A Bear In the Honey (BBW Unintentional Mail-Order-Bride Paranormal Shifter Romance) (3 page)

BOOK: A Bear In the Honey (BBW Unintentional Mail-Order-Bride Paranormal Shifter Romance)
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Our eyes burned into each other for a long, smoldering minute. Then he said, “I’ve wanted to fuck you, too, since the moment we met.”


              He got up off his knees, and I could tell by the bulge in his pants that he meant what he said. By this time I had removed the veil and protective jacket, and all that was covering my hard, erect nipples was a thin cotton t-shirt soaked with sweat. I’m sure Sebastian could see through it to my huge, overflowing breasts.


              “Can we go inside and shower?” I asked.


              Silently he walked towards me, took my hand in his, and led me into his house. We showered sensually, each bathing the other with slow, erotic caresses. When we were through, he brought me to his bedroom, naked.


              “Are you going to kiss me,” I purred, looking lovingly into his mesmerizing eyes. I knew he wanted to, his body told me, but he was stalling.


              “You know I do, but…but you’ve just been through a lot. I don’t know if—“


              “Oh just fucking fuck me already,” I smiled playfully. “I’m not a little girl.”


              In one swift move he had me pinned to the bed, his rock hard dick pushing into my wet opening. I yelped softly and bit my lip as he showered my body with kisses and flicked his tongue against my neck, breasts and nipples. Then with a strong, demanding hand he grabbed my hair and pulled my head back forcefully, exposing my neck even more and causing my mouth to open. He devoured my mouth and neck, sending shock waves of pleasure blooming through every inch of my body, before moving down to my rock-hard, heaving pebbles.


              “Oh God,” I moaned. “You have no idea how long I’ve wanted this.”


              “On the contrary, I think I have a pretty good idea,” he breathed. “I’ve wanted to fuck some bear cubs into you from the moment I first met you.”


              “Oh yeah?” I queried teasingly, my one hand groping his cut straps of muscles while my other gently closed around his massive, pulsing dick. “That sounds delicious. Fuck some little cubs into me, then.”


              “Oh Sara, I love you,” his words slipped out naturally, sincerely, as his lips claimed my breast and nipple. I moaned, spreading my legs and rubbing my pussy against his raging cock. 


              He must have been getting too aroused, too close to cumming, because with an exasperated groan he moved his penis away from my vagina and brought his tongue to my warm, wet folds. I instinctively spread my legs wide to take his tongue inside, and I moved a hand down to play with my throbbing pearl. But soon his nose pushed my fingers away so his tongue could greedily take over massaging my clit.


              “Oh God yeah,” I whined. I wanted to come so badly. But I wanted to come with him, I wanted to come at the same time he came into me. I held back, but it was an excruciating amount of pleasure as he kissed and sucked and licked every square millimeter of my delectable pussy.


              “Ah fuck! Fucking fuck me, please,” I begged as I writhed beneath him. I needed his massiveness to fill me completely, to make me feel like a woman. But a moment later he so tortured my clit with is tongue while entering me with two fingers that I couldn’t possibly hold back any longer. I clenched the bed sheets tightly in my hands, arched my back, and came explosively in his mouth—there was nothing else I could do, it was simply too much. I wailed like a wild animal.


              “Mmm… you like that, huh,” Sebastian said as he lapped up my juices. “Well then you’re really going to enjoy what’s coming next.” His devilish smile sent chills through my body. He peppered my sensitive pussy with kisses, then moved to my inner thighs, back to my pussy, then up my stomach, to my breast and nipples, and then finally settling on my lips. The moment his mouth met mine, his cock bumped up against the entrance to my pussy. I wrapped my legs around him, took his huge cock into my little hand, and guided him in.


              “Oh yeah!” I wailed as he entered deeply and smoothly. The pleasure was almost too much to bear (no pun intended).


              And from the sounds of him moaning and groaning, my tight little pussy around his massiveness was too much for him as well. He pulled out slowly, then rammed into me again forcefully, over and over.


              Finally, I could tell he was losing control because his pounding rhythm increased in intensity. Furiously he pummeled me, his balls slapping against my clit. And just as I moaned out my orgasm in gasping yelps, he, too, came explosively within me, coating me with his fertile lust.


