24th and Dixie (5 page)

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Authors: Author Ron C

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Kane exploded with venom and went off.

“Nigga, y’all got us fucked up! How you niggas sound standing out here talking about turning a nigga over to the police? I thought you niggas hated the cops and was about that life. Y’all better find you, somebody, to play with that ho shit.”

“And do it fast you dick in the booty ass homo cop thug ass niggas,” Able spat. They turned and attempted to walk to their car but stopped at the sound of a pistol cocking. J-Smith had a 9mm in his hand and handed it to C-Brook. “Don’t even try it lil homies. Trust me; y’all is not that fast,” he told them.

Roslyn and Quanita didn’t have a clue what was going on because they were tipsy off the beer and was jamming Keyshia Cole on the radio. They weren’t paying any attention and had forgotten about the fact that they were ready to go long ago. Kane and Able were disgusted with C-Brook and hated him with a passion just that fast.

“You the police now?” Kane asked

“Call it what you want,” he said.

“Nah, nigga I called it just what it is,” Kane said.

“C-Brook, I don’t want nothing to do with this bruh. The twins my niggas. You, Breze and J-Smith count me out,” CJ said.

“You a two fo’ nigga CJ. You already a part of it,” C-Brook told him.

“Like that, huh?” CJ asked in disbelief.

“Just like that nigga!” He spat.

“Who the fuck is you to tell me what I can and can’t participate in?” CJ questioned.

C-Brook pointed the pistol at CJ and fired a single shot in his lower stomach. He growled in pain and hit the ground. The loud sound of the Glock got the girls attention and they turned around with swiftness. Roslyn reached up and turned the music off.

“What’s going on?” She asked Quanita.

“I don’t know,” Quanita said. She looked and could see CJ on the ground. “They shot him,” she said.

“What Kane them waiting on?” Roslyn asked with concern.

“I don’t know,” Quanita said. They watched and soon realized something wasn’t right. C-Brook walked up to CJ as he bled and put another bullet in his head and blew his brains out. He felt he had to show the twins he meant business by killing one of his own. He ordered Breze to drag CJ’s body down the street by the trees.

“Oh my god. You got Phantom’s number? Call him hurry up,” Roslyn told Quanita.

“Just so you niggas know this shit is not a game and y’all are not the only killers walking around,” C-Brook began talking to the twins.

“It’s simple homey. Y’all don’t have a lot of options. I got twenty-four hours to torture you niggas and make y’all think about it. The choice is yours,” he said. Able smiled with a look of disbelief but at the same time, it wasn’t a look of disbelief. “How you gon’ play us like this C-Brook?” He asked.

“I told you my niggas come first. Y’all are just some outside niggas at the end of the day. The popo tryna fuck my niggas, so my plan is to take down the next niggas. The streets a mess. Shit, I just had one of my close niggas rob me tonight. Y’all seen it. Damn near blew my brains out over a few petty ass sacks. Everybody know y’all got mad bread so I’ma give y’all a chance to spend some of it. We can make all of this shit go away for one million cash, tonight! Me and my niggas will forget about what happened on 27
and we’ll tell the cops we don’t know shit. We’ll put the charges on CJ. A dead man can’t go to trial. Case dismissed,” C-Brook said. All the twins could hear in C-Brook’s voice was how foul he really was. There was no way they were going to trust this dirty nigga. It was obvious he would do anything. “Guess you think we stupid?” Able said. “You foul C-Brook. You expect us to pay you niggas a million in cash in the hopes of y’all not dropping the dime on us about a 27
murder? What murder? We don’t know shit about a murder on 27
,” Kane said.

“You got some nerves to even throw something at us like that. Then you hollin’ that two-fo’ shit like we sleepin’ on you niggas or something. We don’t discredit niggas ‘cause of where they from,” Able added.

“And we don’t cross niggas out just ‘cause they from another side of town,” Kane said.

“We do thangs a lil different on 24
and Dixie my nigga,” C-Brook made it clear.

“We see that!” Able said.

“Me and my niggas want a million cash,” C-Brook said.

“Tonight nigga!” J-Smith spat.

“Y’all might as well get ya mind right ‘cause ain’t no leaving here,” Breze said. This was the most he’d said since they pulled the foul play. Kane and Able weren’t going to give them anything, and they made it very clear. “We ain’t giving you niggaz shit!” Able growled.

“Fuck y’all!” Kane said.

“Nah, what’s gon’ happen is…my niggas gon’ fuck ya girls and then when they done, if you niggas still playing its gon’ be a ma’fuckin’ four body homicide on two fo’ and that’s on my mama,” C-Brook said.

