How else could she learn the truth about his French activities? It was unthinkable to admit there was any other reason for her deep concern.

The swift rounding of a corner pushed Anna against her husband. She felt the heat of him, the comfort of his sturdiness and yearned to feel the length of him pressed against her. Demurely casting her gaze at his somber face, she swallowed her disappointment over his refusal to look at her. With constricted heart, she studied the grim set to his mouth and achingly remembered a time not so many weeks past when those same lips had the power to make her pulse leap with desire.


When they arrived at Haverstock House, he climbed the stairs beside Anna and wished her a curt good-night at her chamber door.

"There are some matters I hoped to discuss with you," Anna said. "Won't you come sit in my chamber for a few minutes?"

He gazed into the wide-eyed innocence of her face. Though he had determined to resist her seductive hold on him, he found no power to deny her simple request.

She led him to the settee by the crackling fire and bid him to sit on it next to her.

"I don't want to interfere with your morning rides with Lydia," she began, "but I desire to join you. That day in the park, you did vow to teach me about horses. I would like you to select a calm mount for me and allow me and a groom to accompany you each morning. The groom could instruct me while you and Lydia take a galloping romp."

He remembered the fear that had gripped him when he had heard her screams and watched, terrified, as the furiously pounding grays carried her away. He remembered the desperation he had felt when he thought he was losing Anna. She did need to learn about handling horses. "You can begin tomorrow," he said.

"One more thing," she said. "Will you be taking me back to the park promenade any time soon?" she asked.

"Not in the foreseeable future for my work is most pressing."

The flicker of disappointment that passed over her face oddly pleased him.

"Then I solicit your permission to ask Morgie to take Lydia and me to the park some afternoons. After my
faux pas
at the Wentworth Ball, I want to seek your permission before I spend a minute in the presence of another man."

"Morgie is not
man. You are at liberty to be in Morgie's presence whenever you like, but I do prefer that you take Lydia along." He got to his feet and bent over her, placing a chaste peck on her cheek. "I'll see you in riding habit in the morning, my lady."

When he reached the door, she called his name. 

He turned, cocking an eyebrow.

"Are you still angry at me?"

God's teeth but he wanted her! "I was not so much mad as disappointed, my dear," he said, opening the door and leaving the room.

As he tossed restlessly in his big empty bed, he wondered why his power to resist her brought him no joy.


Dressed in Cynthia's riding habit, Anna met Lydia in the entry hall the following morning, and the two women sailed past the footman who held open the door. Amidst a shroud of fog, Haverstock and the groom held reign to four horses on the cobblestone street below.

Running his eyes appreciatively over Anna, Haverstock said, "That color becomes you, my dear."

She glanced at the deep green velvet. "I borrowed it from Cynthia." Fighting back tears when her husband had curtly taken leave of her the night before, Anna had immediately scurried to Cynthia's room to secure a suitable habit, for the two women were near the same size.

"The bold color suits you far better than Cynthia," he said, cinching his huge hands about the span of her slim waist and lifting her on to the gray.

Displeased over her husband's backhanded compliment, Anna shot him a narrowed glance.

He placed the ribbons in her hands. "The first thing you need to learn is that when you pull on these, the horse will slow." Haverstock nodded at the groom. "Jimmy and I selected this easy stepper for you."

Anna defiantly turned her attention to the groom. "So you're Jimmy." She scrutinized the young man from the top of his curly mop of blond hair to his mud-splattered boots planted firmly on the street. He was tall, though not as tall as Charles, and looked as if his recently sprouted limbs still awaited the meaty flesh that would come with age. She hoped he would suit her plans.

He bowed. "Yes, me lady."

     Stroking her horse's mane, she asked, "And what is his name?"

Jimmy stifled a laugh. "'is name is Lady Gray."

"I do hope my ignorance of horses will not try your patience too sorely."

"I have confidence yer ladyship will be riding with the best of 'em in no time," the groom said.

Haverstock's eyes flashed mischievously. "My wife, I have found, is a prodigious student."

Remembering her husband's tutelage on lovemaking, Anna felt the heat rise to her cheeks.

Jimmy gave Lydia a leg up while Haverstock mounted his bay, and guided it alongside his wife. He rode next to Anna all the way to the park, soothing her fears and giving her rudimentary instructions about handling horses.

When they reached the park, Anna urged him and Lydia to go on in their usual manner while she and Jimmy stayed back.

Haverstock would not go until he delivered instructions to the groom. "Jimmy, my good man, I leave my wife in your hands. Please see that she doesn't get herself killed. She knows nothing of horses."

"Really, Charles," Lydia said, "You'll have poor Jimmy afraid to blink his eyes."

Once Haverstock and his sister were no longer in sight, Anna turned to Jimmy. "I must confess to not being totally honest with you, Jimmy. While I do desire to learn to ride, what I desire most is your help in protecting my husband."

"Yer husband is a noted whip, me lady. He hardly needs me help."

"I do not fear he will break his neck. What I fear is that he will stop a musket ball."

Jimmy's eyes widened.

"I'm deathly afraid someone means to kill him, and I would like you to keep a protective eye on him."

"I'll do more than that, me lady," he said through gritted teeth. "If I sees anyone trying to harm me master, I'll kill 'em with me bare hands."

