A Captive's Submission (5 page)

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Authors: Liliana Rhodes

BOOK: A Captive's Submission
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"I thought it was too beautiful a night to eat indoors," he said as she stepped out onto the terrace.

The night was warm yet breezy and the salt air tickled her nose. The wind tousled Stavros's hair which brushed his chiseled cheek bones and jaw line. His button down shirt draped perfectly over his muscular frame, the raw silk clinging to the muscles in his chest as he moved. As she looked over at Stavros, she wondered again why such a gorgeous man would want her.

"What are you thinking about?" He asked her.

"There's so much I need to know but..."

"But what?"

"But," she sighed, feeling uneasy. "But I'm not sure I want to know the answers."

"This is about why you're here isn't it? And what I've told you." He took her hand as she nodded and led her to a pair of teak chairs where they sat down. He looked into her eyes. "I don't see fear anymore. Have you learned to trust me?"

"Yes," she said softly, unable to take her eyes off his and loving the lilt of his Greek accent.

"Then you are ready. Trust is the most vital and important thing in our relationship. Without trust we cannot continue. This is an absolute for all relationships." He paused a moment to make sure she understood how important this was. "I will now tell you why I am here, why I need you. I'll also tell you how we will begin.

"You know of my wealth and my reputation. I'm sure you know I am wealthier than you can ever imagine. And that's just with my own success. When my father Khristos passed, he left everything to me...with certain stipulations." He sounded bitter.

"I don't need his money. I could care less about my father's money, but I have my pride. You see, my father never approved of my lifestyle. He felt I wasted my life and my money. It was his opinion that I would die young and have no one to leave my legacy to. I'm sure he wished he had other children besides me."

She could hear the pain in his voice when he spoke about his father. Looking into his dark eyes she saw disappointment and sadness. She reached out to touch his hand but he pulled away and stood up to pace as he spoke.

"This isn't about the money. This is a matter of pride. In order for me to take his place in the company, I was given requirements and a deadline.

"The first requirement I've already told you. I am to put an end to my lifestyle. No more parties, drunkenness or womanizing. He felt my poor image was a deterrent to investors. I resolved all that by moving here."

"But how do you cope? You said you have a sexual addiction."

He smiled, sat back down in front of her and took her hand excitedly.

"It's gone. Since we met you're the only one I think of, the only one I want to be with. When you become my slave you will experience pleasures you've never dreamed of. I'm looking forward to training you. It was worth the wait to make sure you're ready."

"What if I change my mind? What if I want to go home?"

"Do you want to go home?"

She shook her head and looked down. "I want to be with you. I know it was you in the emails and chats. I was confused at first but we got to know each other too well. I know you." She looked back up at him, a little confused. "Why didn't you just ask me? Why take me?"

"If I said I'm the richest man in the world please stay with me, you wouldn't have believed me. Plus it sullies everything. You couldn't just make the decision about me. My lifestyle would keep coming up in your decision. It might've been wrong, but it was the best thing I could do."

"Yes, you're right." She was quiet again for a moment but couldn't help herself. Just being so close to him was enough to send her head spinning. She could feel the pulsing between her legs begin and she couldn't help but wonder when she could be with him again. "When can we start my training?"


He stood up and held his hand out to her. Once she took it he lead her back into the house and to her suite.

"Are you taking me to the dungeon?" She asked.

"Hush! You will not speak unless I allow it. You will ask for permission to speak unless I ask you a question."

She nodded and followed him into her bedroom. He motioned for her to sit on the bench at the foot of her bed.

"Do you recognize that?"

She looked at the large light wood chest that sat at the foot of her bed. It had a thick ivory cushion with matching bolsters on it that she had sat on earlier while slipping on her shoes. She sat on the chest, confused by his question and rested her elbow on one of the ivory bolsters.

"It's been here in my room, so yes I recognize it."

"It hasn't always been in your room."

She looked at it again and slowly remembered seeing it in the dungeon. She wondered how she didn't realize it had shown up in her room and wondered how long it had been there.

"Pandora's Chest?"

"Yes," he said as he sat down beside her. "Before I show you the chest, we need to make some arrangements. I know you trust me but we will need a safe word. Some word you can use if any of this becomes too much and you need to stop. You utter the word and I will stop whatever I'm doing." He picked up her hand from her lap and held it as he looked deep into her eyes. "You might be considered the sex slave but you are the one in control. This is the only time you'll hear me say that."

She felt her heart pound faster as he held her hand. She didn't know what it was about this man that turned her on so much. Yes he was gorgeous with his wavy brown hair and intensely dark eyes. Sure he had the body of an underwear model, there was something else about him though. Something deeper within him that called out to her.

"Soul. My safe word is soul."

"Soul." He nodded as he said the word. "There are a few more things you need to know about what your life as a slave will be like. I won't cover everything today, it can be overwhelming. Just make sure you understand how important your training will be and if you disobey me and go against the training, you will be punished. Understand?"


