A Certain Kind of Hero (44 page)

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Authors: Kathleen Eagle

BOOK: A Certain Kind of Hero
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Tate groaned. He opened his eyes and reluctantly broke the kiss. Amy giggled as he turned a sheepish glance Jody's way. “Mush?”

“You guys gotta get married if you're gonna be kissin' like that.”

“You think we'd better?” Tate asked expectantly. Jody wrinkled his nose. “Do I have your permission to marry your mom, partner?” Tate's nod summoned Jody for an exchange between cohorts. The boy leaned in closer. “Say yes, and I'll see what I can do about a horse to go with that saddle.”

Jody's pogo-stick legs sprang into action. “Yes! Whoa, can you marry her today?”

“Jody!” Amy complained buoyantly. “You probably could have bid him up. I'm certainly worth more than one horse.”

“I only want one.” He grabbed Tate's knee, anchoring himself for one quick, anxious inquiry. “Will you be my dad then?”

“I will if your mom stops playing hard to get and says yes.”

“Can we still be partners?”

“We can always be partners.” He looked into the face of the only woman he'd ever petitioned for such an agreement. “You wanna be partners, Amy?”

“Kiss her again, Tate! She'll say yes if you kiss her again.”

So he did kiss her. And she did say, “Yes.”

ISBN: 978-1-4268-8232-6


Copyright © 2010 by Harlequin Books S.A.

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Copyright © 1994 by Kathleen Eagle

Copyright © 1993 by Kathleen Eagle

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