A Complicated Summer of Love (Complicated Love Series #3) (9 page)

BOOK: A Complicated Summer of Love (Complicated Love Series #3)
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I’m so pleased that I arranged this get together. Everyone seems to be enjoying themselves and liking the food I’ve served, especially the cake. I said I made it but, to be honest, I bought it from the market. I’m not going to tell anyone as they seemed impressed that I’d baked. Tracy and Karl were highly amusing all night. They hardly socialized with anyone, and I can’t really blame them. I’m happy that they’re together, and I’m not bothered that they’re so wrapped up in each other. They left not long ago and headed straight for Karl’s bungalow, which means Brandon will be sleeping under the stars again tonight.

Poor Brandon, but he doesn’t seem to mind. He left ages ago and headed down to the beach. He seemed kind of down, and I think it has something to do with Lily. I haven’t managed to talk to her about it, and I know that Tracy probably has no idea what’s going on outside her and Karl’s little bubble. I was going to have a little natter with Lily before clearing up, but I couldn’t find her anywhere, so I assume she’s gone to bed. I look at my watch and notice that it’s 1:00 a.m. It’s just Joshua and me now, clearing everything away. I wanted to do it before we headed to bed ourselves.

I can’t stop thinking about Maddison and Joshua earlier. They were talking very closely and I’m not sure what it was all about. Joshua has been quiet, but he keeps making out that he’s fine when clearly he’s not. Maybe it’s work related, and he doesn’t want me to worry? It’s doing my head in because I can’t get a proper answer from him.

“What are you thinking about?” I smile as Joshua wraps his arms around me from behind. He rests his chin on my shoulder.

“Oh, nothing important.” He kisses my shoulder and my heart flutters.

“Well, let’s leave this and go to bed.” He nibbles my neck and I move my head so he has better access.

“Okay,” I sigh. He turns me around and sweeps me off my feet. Wrapping my arms around his neck, I kiss him while he walks us to our bedroom. I love him so much that I’m worried about whatever’s eating at him. I hope the business is okay and it’s nothing serious. I need to find out what’s happening, so I think I’ll have to speak to someone other than Joshua.

Maybe I need to speak with Maddison and find out what’s going on?




Why is it always me that has a hangover after a heavy night of drinking? Maddison was just as bad as me but has jumped out of bed with a spring in her step this morning. We never spoke much, but she got ready pretty quickly before leaving to go, God knows where. Me, I’m still in my bed after having to drag myself out to grab some painkillers and a glass of water. Every time I lift my head I feel dizzy and nauseous, so my plan for this morning is to stay here and feel sorry for myself.

“Hey, sleepyhead. How are you feeling?” His gorgeous, silky voice flows straight through me and sets my heart a flutter. I don’t have to turn my head to know that Brandon is here.

“Yeah, I’m fine, just great.” I close my eyes to stop the room from spinning, but it doesn’t seem to be helping. I hear Brandon chuckling, but I can’t see him.

“Well, you sure don’t look fine, and I’m not at all surprised by the amount of alcohol you consumed last night.”

“You don’t have to remind me. I can assure you that I’m feeling the effects now.” I glance to my right and Brandon comes into view. He’s walked in and is leaning against the wall with his arms folded. He looks gorgeous in his pale blue board shorts and white shirt. He’s left it unbuttoned so I can see his chiseled, tanned chest underneath. He always looks great and look at me…I’m camped out on my bed with probably a bush for hair and I’m wearing my ratty pajamas that I never thought anyone would see. I know I’m bunking with Maddison, but I don’t give a shit what she thinks.

“I came by to see if you wanted to do something today.” He smirks.

“Um…nah. I think I’ll just stay here until I’m feeling better.”

“Yeah, I think that might be best.” He doesn’t look like he’s leaving so there’s a strange silence between us. “Look…what happened last night?” I’m confused by his question.

“Um…I don’t know what you mean.”

“Well, we had a great time yesterday in the hot tub…”

I wait with bated breath hoping he isn’t thinking about our kiss. It was just a kiss. A scorching, explosive, fireworks behind the eyes type of kiss, but it didn’t mean anything. Not to me anyway.

“And last night you wouldn’t even look at me, let alone speak to me. Why Lily? I don’t get it.” He seems serious about my answer.

“What’s there to get? We had fun yesterday and had a bit of a make out session in the hot tub and last night, I had fun too, talking to everyone and having a drink. Why are you making a big deal out of it?” I know I’m being a bitch, but I can’t help it. We had fun with each other, I like him a lot, but I do not want a relationship or anything like that. I need him to understand that it’s not going to go anywhere.

“Oh, I’m sorry for being kind of confused about what’s happening between us. You keep blowing hot and cold with me, and I’m getting sick of it. Just tell me what’s going on here?” I’m stunned by his outburst. He has his fists clenched by his side. I think I can see a vein, pulsating in his neck. I’ve never seen him like this before.

“I really don’t need this right now.” I close my eyes to try to stop myself from feeling sick. “Nothing is happening between us. We are friends…that’s all.” I keep my eyes closed because I can’t look at him.

“Fine. If that’s all this is then I’m glad we sorted it out. I wouldn’t want to waste any more of my time on something that will never be.” I hear footsteps walking away from me and then stop. “I might go and see if Maddison is still up for doing something today. She seemed keen last night.”