“Y’all niggas goin’ from snitchin’ to rapist?” Able said.

“If we don’t get that cash we gon’ go to murders,” Breze said.

“Stop playin’ with these niggas C-Brook and make ‘em cough that bread up. You go with Kane to get it, and me and Breze gon’ hold Able right here to you get back,” J-Smith said.

“How you figure?” Able questioned.

“You ain’t got no choice,” J-Smith said.

“I’ll make you weak ass niggas kill me before I pay you a million dollars,” Able spat.

“It sounds good, but I know you bluffin’. You niggas don’t wanna die because you gotta know I’ll kill you,” C-Brook said.

Chapter Five


“J-Smith, you and Breze teach them hoz a lesson. I wanna see just how bad the twins are. Make sure y’all fuck ‘em good,” he ordered. The twins couldn’t believe what they had just heard. C-Brook was now taking disrespect to an entire level. They couldn’t think fast enough, and the thought of Roslyn and Quanita being attacked and raped had them furious. J-Smith and Breze were yes men and would do just about anything C-Brook asked. They didn’t have any shame, so they didn’t think twice about sexually assaulting the young girls. As they began to approach the car, Able went off and acted as if he wanted to charge at C-Brook. “Are you niggas serious? I’ll make you use that gun.” POW! POW! C-Brook let off two shots by Able’s feet and made him eat those words. “Jump if you stupid nigga! I swear to God I will burn yo ass up and drag you down the street with CJ,” he growled.

“Chill out bro. karma is a bitch. If he knew like we knew…he would kill us,” Kane said.

“My trigger finger itchy…jump,” C-Brook said. Quanita and Roslyn were rushed without warning as Breze and J-Smith jumped in the back seat.

“What are y’all doing? What’s going on?” Roslyn said almost like a scream. “Where’s Kane and Able?” Quanita asked.

“Y’all just chill and go with the flow,” Breze said.

“We finna fuck,” J-Smith said like it was just that easy. Both girls immediately started screaming for Kane and Able and tried to fight their way out of the car. They were afraid for their life, and their fear made them kick into the ultimate survival tactic. Roslyn was swinging at Breze like a wild woman, and Quanita was doing the same to J-Smith.

They now realized it wasn’t going to be easy as they expected. They had to show the girls who were in control. Breze drew back and punched Roslyn in the mouth and almost knock one of her teeth out. Quanita was slapped like a whore in the streets and grabbed around her neck.

“Please…please, don’t do this. Please,” she begged. Roslyn called for Kane and Able but was punched again and threaten.

“Shut up. Shut the fuck up before I break yo face. Get yo ass up there in the front seat now!” Breze demanded.

After that everything began happening too fast and it was the worst humiliating the girls had every experienced in their life. Breze was raping Roslyn in the front seat while J-Smith raped Roslyn in the back. The poor girls cried out in pure pain and humiliating and Kane and Able couldn’t do a damn thing about it.

“You’re hurting me…please…please stop,” Quanita begged. J-Smith had her bent over from the back pounding inside of her like he hadn’t had sex in years. He was sweating and grunting and didn’t have any sympathy at all. The Mercedes began to rock back and forth as the heinous act went on and on and the twins were burning up inside. They stood there with homicide in their eyes as C-Brook held his gun on them. Every time they heard one of the girls scream it made them want to sacrifice their life more and more.

They had no idea how the outcome of this situation was going to end. They were both asking themselves the same thing.
Damn Kane, what can we do? Damn Able, what can we do?
C-Brook had a smirk on his face as if it was so funny. “By the time my niggas done y’all better have ya shit together. One million cash will make all this go away,” he said.

J-Smith pulled his penis out of Quanita and shot a load of warm semen in her face. She turned away and acted as if she wanted to throw up, but he forced his penis into her mouth and forced the remaining semen down her throat. She gagged and pulled her head away.

“Shit! Damn bitch!” Breze screamed in the back seat. He had just come inside of Roslyn and was in total satisfaction while she was in total pain and embarrassment. The girls had been violated to the maxima. “Bitch got some good pussy,” Breze said. He began fixing his clothes.

“This one too,” J-Smith said. Once they got dressed, they got out of the car leaving the girl scarred for life. They were crying hysterically.