              After we had caught our breaths, he crept close and whispered, “Baby, that was amazing.”


              “Mmm…yeah it was,” I said deliriously, dreamily, as my pussy and my mind tried to recover.


              Sebastian snuggled in next to me and wrapped a blanket around us. I felt a little of his seed trickling out of me.


              After a couple more minutes of recovery I asked, somewhat nervously, “What comes next?”


              “Now we wait.”


              Puzzled, I asked, “Wait? Wait for what?”


              “Wait for our cubs to be born,” he breathed into my ear as he lightly kissed my neck.





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Bearing Destiny



(A Bear Shifter Romance)




By Viola Notte

Copyright 2015 Viola Notte

All Rights Reserved


Bearing Destiny


Bear Creek was a small town.  But I never anticipated just how small it would feel.


I had left Los Angeles two weeks before.  My father called it a pipe dream, my mother, a mistake.  But I called it an adventure.  Sure it would be hard to pick up and leave everything and everyone I had ever known.  But when you’ve never felt like anything but an outcast, it’s easy to dream that somewhere else life could be different. 


I was a curvy girl, taller than average, and had long blonde hair that fell in tousled curls that reached just below my shoulder blades.  My mother had always said that I was beautiful, but when I looked in the mirror I couldn’t help but compare my voluptuous size ten body to the girls I grew up with.  In L.A. women were beautiful, whether by nature or by knife, and it was hard to feel adequate in a world of skinny Barbie dolls. 


City life had never suited me either, and as soon as I was old enough to drive I would take my parent's car and hit the road.  It didn’t matter if it was two hours or two days, I simply liked to be far away from the raucous crowds, and totally immersed in the solitude of nature.  Something about the smell of the good earth, the sound of the wind in the trees, or the infinite sky made nature simply vital to my well-being. 


When I turned twenty-two my mind was made up: there was no future for me in the big city.  So I packed up my little blue pickup truck, researched a list of rural towns that I thought might be for me, and let fate have her way with my destiny.   Reaching into my favorite winter hat, I fished around through the strips of paper I had cut up with names of the towns I had chosen on one side of them.  I crossed my fingers with my free hand, and with my other randomly pulled out a single sliver.  It read:




So that's how I happened to find myself in Bear Creek, a small, middle-of-nowhere mountain town in northern Montana, not far from the Canadian border.  Driving into the snowy little hamlet I stopped into the first establishment that appeared to have any life.   It was getting dark, and I was hungry and ready to get out of the truck.  The door of The Watering Hole jingled as it opened, and I entered into cozy, inviting tavern.  The bustling place grew silent as the dozen or so patrons stopped what they were doing to look at me, as if I had walked in with a ski mask and gun.  I coyly lifted a gloved hand and did my best to flash a friendly smile, and then made my way to a stool at the bar.  Gradually they lost interest, and eventually the din of laughter and chatter filled the air once again. 


So much for fitting in
I thought as I sat alone, sipping a Coke and perusing the classifieds for a place to call home. 


The bells of the door jingled as someone entered the bar.  But this time, not a soul seemed to notice but me.  He was something to look at: tall, muscular, and for the weather being as cold as it was tonight, foolishly underdressed.  He wore only jeans and a thin white T-shirt which clung to his rock hard chest.  His head was covered by a thick wool cap, which hung low over his brow and perfectly accented his light green eyes.  He seemed frustrated, or even angry as he marched straight towards the little door marked ‘Employees Only.’ 


His determined steps came suddenly to a halt and his head turned to the side, his eyes landing directly on mine, so suddenly that it startled me.  His gaze somehow made me feel as if I had intruded on his privacy.  His unfaltering eyes were intimidating and alluring all at once, and I struggled to both look away and match his stare; I finally looked away, flustered and somewhat alarmed.  Out of the corner of my eye he started to move again towards the 'Employees Only' doors, although this time I didn’t dare take a second look.





I was just about to leave when the stranger stepped back out into the bar.  Keeping my head low, I furtively glanced his way without him noticing.  He had stopped in front of a table with several other men.


“Emerson,” an older man greeted him with reservation in his voice. 


