A Fey Harvest (27 page)

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Authors: Amy Sumida

Tags: #dpgroup.org, #Fluffer Nutter

BOOK: A Fey Harvest
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What the hell?” I flinched at the feeling of something way too hard to be flesh. “Is your dick scaled?”

No,” he laughed outright, bracing himself against the rim of the pool so he wouldn't fall in. “It's shielded.”

Shielded? You have a cock shield?” I raised an eyebrow.

Well you didn't think such sensitive flesh could be immersed in magma did you?”

You seemed to imply it could.”

It's a flexible casing,” he took my hand and pressed it
against the shell that surrounded him. “When I enter you, it will slide back. You have something similar protecting your sex.”

What? Shut up!” My hand plunged down to find that he was right, there were two flaps of rigid flesh guarding my inner sanctum. “Well damn.”

Would you like to see how dragons mate in fire?” His grin turned lascivious.

Your damn right I would,” I pulled him closer, caressing his ridge crest of horns, and felt him press up against me intimately.

He pushed me back, arching my back over the rim of the pool, so that my breasts lifted free of the lava. I could feel streams of thick magma roll off me like hot fudge, and then his mouth was at the tip of a breast, pulling my scaled nipple into a different type of heat. I sighed, my hands going immediately to his head, to pull him closer.

As my sigh left my lips, he pressed more firmly against me and I felt myself part as a softer, yet still firm, part of him slid inside me. I could feel his casing slide back, forming a roll that came to a point at the top. Every time he sank deep, that point rubbed right where I needed it to. I screamed and rolled upright to claw at his shoulders and wrap my legs around his waist.

His back was slippery but I finally got a handhold on his horns and found his mouth with my own. His tongue was longer, more tapered, and so was mine. It was easier to snake them about each other and more pleasurable too. The flesh beneath my scales felt more alive, every stroke of ecstasy enhanced by the slick covering, and it was almost like my whole body was an erogenous zone.

Arach started picking up the tempo, at one point lifting me out of the lava in a volcanic splash, only to fall back with me on top. I took advantage of the moment to set my own pace and roll
my hips into his. That protected flesh of his seemed longer, just like his tongue, and it went deeper, especially when I was on top. I would have thought it was too deep, that all that flesh would be too much for me to take, but it wasn't just the outside of my body that had changed. He fit me perfectly, filling the new version of myself as if he'd been made to.

By the time he rolled me over again, my magic was rising and I smiled, looking forward to the addition of the lust magic. But it wasn't lust that rose to the surface. Oh, it was there, pulsing red in response to our passion, but the magic that burst up into my chest was the magic of the Land, Demeter's magic.

I had a sudden sense that this was right, that I was connected to my kingdom, so the land magic should be the magic to come forth. I welcomed it and it blossomed upward, sending shivering sensations through me and into Arach. He shuddered with it, then started pounding into me violently as if it were urging him on. I looked up and found his lips pulled back to reveal his fangs, as he threw his head back in rapture. It was the sexiest I'd ever seen him and my own pleasure started to fill me in response. I screamed and let the magic go, released it into the lava and into my kingdom as my blessing for my fey.

The pool shivered around us as we roared in ecstasy, then it bubbled up and up, finally erupting into a spray of lava that coated us and sent a rush of magic tingling over our skin. It settled as we did and by the time I laid resting in Arach's arms, it was calm, barely simmering.

was that?” Arach whispered against my throat.

My new magic,” I smiled. “It's a magic connected to the land, so I think it wanted to connect with our kingdom.”

I don't know,” Arach trailed his hand through the lava, like he was feeling out the magic. “I think it did more than connect.”

Like what?” I pulled back a little so I could see his face.

Like change,” he shrugged. “You just put a part of yourself into our kingdom, Vervain,” he had those impressed eyes again. “You joined your magic to our kingdom and our people. That doesn't happen without effects.”

I'm sure it will be fine,” I shrugged. “How much damage could I possibly do?”

I'm not worried about damage,” he grinned at me. “Why do you always jump to the negative conclusion? I think you may have helped the land, recharged it at the very least, and so helped our fey. It's amazing.”

You're amazing,” I grinned and slid onto his lap. “Especially that little ridge that forms when you slide inside.”

My crest?” He smirked and pulled my thighs wider apart. “Care to feel it again?”

Chapter Thirty-


I woke up in a panic. My arms flinging out to either side and grasping for weapons. I had something to fight, something to kill. Didn't I?

Vervain?” Arach blinked sleepily at me, one of my hands was on his chest, clawing at his nipple.

Oh,” my heart rate slowed and I realized that for the first time in a long while, I had nothing to prepare for, no one to worry about killing or finding. “I'm sorry, I'm fine.”

Nothing to kill?” He smiled wryly at me and I grimaced. “That's the dragon in you. We're happiest when in pursuit.”

Oh yeah?” I laughed, the panic finally fading away. “Maybe I should give you something to chase. I knew I made it too easy on you.”

