A Dragon's Seduction (5 page)

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Authors: Tamelia Tumlin

BOOK: A Dragon's Seduction
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Callie gripped Brayden’s arms for  dear life, half-expecting the volunteer on stage to be dead. Only when the woman stood up and climbed out of the box smiling and bowing did Callie relax, just not enough to let go of Brayden’s arm. The muscles beneath her fingers rippled. The sensation sent tingles of pleasure through her hand.

“You OK?”

Callie nodded, her throat suddenly as dry as Jarithia’s turquoise desert. She ran her tongue over her bottom lip.

Brayden’s eyes darkened then lingered on her lips. Callie’s heart picked up speed. He was so close she could smell his cologne. A spicy musk that started a whole new type of heat in her body.

Something sparked between them. A connection bordering on more than just desire. Callie’s heart thudded against her breastbone. Electricity charged the air that enveloped them. Her body responded in kind. All hot and excited mixed with something she couldn’t quite put into words.

She wet her lips once more and a soft sigh escaped her lips. Then, as if against his will, Brayden growled low in his throat and leaned over. His mouth claimed hers with such fierceness it took her breath away.

Surprise parted her lips, and Brayden took full advantage of the situation. He deepened the kiss, exploring her tongue with his. He tasted of coffee and cream. Two of Callie’s favorite flavors. And even if they weren’t before, they were now. Callie moaned softly, turned in her seat and slid her arms around his neck.

Her hip pressed against the metal bar separating their chairs. For the love of Magik! Did the auditorium seats really have to have a metal bar?

 “Callie …” Brayden’s lips left her mouth and trailed her cheek. He whispered against her skin, “What are you doing to me?”

Doing to
? More like what was he doing to her? She barely knew him, yet she felt as if she’d known him all her life. As if they belonged together. Which, of course, was ridiculous.

Callie’s hands found their way to his shirt. Her fingers delighted in the thick hair massed where the top button, if used, should have hidden it from her touch.

Callie could feel the Magik inside her escalating. Growing stronger as if feeding from another source. Waves of power rippled through her body.

She arched, her hip pressed hard against the dreadful bar, but all she felt was pleasure as Brayden’s hand explored the small of her back leaving a scorching trail of heat along her nerves.

Brayden growled his pleasure. The muscles underneath her hand tightened as if he were fighting an inner demon. She could feel his power radiating through her fingers from deep inside him. Making her power stronger.

He slid his hand along her waist to her abdomen. Even through the thin layer of her blouse she could feel his hand against her skin. Pleasure tingled through her body. When did she become the type of girl who made out with an almost complete stranger?


Something sharp pierced her skin just below her waistline. Callie gave a startled cry and looked down. In the shadows, she could see a talon protruding from the cuff of his sleeve.

And reality slapped her in the face.

She covered her mouth with her hand as her blood ran cold.

“You–” The words trembled from her lips. “You’re the one.”




What the blazes?

Disoriented, Brayden took a deep breath to clear his head. The dragon inside retreated and his talons shifted back to a man’s hand. He blinked twice only to find Callie glaring at him through two frosted slits.

Then her words penetrated his bemused mind and his ardor skidded to a halt. He felt a muscle twitch in his jaw. “What do you mean I’m the one?”

“You’re the dragon.” Fear flashed across her face.

Brayden’s jaw set. She knew what he was. Not good. Without warning the dragon within flared again, begging release. Brayden steeled himself against the primal urge to shift. He had almost lost himself in the toxic kiss of a sorceress. And now that she knew the extent of his abilities, his entire existence could be threatened.

“You’re the one Grigori invoked.” She pointed her finger in his face.

Brayden’s eyebrows shot up. “Invoked?”

“Don’t play games with me, Brayden. I know what you are.” Callie lifted her chin and a stubborn gleam entered her eyes. “You’re working with my brother.”

“I don’t follow.”

She blew a long breath between her lips and pointed toward the stage. “Grigori.”

Brayden swore softly. “Grigori is your brother?”

 “Half. Same horrid father.” Callie shuddered. “Different mothers. His was a mortal. Mine was a … a …”

“Sorceress?” Brayden guessed, watching her carefully.

Callie nodded. He noticed a shadow of sadness when she spoke of her mother.

“You miss her?”

“I never knew her. She died right after I was born. An accident. At least that’s what I was told.” Her voice hardened and she whispered, “I think my father killed her but I have no proof. My father married Grigori’s mother two years later and they had him almost nine months to the day.” She bit her lip and stared at the stage. “My father’s pride and joy.” Sarcasm laced her words.

“Where’s your father now?”

“Dead. Five years ago along with Grigori’s mother.”

“How?” A muscle flexed in his jaw. He knew what she was about to say.

Callie snorted. “Another convenient accident.” Her eyes narrowed. “I think it was Grigori. Not that I care. My father was a horrible man. But Grigori’s mother was decent. For a mortal.” Then her eyes glittered furiously. “I’m sure you know all of this since you’re the one empowering him.”

“I’m not working with your brother, Callie.”

“Why should I believe you?”

“Because I have no reason to lie to you. But you’re right. Somebody did invoke a dragon.” He knew that for a fact. He had followed the dragon’s stench to this building himself. Brayden stared at the stage where Grigori ended his performance by dissolving into mist. “I’m fairly certain it was your brother. But I’m not the dragon he invoked. He invoked Cyrus.” Brayden turned to her. “I’m a Gatekeeper. No one can invoke me.”

