A Dream to be Loved Kandi Jaynes (18 page)

BOOK: A Dream to be Loved Kandi Jaynes
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Drake forced himself to walk, instead of run, to his office and called Kelsie.

"She called early this morning. Her uncle Max was in an accident. He rolled his pickup truck. I don't know how bad it is or what hospital he's at. When she called she was on her way out the door and didn't give me any details. I'm sorry I should've called you as soon as she hung up, her cell phone was beeping from a low battery when she called. I didn't think about you missing her at work and worrying. It's been a rather hectic morning.

"That's okay," he said, breathing a sigh of relief she wasn't the one hurt. "Do you have any idea how long she'll be gone?"

"No I don't. I'll be sure and call you if I hear from her though."

"Thanks, Kelsie." He hung up the phone, glad she wasn't the one in the accident, but worried she was upset and alone. He tried her cell phone on the slim chance she'd answer, but it went straight to voicemail. He looked at all the work on his desk, knowing he was going to get precious little of it done until he heard from her. Drake spent the rest of the day alternating between checking figures and pacing the floor. After work he went to Kate's house. Sue was there and let him in. They kept each other company for a while before Sue stood saying, "Well I have a date tonight. I was going to cancel and stay here until I knew Kate was okay, but since you're here you can do that." She smiled, "Something tells me you can comfort her better than I can these days."




When Kate dragged through the door around eleven, she was exhausted. The call had come about five that morning and she had left shortly after. By the time she'd driven the two hours to the hospital, they'd moved her uncle to a private room. He had a pretty nasty concussion and a gash on his head but other than that was fine. Her aunt Ruth however was not. It had taken the better part of the day to calm her down. Kate had stayed until her aunt was convinced Max was going to be all right.

She went back to her room and took a hot shower. Donning one of her beloved nightshirts she wandered to the kitchen to make a cup of tea. As tired as she was she knew she wouldn't be able to sleep until she unwound a little so she strolled into the living room, stopping dead in her tracks when she saw Drake through the moonlight asleep on the sofa. She gently placed her cup on the coffee table as her eyes clouded with tears. How many times today had she wanted him to be with her? She couldn't even begin to count. Suddenly all the stress of the day released and she sat crying quietly while watching him sleep. When the tears subsided she gave in to impulse and slowly stood. She crept a step closer and put a hand on either side of him before lowering herself onto him.

His eyes fluttered open as his arms instinctively wrapped around her. She brought a finger to his lips. "I've had a really rough day. I know it would be breaking my own rules, but do you think we could just lie here and kiss awhile?"

His lips formed a slow curve and he carefully rolled, placing her partially against the back of the couch and partially under him, entangling their legs in the process. He slid his hand around hers and drew it away from his mouth. "Oh yeah, we can definitely kiss awhile." He brushed his lips to hers and whispered, "As far as I'm concerned, these lips are yours for as long as you want them."

He kissed her slowly and softly, fulfilling her need for comfort not passion after the day she'd had.

Breathing a soft contented sigh, Kate now felt she was truly home. She hadn't wanted to admit to herself but this house, the house she had worked so hard to get, the house she had waited for and wanted more than anything on earth, hadn't felt like home recently unless Drake was in it. Now, not the house, but here with him, like this, is where home was. She curled her arms around his neck and laced her fingers in his hair. She felt his heart beating with her own. She wanted to be closer to him. Gliding her hands the length of his back, she released his shirt from its confinement of denim and slipped her hands across his back. Her hands took on a mind of their own. Her hands roamed over his exposed skin, her fingers tracing every muscle.

They were both breathless and lost in what they were doing when a shrill ring startled them. The answering machine picked up and Sue's voice seemed to echo through the room. "Hi it's Sue. I was just checking to see if you were home yet. Catch ya later."

When all was quiet again, Drake started trailing kisses down the side of her neck. Suddenly, Kate burst into giggles. He raised his head and looked at her his brow arched. She laughed again. "I'm sorry, I'm not laughing at you. It's just... I never did this as a teenager. It suddenly struck me how glad I am we don't have to worry about one of our parents walking in and catching us.

