A Chosen Destiny (The Samantha Project Series #3) (34 page)

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Authors: Stephanie Karpinske

Tags: #science fiction, #young adult

BOOK: A Chosen Destiny (The Samantha Project Series #3)
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Owens smiled. “It did pose a bit of a challenge for me, but it all worked out in the end. In fact luring you to Iceland under false pretenses turned out better than my original plan. You got me the alien genes and I came out the hero, saving you from GlobalLife.”

“You still haven’t said why you want the genes. If you didn’t like what GlobalLife was doing with them, are you saying you don’t want people having the enhanced genes?”

“No. That’s not at all what I’m saying. In fact, early on, it was my idea to use the genetic material to improve or enhance the human body. And the higher-ups at GlobalLife agreed. But then the Founders got involved and took the project in a different direction.”

“But you’re one of the Founders. Why wouldn’t you want them to have this technology?”

they, Samantha? Simply because they have money? Or power? That’s rubbish. This technology belongs only in those who are superior enough to have it, like you and Erik. Just think of all the children who died when we put the genes in them. Why? Because they’re weak! All of them. But you and Erik survived. Because you’re strong. And your children will be even stronger than you. And their children after that. The genes will only continue to get better. It’s survival of the fittest, Samantha. That’s what will keep the population going. If we continue to support the weak, our race will eventually die out.”

“The only reason the genes work in me is because of the software.”

“Over the years, you’ve become less dependent on the software. I predict that your children won’t even need it. Their genes will be stable without it. So I’ll clone their enhanced genes, put them in a sample population, and go from there. Before long, others will benefit. And they will pass the enhanced genes to their children.”

“What sample population?”

“As you know, one of my companies is the world’s largest manufacturer of vaccines. And what’s one of the easiest ways to insert DNA into the body? As a vaccine. So I’ll simply administer it in a common vaccine, like a flu shot. Nobody will even know.”

“That’s barbaric! You’d be killing everyone who got the vaccine!”

Owens shook his head. “No, not everyone. Remember that the enhanced genes from your child will be much better received by the human body. But still, you’re right. Many will die. But some will survive. And those who do deserve to continue on.”

“So you don’t care how many people die?”

“The planet can’t handle all these people, Samantha. It was just a matter of time before someone stepped in to remedy the problem. You heard Drew talking at our dinner back in Iceland. Remember the plan he mentioned? To cut the population to 1 billion and give the remaining few the enhanced genes? It’s a good plan except that it was based on human decisions. Some rich, powerful people sit around a room and decide who should live and who should be eliminated. Who should get the enhanced genes and who should not. It all comes down to who has the most money and who provides the most value to the people who have the money.”

“And your plan for killing people is somehow better than GlobalLife’s?”

“I see the future in a much larger way, Samantha. GlobalLife just wants to give this technology to the rich. But money doesn’t earn you the right to continue replicating an inferior lineage. Doing that simply means continuing to support the weak. What I’m doing is letting nature pick the winners and losers. That’s the way it should be. My plan ensures that humans continue to live on this planet for years to come. I’m creating a stronger human race. One that could actually survive a catastrophic natural disaster or an attack from an alien species. I’m looking out for humanity. I’m recognizing what needs to be done long-term for our survival on this planet, and I’m doing it.”

What he was saying about the future was too much for my mind to accept. I tried to stay focused on the events that had already taken place.

“Why didn’t you just stop GlobalLife years ago, before the Founders got so involved?”

“I explained this to you back in Iceland. The Founders are a very powerful group. Once they learned about the genetic technology, it was too late. They insisted on having it. Yes, I’m a very influential and powerful man, but I’m just one person. My opinion wouldn’t change their minds. They wanted the genes and the powers that came with them. Luckily, the Founders are now convinced that the genes won’t work. I can thank your rebel group for that.”

“What rebel group?”

