A Brief Moment in TIme (28 page)

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Authors: Jeane Watier

BOOK: A Brief Moment in TIme
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“Right after that I saw my choices. I think…” She looked pensively at Adele. “Maybe I’d already died, according to the machines anyway, and it was in that brief moment I made my decision.”

The details of Kate’s experience fascinated Adele. “Was it an easy decision, then, to come back?”

“I could have gone either way. There’s really no such thing as death, by the way; it’s just a change of focus. All I know is that I felt completely at peace. Both choices appealed to me. Paradise was breathtakingly beautiful, yet something about it was familiar, like I’d been there before, and I knew I’d see it again. I honestly didn’t know what the other road held for me. I had no memory of it in that moment, yet it was too enticing to pass up.”

“I’m so glad you made this choice,” Adele smiled. “It’s not always paradise here, but it can be a pretty exciting adventure.”

A knock on the door caused them to turn toward the sound. Standing in the opening was the very one they had been discussing. Both women were shocked. Kate for obvious reasons, and Adele because she’d been expecting Gavin’s call. Knowing that he would be arriving sometime that day, she’d been planning to meet him at the airport. She’d also intended to prepare Kate with a couple hours notice.

Nobody moved for several long seconds. Introductions weren’t necessary, yet Adele searched for something appropriate to say.

“Oh my God!” Kate’s hands flew to her mouth. “Gavin!”

“Hi, Kate,” he smiled.

Adele could sense Gavin’s nervousness as he walked into the room. She turned to Kate, whose shocked expression was still evident, even as a smile slowly formed on her face. “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you, sweetie. I’ve been working on getting Gavin’s travel restrictions lifted. I found someone who could pull strings, but I didn’t want to say anything. I had no idea how long it would take. The approval just went through this morning. I was going to prepare you....”

“Please,” Kate insisted, “don’t apologize. I…it’s just…” she started to laugh, but tears weren’t far away. “I don’t know what to say.” She looked at Gavin and began to cry.

He went to her without hesitation. Kate reached out to him as he approached her bed, and the two simply looked at each other, unspoken love radiating from their eyes.

Adele watched the heartwarming scene and had to wipe away a tear of her own. “Well,” she cleared her throat. “I’m going to give you two some time to…um,” she laughed, “get re-acquainted.”

As she turned to leave, Gavin touched her arm. He was obviously having a hard time with his emotions, but his eyes told her what was in his heart.

“Thank you,” he managed to say.

Walking toward the door, Adele turned back to see her dear friend held tightly in the arms of the man she loved.

she smiled happily as she thought of all that had transpired.
This is the perfect end to an amazing story,
she mused.
Kate loved and lost...and now love is hers again. She lived and died...and now she gets to experience the fullness of life once more.

And Gavin
she continued,
he chose years of bondage just so he could know true freedom...and through it he found his soul mate.

Love is such a powerful force
It reached through time and space to unite these two beautiful souls
Adele was honored to have witnessed that power and to have played a small part in bringing Kate and Gavin together.
It’s such a satisfying ending, yet so much is just beginning. They’re together; their relationship is finally real, and yet…


she shook her head, laughing, as she went to the hospital cafeteria to get a cup of coffee.
I’m beginning to think it’s seriously overrated.




The End




The process called the “Power Transfer” in this book is based on the teaching of Robert Scheinfeld in his book,
Busting Loose From the Money Game
(Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, 2006) p. 103

The principles of Law of Attraction mentioned in this book—including the process called “Moving up the Emotional Scale”—are based on the teaching of Abraham-Hicks. www.abraham-hicks.com. “Moving up the Emotional Scale” is described in detail in their book,
Ask and It Is Given, Learning to Manifest Your Desires
(Carlsbad, CA: Hay House, 2004) p. 293

A word coined by Abraham and used in the teaching/writing of Abraham-Hicks.

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