A Chink in the Armor (5 page)

Read A Chink in the Armor Online

Authors: D. Robert Pease

Tags: #epic fantasy dragons, #biblical retelling, #sword and sorcery

BOOK: A Chink in the Armor
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The only thing that keeps him grounded in reality is his best friend Alex, but even she may not be who he thought she was.


Praise for
Dream Warriors

“I loved
Noah Zarc
, Mr. Pease’s MG trilogy. And I enjoyed his recent grown up fantasy,
Shadow Swarm
. But this is his best book yet. Just as Noah was a loose parody of the Bible story, so Joey has similarities to the biblical story of Joseph. If you’re familiar with those old favorites, I’ll let you pick out the parallels--there’s a bunch. But Joey soon takes a dive into the fantasy world that’s full of originality, fun, danger, romance, and suspense. There are some great twists and turns in here that I never saw coming! This one is appropriately billed as YA. There is some violence, but it’s mostly, well, dreamlike. Dream warriors have some great gladiator scenes, but they can’t die. Mortal blows simply send them back to wakefulness. But they can be killed if they’re followed back to their physical bodies. Also, romance is sweet. There’s some very mild sensuality. Nothing I’d censor for my kids (and I’m pretty conservative), but it might be enough to gross out fourth or fifth graders. Language is 100% clean. I highly, highly recommend this one for anyone eighth grade or older.”—
Michelle Isenhoff


“Must say I was very impressed with this book. Very enjoyable. It even had me jumping off my bed in anxious excitement at one point. A mix of fantasy, action, mythology and our very own dreams. There is a bit of romance, some fun fight scenes, lots of ‘familiar’ faces, magic and a hint of mythology. A wonderful blend that I quickly latched onto and held on to the end. As soon as I finished this book, I jumped online to learn more about the next book. I am so impatient to read it!”—
J. Rivera


“Yes, this is a book intended for young adults, but I enjoyed it so much that I immediately turned around to read it a second time. I wanted to make sure I had not missed any subtle clues Mr. Pease may have given. I didn’t miss anything that might have warned me of the ending to come, but was surprised at the detail that went into building the dream world and how it works. The characters are the type that stay with you long after you turn the page and close the book. I am admitting that as a woman well into middle age I am eagerly awaiting book two in this series to be released in March of 2015. I will definitely have a note on my calendar to be on the lookout for the next gem. If you do not want to wait for March after you finish
Dream Warriors
, you may want check D. Robert Pease’s
Noah Zarc Trilogy
Del Anne


“What nerdy, geeky kid wouldn’t want to fall asleep and wake up in a dream world where he morphed into a cross between King Leonidas and the Incredible Hulk? This element of the story alone is enough to draw readers to
Dream Warriors
. The story rates five stars, it was a fun read and I’d recommend it to readers age 13 and up.”—
Kevin Gerard




Noah Zarc


Noah Zarc: Mammoth Trouble

Noah Zarc: Cataclysm

Noah Zarc: Declaration

All three books of this middle grade science fiction adventure are now available. For more information on this thrilling series for kids 9-13 years old, please visit the
Evolved Publishing



If you’re looking for an out-of-this-world, action-packed adventure, and love such books as
Percy Jackson
The Softwire
Artemis Fowl
, or
The Search for Wondla
, then the
Noah Zarc
series needs to be your next thrill ride.

In a future where Earth has been wiped clean of all life, and humanity has moved on to other worlds, twelve-year-old Noah Zarc and his family have embarked on a quest, in a time-traveling spaceship called the ARC, to retrieve two of every animal and repopulate a dead world.


“Pease’s strength as a storyteller lies in his ability to connect multiple time periods imaginatively, as well as Noah’s excited, fast-paced narration.” — Publishers Weekly


Noah Zarc: Mammoth Trouble:

Noah lives for piloting spaceships through time, dodging killer robots and saving Earth’s animals from extinction. Life couldn’t be better. But the twelve-year-old time traveler learns it could be a whole lot worse. His mom is kidnapped and taken to Mars; his dad is stranded in the Ice Age; and Noah is attacked at every turn by a foe bent on destroying Earth... for the second time.


