A Burning Secret (7 page)

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Authors: Beverly Montgomery

BOOK: A Burning Secret
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Weeks passed and Sasha hadn’t heard from
Tony. He actually hadn’t done anything to make
Sasha feel that he truly loved her.

And she wasn’t about to phone him because
Tony was the one who was willing to deceive Sasha
and go to great lengths to keep her from finding
out about his past girlfriend and her pregnancy.

However, one day while shopping in town,
Sasha happened to see Tony at a sidewalk café’
having lunch with another woman.

Sasha made it a point to walk pass their table
so Tony could see her but he turned his head away
as though she didn’t exist.

Sasha couldn’t believe what she was seeing but
it was really what she needed because it proved
that when someone tells you they love you, it is
important to remember
that those are simply

Sasha knew that this was the final confirmation
she need to move on and she knew she needed to
take control of her feelings for Tony and get her
life back on track.

Sasha believed that the way to do this was to
close her school for a few weeks so that she could
take a vacation to clear her mind before doing
something too drastic.

decided she
would vacation in
Antonio, Texas because she had visited there once
with Justin and she simply loved it.

At first, she was concerned that this may not
be a good idea because she didn’t want to be
anywhere or near anyone that reminded her of
Justin but she decided to take the trip to San

In order to avoid checking into a hotel, she
found a time share that she was able to rent for a
few months.

She wasn’t sure whether she would be in San
Antonio for one month or three months but at
least she had an option if she liked the location of
the timeshare and needed more time to regroup.

Sasha moved into a condominium complex
and found that people were very friendly but they
didn’t impose on Sasha’s privacy.

However, not long after Sasha moved into the
condo, she was approached by Antonio Ballentine.
Antonio didn’t have a lot of money but he owned a
small trucking company in San Antonio and made
a modest income from it.

He had seen Sasha when she first moved in
and couldn’t wait to meet her, so he rang her
doorbell one evening with an apple pie and vanilla
ice cream in hand.

No flowers, just a nice practical housewarming
gift from a man, no less. Sasha was impressed.
The first thing that ran across the Sasha’s mind
was the fact that she had come to San Antonio to
get away from two men because she wanted to
clear her mind and here she was already being
wooed by another man.
She thought, okay, the ice cream and pie are
simply a nice gesture so what harm could come
from it?”
Sasha could see that Antonio was a younger
man but nevertheless, she wasn’t intimidated or
concerned about his age.
Antonio didn’t waste any time. Right away he
wanted to know all about Sasha. She told him a
few things about herself but she didn’t discuss her
past job as a Call Girl with him.
Too, she didn’t discuss Justin and Tony with
Antonio because she didn’t feel it was necessary
because despite her instant attraction to Antonio,
she didn’t believe they would have a relationship.
However, the more she looked at Antonio as
he talked freely and openly, Sasha hung on his
every word because he was a
very warm and
seemingly sincere man and he was very handsome!
thought this
man is
Antonio made his move by first taking a spoon of
ice cream and then leaned over to kiss Sasha. She
tried to pull back but she couldn’t resist him.
His cold tongue felt good as he kissed her
passionately! It was the most sensational kiss she
had ever experienced.
Then he cut a piece of pie and fed her a tiny
piece of it.
He then pulled a small bottle of
champagne from the inside of his jacket and asked
Sasha if she had any champagne glasses, she did so
he poured them both a glass as they gazed into one
another’s eyes.
Antonio was making his move on Sasha. She
tried to pull away from him but he said, “What are
you fighting me for
you are
attracted to me.
I can feel it and I am attracted to
you so what is keeping you from giving yourself to
me and I mean really giving me all of you right
Antonio moved closer to Sasha and as she
reached out to caress him, his body and hers
radiated intensive heat.
wanted him to take
control and as
though he could read her mind, Antonio gently
pushed Sasha back onto the sofa and she didn’t
fight him.
She began to unbutton her blouse and she
snatched his shirt off because she was hot for him.
For a moment, Antonio laid on top of Sasha
rubbing her shoulders, and playing with her hair.
so turned on and
Antonio to do more than play in her hair.
took his hands and guided them down her body
over her nipples and onto what she calls her furry
Then he suddenly got up and took another
spoon of ice cream and then began kissing her clit.
At first it felt cold but then it was the most
sensational feeling and she could do nothing but let
him take charge and continue to do all his magic
tricks with the ice cream and apple pie.
It was as though the ice cream and pie became
his props that he used to pleasure her in every way!
Sasha rubbed Antonio thighs and all over his
body and he held her close to him.
It is
not as though Sasha didn’t have
experience in being intimate with someone she
hardly knew but this time was different so even
though she was enjoying what Antonio was doing,
she whispered softly, “Get up.”
But Antonio kept doing what he was doing and
Sasha was having a difficult time convincing herself
that she really wanted him to get up!
The more Antonio kissed her and pulled her
hair as
rubbed her
body gently,
the more
difficult she found it so Sasha relented and gave in
that he
could do
whatever he
desired! She loved the fact that Antonio was an
exceptional lover and he knew how to pleasure a
woman and she was hypnotized by his rugged
good looks.
He had an eagle tattoo on his back that was
very sexy and the wings of the eagle expanded
across his shoulder blades. It looked menacing and
sexy at the same time.
It was inscribed with the
words, “Soar like an Eagle.”
But it was Antonio’s simple approach that had
enticed Sasha. She thought to herself, what kind of
man brings ice cream and apple pie to a woman he
wants to seduce? She didn’t know but it was
about this
gift that made
unbelievable attractive, innocent and sweet and
Sasha was hooked!
When Sasha and Antonio came up for air
which seems to be after hours of lovemaking, they
talked more about what they desired out of life and
what they wanted from one another, if anything.
Sasha didn’t know how long she would be
staying in San Antonio but she liked Antonio so
she decided that she would continue to see him but
she had no expectations for the relationship.
She simply liked him and he seemed to like her
so nothing else was required.
After all she had already left Montclair to get
away to clear her mind so her goal was to filter
through all the things that was happening in her
life to determine what she wanted to do.
One thing for sure, the things that were once
important to her were no longer important. She
didn’t need anyone with a lot of money because
she was very wealthy and she could take care of
and most of
all he
had to love
She didn’t know if Antonio was the perfect fit
for her or this could be a one time thing with
nothing else going on but if that were the case,
Sasha was okay with it.
Sasha was thinking about the fact that men do
it all the time and they are still considered men but
when women have
night stands they
considered to be tramps.
Sasha was not concerned about this because
had needs and she was meeting them.
was another day.

