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Authors: Wendy Stone

A Case of Love (6 page)

BOOK: A Case of Love
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Gideon stared at her. “I guess I've never thought of it that way."

"You wouldn't, you're not a woman."

"Well,” he said after a second. “It's a good thing I'm not because this would be hard to explain,” he joked, waving his hand over them. “So...have you ever been kissed by anybody other than me?"

"Yes. I'm not that innocent,” she snapped.

Gideon smirked, then before she could move, he rolled with her, ending up with his hips cradled between her thighs, lying on top of her. He knew she couldn't help but feel his cock, pressed as it was up against the tight little shorts she was wearing under her tee shirt.

"What are you doing?” she gasped.

"Well, if you're not that innocent, then you won't mind if I kiss you again?"

Before she could answer, he dropped his head, his lips claiming hers with seamless ease. She made one sound, something like a squeak then stilled beneath him. He smiled against her lips, knowing she would feel it. There was a little demon inside of him tonight, pushing him to do these things. Slowly tilting his head, he rubbed his lips against hers, finally parting his, letting his tongue come out to lick lightly at the crease of her lips.

"Open your mouth,” he murmured against her mouth, groaning when she did as he ordered. Her tongue met his, teasingly rubbing against his as he deepened the kiss. He felt her hands come up, one tangling in his too long hair, the other sliding over the naked curve of his shoulder, holding on to him as if for dear life.

He teased her with long, languid kisses, pulling away when she moaned and try to take them deeper. He enjoyed the sound of her breathing, the long breathless moans, the husky little gasps she gave as he rubbed against her, pressing his cock into the crease of her shorts where they rode into her slit. He gave of himself, teaching her passion and giving her laughter until she finally grasped his hair, pulling on the silky locks, frustrated by his teasing...

"Do you want more?” he growled.

"Yes,” she moaned.

"How much more?"

Gideon watched as Kenzie bit her lip again, indecision meeting passion that she wasn't experienced enough to handle. He bent his head, finding that tempting lip himself and nibbled on it before pulling it into his mouth to suck on gently. “How much more, Mac?” he asked again as he let her go.

"I...I don't know,” she whispered, her big eyes staring up at him.

"Can I take off your shirt?"

"Y...Yes,” she said after a minute, lifting up a bit to help him with the shirt, letting her hands go above her head so he could pull it off.

He watched her face, his eyes never leaving it as he saw her flush again, catching the movement of her arms out of the corner of his eyes, as she crossed them over her breasts. “Has no one ever seen your breasts besides me?"

"W...well, you and Jimmy “the dog",” she tried to joke.

"Did you like how you felt then?” he asked.


"Bared in front of those men, my hand on your naked breast, your nipple teasing my palm,” he answered her, reaching down and finding her wrists. He drew them slowly up above her head, crossing them and then trailing his fingers down her arms.

"It was different,” Kenzie answered, squirming a little as his fingers tickled her. They traced down her sides, moving over her ribs to the deep indent of her waist before moving up again.

His lips found hers again, a quick biting little kiss that distracted her from where his hands were moving until suddenly he cupped her breasts in his big palms, rubbing and squeezing gently even as he heard her moan, her hips jerking against his. “Do you like this?"

"Yes,” she groaned, twitching as he rolled one of her nipples with his fingers.

"I'll let you in on a secret,” he hissed against her ear. “I do too."

"Really?” she groaned, mimicking him from a few moments earlier.

"Yes, really,” he said, smiling though the grin looked rather harsh. He was slowly losing control of himself, wanting badly to strip off the tiny shorts she wore and thrust himself into her, to be her first. That thought sent a shudder of longing through him that had her eyes opening and staring up at him.

"Are you all right?” she asked even as she squirmed under him.

His lips found hers, this time with very little gentleness, letting her feel the hunger that ate at him. He twisted her lips open, his tongue thrusting greedily inside, tasting of her passionate flavor. “Does that feel like I'm all right?” he growled against her lips, taking them again before she could answer.

