A Deadly Wandering: A Tale of Tragedy and Redemption in the Age of Attention (50 page)

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at ATK Systems, 21, 22, 39–40, 58, 258

death of, 17–18, 19, 20, 37, 40, 55–56, 96, 136, 154, 160, 241, 259, 277, 282–83, 310, 318

funeral of, 57

and Leila, 21–22

riding with Jim, 15–16

O’Dell, Leila:

after the accident, 111–13, 153, 154, 156–57, 160, 181, 206, 258–59, 265

and Keith, 21–22, 313

and Keith’s death, 22–23, 56–58, 259, 365

and legal case, 209–10, 240–42, 245, 258, 270

O’Dell, Megan, 22, 258, 326, 365

and court hearings, 240–41, 242, 308, 310

and her father, 21, 57, 312–13, 328

and her father’s death, 56–58, 153

marriage of, 153–54

as teenager, 57–58

Olsen, Herm, 111–12, 156, 157

Olsen, Stan, 115–16, 182, 184, 186


Oufkir, Malika, 261

Park, Lisa, 44, 88–89

Park, Van, 40–41, 44–45, 88, 158, 159

Pasternak, Boris, 105

PET (positron emission tomography) scans, 120, 195, 196

Peterson, Eldon, 186

Pew Research Center, 218

phonautograph, 65–66

Posner, Michael I., 64, 66, 119, 122

Attention in a Social World,

Potenza, Marc, 194, 217

printing press, social impact of, 216

Psychonomic Society, 126

PVG (problematic video gaming), 197

raclopride, 195

radio, 4, 6

Ray, Paul, 297

reaction time, studies of, 33, 63–64, 65–66, 104, 119, 120

religion, and healing, 348–49

Rich, Michael, 218

Rideout, Vicky, 260

Rindlisbacher, Allison, 55

Rindlisbacher, Bart:

and accident, 18–20, 55–56, 208

and court case, 266, 314

driving Reggie to hospital, 19–20, 24, 55, 157, 244, 252

experience with accidents, 25, 38

negative reaction to Reggie’s case, 26–29, 82

Reggie questioned by, 24–25, 26–29, 45, 209, 244, 266

and Shaw family, 245–46, 247

tenacity of, 28, 81–82, 114, 115–18, 155–56, 157, 160–63, 180–81, 185, 244

Rindlisbacher, Judy, 55

Rio (Carib woman), 62

Robinson, Mark, 115

Roe, Kevin, 124

Rosedale, Philip, 61, 69

Salt Lake Community College, 263

Sandler Neurosciences Center, 30–31

Satan, 205

Schee, Frances Margay, 267

Scoblete, Frank, 198

Second Life (virtual world), 61

Seppala, Emma, 353

shadowing technique, 105

Shaw, Ed:

and Bunderson, 95

family background of, 43

jail feared for Reggie, 45–46, 287

and legal case, 116, 287

marriage to Mary Jane, 43

and Reggie’s accident, 36–37, 328

and Reggie’s birth, 37

and Reggie’s failed missions, 11, 236–37

in Tremonton, 42–43

Shaw, Jack, 45

Shaw, Jake, 37

Shaw, Mary Jane:

and Bunderson, 95

family background of, 43

and legal case, 116, 245–46, 287

marriage to Ed, 43

and police questioning, 81–82

and Reggie’s accident, 19, 27, 36–38, 45, 81, 328

and Reggie’s birth, 37

and Reggie’s failed missions, 11, 12, 13, 236

and Reggie’s girlfriends, 87–88

Shaw, Nick, 13, 37, 84

Shaw, Phill, 27, 37, 84, 245, 246–47

Shaw, Reggie:

and the accident, 16–18, 19–20, 41, 44, 45, 88–89, 96, 275–76, 291, 293, 363–64, 375–76

aftermath of accident, 36–39, 56, 90, 262–63

apologies from, 309–11, 312, 314

and AT&T video, 365–66

birth of, 37

brain of, 334–39

and Cammi, 11, 12, 13, 87, 88, 94–95

and cell phone, 14, 25, 96

and college, 263

and community service, 288, 311, 315, 351

in counseling sessions, 90–91, 92–93, 237–38

and court hearings, 263–64, 269–78, 288

court records sealed, 267, 324

driving his SUV, 14–15, 16, 20, 29, 91, 294

failed first mission of, 11–13, 87, 88, 92, 93, 95, 239, 252, 254–55

and family, 84, 245–47

fulfilling a mission, 332

and guilt, 82–83, 90–92, 93, 94–95, 96, 159, 304, 310, 326, 331, 366–67

and hydroplaning, 19, 20, 25, 81, 264–65, 346

in jail, 319–20, 329

jobs held by, 13, 110–11, 267, 363

lawyer for, 82, 95–97, 114

legal case against, 201–4, 210–13, 223–26, 237, 238–39;
see also
State v. Reggie Shaw