Noah Zarc: Cataclysm

Thirteen-year-old Noah Zarc rockets to Venus in a quest to learn more about his past. He refuses to believe his father is really the monster everyone says he is. Could there be valid reasons for everything he’s done, including abandoning Noah at birth?

While searching for answers to secrets no one wants to talk about, even those that have remained hidden for over a thousand years, Noah becomes embroiled in a mission that could cause the greatest cataclysm in the history of the solar system. Will his name, Noah Zarc, be forever linked to the most devastating crime in humanity’s existence, all because he was in the wrong place at the wrong time?


Noah Zarc: Declaration:

As battles rage across the solar system, Noah must work to join together a rag-tag bunch of miners, farmers, and scientists who would rather just live in peace. With only a time-traveling ship full of animals and a general from the history books, the Zarc family has to stand against the full might of the Poligarchy.

Will the truth about what really happened a thousand years in the past be enough to stop total war, or will Noah and his friends need to find another way to bring down a dictator?


Praise for the
Noah Zarc Trilogy

“I enjoyed reading every page of Noah Zarc: Mammoth Trouble—it’s an exciting, fun, stay-up-all-night-reading kind of book.”
— Twelve-year-old Amazon Reviewer


“I was absolutely blown away by how well this book is written.... The setting is nothing short of brilliant in its conception. I love, love, love the way Pease used the Biblical story of Noah’s Ark as a very loose skeleton for this story. That said, there is nothing religious about this book, and it could and should certainly grace the bookshelves of every school library!”

Tina Chen, blogger at www.desperatehomeschoolers.com


“LOVE LOVE LOVE... I don’t know if there is enough room to express how much I enjoyed this book... the story line is original and interesting, the descriptions and locations lively and the action is nonstop... and my favorite part... this is a smart book. The adventure and characters will surely capture our attention, but the philosophies and deeper subjects will capture your mind and have you thinking well past the last page.” —
Kirstin Pulioff, Author and Blogger at www.kirstinpulioff.com


“This is a fabulous dystopian world! Mr. Pease makes it sound so real and believable. I wouldn’t be surprised if this actually happened in the future (hmm... maybe Mr. Pease is the time traveler?).” —
Erik, twelve-year-old Author and Blogger at www.thiskidreviewsbooks.com




A Very Special Edition:


Special 3-books-in-1 Edition with Exclusive Illustrations

This special edition Middle Grade Science Fiction adventure is now available as an eBook or as a hardcover. For more information on this thrill ride for kids 9-13 years old, please visit the
Evolved Publishing


In a future where Earth has been wiped clean of all life, and humanity has moved on to other worlds, twelve-year-old Noah Zarc and his family have embarked on a quest, in a time-traveling spaceship called the ARC, to retrieve two of every animal and repopulate a dead world.


Praise for
Noah Zarc: Omnibus

“There’s really not enough science fiction for kids that has awesome straight-up sciencenot just the humorous space fantasies that most SciFi for kids seems to dish outbut Noah Zarc has the goods! This trilogy is exactly the kind of SF I wish I had as a kidlots of adventures, great (male and female!) heroes, and fun time-travel tech that’s out of this world. And it’s the kind my own kids love now. The great interior illustrations make the Omnibus the way to go! Hand this trilogy to your kids and don’t expect to hear back from them for a while.” –
Susan Quinn

“Why the Omnibus edition? Well if you don’t own any in the series yet, you get all three for a discounted price when buying this edition. Already own all three? Still worth it. The illustrations are great and only available in the omnibus. Many times as I found myself thinking ‘I would love to see what he looks like’ or ‘what would that look like,’, and there it was. There are not so many pictures that make you feel like you are just reading a child’s book. There are just enough to give it that extra special touch. The stories of Noah Zarc are fantastic and it was great for me to keep right on reading through as if the book never stopped instead of reading each book individually, which are ALL fantastic. Pease writes with such detail it is impossible to not be able to picture exactly what is going on and feeling a part of the adventures. I felt like I was watching the book at times instead of reading it, and I love when I feel that from a book.” –
Tracy Haidle




This special prequel to the
Noah Zarc Trilogy
, a Middle Grade Science Fiction adventure, is now available as a
eBook. For more information on this great opportunity, please visit the
Evolved Publishing

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