Read A Gentleman's Wager Online

Authors: Madelynne Ellis

A Gentleman's Wager (16 page)

BOOK: A Gentleman's Wager
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‘Turn over,’ Vaughan urged.

Lucerne rolled on to his stomach as well as his erection would allow. Vaughan began to massage his back; starting at the shoulders, he worked down Lucerne’s spine in increasingly tight circles, which soothed the tension that had knotted the viscount’s muscles. He repeated the movements twice, once with his hands and once with his lips, stopping at the base of the spine. He pressed his cheek against the warm skin of Lucerne’s bottom and then ran the very tip of his tongue into the cleft between the soft globes. Vaughan licked a firmer trail along the channel and his tongue brushed the surface of Lucerne’s anus.

Lucerne gasped in shock. He felt the blood rush to his face as his muscles contracted, and a dark ripple of excitement crept through him. His erection brushed the sheets, leaving a spot of pre-come on the linen. He felt the tickle of Vaughan’s warm tongue again, and then the sigh of the mattress as Vaughan reached over to his waistcoat and retrieved a small vial of liquid, which he unstoppered. He poured a few drops into his open hand, and then a few more between Lucerne’s buttocks.

‘What is that?’

‘Almond oil.’

‘Almond oil? Oh!’

Vaughan’s thumb pressed against Lucerne’s anus, then a cheeky finger nudged its way inside.


The finger entered him up to the knuckle and stroked him inside. Lucerne wriggled at the intrusion, shocked and wary but also surprised at the sweet intensity. Vaughan withdrew his finger but poured more oil into
hand. Afraid, Lucerne watched him lubricate himself and then rub more oil into the viscount’s behind.

‘Vaughan,’ Lucerne said apprehensively. He wasn’t at all sure this was where he wanted to go. The butterflies in his stomach began to flap wildly.

Vaughan leaned forward and kissed his shoulder. ‘Relax,’ he said reassuringly. ‘I won’t do anything you don’t want me to.’ His hands slid smoothly over Lucerne’s hot skin, adding to the ache of arousal the viscount felt in his loins. ‘Just tell me to stop, and I will.’

‘I …’

‘We’ll take it slowly,’ Vaughan promised. He kissed his way down Lucerne’s spine and then gently pulled his buttocks apart to press his glans against the muscular ring. Lucerne tensed as the heavy, insistent pressure swamped him. A blaze ran through his loins and into his balls, adding another inch to his already enormous erection. He tried to relax, curious as to how it would feel to have another man penetrate him. He felt so well lubricated that he was sure Vaughan would slide in easily. However, despite Vaughan’s insistent pushing, he did not make the breach.

Vaughan moved away and Lucerne groaned loudly at the loss. ‘What’s wrong?’ he asked.

‘Nothing.’ He felt Vaughan’s finger penetrate him again, and more oil being spread over his skin. Vaughan returned to his former position. He pressed firmly and the muscles relaxed. Slick and hot, he slid in part of the way.

‘Oh God!’

Vaughan was barely inside him and it felt like he was being torn apart. Vaughan gradually pushed until his cock was halfway in. Lucerne felt every moment magnified with incredible intensity, as if every inch were a yard. Yet, despite the overwhelming sense of fullness and
combined feeling of pleasure and pain he had already, Lucerne craved complete penetration. He tried to push backwards but Vaughan held him still.

‘Ready for more?’ he asked.


Lucerne bit his bottom lip, then exhaled hard as Vaughan pressed forwards until his hips nudged against the viscount’s bottom. They moved in short rhythmic strokes that seemed to bring them closer than Lucerne had ever thought possible. He groaned ecstatically and clutched the bedspread as Vaughan’s prick hit his prostate. Hot, dark pleasure ran through him like an opium dream. The soft sheets felt rough as his painfully sensitive erection rubbed against them. Suddenly, his world seemed to explode around him. He continued to feel the thrusts as his anus contracted around the intrusion and he shot warm semen over the old linen.

Lucerne gasped. He felt he could no longer breathe. The sensation was, unexpectedly, suddenly too raw.

‘Stop, please,’ he begged.

Vaughan withdrew without question and brought himself to climax with a few quick strokes. He came with a gasp over Lucerne’s thighs.

Lucerne rolled over and looked up at him. Vaughan’s eyes were virtually black in the dim light and glittered like diamonds. His skin shone with perspiration and his mouth was red and hungry. He looked incredibly sensual. Lucerne kissed him with a mixture of passion and tenderness he dared not qualify.