Her response was swift and hot, going straight to his head. His hand slid from her tempting curves, moving down until he could feel the soft flannel of her shorts. He slipped his hand under the waistband, finding smooth, warm skin, roaming around until he could cup the curve of her ass in his palm, squeezing and molding her flesh.

Her arms went around his neck, her legs moved up, clasping at his sides as he caressed her skin. “Were these expensive?” he asked, his voice harsh with need.

", why?"

"I have this urgent need to rip them off of you,” he growled.

"Oh,” she moaned, shivering.

He didn't know if that was in agreement or not and he didn't care. Grasping the waistband of the thin flannel, he gripped it tightly, flexed his hand and then yanked hard. It ripped easily, exposing her slender hips and the smooth flesh of her belly to him. Her one remaining garment caught his eyes and made his breath hiss out slowly between his teeth in an admiring whistle.

Gideon rolled to the side, his hand coming down to smooth red satin and lace over her skin. His thumb pressed against the juncture of her thighs, slipping between, feeling smooth skin and wet heat. “I want you,” he growled. “If I take these off of you, I'm not going to be able to stop myself from taking you."

He could feel the heat of her slit under the satin and he slid gently against it, pushing the satin into her wet flesh, using it to caress the hard bump he could feel under it. She groaned, her hands digging into his arm, her fingers grasping his wrist as if she weren't sure she wanted him to continue or not. Her hips moved, jerking against his hand, unable to stop as he pleasured her.

A low moan escaped her lips, her eyes half closed as she looked at him. “Please,” she whispered, her thighs spreading further, begging for him to give her more.

She was so close, her body jerking and shivering as he brought her closer to climax. He pulled aside the satin, dipping his finger into the heat of her, finally feeling her passionate wetness.

"Hawk,” she gasped, her hand digging into his wrist, her eyes going wide as she felt the first contractions of pleasure.

Her thighs pressed together, holding him to her, her body tightening under his caressing hand. An explosion of joy shot through her, and she threw her head back against the pillow.

Gideon watched her pleasure feeling the ache of his own desire. She was so beautiful, even with her curls mussed and sleep matted. He felt her relax under his hand, her body going limp in release. Slowly pulling his hand away, he reached for the waist band of her panties, readying to pull them off of her.

The sound of his cell phone ringing made him pause. He listened to the ring, groaning when he realized he had to answer it.

"I'm sorry, Mac,” he sighed. “You don't know how sorry I am."

She chuckled, the sound soft and sighing as if she were still riding the high of her climax.

Gideon glanced back, watching her as she opened her eyes, the amber gleam lambent against her tawny skin. Sighing heavily, he reached for his shirt, plucking his cell phone out of the pocket. Glancing at the screen, he hit the talk button. “This had better be good,” he snarled.

He felt the bed shift and was surprised to feel long, soft fingers traveling across his back, gliding over his shoulders and down his arms. He almost moaned into the phone when he felt her lips against his throat, her breasts pressing into his back. “What was that?"

Her laugh was low and husky and sent chills down his spine. He closed his eyes on a curse, listening to the person on the other end of his phone with a growl of pissed off. “Yeah, I got it. I'll be there.” He slammed his phone shut, dropping it on the bed beside him before half turning and grabbing her, dragging her across his lap until he could find her lips. “You teasing little minx,” he growled, slanting his lips across hers.

The kiss was hot, intense and smoldering. He kissed her with every bit of desire he felt, finally dropping her back on the bed as he reached for his shirt.

He pulled it on, hearing her breathing heavy behind him. Standing, he shoved his shirt into his jeans, tucking in his hard cock as well and carefully zipping up the denim. He turned, his eyes narrowing as he saw the picture she made, sprawled against the soft comforter, wearing nothing but the bright red panties which were darker at the crotch.

"Dinner,” he growled. “Tonight. I'll be here at seven to pick you up."

Mac nodded, her eyes never leaving him as he leaned down and picked up his shoes, pulling them on and tying them. He leaned over her, kissing her one last time, his hand cupping her breast and squeezing gently before he turned and walked out of the room.