Drake grinned. "I'm glad, too." He dipped down and kissed her again.

Kate hugged him tight, then released a slow groan. "We may not have to worry about parents, but I haven't called Missy, Sue, or Kelsie since I got back. One of them could walk in at any time looking for me."

Drake dropped his forehead to her shoulder with a moan. Kate laughed, "I'd better call them." Drake pushed himself up and looked down the length of her body. Blushing instantly, Kate straightened her shirt.

Reluctantly, he dragged himself off the couch. She sat up and they heard a noise from the kitchen. Sure enough, someone had come to make sure she was all right.

Kate quickly refastened a few buttons open on her shirt as Drake straightened his. He flipped on the light just before Kelsie walked in the room. She looked from one to the other taking in their appearance. Fighting a grin, she said, "Am I interrupting something?

Drake grinned back, tucking his shirt it. "No. We were just, ah... talking."

"I see," Kelsie replied.

He looked at Kate and held out his hand. She took it and allowed him to pull her off the sofa. "Why don't you walk me to the door. I'll go and let you two have some time to talk."

Kate stepped outside with him. Taking her in his arms, he pressed his lips to hers. "I'd better warn you now. After tonight, I can't go back to that platonic just friends relationship."


He placed a finger over her mouth. "I mean it, Kate. I can't, and won't, go back to that. And if you were honest, I don't think you want to either."

After kissing her one last time, he whispered, "Sweet dreams, Kate," against her cheek, then made his way through the darkness. Yet again tears rolled down her face. It was the first time in months she had heard him say that and was amazed at how good it felt to hear it.




Chapter Eleven



The next morning all four of Kate's closest friends were milling around her kitchen. Sue was making coffee, Kelsie was pulling baked goods out of a bag, Missy was setting the table and Drake was cooking eggs and pancakes. He loaded a tray with an assortment of food and two glasses of juice a few minutes later.

Sue looked at the tray and smiled. "She's always cranky when she first wakes up."

"I'll try to remember that. Anything else about her I should know?"

"Yes, but you've probably already figured out most of it by now. Like the fact she's terribly stubborn."

"How about the way she eats those little snack cakes. Peeling them apart layer by layer instead of just biting into them," Missy said.

Kelsie joined in, "She squeezes the toothpaste from the middle instead of the end, and she just rolls the bread wrapper under instead of putting the twist tie back on it."

Drake chuckled then asked, "Is she less cranky after something to eat?"

"Most of the time," Sue answered, "But I'm not guaranteeing anything."

"I'll take my chances. If I'm not out in three or four hours come and save me, okay?" He wriggled his eyebrows and turned toward the hall.

"Sure thing." They laughed as he left the room.

Balancing the tray, he walked down the hall and carefully opened her door. Kate was asleep with a sheet draped lightly across her hips and legs.

Drake set the tray down on the nightstand. Easing himself onto the bed, he slowly lifted the partially unbuttoned nightshirt away from her midsection.




"Mmmmm..." Kate's brows creased as the haze of sleep slowly faded and she realized that deeply erotic sound had just escaped from her. She felt the most incredible sensations chasing themselves around her body. She heard a soft chuckle and carefully opened her eyes. Drake was softly caressing the skin of her abdomen with his fingers and lips. A shiver shot up her spine, and goose bumps broke out all over her body. Drake gave another low husky laugh.

"Good morning."

"Good morning." She blushed at the soft breathless draw of her voice.

Drake made his way up from her belly button to the underside of her chin. Kate's lips parted and let a soft whimper escaped.

After a brief good morning kiss, Drake released her lips. He drew in a ragged breath and groaned, "You'd better get up." He pulled her left hand out of his hair and brought it to his lips. "I don't want to finish this until I know it's a permanent situation." He then deliberately kissed the base of her ring finger and felt her body tense. "Are you ready to admit how you feel about me yet? Or let me tell you how I feel?"