And there it is, the stab to the heart I was waiting for.
What’s wrong with me?
I tell him that there’s nothing between us and we’re just friends but when he says that, I feel like I have been pierced in the heart and I don’t understand why. I don’t want him to hang out with Maddison. I can’t stand that thought. But I can’t tell Brandon not to, so I lift my head and lock eyes with Brandon, who’s standing in the doorway.

“Have fun.”

He doesn’t show any emotion and his beautiful brown eyes look cold and distant. He walks out the door. I sigh and lay back down because I’m feeling insanely sick from that one movement. I turn over on my side and try to sleep the hangover off while attempting not to think about what Brandon and Maddison are doing together.



She really pisses me off sometimes! She’s so annoying and I hate this hot and cold drama that she keeps putting me through. I don’t understand why she’s like this. I’m sick of being some sort of puppy, following her around and trying to understand her behavior toward me. When I got up this morning, my first thoughts were of Lily. I had to see her after what happened in the hot tub. I was still confused by the brush off at the get together, but I thought she was probably trying to collect her thoughts, so I gave her the night. Now this morning, I just wanted to see how she was and being my stupid, pathetic self, I thought she liked me and maybe that kiss in the hot tub meant something. But of course, I’ve misread the situation as usual. I’m so angry now, and I just wanted her to feel something, anything toward me that’s why I threw it in her face about spending the day with Maddison. I know she hates her, and telling her that was bound to make her jealous. I had to get out of there before I said something I’d regret, so I’m off to find Maddison and take my mind off of Lily.

“Whoa mate, where’s the fire?” Joshua steps out in front of me. He looks like he’s on his way to the beach wearing his green board shorts.

“What?” I grit my teeth and try not to snap at him.

“Where you going in such a hurry?” He looks at me and he must see the anger in my eyes. “What’s wrong?”

“Lily, that’s what’s wrong? What is wrong with her? One minute she’s flirting and we’re having a laugh and the next she doesn’t talk to me and is giving me the brush off. I thought she liked me, but I’m not sure I’ve read her right.” Joshua laughs and I really don’t see what’s so funny.

“Boy, she’s done a number on you. She’s feisty, but I do know she likes you.”

“Feisty? That’s all you’ve got?” I laugh. “How could you possibly know that she likes me?”

“Okay, maybe I don’t actually know, but when you two are together, you seem to be into other from what I’ve seen.”

“I really like her…a lot, but I’m not so sure we’re meant to be together. I can’t keep doing this dance with her. She’s hot and cold all the time, and I’m never sure which one I’m going to get when I speak to her.”

“I don’t really know her very well, but why don’t you talk to her?”

I snort and he raises an eyebrow. “I have tried that. Why do you think I’m in a spin and rushing around?” He chuckles. “I’m just on my way to find Maddison. Have you seen her?”

He frowns and all the light flashes from his eyes. “No, I haven’t.” He looks down at the ground before speaking again. “Listen about Maddison—”

“Look, don’t, okay? I don’t understand what your problem is with Maddison, but leave me out of it. Maddison has been nothing but nice to me and we get on great.” He doesn’t look happy, but he smiles.

“Okay, no worries. I’m going to the beach, Annabelle is waiting for me.” He walks off, but before he gets too far, he spins around to face me.



“Just be careful…with Maddison.” I nod my head and he takes off toward the beach. I roll my eyes when he’s gone. I really don’t get him and this whole
“Be careful with Maddison”

“Hey, Brandon.” I glance up to see Maddison walking toward me in a skimpy red bikini.

“Hey, I was just looking for you.”

“Oh yeah? What’s up?” She stops in front of me. This woman doesn’t understand personal space because she’s definitely in mine right now.

“Well, I wondered if you fancied doing something today…with me?” She smiles a ravishing smile and her eyes are sparkling.

“Sure, I’d love to.” She grazes her fingers up my arm and her touch makes me shiver. She gazes at me from beneath her eyelashes. “So what would you like to do?”

“Well, since we only have two days left, why don’t we try something like scuba diving?” She wrinkles her nose and thinks about it for a few seconds before squealing and throwing her arms around me.

“Okay, I’m in! This is going to be so much fun!” She gives me a quick peck on the lips which I’m not prepared for. Before I can do anything, she rushes into her bungalow shouting that she’s going to get ready. I keep looking at the bungalow wondering what Lily is up to and whether Maddison has told her where we’re going. I shouldn’t feel guilty for spending time with another woman, but Lily and I aren’t together so I don’t need to feel this way. Lily has pushed me away again, so I’m going to enjoy today without worrying about her.



Oh, I so don’t want to leave here on Friday. I can’t believe it’s Wednesday already. I’ve enjoyed being here on this quiet and peaceful island. Everyone has gotten on so well, and I couldn’t have asked for anything better. Joshua and I seem to be a lot better than we were, but I still can’t help but feel that something’s not quite right. I haven’t had a chance to talk to Maddison yet, so I’m still completely in the dark as to what’s going on there. This afternoon I’m relaxing on the beach, trying to top up the amazing glowing tan I have going on. I, at least, want to go back home looking like I’ve been abroad. Joshua has gone swimming and I can just see his head, bobbing up and down as he swims backward and forward in the sea. It’s been great reconnecting again. I love our beautiful daughter to bits, but it’s been so long since we’ve just been a couple. I see Tracy and Karl, walking toward me holding hands. I smile seeing how amazing they look together. I’m surprised that they’ve even emerged from their bungalow. I’m not sure why they’ve decided to grace us with their presence when they didn’t even talk to anyone else last night. I did catch them making out quite a lot.

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