A Fighting Chance (69 page)

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Authors: Elizabeth Warren

Tags: #Biography & Autobiography, #Political, #Women, #Political Science, #American Government, #Legislative Branch

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Nalder, Jerrold


Nasiripour, Shahien

National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP)

Legal Defense Fund

National Association of Consumer Bankruptcy Attorneys (NACBA)

National Association of Federal Credit Unions

National Association of Government Employees

National Association of Letter Carriers

National Bankruptcy Review Commission (NBRC)

death of Synar and
report of 1997
Warren appointed to

National Center for Injury Prevention and Control

National City Bank

National Community Reinvestment Coalition

National Consumer Law Center (NCLC)

National Consumers League

National Council of La Raza

National Credit Union Administration (NCUA)

National Economic Council

National Education Association

National Fair Housing Alliance

National Guard

National Nurses United

National Institutes of Health (NIH)

National Organization for Women (NOW)

National Partnership for Women & Families

National People’s Action

National Postal Mail Handlers Union

National Public Radio (NPR)

National Rifle Association

National Science Foundation (NSF)

National Treasury Employees Union

National Urban League

National Voter Registration Act (NVRA, “Motor Voter”, 1993)

Native American ancestry

Neal, Richie

Negron, Michael

Neiman, Richard


New York Times

9/11 Commission

Nocera, Joe


Northwestern University

Obama, Barack

CFPB and
Democratic National Convention and
Dimon and
Dodd-Frank and
recess appointments and
TARP and
Warren’s Senate campaign and

Occupy Boston

Occupy Wall Street

Octonion I

Odom, Kim

Odom, Stephen

Office & Professional Employees International Union

Office of Congressional Ethics

Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC)

Office of Thrift Supervision (OTS)

oil industry

Olver, John

O’Neill, Terry

See also
Center for Responsive Politics

Operation Rescue

Operative Plasterer’s & Cement Mason’s International Association

PACs and Super PACs

Pandit, Vikram

Panetta, Leon

Patrick, Deval

Patton, Matt

Paulson, Henry M.

payday lenders

Pelosi, Nancy


People’s Pledge

Petraeus, Holly

Pew Research Center

PICO National Network

Planned Parenthood


Pleasant Hill Baptist Church

Plunkett, Travis



Porter, Katherine M.

Pottow, John A.

Powell, Hank

Powell, M J

P-PIP program

Pratt, Michael

predatory lending.
See also
mortgages; payday lenders


Professional Aviation Safety Specialists

Progressive Change Campaign Committee

Progressives United


Public Citizen

Public Interest Research Group (PIRG)

Rachel Maddow Show, The
(TV Show)

racial discrimination

Rakoff, Jeb

Ramalho, Art

Reagan, Ronald

recession of early 1980s

Reed, Bessie Amelia “Aunt Bee”

death of

Reed, Jack

Reid, Harry

Republican Party

Affordable Care Act and
AIG and
bankruptcy law and
banks vs. families and
campaign contributions and
CFPB and
COP and
foreclosure scandal and
House elections of 2010 and
National Bankruptcy Review Commission and
Senate elections of 2010 and
Senate elections of 2012 and
spending cuts and
TARP and
tax loopholes and
voter registration and
women’s rights and

Responsible Borrower Protection Bankruptcy bill (industry-backed bill, introduced 1997).
See also

Retail, the Wholesale and Department Store Union

Rhinesmith, Alan

Rich, Andrew

Riesenfeld, Stefan

Ritchie, Donald A.

Roberts, John G., Jr.


Romash, Marla

Romney, Mitt

Roosevelt, Franklin D.

Roosevelt Institute

Rose, Charlie

Rouse, Pete

Rove, Karl

Rowsey, Jan “Candy”

Rubin, Doug

Russell, David O.

Rutgers Law School

Sanders, Bernie

Saturday Night Live
(TV Show)


savings and loan (S&L) crisis

Scalia, Antonin

Schapiro, Mary

Schor, Juliet

Schriock, Stephanie

Schumer, Chuck

Schumer Amendment

Schweizer, Peter

scientific and medical research

Seafarers International Union

Sealy, Will

Sears Roebuck

Seay, Thomas

Securities Act (1933)

Securities and Exchange Act (1934)

Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)

Segel, Jim

self employed

senior citizens

Service Employees International Union (SEIU)

Shaheen, Jeanne

Shea, Dillon

Sheet Metal Workers International Association

Shelby, Richard

Shepard, James I.

Sierra Club

SIGTARP (Special Inspector General of TARP).
See also
Barofsky, Neil

Silvers, Damon

Silvers, Rosie

single parents.
See also
child support

Sitaraman, Ganesh

COP and
Senate race and

60 Minutes
(TV show)

small banksnn
. See also
community banks

CFPB and
disadvantages of, vs. large banks
failures of
FDIC and
foreclosures and
Know Before You Owe andnn
TARP and

small business

bankruptcy and
financial crisis and
TARP and
Warren’s Senate campaign and

Smith, Eugene

Smith, Howard

Snowe, Olympia

Social Security

soft money

Sotomayor, Sonia

Sovereign Bank

Spitzer, Eliot

Standard & Poor’s

Stanley, David

“State of Lending in America”

Stein, Eric

Stephan, Jeffrey

Stewart, Jon

stress tests

student loans.
See also
Bank on Students bill

bankruptcy law and
consumer complaints andn
interest rates andn

Subprime Virus, The

Sullivan, Kyle

Sullivan, Teresa A.,

Summers, Larry

Summer Shack


Sununu, John

Sweeney, John

Synar, Mike

death of

Talbott, Scott

Talley, Eric


Taylor, James

Taylor, Kim

Taylor, Stephanie

Teamsters Union

Tea Party

Terry, Randall

Thorne, Deborah K.

Tierney, John


toaster analogy

Tobin Project

Tocci, Lynda

(TV show)

Too Big to Fail (TBTF)

Torres, Jess

transgender people

Transport Workers Union

Travis, Adam

Treasury Department.
See also
Troubled Asset Relief Program;
and specific individuals and agencies

AIG and
auto bailouts and
CFPB and
Citibank and
COP and
financial reform and
foreclosure crisis and
Geithner succeeds Paulson at
HAMP andn
small business and
Summers and

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