She was trapped in those eyes. She felt like he could see clear to her core and it still scared her. She had always kept that part of herself so tightly guarded she didn't think she would ever be able to open it to anyone. She finally had to Kelsie, but she didn't think she could to Drake, and he deserved someone who was willing to give herself completely and freely to him. He deserved someone better than her. Tears began to stream down her face.

Drake gently brushed the tears away. He heaved a deep sigh. "Kate, am I off base here? I'm convinced you care about me. You know I have feelings for you, and I'm pretty sure you know how deeply they run. What I don't understand is what's holding you back." He leaned up on one elbow, running a hand through his hair. "Am I wrong about how you feel? Have I totally misjudged the situation?"

Kate slid out of bed. She looked at him; her eyes still damp. "Drake, I..." She paced back and forth across the rug, wringing her hands. "I just am not sure I can do this."

She stepped into the bathroom and shut the door.




Drake flopped back on the bed in frustration. Had he misjudged things? He figured given time she would get over whatever fear she had. He had been patient while spending months simply being her friend, letting her get comfortable with him. He knew she cared about him. He knew she was attracted to him physically. So what was it? Maybe she really just didn't love him.

He stood up and wandered around, looking at pictures and knick-knacks scattered about the room. He noticed a sketchpad on a chair by the door. He picked it up and started leafing through it, amazed at the drawings inside. He recognized different views of the landscape around her house. Various animals and places around town took up other pages. Momentarily distracted, he asked, "Kate, did you draw all these." As he turned another page, the bathroom door burst open.

He started to look up but the image on the page he had just uncovered caught his attention. His face stared back at him. It was such an incredible likeness; there was no need for the name that was scrolled across the corner. He found something unnerving about the eyes, as if his soul was somehow exposed on that page. Then another thought hit him.




Kate could tell as soon as she opened to door she was too late. The look on his face told her he had found it. She stood riveted while she waited for his response.

He stared at the sketch. A multitude of expressions chasing around his face. Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, his eyes lifted and again trapped hers. "You do love me," was all he said. She wanted to speak. Wanted to deny it, scream, cry, something but she couldn't move. They simply stood there, each staring at the other.

There was a light knock on the door, then Sue coughed in an obvious manner. "Excuse me, I hate to interrupt anything that might be going on in there, but Drake has a phone call."

"Come in," said Kate, her voice was barely a squeak, but she was impressed she got any sound out at all.

Sue opened the door, breaking the spell the two were in. She held out the phone and said, "Sorry, Drake, it started ringing in your coat pocket. I hope you don't mind I answered it. It's Bill Denison."

He took the phone automatically. "No, I don't mind, thanks."

Kate stepped over and sat on the bed, convinced her legs wouldn't hold her much longer.

From the one end of the conversation she heard, and the look on Drake's face, Kate could tell it wasn't good news. When he hung up, he walked over and sat beside her.

He put a hand over hers. "That was Bill. Our plant in England had a titanium fire that got out of control and damaged part of the shop and some of the machines. He wants me to go assess the damage personally."

Kate tried to swallow the lump developing in her throat. Trying to find her normal voice, she asked, "When do you leave?"

"This afternoon if possible. He told me he would call me back with the travel arrangements." He took her in his arms. "I'll probably be gone at least a week."

I will not cry, I will not cry, I will not cry.
Kate realized she hadn't gone a full week without seeing him since meeting him. She cleared her throat and pulled away from him standing up.
Pull yourself together.
She shook herself mentally and turned to look at him. "Is there anything you need done while you're gone? Plants watered, fish fed, mail brought in?"

He smiled and took her hand pulling her onto his lap. "If you don't mind you could pick up the mail and paper. I don't have any fish or plants."

"No plants? I thought everybody had plants." She was glad he wasn't pushing her about the sketch.

"Well, I don't. I just haven't gotten around to getting any. And besides it wouldn't do me any good. I was definitely not born with a green thumb. I would just end up killing them." He reached in his pocket and took out his key ring. He removed two keys and handed them to her. "This one is to my apartment, and this one is for the mailbox."

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