“Please, Samantha. There’s no need for games. I know all about the rebel group. And even though they didn’t intend to, they actually helped me when they spread those rumors about the technology not working. It was brilliant. It was the first step in getting GlobalLife to discontinue their research on the genes. You see, I don’t need GlobalLife’s help anymore. I know enough now to take it from here. After those rumors started, I knew the Founders would pull their funding. So all I needed to do was secure the remaining gene samples so those idiots at GlobalLife would stop tinkering with them. I should have never let them have the alien remains all those years ago. And now, they never will.”

“But Eve took the samples from the vault. Did you know that she’d do that?”

“I’ve been working secretly with Eve for years because of her connections at GlobalLife. I told her that when the time was right, we’d steal the genes and sell them and she’d make a fortune. She had no knowledge of my actual plans. Anyway, I’ve had people keeping an eye on her over the years. When I learned that you’d gone to Eve’s apartment and picked up her daughter, I figured you had a plan to get the genes from the vault.”

“You knew the genes were in the vault this whole time? Then why did you have Dave and Jack search those files, trying to find out where they were?”

“That was simply busywork meant to keep you and Erik around. Eve told me the genes were in the vault months ago.”

“Did Eve tell you she was planning to steal the genes the other night?”

“No. Because she didn’t steal them. You did, Samantha. I don’t know exactly how. But I’m guessing it had something to do with controlling Eve’s mind. Whatever you did, it worked out perfectly. My men followed her to GBL Capital, and as soon as she left, they were waiting to take her and the genes. It couldn’t have worked out better! I got the genes and Eve got the blame. I became a hero for turning her in. My good friend Orton Wolcott took it from there, suggesting we test the hybrid genes on Eve.” Owens smiled. “It all worked out quite well in the end. No loose ends.”

“Your plan may have worked so far, but it ends here. You still don’t have Erik. You never will. He’ll never go with you.”

“Oh, but he will. Because I have you, Samantha. And he will go wherever you are. You see, Erik really does love you, more than anything in this world. He may not say so, but everyone sees it. You see it, too. You just won’t admit that it’s true. Doing so would mean that you’d have to accept the pain that you’ve caused Erik by your rejection of him. And you can’t stand to see him in pain because you love him, too. Don’t you see? Your destiny was chosen long ago, Samantha. You and Erik are meant to be together.” Owens sighed. “You’ve caused so many problems by not choosing him. So now, I have to take matters into my own hands. Make things right again.”

As Owens talked, I realized that GlobalLife had only played a small role in a much larger plan. Owens was the man behind it all, pulling the strings the whole time. He got people to play along without even knowing what they were doing. And his goal was to get Erik and me together.

A Kiss

Owens’ endless talking bought me more time to try to get into his brain, but the effort was taking a toll on me. My mind felt weak and the scenarios that often flashed in my head during times of stress weren’t working. I scrambled to think of other ways to bring down Owens without hurting Colin.

“Is Erik really coming?” Owens asked. “Or was that a lie to buy you time?”

“He’s coming. And other people are coming. A whole army of people from the rebel group.”

Owens laughed. “If they were coming to rescue you, they would be here by now. Now let me ask you again. Is Erik coming or not?”

“Yes. He’s coming. And when he does, what do you have planned for us?”

“A helicopter is waiting on the rooftop helipad to take us to my private plane. We’re going to my home in Switzerland, the one you refused to go to earlier. There you two will live the lavish lifestyle you deserve. It’s where you’ll raise your many children.”

“And what will you do with Colin?”

“He’ll stay here. Someone will eventually come and get him.”

I knew Owens was lying. “Can I say goodbye to him?”

“I suppose I could let him speak for a moment.”

He ripped the tape off Colin’s mouth. “Get out of here, Sam! Run while you still can! He’ll kill me no matter you what you do. I love—”

“Enough!” Owens fastened the tape over Colin’s mouth. Then he aimed the syringe at Colin’s neck again.

“Maybe he’s right. Maybe I should run. Or maybe I should fight you. We both know you’re putting that needle in Colin no matter what I do.”

“You won’t fight, Samantha. You’re not able to.”

It was true. I couldn’t attack him with that needle in his hand. “So where are your security people tonight? Shouldn’t they be here protecting you?”