A month later, Sasha loves every aspect of her
She is enjoying being with Antonio and for
the first time she is taking time to be alone with

Antonio comes around about once a week
because that’s the way Sasha wants it. She doesn’t
want to be looking at Antonio on a daily basis
because she understands now that her primary
problem is that she has always felt the need to have
a man in her life.

Perhaps, this has to do with the fact that her
father was not in her life; she really didn’t know the
real reason but she wanted to break out of this and
with or
without a
She liked
Antonio though because he didn’t
make any
demands on her nor did he impose on the times
that she wanted for herself.

He was busy with business most of the time
worked long
hours. Often he
develop terrible headaches because he worked too
hard trying to ensure that his business continues to
be profitable.

He never talks about money with Sasha but he
has admitted to Sasha that he has a son from a
previous relationship.

But mostly, they talk about the things that are
in the here and now and they don’t talk about their
past relationships because they are just enjoying
one another and still taking it one day at a time.

However, Sasha hasn’t been feeling as well as
she usually does and she feels that all the turmoil
that she has experienced with the death of her dear
mother, her job and her relationships with Justin
and Tony have all caught up with her.

She knows that although she has been having a
good time, she can’t leave the school in Montclair
in limbo. She has to make some definite decisions
within a few weeks.

The on-site psychologist for the school has
agreed to stay on regardless of whether or not
Sasha decides to return to the school but the
question is who will take over Sasha’s role. Sasha is
great in her counseling role because she identifies
so well with the girls and that is mostly attributed
to her past experiences.

Montclair, Tula gave her the name of someone
who would be a good choice to lead the school if
Sasha decides not to return.

first order of
to make
contact with Bretta
Moore to find out her
availability and learn more about her experience in
dealing with troubled teen girls.

In the meantime, Sasha
doctor’s appointment to find out why she isn’t
feeling quite up to par. She has an appointment
and hopes
that she
will be able to get
something to help her feel more like her old self.

The doctor sees her and after examining her
and performing a few tests, Dr. Ratio tells Sasha
that she is about 12 weeks pregnant.

Sasha is beleaguered because she has only been
in San Antonio about two months so if she is 12
weeks the baby is definitely not Antonio.

