A Condo with Two Views (2 page)

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Authors: Al Daltrey

Tags: #Bdsm, #bdsm erotic romance, #bdsm bdsmerotica, #bdsm and domination, #bdsm dominance submission dominant submissive bdsm erotica, #bdsm bondage domination sadism masochism

BOOK: A Condo with Two Views
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The view looking north over the bay is
killer. I mean, who doesn’t stare in awe at Alcatraz? The bay
itself, the sparkling water, the old prison sitting up high on the
rock. It’s a stunning waterfront vista, and immediately sold me on
the unit.

Anytime I’m working on the laptop, I sit
in front of that picture window. Whether I’m returning emails or
preparing a PowerPoint presentation, I never tire of looking out
over the ocean.

We lucked out because we had our pick of
any unit in the building, prior to construction. I’d been doing
some major consulting work for the developer, Koobecaf Homes. The
owner of the firm is an aggressive Brazilian investor, Benito
Sanchez – sometimes known as Big Benny behind his back. Benito is
fairly new to San Francisco, so I do everything from show him the
hottest clubs and best restaurants in the city, to helping him
design all of the sales materials, website, and other marketing
materials for Koobecaf. In return, Benito gave me the Penthouse
suite at the remarkable price of $850,000. This is a unit that
would easily sell for $1.2 million.

It’s a win-win. Sure, Benito can be a pain
in the ass. He’s filthy rich, and arrogant as hell, but deep down I
think he’s a decent guy. It has crossed my mind that he might be
connected to the mob, or some sort of Brazilian mob, but I don’t
know that for sure.

The point is, Chloe and I got a stunning
condominium, at a great price, in a brand new building in
Fisherman’s Warf, with two spectacular views.

Chloe’s View:

I will admit that the first few times that
Jack talked to me about the condo, I was feigning interest. I was
so consumed
planning the wedding at the time that I was relieved to have my
fiancé handle the details of our first property purchase. I knew we
wouldn’t be living in the condo forever; I hoped it would be a
stepping stone to a house with a garden. Plus, I knew we were in
good hands: Jack’s. He is pretty astute when it comes to money and
business. I contributed some of my savings toward our down payment,
and my parents gave us an additional contribution as our wedding
gift. Jack was doing some consulting work for the developer, which
got us an unbelievable price.

On a sour note, the developer, Benito,
gives me the creeps. A woman knows that feeling when you meet a man
and he seems to look right through you,
and not in a good way.
He’s a slime bucket. I know it.
I’m surprised he doesn’t have a gold tooth. Benito is only a few
years older than Jack, but somehow he feels decades older. I hate
how he ogles me whenever I see him. I bet he bought his education
with inherited money; otherwise he’d be flipping burgers for a

Then, one day before our unit was even
ready, Jack and I donned hardhats, and for the first time, I saw
our future home in person. All I can say is…OH…MY…GOD! The layout
of the space was functional and lovely, but the views took my
breath away. The living room faced north, looking out over the
water and Alcatraz Island. Jack was sold on the view alone, and
more often than not, he’ll sit facing the ocean when reading or

I know that Jack’s favorite view is the bay.
I must admit, one of my favorite sights is to see my husband in a
comfortable position looking out over the rock. In addition to
that, I am fascinated by the view from our bedroom, which faces
south, overlooking Ghirardelli Square. Being on the eleventh floor,
we were still low enough that you could feel the buzz and energy of
the quaint shops and restaurants with the window open: horns,
laughter, music, occasional yelling and craziness. It’s alive, it
has a real pulse, and it makes me feel that this is our community.
Yes, this is our neighborhood.

