A Knight for Love (35 page)

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Authors: A.M. Westerling

BOOK: A Knight for Love
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Rage mingled with blood lust and Warin’s hand shook with the effort not to plunge the blade deeper. “
I should. But I won’t. King Henry will judge you. And anything you endure at his hands will be worse than the quick death I could give you. The king does not suffer traitors gladly.” He stepped back and rested his sword on the ground. “And when the king is finished with you, the Almighty will judge you as well.” He tipped his head back and looked at the sky, bright with the promise of a new day.

The prospect of further bloodshed wearied him.
It wasn’t his place to punish Baldric or any man, for that matter. Other men, men with wisdom and courage, could and would mete out punishment. He, Warin, only wanted to hold his sweet wife close to him.

“I’ve killed enough men
,” he murmured. Slowly he sheathed his sword, turning to look for Alyna as he did so.

“Have a care, my lord!” Bennet’s shout reverberated through the
clearing, startling a few sparrows who chirped in fear as they fluttered up into the sky.

Bennet lunged past him and
plunged his sword deep into Baldric’s stomach. He twisted the sword once, twice, before turning to face Warin. “He meant to kill you, my lord. I couldn’t let that happen.”

Alyna slid off Citadel and held her skirts aside as she sidled past Baldric, pretending not to see the bloodied hand he lifted to her. She felt nothing for him. He had betrayed her family and had come to a just demise. She only wanted to run to Warin, to the comfort of his arms.

“I am loyal only to myself,”
Baldric mumbled to Alyna. Pain glazed his face and twisted his lips.

Pity stirred her. She stopped then, unsure of what to do, and looked to
her husband for guidance. His cherished face filled her vision, a slight smile softening his lips, the blue eyes encouraging.

“We are safe,” he said gently. “We have a lifetime to share but a dying man has but a few moments. Give him the succor he needs.”

Her heart swelled with love at his kind words. Only a good man would think of the needs of the dying, even for one who did not deserve compassion. Nodding, she knelt beside Baldric to hear him out.

Baldric’s eyes began to cloud and
he spoke with great effort. “I thought allegiance only to myself would see my goal but it didn’t come to pass. Do not berate me, Lady Alyna. I sought to further myself but I wronged you and David, I see it now.”

“Nay, Baldric, I do not berate you,” she murmured, tears stinging her eyes
at the thought of David. “All has come to a fine ending.”

“Warin de Taillur is a
noble man, worthy of you and Caperun Keep.” Groans of pain punctuated Baldric’s whispered words. “Alan de Faulkenburg promised much but he didn’t keep his word. He stole Philippa from me. He deserved to die.” His eyes closed. “And Philippa.” He coughed and blood flecked his lips. “She professed words of love yet tossed me aside like offal. I thought to win her back by bringing you to her. But blinded by love and greed as I was, I didn’t see her true nature until now, now that death stares me in the face.”

’t speak of things that pain you, Baldric. What is past, is past.”

“Live well, Lady Alyna. I go to make amends to your brother and father.” His head fell back.

“And they will welcome you,” Alyna replied softly. She pulled his cloak over his face and stood, looking for Warin.

I’m here.” He held his arms out in welcome.

She ran to him then and hugged him close, secure in his sheltering arms.

“I love you.” Unsure of his reaction, she said it very softly. The simple admission filled her with such relief, such joy, that she clung to him tightly for if she were to let go, she would float up and disappear into the sky.

“And I you,” he whispered in her hair. “Let’s go home.”

And as he said it, a wonderful feeling of peace washed through him.


He was home. Home was not lands, or a scattering of buildings, or even a cozy hut. Home was here, in Alyna’s arms. Home was having her by his side. Home was having her love.

The smile that crossed his lips fair split his face in two. He bent his head to kiss her, to drink from her lips. She kissed him back, too, eagerly, leaning hard into him.

A laugh of pure joy burst from him and within seconds, her laughter joined his. They stood, laughing like fools until Bennet grew concerned.

“My lord Warin? Lady Alyna? Is there a jest I
’ve missed?”

“Nay, no jest.” They answered in unison and that set them off again,
their laughter echoing into the trees surrounding them.

Bennet joined in and the three of them stood, heads tilted back, roaring with laughter until tears streamed down their faces and they gasped for breath.

“Enough,” Warin said finally, wiping his eyes. “We must go.” He couldn’t resist brushing his hand across her belly – mayhap new life bloomed there. When they reached Caperun Keep he would ask her about the babe.




Chapter Twenty-Three



The trip to Caperun Keep
passed in a blur. Fearing reprisal over the deaths of Alan, Baldric and Wimarc, they had continued on at frantic pace, riding through the night and easing up only after encountering Gerard and his men on the road. However, they still did not rest easy until within the welcoming confines of the bailey.

The great hall had been held in readiness for their return
– the yule log still burned, ivy still covered the tables and even the mistletoe hung intact with fat clumps of berries.

At the festive sight, the fears and worries gnawing at Alyna disappeared. She paused in the doorway to fill her eyes with the delight of it all. Warin came up behind her, placing his hands on her shoulders. She tilted her head to lay her cheek against his fingers.

“Welcome home, my dove,” he whispered.

“And you, my lord husband.”

“My lord husband?” he teased. “Have you no other words for me?”

“For now, no
.” She waved at the dear ones gathering in the great hall at news of their homecoming: Muriel, Hilda, Beatrice, Fordwin, Robert, all standing with smiles wreathing their faces. “See, we have an audience.”

“Then I
’ll wait for when we’re alone.” He spoke gently, for her ears alone and his voice promised much. She shivered in anticipation.