Les Misérables,
316, 324–25

and lies, 93, 94–95, 179, 208–9, 210, 213, 224, 238, 239, 246, 276, 294, 346

move away from home, 263, 265, 362–63

MRI study of, 1–2, 6–7, 334–39

as nice guy, 27, 37, 44–45, 83–84, 89, 212–13, 223–24, 230, 234, 240–41, 252, 331, 332, 334, 349

phone records of, 96, 116, 117–18, 155–57, 160–64, 180–88, 243, 283

and plea agreement, 287–88, 294, 307–16

police questioning of, 24–29, 45, 209, 244, 266

poor recall of events, 27, 29, 38–39, 91, 93, 97, 274

revelation of, 273, 274, 275–77

and risks, 211, 212, 223, 243, 276, 277, 314, 376

second mission attempt by, 14, 88, 160, 179–80, 186, 188, 200–201, 204–5, 208, 224, 235–36, 254–55

sentencing of, 314–16

sports interest of, 43, 44–45, 87–88, 158–59, 267, 326, 363, 367

and technology, 84–87

telling his story, 6, 302–4, 321–24, 326, 327–33, 364, 367–68

and texting, 20, 25, 26, 56, 81, 116, 117, 155, 157, 163–64, 180, 184–85, 187–88, 204, 208–9, 243, 246–47, 264, 287, 291

told not to talk, 27, 96, 246–47, 291, 346

and transformation, 288, 291, 292, 303, 325

and Utah legislature debate, 302–4, 315

and victims’ deaths, 20, 37, 82–83, 89, 91, 155, 180, 183, 184, 209, 210, 213, 244, 277, 287, 328, 366

and women friends, 87, 159, 183, 239, 268, 276, 362, 363–64

zoning out, 111, 159

Shaw, Vickie, 37

Shaw, Whitney, 37

Shaw family:

competition in, 84

and legal case, 157, 245–47

and Reggie’s mission, 87, 88

reputation of, 43

in Tremonton, 42–43

Silicon Valley, 373–74, 378

Simitian, Joe, 189

Simpson, Donna, 343

Singleton, Scott, 161–62, 180–88, 202, 206, 213, 227, 245–47

skills, acquisition of, 123

Skinner, B. F., 102

sleight of hand, 71, 101, 106–8

Small, Gary, 127

Smith, Elder, 205

Smith, Nanci, 50, 74–75

Smith, Rich, 74

social connection:

and immediate gratification, 166

power of, 146, 165–66, 169, 215

pressure to stay connected, 282, 322, 350, 369–70

social media:

development of, 69–70

expansion of, 70, 87

and multitasking, 86–87

sharing of, 169–70

texting, 70

urgency of, 167–68

young people’s use of, 85–87

Sparrow, Rory, 326, 330

speed of mental processing, 66–67

Sprint, 190

State v. Reggie Shaw

characteristics of criminal trials, 263

court costs, 263, 265, 266

court hearings, 240–42, 263–65, 269–78, 288

expert witnesses in, 263, 266, 270, 278

investigative misconduct sought in, 243–44

long, drawn-out process of, 244–45, 246–47, 251, 269, 314

motions filed in, 251–55, 266

no legal precedent for, 117–18, 203–4, 212, 226, 228, 264, 272, 282

and plea agreement, 264, 265, 266–67, 278, 287–88, 306–16

preliminary conclusion in, 277–78

preparations for, 242–45

and Reggie on witness stand, 244, 252, 266

technology, science, and law joining in, 252–53

and texting while driving, 242–43, 253–54, 264

trial date, 267–68, 278

Strayer, David, 123–28, 298–99

and car phones, 124–26, 209, 217

and court hearings, 269–77, 287, 308

distracted driving studies of, 109, 228–29, 283, 285–86, 302, 372, 375, 380

and Gazzaley, 126–28

and information processing, 123

and multitasking, 144, 356–57

and Reggie’s case, 252–53, 266, 318, 336

and skills acquisition, 123

substance abuse, 197–98

Surratt, Mary, 172

Symantec, 199

Tabulating Machine Company, 67

Taylor, Anne, 98–99, 101

Taylor, Janet, 98

Taylor, Percy, 99

Teater, David, 373


and addiction, 5, 128, 140–41, 144, 166–68, 170–71, 192–99, 214–15, 285–86, 351, 369–70, 373, 380