Our suite is 1,700 square feet with 10
foot ceilings. At first, I thought it might be on the small size
but walking in the front door you immediately get a sense of
spaciousness in the living room which houses floor to ceiling
windows. The master bedroom is adjacent to the living room with our
own private bathroom featuring a walk-in closet with built-in
cabinetry; a definite must for my clothes and shoes. A not-so-small
den which could easily serve as a guest bedroom and a bath are down
the hall along with laundry and a powder room. Besides the living
room, the kitchen is the show piece of the condo: white quartz grey
veined counters with modern white gloss cabinetry and all
appliances by Bosch. The modern dark grey stained wide-plank maple
flooring completes the look, and the stone accent wall in the
living room is surely the eye-catching focal point.

I just look out over the charismatic view
of Ghirardelli Square, and I’m strangely at peace, even with all
the activity. I guess I am truly at home with my new

Chapter 3. The Caretaker

Jack’s View:

All new homeowners go through
n enjoyable ritual
whereby you christen every room in your new abode. As a newly
married couple, we jumped in on that action. I fucked my beautiful
wife on the kitchen counter, during the midst of dinner
preparation. Sure it’s cliché, but it’s no less erotic. Her legs
were hooked around my body, the heels of her feet digging into my
butt. I stood in between those spread legs pounding into her with
abandon. I kissed her deeply while we both came. I love my

We fucked in the shower. We fucked on the
bathroom floor. I put a leash on her one day and made her crawl up
and down our hallway, while I urged her on with the threat of my
belt. Yet another day, I fucked her ass while her tits were pressed
up against the living room window, with Alcatraz Island off in the
distance. I made her stay in position for ten minutes afterward,
while I sat on the couch catching my breath. Such a lovely sight.
Her body a silhouette with the brightness of the sun pouring into
our condo through the glass in front of her, arms still up and
leaning. From where I sat, I could see my seed trickling down her
inner thigh. Chloe, being a good girl, didn’t dare break

The first opportunity to socialize with
our circle of friends as a married couple occurred when one of
Chloe’s childhood girlfriends threw a housewarming party on a
Friday night. They had purchased a small bungalow in the suburbs in
nearby Redwood City. Chloe and I had decided long ago to keep our
bdsm lifestyle secret from our friends and family. Not that we were
ashamed of it, but it was an aspect of our lives we wanted to live
without interference, judgment or involvement from those close to

The party was fun. Good food and decent
wine. I didn’t drink very much knowing one of us had to drive home.
I’m lucky that most of the time Chloe acts as our designated
driver. This time, since it was her friend hosting the party, I
offered to abstain so she could party and let loose with the girls.
Sure enough, they did a few shots of freezer-chilled vodka, and
batches of blender drinks, and soon there was dancing and laughing.
It was great to see her having a blast.

Finally, late into the night, we said our
goodbyes and headed home. In the car while driving, I looked across
at the pretty woman sitting in the passenger seat. She smiled back
at me, quite tipsy but not drunk per se. Chloe always held it
together. She caught a nice buzz when she partied, but was never
trashed or obnoxiously out of control.

There were very few cars on the road. We came
to stop at a red light, and there were no other vehicles at the
intersection, or within sight. I drove through the red light. Chloe
swatted my thigh and scolded me while shaking her head. I was just
being a ham, knowing I’d get a rise out of her. I wasn’t going to
make a habit of this dumb move, but tonight I was in playful mood,
and did it simply to taunt her. We both laughed, and she told me to

At the next stop light, I decided to do
something different. My tone of voice changed. I spoke to her in my
‘Dom’ voice: “Take your panties off, put your seat all the way
back, and place your feet up on the front dash.”

From my tone of voice, she knew I wasn’t
kidding. When I used my Dom tone, it wasn’t a joke. It was a direct
command from her Master, and Chloe knew to obey. She did as told,
using the control switch to slide her seat as far back as it would
go, removed her thong and lifted her legs up as directed. First, I
reached across and clamped my hand between her legs, as if showing
her the hot spot. Then I took my hand away and gave clear explicit

Spread your legs and touch your pussy with
your right hand, tell me how it feels.”

She touched herself, and reported back,
“I’m a little wet Sir, and it is soft, warm and slightly

“Slide two fingers into yourself, and run
them along the slit. Meanwhile, with your left hand – put two
fingers inside your mouth and suck on the fingertips.