Warin brushed his fingers along her jaw then stepped up alongside her, pulling her close to him with one strong arm. She couldn’t stop the smile that began from deep within and she glanced up to meet his eyes,
bemused at the adoration burning there. Regretfully she tore her gaze away.

One by one, all came up to speak to them and all received a few kind words in return. Then, like a
plump whirlwind, Emma burst into the hall and charged over to Alyna.

“Lady Alyna!” She enveloped Alyna in a hug that smelled of roasted goose. “We feared you lost forever!”

“At times, I feared the same,” Alyna replied.

Emma stood back. Tucking her hands under her armpits, she looked Alyna up and down. “You need fattening up,” she
announced. “A babe needs sustenance to grow.”

“Aye?” Alyna
giggled at the authoritative tone of Emma’s voice.

“I’ve been to see Muriel’s ma,” Emma explained
, lifting her chin proudly. “The woman knows much about birthing.”

“If the Lord wills it, when my time comes, we will call her
.” Alyna kept her words vague.

Those are my thought exactly,” Emma nodded, satisfied. “But I want to be there too,” she added quickly.

“Of course you will,” Alyna replied. “But that is long in coming and we
will talk on it another time.”

“Oh, aye.”
A flush of red covered Emma’s cheeks. “Forgive me, we should not be talking on such things.” She backed away. “We’re busy in the kitchen. Come Beatrice, Hilda.”

“Alyna? Of what did Emma speak?” Warin
tugged on her hand to turn her around and quirked an eyebrow.

Alyna peeped up at him and shrugged. “Women’s chatter,” she
stammered. She would tell him later.

In the time since her rescue, she hadn
’t found the right occasion to tell him about the babe. And in truth, she had wanted to tell him in the privacy of their chamber, without the listening ears of others about. The moment should be shared between husband and wife alone.

They finally made their escape and climbed the stairs to the solar. There too, all
waited in readiness for their return – a welcoming fire burning in the grate, a basin of warm water steaming on the hearth and a trencher of food and jug of ale laid on the chest.

Alyna turned
to lay her head on Warin’s chest.

“At times I wasn
’t sure I would ever return here.” She heaved a sigh. “They set a clever trap and I didn’t know how to warn you.”

She squeezed her eyes tight against the tears beg
inning to spill. By the Virgin Mary, it seemed tears always filled her eyes these days. Mayhap due to the life she carried? She would ask Muriel’s mother or Hilda.

“It’s over
.” He wiped her moisture-spiked lashes with the edge of his sleeve. “We’re safe.”

’ve been safe with you since the day we met in France. You are my protector, my savior, my husband.”

Warin tilted his head. “All that?”
Pleasure filled his blue eyes, turning them indigo.

“Aye, all that and more.” She reached up to trace the faint scar on his temple then tapped him on his nose. “You
’re also my friend, my only love and the father of the child in my womb.”

“A child.”

She almost laughed at the dazed expression on his face.

“Aye, my lord Warin. I carry your babe.” She reached over and took his hand, placing it on her belly. “Our babe.”

“Our child.” He pulled his hand away to hold it up before him as if the babe’s image had become imprinted there.

It’s what happens when a woman lies with her husband,” she teased.

“A child. So Alan spoke true that day in the forest.” He nodded his head. “I wanted to believe it but you hadn
’t mentioned it to me.”

“Because I didn
’t know for certain,” she whispered.

“But Emma – she knows?”

Alyna nodded. “I didn’t believe her. But when Philippa suspected it too, well, then I had to believe it.”

“The greatest gift – a child of my loins.”

“Aye.” She smiled at him prettily. “The power that creates new life out of the joining of a man and a woman is truly wondrous.”

Warin looked pleased for a moment and then a shadow drifted across his face, darkening his eyes.

“What is it?” Alyna asked, suddenly alarmed. “You’re ill?”

“Death has followed me.” He forced the sentence out with great difficulty as if every word pained him physically. “Years ago my family perished in a raid but I was away and so was spared.”

“It was not your time,” she whispered. She held her breath, waiting for Warin to continue for it appeared as if finally he was going to bare his soul to her. She held his hands lightly in hers for encouragement.

“And on
Crusade, all about me fell, by sword, by disease, by poison. Yet I lived, I stand here still.”

“It was not your time.” She repeated the words to be sure he had heard what she said.

“But to be given the gift of a child.” This time he placed both his hands on her belly. “The gift of new life for one who has taken so many lives
….” His voice trailed away and he gazed at her, unseeing.

“Those thoughts plague you still?” She frowned at him. She was at a loss for what to say. Mayhap he didn
’t remember she had reassured him once he wasn’t culpable but had only performed his duties as ordered by his superiors. She opened her mouth to remind him but he spoke before she could utter the words.

“Nay, not anymore.” He shook his head and his lips formed a brilliant smile as if that very declaration had set him free. “Sometimes the war of men becomes the war of gods. But still it is only a war of men. Does our God test us? Aye, daily, but He is also a good God, and generous. I didn
’t know it then but the Almighty rewarded me for my service to Him by sending you to me that day in France. But I know it now.”

He raised her hands to his lips and kissed first one, “I love you Alyna and,” then the other
, “I love the child you carry. Verily, there is only one thing I want more than our babe.”

“And that is?” What more could he want, she wondered. He had it all, did he not, lands, a keep, a wife and a soon to be born heir?

“And that is your love.”

“My love?”
Her brow furrowed and she tilted her head. “Remember, I spoke of my love that day in the forest after Baldric died.”

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