Too easy,” his eyes went wide. “I've never pursued a woman for so long in all of my life.”

You barely pursued me at all, you just put the whammo on me and married me before I came to,” I teased.

That doesn't count,” he waved his hand . “It's after that I'm talking about.”

We were married after that,” I kept going with it because it was just too damn fun. “You hardly have to pursue your wife.”

You'd think so,” he huffed and climbed out of bed, giving me a delightful view of his sculpted ass. When he turned back around, I was grinning from ear to ear. He shook his head at me. “I wish someone had told
that. You are the hardest won wife in the history of the world.”

That can't possibly be accurate,” I laughed and jumped out of bed to get dressed too. “There's Helen of Troy.”

That war had nothing to do with that bimbo,” he scoffed. “It was about Troy.”

Bimbo? Really?”

She was, from all reports, a vacuous woman,” he lifted a brow at me. “Did I not use the correct word?”

No, that's perfect,” I shook my head and pulled a black velvet dress on.

I had just started brushing out my hair when a knock sounded at the door. I groaned and looked at the door as if it had failed miserably in its job of protecting me from everyone else.

“Enter,” Arach called out, while all I wanted to do was run and hide.

Isleen opened the door and came in with a concerned expression.

“No,” I held up a hand and stopped her before she could speak. “Whatever it is, no. I need a few days off. I'm tired of solving problems, get someone else to handle it.”

Isleen looked helplessly to Arach.

“It's fine, Isleen,” he shook his head at me. “The Queen has just awoke and is in a foul temper. What do you need?”

There's some fire fey awaiting an audience, my King,” she frowned. “They've come a long way to report some incidents in the kingdom.”

Have you seen to their comfort?” Arach was already pulling on his boots.

Of course,” Isleen gave him a look that he never would
have tolerated when I'd first met him. Now however, he just laughed. Then again, it was Isleen, the woman who'd practically raised him. If anyone could have gotten away with it, it would have been her.

Good work,” he got up and held a hand out to me. “My Queen.”

Aw man,” I grumbled. “Do I have to?”


Yeah, yeah,” I slipped on some soft shoes and took his arm begrudgingly. “Damn demanding faeries.”

This is the price of queenhood,” he led me out after Isleen.

If you recall,” I pointed out as we descended the stairs. “I never asked for queenhood, I'm not even sure what queenhood is. Is it a piece of clothing? Does it come in red? Does it attract wolves or does it have to be a riding hood for that?”

Why do I put up with you?” He rolled his eyes and then glanced at me. “Oh, yes, I remember now, you're a most excellent sexual partner.”

He calls Helen of Troy a bimbo,” I griped as Isleen gasped, “and yet he doesn't know how to say I'm good in the sack.”

What sack?” Arach frowned at me, confusion rampant on his face.

Please,” Isleen was starting to look panicked. “Some of these fey have traveled through the night to reach you. Can your talk of coitus not wait?”

I'm sorry, Isleen,” I picked up my pace and she started to relax. “My husband can be inconsiderate sometimes.” She groaned while Arach growled. “Oh, and we're here,” I cut off Arach's reply.

The throne room was full of fey, anxious looking fey all staring at us. In the midst of a group of strangers stood one woman I knew, a fey who had been there for me when I needed someone to talk to. Her black skin shone in the light of the fey globes and her thick strands
of black hair shifted restlessly as she met my dark eyes with her fiery ones. She smiled carefully, as if unsure of her welcome.

Caitir,” I went straight to her and gave her a hug. “How are you?”

Well, my Queen,” she smiled wide as murmurs swept the room. “How fare you?”

I'm good, we just defeated the Darkness,” I shrugged. “So it's nice to not have anything to worry about.”

Vervain,” Arach was behind me. “Would you like to introduce me to your friend?” He sounded annoyed and I wasn't sure if he was irritated that I'd gone ahead without him or that I'd made a friend he knew nothing about.

This is Caitir,” I waved a hand out to the fire fey. “I met her in the Weeping Woods. Caitir, this is King Arach.”

My King,” Caitir nodded her head.

It's a pleasure to meet you, Caitir,” Arach nodded back. “I was unaware that the Queen had friends outside of the castle.”

Yeah well, you were busy at the time,” I gave him a smirk, “with Laise.”

Ah, yes,” he cleared his throat.

So what's up, Caitir?” I glanced around the room. “Why is everyone here?”

Vervain,” Arach groaned. “There is protocol. You don't just walk up to one of our fey and randomly question her. We need to do this in an orderly manner.”

Seriously?” I lifted a brow. “This is a friend of mine, I'm not going to go sit on the throne and make her come up and bow to me before she can speak. Go ahead, Caitir.”

I, uh,” she glanced nervously at Arach and I shot him a nasty look.

Let's at least move this to the dais so everyone can hear,” Arach finally conceded. “It's not just about bowing, Vervain.”