She obeyed as the light turned green and
we continued along. As I drove, she masturbated with her right
hand, nibbling quietly on the fingers of her other hand with her

“Every time we come to a full stop at an
intersection, you are to switch hands, is that understood?”

Chloe nodded. Soon enough, we hit another
red light. She lifted her right hand, visibly wet with her pussy
juices up to her mouth, and she resumed finger-fucking herself,
this time with her left hand. Meanwhile, my cock was ready to
explode out of my jeans. It was so sexy to see her switching hands
every time we hit a red. I chuckled to myself that, for the first
time in my life, I was getting annoyed if I hit three or four green
lights in a row.

She kept going back and forth, never
breaking her routine, not even when other cars pulled up alongside
us. The only one that openly noticed was a Ford F-150 where two men
signaled their appreciation and enthusiasm with a triple
beep, beep,
. Chloe blushed so
deeply her face matched the red of the light before us.

Further along, as we approached the core of
the city, traffic increased so I decided to put an end to our game.
I didn’t want to risk someone taking a photo with their cell

“Cum,” I instructed, “use both hands.”

In less than a minute, my passenger was
moaning and groaning, and squirming. She gave herself a thundering
orgasm right there, her long legs and high heels still up on the
dash. She cleaned up the mess on her fingers like a good

As I pulled into our parking spot in the
underground garage, I adjusted my own seat by setting it as far
back as possible. Chloe smiled and looked at me. She was awaiting
further direction, as any good submissive would. I guided her with
one hand, by the back of her head, and she complied by bending over
the gear shift toward my newly freed cock. Since we had christened
every room in our new condo, we may as well christen our parking
spot too.

She sucked my cock right there in the
underground garage. It was the middle of the night, so no one was
around. I was so turned on by her masturbation on the way home that
I came in no time at all.

We held hands as we took the parking
garage elevator up to the lobby. To our surprise, the building
caretaker was cleaning grout from the porcelain tiles that had only
recently been laid. As if sensing our puzzlement, he answered our
unasked question: “I work at night, when the lobby is

The caretaker’s name turned out to be Mike.
He was a modest hardworking man in his early 30s, who had moved to
San Francisco from Wyoming, where work was scarce. He had helped us
with our move-in, securing the freight elevator, as well as other
furniture deliveries that arrived after we settled in. One of those
salt-of-the-earth guys who called all the women ‘Ma’am’.

We politely complimented his work, telling
him the floor was looking great, and after retrieving our mail,
made our way across the lobby to the main elevators. Once inside,
Chloe curled into me for a cuddle and I held her

Ready for your first assignment, Chloe,” I
said. I felt her shudder within my arms.

“I’m ready Sir,” she replied, almost standing
at attention.

We had talked about this before our
marriage. We had talked about Chloe’s limits as my sub, and I
wanted to ensure we were both on the same page, and that I was not
ignoring or overseeing any of Chloe’s hard limits. We talked about
‘sharing’ in great depth, over multiple conversations. The only way
it can possibly work when a Dom shares his sub is if there is a
deep foundation of trust and mutual respect. The trust forms a

Chloe had been shared with other men on two
previous occasions. Once, by an ex-boyfriend she dated before
meeting me. He asked her to suck the cocks of a few of his buddies.
She agreed, and sucked four cocks in one evening, that of her ex
and three of his friends. Then, on our first vacation as
boyfriend/girlfriend, I shared Chloe myself. We met another couple
at a resort on Paradise Island, and after a great dinner together
at the Ocean Club, I let that couple fuck her all night long.

Are you certain, Chloe?” I verified,
“Otherwise, we can wait.” I wanted to make it easy for her to back

I’m absolutely certain. I
to do this. I want to do it for
you of course, as my Master. But I also want to do it for me. I
want to do it for

She convinced me, “Then before the end of
the month, I want to fuck you with the cum of Mike the caretaker in
your tummy.”

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