Anna shot an appreciative glance at his large hands. "I shouldn't like to put you in danger."

"Don't fret over me. We both got to make sure Lord Haverstock stays 'ealthy." He gave her a knowing wink.

She bestowed a warm smile on the young groom. "Whenever you can free yourself, I wish for you to discreetly follow his lordship. Pay attention to anyone he meets, to anyone who looks suspicious."

He nodded.

"There's one other thing, Jimmy. No one else is to know about the danger to my husband."

"I can hold me tongue." Digging his heels into his mount's underbelly and instructing Anna to do the same, he headed off in the direction of Haverstock and Lydia, careful to stay at Anna's side.

As they advanced down the trail, Anna grew used to the feel of a huge horse beneath her and began to relax. She learned how to make Lady Gray turn to the right and left, how to slow down and speed up. As her confidence increased, she did far more of the latter.

Before long, they saw Haverstock and Lydia some distance away, their horses racing neck-in-neck.

"Never mind about me, Jimmy. I'm feeling quite at ease now with Lady Gray. Watch for anyone who looks suspicious."

"Ye mean like hiding behind a tree or the like?"


Jimmy took to his task like a kitten to warm milk, his attention roused by every man he saw. Keeping Anna close, he cantered off down a shaded lane after a lone equestrian, only to circle back when the well dressed man rode toward the Serpentine.

Presently, Haverstock and Lydia came galloping from a thicket. Anna watched Lydia tenderly stroke her mount's lathered hide. She watched, too, the lively look of amused affection that passed from brother to sister, and she swallowed hard, jealous that Charles did not share such a bond with her.

Holding her shoulders regally and attempting to appear as if she had been born to ride, Anna rode out to meet her husband.

He slowed and watched appreciatively, then spoke to the groom. "I must commend you. I see my wife is still in one piece."

"Her ladyship is a right fast learner."

Haverstock's eyes sparkled mischievously. "Ah, yes. I have found that to be quite true." He rode alongside Anna. "You will be galloping with Lydia and I in no time."

"I fear Lady Gray is giving me false confidence."

"She'll do well for you. Have you no fears like so many simpering females do?"

She shook her head. "I find riding most exhilarating. Would that we could be riding at Haymore."

He shot her a curious glance. "Why such a strong desire to go to the country when you are city bred?"

They left the park and rode two-abreast along the street.

"It is precisely because I have never been in the country I long for clear skies and vast stretches of green as far as the eye can see." She turned softened eyes on her husband. "And I desire a husband who is rested and given to pleasure seeking rather than one who is determined to work himself to death."

His brows came together. "Have I been such an ogre?"

She spoke gently. "Never an ogre, Charles. You are almost always all that is kind. I was so very proud of you yesterday when you were the only man who spoke with courtesy to poor Mr. Hogart."

"What manner of host would I be to ignore a guest in my own home?"

"You obviously did not learn your manners from your father."

He failed to take her bait. "You said I was
always kind. Have I hurt you, my dear?"

"I daresay I richly deserved your scathing words at Lord Wentworth's the other night, but they wounded excessively."

He remembered reminding her theirs was no love match, telling her to
faithful. His own foolish anger had caused him to hurt her when, in truth, she had not earned such cruel rebuke. Her only transgression was her total innocence. How innocent she looked now with the early morning light dancing in her dark locks. A fullness expanded in his chest as he thought of her gentle voice and compassion toward the unfortunate Mr. Hogart. She seemed almost childlike in her purity. How it tugged at his heart to know he had caused her pain.

Yet, he had resolved to resist her charms. He had to know who the real Anna was.


That afternoon Morgie showed up in the Haverstock drawing room, nervously twirling his hat in his hands while begging the marchioness and Lydia to accompany him for the afternoon procession through Hyde Park.

Anna bestowed a grateful smile on him and silently thanked her absent husband for encouraging his friend to escort her. "Oh, Morgie, how very kind of you to take pity on Charles' neglected wife," Anna said. "I cannot speak for Lydia, but I assure you a ride in the park would be most welcome to me."

Morgie's eyes met Lydia's.

"I thank you for including me," Lydia told him as the two women went to get their bonnets.

The sisters sat on either side of Morgie as he took the ribbons. When they left Half Moon Street, Lydia spoke to Anna. "I must warn you Mama has decided to hold a dinner."

"I am glad she will leave her room," Anna said.

"But it's no longer her place to be hostess at Haverstock House," Lydia protested. "You're the marchioness now."

"I am hardly ready to fill your mother's shoes," Anna said. "If it's her desire to introduce me to her friends I cannot fault that."

"I am sure all of her acquaintances will be there," Lydia said. "And you, too, Morgie."

"Depend upon it," he mumbled. "Promise to be my partner at whist, Lady Lydia." He shook his head. "Never saw a woman who understood the game as you do. Like a man."

"Perhaps that is because you and Charles always treated me as one of the fellows," Lydia said.

A smile curled his lip. "Remember when you were the only girl we allowed in our fort that summer?"

Lydia tossed her head back and laughed. "I suspect, Morgie, you were repaying me for hooking your worm when we went fishing."

He shuddered as he directed his phaeton to Hyde Park. "Cannot abide those slimy things. Most fortunate to have had you."

"Speaking of fortunate," Lydia said, her eyes sparkling with delight, "have you seen my horse?"

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