and attention science, 4, 119, 126, 218

and automobile gadgets, 369–73

of auto safety, 37–38, 124, 281–82, 283, 371

and balance, 222

behavior and society, 378–80

brains outstripped by, 100, 108–9, 142–43, 144, 216, 277, 352

and brain studies, 31, 64, 120, 144–46, 376, 383

complexity of, 170–71


as distraction, 103, 371–73

and drugs, 171

evolution of, 65, 67–68, 103, 141–44

explosion of, 6, 84–85, 216, 277, 283

and Gulf War, 123

and human factors, 123

interactive, 4, 70, 216, 217

Moore’s law and Metcalfe’s law, 5, 143–44, 352

and multitasking, 86, 127–28, 165

and preventable fatalities, 321

speed of development of, 64–71, 142–43

unintended consequences of, 6, 126, 144, 212, 217, 379

video games, 284–85, 361

in World War II, 98–100, 141

young people as users of, 26, 86–87

telegraph, development of, 64–65

telephones, 67, 216–17

see also
cell phones

television, 6

and attention, 4, 175

and children, 85, 86, 174–78, 259–61

expanded use of, 103, 260

programming, 86

Tesla electric car, 372

texting and driving:

accidents caused by, 25–26, 210–13, 271, 272, 301–4

as criminal conduct, 313–14

“everyone is doing it,” 283, 298

government-known risks of, 380–82

inattention blindness in, 275, 369–73

laws against, 25, 189–91, 212, 276, 282–83, 317–18, 324, 374, 375, 382

no legal precedent for case, 117–18, 203–4, 212, 226, 228–29, 264, 272, 282

Reggie as poster boy for, 266

and Reggie’s case, 157, 184–88, 210–13, 269, 291;
see also
State v. Reggie Shaw

research on, 165–66, 168, 243, 252–53, 273–76

risk taken in, 242–43, 249, 272–73, 276, 303, 314, 375–76

scientific precedent for, 229

situational awareness regained in, 274–75

by truckers, 323

Utah legislature debates on, 295–99, 300–305

theta waves, 33

Thievery Corporation, 31, 62

Thoreau, Henry David, 376

Tilburg, Netherlands, 65

Tingey, Michael, 298, 299

T-Mobile, 181–82, 371

TMS (transcranial magnetic stimulation), 31

Transportation Department, U.S., 374–75, 381–82

Treisman, Anne Taylor, 98–99, 101–2

and attention filter, 104–6

building on work of, 122, 123, 125

reality based on attention, 220

Tremonton, Utah, 42–43

Twitter, 70

Tyson (co-worker), 110, 111


alcohol laws in, 161

House of Representatives, 295–99, 300–305

phones and driving in, 276, 296, 298

political reality in, 250, 296

residence in, 28

teen drivers in crashes in, 25

texting and driving ban in, 190–91, 305, 315, 317–18

trials in, 272–73

Utah Supreme Court, 253

van Gogh, Vincent, 65

variable or intermittent reinforcement, 198–99

Verizon Wireless, 124, 156, 160, 162

Vernon, Chad, 19

veterans, research studies of, 353

Vickrey, Dan, 68

video consumption, 86

video games:

addiction to, 194, 197, 373

and multitasking, 381

research with, 122, 194–95, 284–85, 360, 361

Wagner, Anthony, 127

Warner, Alan, 133–34, 149, 150–51, 173

Warner, Alyssa, 173–74, 342

Warner, Jayme, 47–48, 134, 172, 173, 206, 261, 340–41, 342, 343–44

Warner, Katie, 342

Warner, Taylor, 172–73, 174, 261, 340–42

Warner, Terryl, 129–36, 340–44

and Alan, 133–34

apology desired by, 213, 304

and court case, 240, 270, 278;
see also
State v. Reggie Shaw

driving accident of, 293, 294

early years of,
Danielson, Terryl

enthusiasm of, 173–74, 261

family of, 149–52, 172–76

and Hartman, 152–53

and Jackie, 136, 147, 153, 206, 207, 259

LDS mission in Costa Rica, 131

memos from, 207–9, 213, 223, 227

persistence of, 223, 227–28, 245, 278, 289–90, 293–94, 301, 318

and Reggie’s accident, 47–48, 223, 225–28, 293–94

and Reggie’s testimony, 303–4

as strong-willed, 130, 132, 134

and television, 174–75, 259–61

and Utah legislature, 301–2, 303–4

as victim advocate, 48, 129, 131–33, 135–36, 207–8, 376

Warner family, and competitions, 172, 206, 261, 340–42

Washington, state law against texting and driving, 189, 212

Watson, Jason, 334, 336, 337, 338–39, 356

Watson, John, 102

Western Union, 64

White, Gaylyn, 82, 90–93, 95, 237–38

White, Russell, 82

Wick, Michael “Taylor,” 97

Wilhite, Brent, 331

Williams, Alan, 110, 111

Willmore, Thomas:

and court hearings, 241, 263, 270–74, 276–78, 288

Les Misérables,
241, 306, 316, 324

and plea agreement, 267, 290, 306–7, 308–9, 311, 314–16

and Reggie’s case, 236, 241, 303, 320, 324, 330

rulings on motions, 266

Wimmer, Carl, 191, 296, 298, 300, 302, 305

Wimmer, Nadine, 294

Windsor, Bill, 282, 283

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