But she wonders who baby is it because she
had been intimate with clients, Justin and Tony.
Sasha was devastated! She wants a baby badly
but she wants it with someone she really cares
about and that is Antonio.
wondered what she
should do now
because Antonio certainly wouldn’t want to be
involved with her if he found out that she was
pregnant with another man’s child.
Nevertheless, Sasha knew that she had to tell
Antonio the whole truth about her life.
She felt
she owed him that much because he has been so
open with her about himself and she was beginning
to fall for him.
Sasha phoned Antonio at his job and asked if
he wanted to come over for dinner.
He said, “Sure, I always want to see you,” and
showed up promptly at 6:00 p.m.
Sasha decided not to cook because she didn’t
feel like it so she ordered several of Antonio’s
favorite dishes from a local restaurant and she set a
beautiful table.
When Antonio arrived, he could tell that there
was something else on Sasha’s mind. She poured
him a glass of wine but she didn’t pour a glass for
herself. As he sipped on the wine Sasha said, “You
know I like you a lot Antonio and I haven’t told
you much about myself because I wasn’t sure how
our relationship would develop.”
“However, I received some news today and I
need to share my life with you because it affects
Sensing the seriousness in Sasha’s voice,
Antonio jokingly said, “I’m all ears, baby!”
“First let me tell you that I am a former Call
Girl and worked at the Manteca Inn in Montclair.”
Antonio repeated, “A Call Girl” as though he
was trying to understand that he was hearing her
“Yes, I worked at it for several years before
“I was married at the time and my husband
had no idea that I was a Call Girl.
He is an
attorney in New Jersey.”
“Wow, I can’t believe this about you. You are
so nice and so classy!”
“Well, Sasha said, there’s more!”
“After my husband found out about my
profession he told my mother and she later died
from a heart attack, most probably from the shock
of hearing I was a Call Girl”.
“My husband and I are divorced but he still
tries to get me to come back to him.”
“In the meantime, I started dating another man
who is nice but he disappointed me so I decided to
vacation here
in San
“I wanted to have an opportunity to think
clearly about what I want to do with the rest of my
life because I also operated a school for troubled
“So, when I came to San Antonio, it was not
my intentions to get involved with anyone and
then you appeared and I really, really like you!”
Antonio didn’t know what to say and then
Sasha said, “I’m not finished, there’s more!”
“I saw the doctors today and I was told that I
am twelve weeks pregnant.”
“Well Sasha, we know it is not my baby since
you have only been here about two months.”
“That’s right Antonio but I wanted you to
know about it!”
“I am so sorry Antonio.”
“Don’t be sorry, Sasha!”
“I am glad you finally told me the truth but I
wish you had told me sooner.”
“Would it have made that much difference to
you?” Sasha asked.
“Yes, Sasha, it probably would have but that’s
not important now.”
“What are you going to do?” Antonio asked
not knowing what to say to her.
“I don’t know because the baby could be my
husband’s or Tony, the one I saw before ending
our relationship and coming to San Antonio”
Antonio appeared to have lost his appetite but
Then he
looked up at Sasha
and asked, “Have you
considered remaining in San Antonio?”
She had but she just didn’t know what she
would do now.
Antonio suddenly blurted out, “Do you want
to marry me?”
“Married, are you serious?” Sasha asked.
“Why would you want to marry me after all I
just told you?”
“I love you Sasha!”
“You make my life
exciting and I
difficult time whenever I am away from you too
“Sasha, we are so good together and I’m not
just talking about our lovemaking.”
“I don’t care whose baby you are carrying.”
“We can make it work.”
“You’re telling me that you don’t care about
the fact that I was a Call Girl and with other men.”
“No because I have been with other women so
it doesn’t matter to me.”
“What matters to me is who you are right now
today, and that is, you’re the best thing that has
happened to me in a long time.” Antonio said
while gazing into Sasha’s beautiful eyes.
“So, what do you say?”
“Will you consider marrying me, Sasha?”
“Let me think about it because I have a lot of
loose ends to tie up back home.”
go back
there together.”
Antonio responded.
“We could but I want to think without the
pressure of
that you are with me
expecting an answer.”
“Oh, okay, well I can be patient just let me
know what you want to do.”
“Antonio, you know I could decide to stay in
Montclair and just have the baby and raise it on my
own,” Sasha said.
“I know that’s why I want to come with you
but you’re right, you need to make your own
“I support whatever you want to do and I want
to keep seeing you so I will be up front with you so
you know
that I
am not planning
“Sasha couldn’t believe that even after hearing
everything she had to say about her life, Antonio
still wanted to be with her.”
Sasha couldn’t help but be flattered by
Antonio’s offer to marry her because it was clear
that he cared deeply for her yet, she didn’t want to
tie him down or have him marry her and later
regret it.
After all they had only known one another for
a short time. But she figured she could still keep
the baby and remain in San Antonio. This way she
could continue to see Antonio and it would also
provide her with the time to see whether or not he
would change his mind about her and the baby.

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