“I don’t need a security team when I’m here. I have built-in security throughout the penthouse. The technology is more reliable and more loyal than any human being. You can’t get out of here unless I let you out. And before we leave, you and Erik will be exposed to a little something to calm you for the trip. That way you won’t try anything when we get outside. When you awake, you’ll be in your new home.”

“You’re drugging us? That’s your—”

“A visitor has arrived, Mr. Owens.” A woman’s voice spoke robotically in a British accent. It came from a speaker on the wall. Then an image appeared on a screen next to the speaker. It showed Erik standing at the front door.

“Let the guest in,” Owens said as the image faded. We heard Erik enter. “We’re back here, son,” Owens called out.

“Erik, he has the needle with the alien genes an inch from Colin’s neck.” I knew if I didn’t tell him, he’d come running in and attack Owens.

I continued trying to contact Owens’ mind. Suddenly I felt a small wave of energy like I felt when I first started reading minds. The energy felt dark, just like it had with Eve. I didn’t let go of it but kept focusing on it, trying to make it stronger.

Erik walked slowly into the room. I could tell that he was trying to get into Owens’ mind but couldn’t.

“Good evening, Erik,” Owens said. “So good to see you again. I’m disappointed with your late arrival, but it did give me a chance to explain my plans for the two of you. Samantha can tell you everything later.”

Owens kept talking. Erik and I remained quiet, trying to get into his mind. I was sure I couldn’t talk telepathically to Erik while also keeping hold of my weak connection to Owens’ mind. But I tried anyway. I held Erik’s hand, hoping to at least draw on his energy.

“Erik, he needs to drop the syringe.”

“Yes, I’m trying.”

My pulse raced when I heard Erik in my mind. How could he hear me? And how could I hear
him while still connected to Owens?

“We have to hurry. I’m in Owens’ mind but only partway,”
I thought to Erik.
“Help me take it over. I need your energy.”

“You’re too attached to Colin. Your emotions will get in the way. Let me do it.”

“No. I have to do this! Please!”

I felt Erik’s mind backing off slightly, his energy transferring to me.

Owens’ voice turned dreamy yet deranged. He had clearly lost his mind, probably from whatever pills he was taking to prolong his life. “Just looking at the two of you side by side brings me so such joy. You truly are the golden couple, perfect in every way. The beginning of something bigger and better than I ever imagined.” He sighed, keeping his eyes on us. “I can’t stop admiring my work. Before we leave, I must make one final request.”

“What more could you possibly want?” My head was throbbing, but I couldn’t let go of the mind connection I had with Owens.

“A kiss,” he said, grinning. “It’s a simple request. I just want to see you two kiss.”

Erik looked at me. I looked at him and then over at Colin. I didn’t want the last image Colin had of me to be one in which I was kissing Erik.

“No,” I said. “You got everything else you wanted. We’re not giving you that.”

Owens put the needle so close to Colin’s neck that it nearly touched his skin. “Kiss,” he ordered angrily. “And not something quick. I want a real kiss.”

I looked at Colin again. He closed his eyes tight, as if sending me a message. I turned to Erik. “Okay, fine. We’ll kiss.”

Erik leaned over and slowly kissed me. I felt even more energy transferring between us.

“See? It’s just as I said,” I heard Owens say. “You two were meant to be together.”

As my connection with Erik grew stronger I was able to push past the scrambled brain waves in the air and go deeper into Owens’ mind. But I hit a barrier before I could get fully inside. I pushed harder but kept hitting resistance.
“Put the needle down,”
I thought inside Owens’ head, not sure if the message was even getting through.
“Step back. Drop the needle.”

As I repeated the words, I could feel Owens’ mind getting confused. I assumed it was caused by his own thoughts trying to override mine.

Suddenly I heard a loud crash and a thump. “No! Get it out!” Owens screamed. “Help me!”

Erik and I broke apart. We turned to see Owens lying on the floor. He’d somehow fallen, knocking over the metal table that was next to him. He was curled into a ball, his arms wrapped around his abdomen.

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