Phantom had pulled over because he couldn’t hear clear while driving. He thought he had just listened to a movie. He was talking to Quanita for a short moment before he heard screaming and everything that took place afterward. She had dropped her phone on the floor when Breze and J-Smith entered the car, but it never hung up. Therefore, Phantom got a chance to hear part of the rape but still wasn’t sure what was going on or where they were. He was sure they were with Kane and Able but instead of calling them, he hung up the phone and called Quanita back. Her face lit up like a Christmas tree when she saw he was calling back. “Phantom, come to 24
and Dixie,” was how she answered. Phantom was a good friend of the twins, and he was a lot older. He used to run with their father back in the day, and he built a good relationship with them. He was only thirty-one, but he carried himself like a real O.G. He looked at Kane and Able like his little brothers, and he definitely had their back. Breze and J-Smith stood with C-Brook like they hadn’t done anything.

“What’s up with that money, though? It’s getting’ too late to be lip wrestlin’. C-Brook, what it do homey? These fuck niggas gon’ either break bread or we gon’ kill ‘em right now,” J-Smith said as if he was calling the shots.

“All this over some petty ass weapon charges huh?” Able asked.

“It is what it is,” C-Brook said.

“How we know y’all not gon’ kill us after we give you the money?” Kane asked.

“Do we need to?” C-Brook asked. It was a trick question of course.

“Ask yourself that,” Kane said

“Y’all got retaliation on ya mind?” C-Brook asked.

“What you think?” Able reversed the trick question. C-Brook knew for a fact that if the twins paid them one million dollars they weren’t going to stop until everyone involved was dead. His plan was to relocate and get the hell off 24
once they got the money. He wasn’t sure where to go, but he knew he was going. He and the guys were in too deep now to back out, and if anyone knew it, C-Brook did. “I think y’all are running out of time,” he told the twins.

“C-Brook look! Ain’t that’s Dread?” J-Smith said and pointed down the street. The reggae music gave Dread away, but he wasn’t trying to hide. The fool sped down the road as usual and stopped in the middle of the street. “C-Brook, God bless you my brether. That fuckin’ reefer was blazzin’ man,” he said. C-Brook pointed his pistol and started firing. Two bullets punched holes in the door before Dread floored the gas screaming. “What is wrong with you black man? You crazy?”

“Fuck you, you fried brain ass cult believin’ nigga,” C-Brook yelled. Dread slammed on the brakes down the streets and jumped out of the car screaming. “What is your problem black man? What the fuck?” He threw his hands up.

“Fuck you satan! Bitch ass nigga! Get the hell off the block before I hog tie yo ass,” C-Brook screamed.

“You’re going to hell my brether. That is not what Jesus would do,” Dread said and got back in his car. He sped through the red light and disappeared into the dark night.

“He needs to leave that dope alone,” J-Smith said. He couldn’t help but laugh.

C-Brook looked around as a thought hit him. “Get them phones from them girls.”

“Damn,” J-Smith said indicating he should have done it long ago. He opened the front door and snatched Quanita’s phone out of her hand and demanded Roslyn to hand hers over. She gave it to him without words.

“Just hold on to ‘em for now,” C-Brook told him. The frightening sound of a man screaming for his life got the attention of everyone.

“Help! Help! Somebody, please help! Get ‘em off me! Get ‘em off me, please! Help!” The man was running down the street jumping around, swinging and hitting himself as if someone was attacking him.

“The hell?” Breze said looking in disbelief.

“He on that same shit Dread on,” J-Smith said.

C-Brook was looking but made sure he kept his eyes on the twins. As the man got closer, his screaming got louder, and he ran up to Breze.

“Man, what the fuck you on?” Breze said and pushed him back.

“I’m on my G shit,” the man said and dropped Breze with two contact shots to the chest. His shirt nearly caught fire as his body hit the ground. The impersonating crackhead was Phantom. He turned the .44 Glock on C-Brook and J-Smith and double squeezed the trigger hitting them both once in the shoulder. C-Brook almost jumped out of his skin as his trigger finger went off and fired two failed shots at Phantom. Four shots from the .44 hit him in the chest, and he hit the ground with ease. J-Smith threw his hands up as a copout, but Phantom wasn’t hearing it.

“Nigga put yo hands down!” Phantom pulled on the trigger in a continuous rhythm and made the Glock sound like an automatic weapon. J-Smith back peddled as the hot six bullets opened his chest and changed his life forever. Police sirens were heard afar obviously because Roslyn had called 911 before her phone was taking. There was no words exchange between the twins and Phantom as the three made an attempt to flee before the cops arrived. Phantom disappeared in the dark night on feet, and the twins left burning rubber in the Benz. When cops arrived it was clear things would never be the same on 24
and Dixie.


The End





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