Oh, right,” I moved to the front of the room, bringing Caitir along with us. I saw Roarke standing along one of the walls, laughing at me. I stuck my tongue out at him quickly and he laughed harder.

Alright, Caitir,” Arach went to sit in his throne but I remained standing with her. “Go ahead.”

I'm not really the chosen representative,” she stammered. “I just came along as an escort.”

Okay, who is then?” I didn't want to make her uncomfortable.

I've come with ten from my village,” she waved her hand to the throng and ten fey stepped forward, a couple of them with her rare coloring, the others with skin tones that varied from different shades of red to pale white. “Armadal is the leader of our village.”

A man with dark red skin like cinnabar, stepped forward and bowed. He had amber colored hair hanging down to his waist but it was braided back neatly. He wore black leather pants and a brown cotton shirt with a simple black leather jacket over it. He didn't look as if he'd traveled far but then Caitir's village was just outside the Weeping Woods, which weren't too far from the castle. Some of the other fey in the crowd looked much more travel weary, a few of them holding mugs of ale that I assume Isleen had distributed.

“I'm Armadal,” the man said and Caitir stepped back respectfully. “there have been strange occurrences, my King, my Queen.”

Yes, we've gathered such,” Arach waved his hand impatiently and I shot him another grimace.

What's happened?” I claimed his attention.

Last evening,” Armadal shot a glance back at the assembled fey, “there was a rush of magic that pulsed through the kingdom. I don't know if it hit all of Faerie but we were hit quite hard.”

I think I may know of what you speak,” Arach gave me a secret smile before looking back at Armadal. “What happened exactly?”

Well,” Armadal frowned. “the earth seemed to shiver, the trees and plants shook, and it was as if the kingdom held its breath for a moment, condensing inward. Then a burst of energy blasted from the ground and into every living thing in my village. I'm told it was the same everywhere in the kingdom,” he waved a hand back at the other fey and there were murmurs of assent. “Then, this morning, we found this,” he stepped forward and handed me a delicate orchid blossom, its petals were a vibrant red, deep red at its center and lightening to an orange-red at the tips. Two long petals curled around the outside of the main bloom like tongues of fire, bright yellow fading to white.

Oh,” I smiled as I took it and went over to show Arach. “It's beautiful.” My words were met with silence though and I looked up to find Arach staring at the flower with horrified fascination.

Where did you find this?” He shot at Armadal.

Inside my village, my King,” Armadal nodded sagely, this was apparently more of the type of reaction he'd been expecting. “It in fact grew off of a tree beside Caitir's home.”

What's the big deal?” I shrugged and went to sit in my throne, happily admiring the orchid. “It's just an orchid.”

You know what kind of flower this is?” Arach was staring at me with more shock.

Yes, of course,” I smiled and held it up. The room gasped and even stepped back a little. “There's nothing to be afraid of.” I shook my head and smiled, wondering how faeries could be afraid of a flower. “My grandfather used to grow these, though none of this coloring. This is gorgeous, it's like fire was made into an orchid.”

Fire made into a human flower,” Arach frowned, his thinking face on. “Vervain, this is serious, deathly serious.”

It's just a flower,” I rolled my eyes.

Yes but it's not a
flower,” Arach stared at me until I finally understood.

So what's it doing in Faerie?”


I think I know,” I whispered. “We, uh, in the fire pool, you know.”

Yes, I know what we did in the lava lake,” Arach chuckled and shook his head.

And then my magic rose, remember?”

I remember that too, yes,” he smirked. “It was quite enjoyable.”

But it was my new magic, the land magic,” I lifted my brows and nodded my head like I expected him to figure it out. “God magic.”

Oh,” he finally said thoughtfully. “I see.”

There's nothing to worry about,” I said to the gathering. “The King and I sent some magic through the lava pool last night and it seems to have affected the kingdom.”

But this, my Queen?” Armadal gestured to the flower.
“How can a human flower come to Faerie?”

Through me,” I shrugged. “The magic I sent into the land was God magic.” The fey gasped. “It wasn't on purpose but my magic felt the need to connect with the kingdom as it is an earth magic, a magic of the seasons and fertility. It felt right, and I try to listen to my instincts. I think this could be good for our kingdom.”

An earth magic?” Caitir came forward again. “A seasonal magic? We don't have seasons in Faerie.”

Well, Faerie told me to bring you change,” I shrugged, “here it is.”

This flower,” Caitir waved a hand toward the orchid I still held. “You said you've never seen its coloring. Do you think it's a new flower? A blossom of both fey and god magic?”

Huh,” I looked over to Arach.

Not just fey and god,” he answered. “This is the fey element of fire mixed with the god magic of fertility and placed inside the shape of a human flower. This is the Queen's triple aspect coming to life.”

Oh, right,” I huffed a laugh. “That makes sense.”

There was a rite in Rome once,” Arach said thoughtfully. “They would have sex in the fields to help with a bountiful harvest. I think we may have created our own rite last night.”

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