The man across the table tapped his nails loudly against the wood and said, “I don’t expect we’ll have any trouble from you now that Judge Pool signed off on the hunt?” He shifted slightly in his chair, and a little ray of light reflected from the small, silver star he wore over his right breast pocket. 


Emerson shook his head, “I’ve never given you a lick of trouble, Sheriff, and I’m not about to start.  Just make sure your boys stick to the boundaries that Pool drew out; anything closer than five miles is off limits and


Emerson nodded a farewell and walked slowly towards the door.  I didn’t dare budge.  I could feel his eyes on me without ever seeing his face.  A knot had formed in my stomach and my mouth had gone instantly dry.  Maybe it would have been easier to just look up and say 'hello.'  Deep down I know that’s what I wanted to do, but girls like me don’t wind up with men like him.  The thought made me wince.  Years of size two bleach blondes with nose jobs telling me I was too fat had left a scar.  And even though I tried never to let it get to me, I knew that I was never going to be the girl that got the guy.  I was destined from birth to be the bridesmaid but never the bride.  


“You’re not from around here,” a deep voice suddenly startled me. 


I hadn’t realized that he had come my way, and I was entirely unprepared for it.  “I, I…Well, I will be,” I stuttered like a fool.  I nervously shot my hand out to him to introduce myself, but instead I nearly knocked my Coke off the bar. 


Emerson’s hand shot out and he caught the glass before it had a chance to fall, placing it upright and off to the side of the bar.  My cheeks had already grown hot and red.  ‘Great first impression,’ I thought to myself as I slowly lifted my gaze to his.  From here he was even more attractive than I had imagined.  He had a week's growth of thick, dark facial hair that shadowed his perfectly chiseled jaw line, and magnificent, deep green eyes that seemed to almost radiate. 


“I mean, I just got into town,” I swallowed.


“And you’re looking for a place to rent?” he asked, tracing the circles I had made around several of the classified ads that had looked promising.


“Yes,” I replied timidly.


“Well, don’t let anyone scare you off.   It takes some time for the locals to warm up to newcomers.  Bear Creek can seem off-putting to strangers." 


“How long did it take for you?” I blurted out, my unsettled nerves doing their best to make conversation.  


He let out a rumbling laugh that made his entire body shake.  “Thirty-six years,” he replied, nodding his head and giving me a smile as he started for the door. 


But he stopped suddenly in his tracks and spun around. “Didn’t catch your name.”


“Mila," I answered softly, my eyelashes fluttering as I tried not to look down at the floor like a shy teenager.


“Emerson Steel,” he replied in a low growl.  “I'll see you later then.  Good night.” 


Then he left.  I took a deep breath and slowly began gathering up my things.  Perhaps if I hadn’t been so distracted by the thought of Emerson I would have noticed the young men who were watching me closely. 


'Thirty-six years?' I asked myself. 'Just how old could he be? Was that a joke?  Or did he actually mean to tell me he had spent his entire life feeling like an outcast, just like I had?'  It didn’t seem possible that someone as magnetic as he was could possibly have any trouble fitting in.  I had met men with just a fraction of the looks Emerson had, and even with the most distasteful of personalities they had no trouble fitting in.  How could Emerson ever feel like an outcast?  I wrapped my jacket tightly around my body and headed out the door and into the cold, snowy night. 


My mind was distracted, and my eyes were excited to take in the beauty of my new surroundings.  The trees were like nothing I had ever seen in California.  Snow-covered pines abounded, and though it was only early November, the entire place looked like a magical winter wonderland, like the kind one sees in Christmas advertisements or Terry Redlin paintings.   I could have stood there all evening admiring the forest.  


Lost as I was in my reverie, I was understandably startled by a rough voice that called out, "Hey there, sugar," just a few feet away.   


For a split second I thought it must be Emerson.  I took a step closer, but instantly realized that the man standing next to my truck smoking a cigarette was nothing like Emerson.  I took a step back, suddenly startled and concerned for my safety.  It wasn’t far to get back to the bar, but with the icy parking lot I would run the risk of slipping before I ever made it.  I thought about the mace that I usually carried, but then remembered it was in the damn truck, along with my purse. 


“Don’t worry. I just wanted to introduce myself,” the stranger said menacingly, his lip turning up into a little snarl as he took a step forward. 


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