A Glittering Gallop (4 page)

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Authors: Sue Bentley

BOOK: A Glittering Gallop
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Zoe was giving Flame a blob of cream on her finger. Her head popped up. “Ponies?”

Tracy nodded. “We’ve got three: Fudge, Patch, and Ginger. They’re gorgeous. Why don’t you come over tomorrow and meet them?”

“I’d love to. I’ll bring Flame, too. Can I, Nana?” Zoe asked eagerly.

“’Course you can, sweetie,” her nana said. “I’ve got some shopping to do anyway, and I imagine you’re not interested in coming with me.”

Zoe grinned. “Ponies or shopping? Sorry, Nana. It’s no contest!”

The following morning, Zoe woke up with a strange noise in her ear. It took her a few moments before she realized that it was Flame purring beside her on the pillow.

“Hello, you,” she crooned, tickling him gently under his chin. “Did you sleep well?”

“Very well, thank you,” Flame purred more loudly.

“We’d better get up. We’re going over to Todd and Tracy’s, remember?” Zoe
threw back the covers and quickly got dressed.

Downstairs, she fed Flame first and then ate breakfast with her nana. She was in such a good mood that she put the breakfast dishes in the dishwasher without being asked.

Her nana looked pleasantly surprised. “Thanks, Zoe. Are you ready? I’ll walk along the lane with you to Todd and Tracy’s. It’s on the way to the stores, and I thought I’d bring them a few raspberries.”

Zoe and Flame followed her outside the front door and they turned immediately left into Bants Lane. Flame scampered along beside Zoe. He nosed about in the long grass, eagerly sniffing all the country smells.

“He’s very confident for such a tiny kitten,” Zoe’s nana commented.

“Yes, he is.” Zoe smiled, wishing that she could tell her that Flame was really a young white lion!

After a couple of minutes they came to a large, fenced field, which followed the curve in the lane. As the path straightened out, Zoe saw the old barn and the long pebbled drive leading up to it.

“The Trapmans have made a good job of those tumbledown old buildings,” Zoe’s nana said, looking at the sparkling honey-colored stone walls and new roof.

The front door was opened by a slim woman with dark hair, wearing jeans and a pink blouse. “Hello, you must be Joy Swann and Zoe. Tracy and Todd told me you had them over yesterday. That was very kind of you. Come in,” she said with a warm smile.

“Hello, Mrs. Trapman,” Zoe said politely.

As Zoe, her nana, and Flame went into the kitchen, Todd appeared at the back door wearing jeans tucked into rain boots. “Hiya, Zoe!” he said, beaming. “Come with me. Tracy’s in the stables.”

With Flame at her heels, Zoe followed Todd.

“Have a lovely morning with Todd and Tracy. I’ll see you later,” her nana called after her.

“What lovely raspberries. Thank you. Do you have time for a cup of coffee?” Mrs. Trapman asked Joy.

Todd grinned at Zoe. “Your nana and my mom seem to be getting along well.”

Zoe nodded. She saw Tracy coming out of the stables wheeling a barrow full of soiled straw and droppings.

Tracy looked up and smiled. “Hi! I won’t be a minute. I’m just going to dump this.”

“Can I help?” Zoe offered.

Tracy looked pleased. “Thanks. You can put down some fresh straw if you like.
Todd will show you where things are.”

Todd led the way into the stables. Zoe picked Flame up and followed him. She couldn’t wait to meet the ponies. There were six stalls in the stables. Three were empty, but there was a pony in each of the remaining stalls.

“This is Patch,” Todd told Zoe, stroking the first pony’s nose.

Zoe saw that Patch was a handsome light bay with a white blaze. Next Todd showed her Ginger, who was also a light bay with four white socks. “And this is dear old Fudge,” Todd said, pointing to a light brown pony with a pale mane and tail.

“Hello, girl,” Zoe said softly, patting the palomino pony’s shoulder. Fudge put her ears forward and whickered a soft greeting.

Out of the corner of her eye, Zoe saw Flame pounce on a wisp of straw. He growled and started play-fighting. “Don’t go too near the ponies’ hooves, in case they kick out,” she warned him.

Flame immediately sat down. Looking up at Zoe with bright emerald eyes, he pricked his ears. Fudge swung her head
down toward the tiny kitten and gave a friendly snort.

“Sounds like that kitten understands every word you say,” Tracy said, coming back into the stables. “And look at old Fudge. She’s really taken by him!”

Zoe smiled secretly to herself. She helped Todd and Tracy put down fresh straw, fill water buckets, and refill hay nets.

Flame found a sunny corner and curled up in the clean hay for a snooze.

“Shall we tack up and take the ponies out now? Do you want to ride Fudge, Zoe?” Tracy said.

“I’d love to!” Zoe exclaimed. She had been hoping the twins would suggest that she ride the palomino pony! Then she remembered something.
“Oh, I didn’t bring any riding gear to my nana’s.”

“What size shoes do you wear?” asked Tracy. Luckily, Zoe and Tracy wore the same size. Tracy loaned her a pair of jodhpur boots, a hat, and some gloves.

Tracy ran into the house to tell her mom where they were going. When she returned, they all mounted. Zoe rode along behind Todd on Patch and Tracy on Ginger. She patted Fudge’s smooth, warm neck.

It felt wonderful to be riding again. It was her favorite thing in the whole world. Suddenly she felt her heart miss a beat. Flame! In all the excitement, she had left him behind at the stables!

Zoe felt terrible. She had to go back for Flame, right now. She was supposed to be keeping him safe!

Just as she was about to turn Fudge around, she spotted a familiar little calico-colored shape beside the track.


The tiny kitten was running fast, his paws skimming the ground and his tiny
tail stretched right out behind him.

Zoe stopped Fudge. Ahead of her, Todd and Tracy carried on, unaware that she had fallen back.

Flame’s fur sparkled as he launched himself straight up into Zoe’s arms.

“I am sorry, Zoe!” he panted, purring loudly. “I only just woke up and realized that you had gone. You like horses very much, don’t you?”

Zoe stroked his soft little ears, still feeling guilty. “Yes, I do. But that’s no excuse for leaving you behind,” she whispered. “I’m really sorry.”

“I am here now,” Flame mewed, settling into her lap as she squeezed her legs against Fudge, urging her on.

Todd was waiting on Patch for Zoe for catch up. “Anything wrong?” he asked as Zoe rode up to him.

Zoe shook her head. “Not anymore,” she murmured.

Flame was perfectly happy, looking all around with alert eyes as they rode along. He didn’t seem to mind that she had forgotten him, but Zoe still couldn’t forgive herself.

Todd urged Patch on. “We’re turning on to a wider track up ahead.
It leads to Hackleton Firs.”

No one else was around, so Todd, Tracy, and Zoe urged their ponies into a trot. Zoe drew level with Todd and rode beside him, while Tracy entered the large area of fir trees ahead of them.

The sun was warm on Zoe’s bare arms. It was quiet except for the sound of the ponies’ hooves. Tall fir trees stretched overhead and the bridle paths wove through thick bracken.

Zoe saw an older boy on a dark-bay thoroughbred pony coming toward them through the trees. The boy noticed Tracy on Ginger, but instead of slowing down as she would have expected, he urged his pony into a canter.

“What’s that rider doing?” Zoe said, puzzled.

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