Vaughan rested his head on Lucerne’s chest and closed his eyes. ‘Thank you,’ he whispered. ‘You don’t know how long I’ve waited to do that.’

‘I think I’ve some idea,’ Lucerne replied. He held him affectionately, and listened to the combined sounds of their heartbeats as they drifted off to sleep.


the stable door and set her jaw in an expression of grim determination, but the attempt to muster some self-control fell flat. After a fitful night spent dreaming of Lucerne and Vaughan crushing her between them, kneading the soft round fullness of her bottom and sucking her nipples, willpower alone wasn’t going to quell the craving. She needed something physical, and Mark could always be relied on.

He was in the end stall.

Bella tapped him on the shoulder. He gave a guilty start and grinned shamefacedly. His thick woollen breeches were partially unbuttoned and the coarse fabric strained over an obvious bulge. It appeared that she’d arrived at an opportune moment.

‘You’re riding out today?’ he said. The weather was still miserable. Bella had ventured out during a brief respite in the rain. No, she thought, but I came for a ride anyway.

‘I just came to check on the horses.’

The taut skin of his stomach showed clearly through the gap in the fabric. Instinctively drawn to the glimpse of nakedness, she reached out and traced the muscle tone.

‘Here?’ he said, and the skin around his warm brown eyes crinkled into a nervous frown.

‘Who’s going to come out in this weather?’

The worry lines transformed into a broad smile. Bella slipped a gloved hand through one of his galluses and
him towards the ladder to the hayloft. The low ceiling of the upper storey smelled strongly of hay and horses. It reminded Bella of the summer afternoons she’d spent rolling in the long grass with Mark, before Lucerne had returned to Lauwine. Mark followed her through the hatch and strode casually over to the hay-covered boards to sit down on a bail.

‘So you want me to stud for you again, do you?’

‘Am I that obvious?’


He placed one of his big hands behind her neck and pulled her close, then kissed her roughly so that his stubble grazed her chin. A smile played at her lips as she ran her hands over his broad shoulders and felt the muscles working beneath his shirt. Lucerne and Vaughan, even Frederick Wakefield, were in a different league to Mark, but when it came down to raw sex appeal his earthiness had its own charm. Mark was attractive without trying; he didn’t need a starched collar, perfume or any other finery to persuade her of his appeal.

‘Are the fine gentlemen drunk or spent?’ he asked as he guided her hand through the vent of his breeches. ‘Or did you just fancy a tumble in the hay?’

‘This is what I fancy,’ she said. Mark gave an affirmative growl as she closed her fist around his plum. He nibbled her earlobe then reclined, sinking into the hay. Bella lowered her head and flicked her tongue across his cock-head. Something about this act, about having a man’s cock between her lips, really turned her on. She’d quite happily suck him to climax, but none of the men she slept with ever let her do that. At the tip, she pressed her tongue into the sensitive spot beneath the eye.

‘Stop it. Stop it, Bella.’ Mark pushed at her shoulders, and reluctantly she let him fall from her lips. Instead,
bunched up her skirts and lifted herself over his prick. A thread of fire licked around her clitoris and her vulva felt hot and wanting. The dark thatches of their pubic hair kissed as she watched herself slide over his cock, until he virtually disappeared inside her. She mewled sluttishly at the sight, and then released her skirts so that their bodies were hidden beneath the blanket of cloth.

Mark grasped her legs beneath the skirts and began a slow, cautious rhythm that made her smile. She fought against him. ‘Too slow,’ she muttered. He would come before she did – he always did – so what was the point of delaying the inevitable? As if performing a rising trot, she began to take her pleasure as she pleased.

‘Bella!’ He dug his fingertips into her thighs in a desperate attempt to slow her down, but Bella increased the pace instead. She flexed her inner muscles around him as she rode him, watching as he grunted and his expression changed from bliss to exhaustion. When she felt his penis soften, she lifted herself from him. The dull ache of arousal clawed at her nipples as she sat down in the hay. Frustration, thrice what she’d felt when she’d come here, knotted her insides and pricked at her skin. It seemed whatever relief she was going to find would have to come from her own fingers.

‘Minx!’ Mark groaned, though he smiled at her from beneath the dark line of his eyelashes.

‘I’m obviously just too much for you,’ she said. Her eyes fixed on his limp penis as Mark leaned back on his elbows.

‘We’ll see about that.’