She nodded and felt impatient wondering when she would be able to touch him again. Just listening to his sexy Greek accent and knowing she belonged to him was enough to get her excited. She could already feel the pulsing that started between her legs.

"When we are alone like this, you will call me Master and I expect that you will not speak without permission."

"Yes Master."

"Superb. Drew was right, you are a natural submissive. Every master/slave relationship is different but there are a few other things I expect from you." He stood up and handed her a small, sleek tablet computer. "You will use this everyday to journal your thoughts and feelings. I have access to the file and will be checking it. This isn't something that will be used for punishment so feel free to write whatever you want. The journal is just a way to help you learn to open up to me more as your master. It's a communication tool."

She took the tablet and placed it on her lap. She was already beginning to feel overwhelmed. So much had happened in the past few days. She ran her finger along the glossy screen and thought about how she missed writing. It was something she had done her whole life.

She briefly thought about the new reporter job she had been so happy and proud to get. She wondered what was going on in Portsmith since she left and if anyone even noticed she was gone, then she realized she didn't care. She was happy to be at Saint Sebastian and hoped she didn't have to go back to her boring life. She would do whatever she had to to stay there.

"I believe you will enjoy your time here. I am not a harsh master but I am strict. When we are with others, I expect you to present yourself properly. What we do here in your room and in the dungeon is between you and I. It is a testament to the trust and respect we have for each other and no one else needs to know about our arrangement. I'm sure the past few days have been overwhelming thus far but I have tried to give you as much information as possible. Do you have any questions?"

"Yes...what is Pandora's Chest? You mentioned it before."

"I was hoping you'd ask," he said with a smirk. "Pandora's Chest will be your reward for submitting to me. At times it may even be your punishment...but I have a feeling you'll enjoy that too."

He held his hand out to her and helped her stand then took one of the bolsters and set it on the floor beside the bench.

"When I come to your room I expect to find you kneeling here. You will be naked. If you are wearing anything or not in position, you will be punished. Understand?"

Veronica nodded as she nervously bit her lip. She wasn't scared of Stavros, she was suddenly aware of how much responsibility she had. As she listened to his instructions she realized how upset she would be in herself if she disappointed him.

Stavros removed the cushion from the bench and clicked a hidden button which released the panel the cushion rested on. The bench was indeed a chest. Veronica stepped closer as she tried to peek inside but all she saw were several metal rods, leather straps, and chains which looked like shortened versions of what held her in the cell just days before. She couldn't help but feel curious but she remembered she shouldn't speak.

Stavros screwed two eyebolts across from each other on both ends of the chest. Next he removed two long metal bars that reminded her of ski poles, from the chest and placed them through the eyebolts at one end to a connector at the bottom where they locked into place. Then he connected two leather straps to small chains connected to the poles and two other straps to the chains dangling from eyebolts at the other end. Lastly, he placed the cushion back on top of the chest before turning to her.


She stood frozen for a moment. She suddenly felt self conscious of her body. It was something she dealt with her entire life but she knew she would have to fight through it to keep her end if the deal. She looked at Stavros who was waiting, his dark gaze glued to her which made her feel naked even though she was still fully dressed.

He stepped closer to her, cupped her face with one hand and softly brushed her lips with his thumb. The sudden throbbing from between her legs ripped her from her reverie and reminded her of how badly she wanted him. She opened her mouth slightly as his thumb traced the shape of her lips and her breath caught in her throat.

His fingers glided down her neck and along the soft fabric of the dress, following the material of the halter top to the knot behind her neck. A quick tug and the top came loose and slipped down around her waist, leaving her ample breasts exposed. She quickly undid the small belt of her dress and the sapphire dress softly billowed as it dropped to her feet, leaving her in her small silver satin panties.

His touch, the way he looked at her, everything made her feel so sensuous and sexy, things she never felt before. His eyes never left here even though she was nearly naked before him. He spread his large hand, still at the back of her neck, and she felt his warmth radiate through her skin. He firmly pushed her a little closer to him and covered his mouth with his.

Her arms reached up and locked around his neck. She felt the muscles in his chest through his shirt as she pressed her body against his. His tongue darted into her mouth, teasing her, and she smiled at his playfulness.

Stepping back he broke away from her and a slight smile played on his lips. They were still standing close enough that she could feel his warm breath on her skin.

"You are by far the most beautiful woman I have ever known...and the tastiest."

He kissed her lips then gently bit the sensitive spot where her neck met her shoulder. She wondered how he knew all her weaknesses as she felt any reservations she might have had melt away.

His hands slid over her soft skin, down along her sides then over her breasts, his fingers rubbed over her erect nipples and she gasped at how good it felt. He lowered his head and sucked her nipples, slowly moving his tongue around them at the same time. She ran her fingers through his silky dark hair and clutched it as her legs began to go weak.

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