“A Gatekeeper?” Callie narrowed her eyes in disbelief.

Brayden nodded. Even though he didn’t fully trust her, he needed her to believe him. Because if she wasn’t the one who invoked Cyrus, then he sure as blazes was going to need her help to defeat him. “There are four of us. I guard the northern portal to Jarithia and help keep balance in the Earth realm. I’m a dragonshifter. A Water dragon. Cyrus is a Chaos dragon.”   

 “Well, I guess chaos could certainly describe what’s happening to our city.” Sarcasm etched her words.

“All Chaos dragons aren’t malevolent.” Brayden’s lips twitched. “Sometimes it takes a little chaos to bring order to a situation. That’s what the black dragons usually do. Restore order. They are only allowed through the portal once in a while when it is absolutely necessary and then they must return to Jarithia when their task is over.”

“But this one didn’t return?”

“No.” The admission drew a long sigh. “This one’s a rogue. And it must be dealt with immediately. Cyrus should have never been allowed through the portal. He has a long history of violence and was banned to the most desolate part of Jarithia.”  

“If you’re a Gatekeeper then how did this Chaos dragon get through?” Uncertainty flickered across her face.

“I don’t know, but I sure intend to find out.” Brayden slid his cell phone from his jean pocket and flipped open the top. He shot Callie a quick look then punched some buttons. As soon as Cade Blackfoot answered he barked, “What have you found out about Cyrus?”

Brayden listened to Cade’s report for a few moments then shot Callie another look. “I see.” Dread pooled in his stomach. It was worse than he thought. “Yes, it’s time to call in the others. I’ll be in touch.”

He flipped the phone shut. The hairs on the back of his neck stood on end. Cyrus was near. He could feel the black dragon’s presence. Could hear him breathing in the shadows. Could smell his stench.

“What is it?” Fear flickered in Callie’s eyes. “What did you find out?”

“We need to get out of here. Now.”

 “What do you mean?”

“When is your brother’s birthday?”

Callie knitted her brow. “In a few days I think. What does that have to do with anything?”

“In case you’ve forgotten, it’ll be his twenty-fifth. The – parden the pun – magic year for a wizard. He’ll come into his full power during his birth minute on his twenty-fifth birthday.”

Callie nodded. “That’s true. I came into mine three years ago, but I haven’t let my Magik come to fruition. I’ve kept mine subdued. It’s better that way.”

“There’s more.” Brayden paused. It pained him to have to tell her, but she needed to know. Her life depended on it. “He invoked Cyrus for a ritual. We think he plans to kill you to take your Magik. According to Jarithian lore, a wizard or sorceress can harness the power of any family member who dies during the birth minute of the Magik maker’s twenty-fifth birthday.” 

       All the color drained from Callie’s face. “Omigod! My mother died on my father’s twenty-fifth birthday. I remember hearing the rumors as I was growing up. I just didn’t know what they meant. Do you think my father killed my mother for her powers too?”

       “I don’t know. Quite possibly. You said yourself you didn’t believe it was an accident.” Brayden thinned his lips. “It seems Grigori is carved from the same mold as your father.”

         Callie swallowed hard. “You’re sure he’s going to do this? I know he has a bit of a black heart, but he is my brother. He couldn’t do this to me. He just couldn’t.”

       Brayden reached for her hand. It trembled as it nestled in his. “My source is reliable, Callie. The Gatekeepers have been investigating Cyrus ever since I discovered his presence at that first fire. What I’m telling you is true. You are in danger. You’re a full-blooded sorceress. Both of your parents were Magik makers. Grigori’s only a half-blood. You have much more power than he’ll ever have, and he wants yours enough to kill for it.”

       “I just don’t understand. What does Cyrus have to do with all of this?”

       “Two things. First, he’s here to cause chaos. The fires are just a ruse to draw you out. Grigori knew you’d confront him when you realized he was behind them. Second, your brother has cast a spell on Cyrus to harness the black dragon’s power as well.”

       “How do I know you’re telling the truth?” Callie’s shoulders sagged. “How do I know you’re not the one trying to lure me to my death.”

“You’ll just have to trust me. We have to go. Now. You’re not safe here.” Brayden squeezed her hand. It felt soft and warm in his with just a hint of nervous moisture. A sudden protective instinct exploded inside him. An intense desire to keep Callie safe at all cost.

Why in the name of Hades did he suddenly feel such a strong need to protect a sorceress?

Callie hesitated for a moment. Doubt battled in the stormy depths of her eyes. Then as if deciding he
be the lesser of the two evils she took a deep breath and nodded.

Brayden’s heart squeezed as he took in Callie’s pale face. She tried to mask her fear but her lower lip trembled. A river of rage washed over him. At that moment, Brayden realized he’d do whatever it took to keep her safe.

 He just wasn’t sure if the sexy sorceress had managed to bewitch him after all or if there was another force – a more human one – taking control of his heart. And he wasn’t positive which would be worse.

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Callie wasn’t quite sure what possessed her to go with Brayden. After all, he
the enemy. A dragon of all things. Maybe it was the fact she really didn’t want to confront Grigori just yet. Or maybe it was because she really didn’t want to know if her only flesh and blood really planned to kill her. In the end, she suspected, it had more to do with the fact she
to believe Brayden. And oddly enough, she did feel safe with him. Somewhat. An inner instinct – or third eye as the elders called it – told her he wouldn’t harm her. Not intentionally anyway.

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