Who was he fooling? He’d never yet brought her to orgasm, and Wakefield had managed that at one attempt. Besides, in his present state he’d be useless for at least half an hour.

Mark tugged off his breeches, a wolfish grin plastered on his face. He lurched towards her and wrestled her into the sweet smelling hay with a manoeuvre he usually reserved for the village fair.

‘Get off me, Mark.’ Bella tugged ineffectually at his shirt. She already felt uncomfortably aroused without him tormenting her any further. The weight of his body above her and the sense of helplessness made her ache to be filled.

‘Not a chance. You’re going to get a good swiving, my lady, so you know what a real stallion’s like. Not like the jessamies you’ve been with.’

Bella laughed. ‘Jealous, Mark?’


He pinned her arms and straddled her. Bella wriggled, but he just gripped her harder and pulled up her skirts. The hay prickled against her legs and caught in her stockings. Mark pressed his cock to her stomach. To her surprise, he was already partially hard again. He kissed her neck and face as she began to whimper in lust.

Bella felt herself open for him. The flush of full arousal she’d previously felt became intolerable. She wanted him so desperately she was ready to beg. But Mark wasn’t Vaughan: there was no artifice in him, and he gave what he promised. There was no resistance to his entry; she was open, wet and completely ready for him. Bella groaned as he possessed her. She felt overwhelmed and ravished. It was delicious.

‘Is this what you came looking for?’ he growled.

‘I’ll tell you when you’ve finished,’ she hissed into his ear.

She wondered briefly, as he penetrated her with hard quick strokes, at how he’d improved since the last time. Then again, maybe it had always been this good with him, and she’d just never realised or appreciated it.
way, she was soaring now. She kissed his shoulder as ripples spread out across her body in waves. He briefly tweaked a nipple, and the rush grew to an explosive crescendo, about to engulf her.

Suddenly, Mark released her hands and stopped moving. Bella’s eyes flickered open. She knew he hadn’t come. His eyes were wide with alarm. She recognised the long black leather boots moments before he winced as Vaughan’s riding crop came down across his flanks.

Mark cursed. He lifted his hips to withdraw but found Vaughan’s heeled boot planted firmly on his buttocks.

‘Continue,’ Vaughan said, and pushed him down into Bella.

Bella gasped as she felt Mark slide deep inside her. His forced action aroused her more acutely than any previous act. She was balanced on a precarious pinnacle. The smallest movement might either make her come or topple her from ecstasy into unbearable frustration: something she was sure Vaughan was aware of.

‘Get to it, boy.’

Bella listened to the angry growl roll at the back of Mark’s throat. His face had flushed the colour of ripe blackberries. Within her, the acute arousal she’d thought couldn’t possibly get any more demanding seemed to flare. She almost felt drunk on lust.

‘Do hurry, or you’ll have a queue waiting to throw up the skirts of this tuppeny whore.’

It was Bella’s turn to flush with anger. She clenched her fists, but her retort escaped as a purr as Mark found exactly the right angle, driven a little deeper by Vaughan’s boot.

The tail of his crop whistled through the air and hit Mark’s arse cheeks with a sharp crack. A line of fire rose across Bella’s abdomen. It felt as though he’d hit her. Mark snarled as a second crack scored his flesh. Within
, his erection thickened and lengthened. ‘More,’ Bella whimpered silently.

‘Consider this a reprimand for swiving above your station.’

Mark moved with dizzying fervour as the crop goaded him on, his motion both instinctive and spasmodic. His brown eyes grew glazed and shone with liquid light. Bella gripped his upper arms, the bite of the crop lighting every nerve as it fell. She threw her arms out wide, soaring, breathless, almost there.

Vaughan reversed the crop in his hand. He coated the supple plaited leather with oil, then prodded the handle purposefully between Mark’s cheeks and past the tight ring of his anus, which elicited a growl of protest. Mercilessly, Vaughan twisted the crop. Mark whimpered as it hit his prostate. His eyelids dropped as his eyes seemed to roll back into his head. He froze.

‘No!’ Bella’s cry filled the hayloft as Mark came. ‘No, oh!’ she sobbed, digging her nails into his skin. But her howls were to no avail. Mark was finished, his short, hard orgasm over before he even thought of restraining himself. He gave a final groan as the crop was pulled from his anus. Bella banged her fist against the wooden boards, while Mark turned his head slowly to look at Vaughan.

BOOK: A Gentleman's Wager
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