* * * *

Kenzie watched him walk out of the room, her body singing from his caresses, her mind swimming with everything she'd experienced this morning. She checked her alarm clock, sighing as she realized she had to get up also if she didn't want to be late for work.

The shower felt good, the water running down her body, the heat beating into her skin. She washed quickly, singing off key any song that came to mind. By the time she was clean, her hair brushed and finally dressed, she had about fifteen minutes to get across town to work.

She got lucky with a taxi, grabbing one that was stopping in front of her building just as she stepped outside the door. She made it across town and was in the elevator in about twenty minutes. When she stepped out of the elevator, Selena was right there.

"Are you okay?” The feisty columnist grabbed her hand dragging her over to her desk. “Check these out. I thought when they came to your desk that you were dead."

Kenzie stared at the huge display of sweet smelling roses in shades of pinks and white. “They're beautiful,” she sighed, bringing one blossom to her nose and inhaling. “Oh and they smell so good."

"Check out who they're from,” Selena urged, shifting from one sky high heel to the other. “You have an admirer."

"Did you read the card?” Kenzie asked, reaching into the beautiful flowers and plucking out the small square envelope.

"No!” Selena said, her hand going to her breast where a bright pink tank top showed off an impressive cleavage. “Would I do something like that?"

Kenzie rolled her eyes. “That's a rhetorical question isn't it?"

"Ha, ha, very funny,” Selena snapped. “Shut up and open the card."

The back of the envelope had just been tucked inside so it took but a second to pull out the stiff white card inside. There were only four words on the back and no name.

Thanks for last night

"What did you do last night?” Selena asked, her eyebrows rising into her dyed and teased bangs.

"Wouldn't you like to know?” Kenzie said, slipping the card back into the envelope and then stashing it into her purse. She buried her face in the sweetness of the roses, a smile she couldn't help curving her lips.

"Yes, I would like to know,” Selena said. She cocked her hip on the corner of Kenzie's desk. “Come on, dish. You never do anything interesting like this. I gotta know, what got into you? Or should that be who got into you?” she asked, wiggling her eyebrows.

"I'd tell you, Selena, but then I'd have to kill you.” She chuckled at the frustrated look on her friend's face. She was about to tell her some of it when her name was yelled from across the room.


"Yes Ron,” she yelled right back.

"Great piece on the arson. I want you to go out and get a follow up. Talk to the arson investigators. I want to know exactly what the signature is here and what they are doing about finding the culprit. Take Chase with you. He can get me some pictures of the buildings. Also, get some more quotes from that psychologist friend of yours. This line about the arsonist being sexually anorexic is fantastic."

She went to grab her purse up, bending over to pick up the card that had slipped out of her purse.


Kenzie rolled her eyes. “Yes, Ron?"

"Now, girl, not next week."

"Yes, Ron,” she said.

* * * *

Darkness surrounded him, numbing the pain and the voices. He stared out into it, making shapes in the dark with his imagination. Flames leaped at the corners of his consciousness, tickling it like a favorite child.

He tried to ignore the thoughts running through his head, thoughts put there by that reporter, Mackenzie Hunter. The things she'd said about him, things that were hurtful and mean, caused a rage to start growing in his belly. How dare she talk about him like that, as if he were a common criminal? There was nothing common about what he could do. He created fire. Fire was all powerful. Fire could cleanse, it could rid the world of evil, take away the pain and the noise. Fire was his, it was all he knew.

She had to be made to see that she was wrong. She had to pay. He would make her pay.

He smiled, the side of his mouth crinkling the heavy scarring that marred one side of his face, running up and into his hair line where he wore his hair long to cover the ear that had been burned off. Soon, he thought. Soon she would know what he did and she would see. He'd make her see.

[Back to Table of Contents]


Chapter Four
* * * *

A single ringing of the phone was all it took to wake Brett Hunter up. He groped blindly for the phone in the dark, fumbling as he picked it up, flipping it open only to blink as the bright light from the cell phone screen glared into his eyes.

"Fuck!” he growled, blinded. He stabbed at a button, bringing it to his ear. “This had better be fucking good."

BOOK: A Case of Love
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