Read #2 Dangerous Games Online

Authors: Lora Leigh

#2 Dangerous Games (38 page)

BOOK: #2 Dangerous Games
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She forced her eyes open, shocked at the brilliance of his deep blue eyes. Blue flames, so dark they were nearly black, glittering with pinpoints of brilliant light.

"Now," she whispered, her hands going to the wide leather belt that cinched his tight hips.

His chuckle as he caught her hands was wicked, seductive.

"You first." He pushed her hands aside, moving back from her as his fingers hooked into the band of her pants. The stretchy Lycra that molded to her body pulled easily from her legs as he undressed her, revealing the tiny black silk thong she wore beneath them.

"Sweet mercy," he groaned as he tossed the pants aside, his hands moving to the inside of her thighs as he spread them wider.

She was open to him now, nothing but a triangle of silk shielding her from his view, his touch. She wished she hadn't worn it.

"Touch yourself for me."

Her eyes widened at his words. It wasn't what he said; it was how he said it. His voice was nearly guttural, the demand in it sending pulsing flares of pleasure to spasm through her vagina.

"Push your fingers beneath the panties," he urged her again. "Let me watch you pleasure yourself, Morganna."

She lifted her hand from the couch, allowing her fingers first to trail slowly down her abdomen as she watched the dark flush that mantled his cheekbones.

As her fingers moved closer to the narrow band of her panties, his hands tore at his belt while he still knelt between her thighs.

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"Tease," he growled, watching as she ran the tips of her fingers over the elastic band before inserting them beneath it, and pausing.

"I'm the tease?" she questioned with a smile. "Come on, Clint, stop playing with your pants and get them off. Let's see how much you want me."

She was amazed she could speak, let alone tease him right now. She was so aroused she was nearly panting for breath.

"Oh, baby, have no doubt I want." His smile was tight, his eyes narrowing as her fingers moved just beneath the band of elastic silk.

Morganna watched as he jerked the belt open, then tore at the fastening of the leather pants. Within seconds, the material parted beneath his fingers as he pushed the dark gray boxer briefs lower over the straining shaft of his erection. Her hips jerked in longing as her fingers slipped lower. "Go on." His expression was heavy with sexual intent, his lips fuller, his cheekbones darker. "Push your fingers lower, baby. Tease me. Let me see your fingers move beneath the silk and imagine the softer flesh you're touching."

As his fingers gripped the gold ring that pierced the foreskin of his cock, her fingers slid between her own thighs, easing into the slick, saturated folds of her sex.

"Fuck yes!" His lips tightened into a grimace as his fingers curled around his cock, stroking it slowly while he watched her touch herself, watched the silk of her panties moving over her hand.

"Are you wet, baby?" he growled. "Very wet," she breathed out roughly. "And swollen. I ache, Clint."

His teeth clenched, the muscle at the side of his jaw flexing convulsively as he reached out with his other hand, pulling the small triangle of material aside to watch her.

"Oh yeah, baby," he whispered as her fingers circled her clit, making it swell further as it throbbed in need. "Slide down further. Let me see you enter yourself. I need to see it, Morganna. Show me how you pleasure yourself when I'm not with you."

She whimpered at the dark tone, the suspicion that like her, Clint was building memories. She did as he asked, her fingers moving lower until one finger was dipping inside the hot, wet depths of her vagina.

How did she please herself when he wasn't around? Desperately. She ached and cried out his name and writhed beneath him as her finger thrust inside the aching channel. Her hips lifted, her feet digging into the leather couch as her palm raked her clit and she began a steady rhythm designed to throw her into release. Except the pleasure was stronger this time; it gave a mockery to any sensation she had ever known without his gaze upon her.

"Oh yeah." He stroked his cock as he watched her, the hard muscles of his stomach clenching as she lifted her hips to meet the thrust of her own fingers, the sound of wet flesh meeting the desperate movements colliding with their panting breaths. "Damn, that's pretty. So sweet and pretty," he growled as he began to push at his pants, jerking them over his hips before he cursed. "Damn boots."

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She was close, too close to find the humor in his words or to understand what they meant.

"Clint." She whispered his name as she did when she was alone, barely able to stare up at him, fighting to keep her eyes open enough to watch his face. This would be another memory to pull out and hold close when he left. She didn't want to miss a single moment of it.

"Yes, baby," he growled, moving closer to her, his pants at his thighs as one hand gripped her wrist.

"Enough now."

She cried out in protest.

"Easy, baby." He pulled her fingers free of her own wet flesh before lifting them to his mouth while bending closer to her.

He moved into position, sliding between her thighs as he came over her. His eyes were nearly black, burning with lust and emotion as she felt his cock press against the tender opening of her vagina.

One hard thrust sent his cock spearing to the very depths of her aching pussy as his lips covered her fingers, sucking them into his mouth as her vagina sucked at the thick flesh invading it.

Flames beat at her mind as a burning heat filled her core. One hand gripped her hips, lifting her closer as he braced his knees on the couch and his hips began to thrust the thick spear of his erection inside her with deep, hard movements.

It was so good. Her hands dug into the leather of the couch as she lifted to him. Oh God, she was so close to coming, she could feel the hard clench of her womb, the fire sizzling inside it, and she knew she wouldn't last much longer.

The expression on Clint's face held her spellbound; the lust and emotion raging through his eyes would have stolen her breath if there was any left in her body.

"That's it," he groaned. "Tighten around me, baby." His grimace was one of painful pleasure as she felt the contractions attacking her, the release overtaking her.

"Watch me." His harsh command had her eyes jerking open, staring back into his as the rhythm of his thrusts increased, his cock pumping in and out of the desperately clenching channel of her vagina as panting moans began to leave her throat.

She watched him. Watched his expression tighten, watched the violent pleasure that filled his gaze as she finally slipped over the edge.

The explosion that detonated in her womb overtook her. Mind. Body. Heart and soul. She jerked in his grip, thrusting back into him harder as the rocketing flames bloomed through her senses and overtook her nervous system.

The cataclysmic physical upheaval went beyond pleasure, beyond ecstasy. It consumed her soul as she felt his final hard thrust a second before the deep, heated spurts of his semen began to fill her.

She felt his release with a sense of bittersweet acceptance. For once, he had given her all of himself, only to deny them both the choice of her ever carrying his child.

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As Clint collapsed over her, Morganna's arms lifted to his shoulders, wrapping them around him as she held him close. Their heartbeats pounded against each other fiercely, shaking their bodies as the final tremors of release eased through them.

"If I could change myself I would, for you," he whispered at her ear. "If I could change the past, I'd do it for both of us."

He was such a man. But that was okay, for now; she was sated, replete, and warm. For now, she would let him believe whatever it was he believed. He could continue to believe he was footloose and fancy-free for the time being. He was hers. He just had yet to realize it.

"I love you anyway," she whispered. "I'll always love you, Clint."

As the words whispered from her lips, a low vibration of sound began to hum through the suite. It wasn't a piercing alarm, but her eyes widened at the knowledge that it was an alarm all the same.

Chapter 27

LET'S GO!" CLINT JERKED FROM her the second the pulse of the alarm echoed through the suite, throwing his shirt at her before quickly fixing his pants and fastening them. Morganna struggled into his shirt, her fingers fumbling as her eyes lifted to the entrance of the kitchen and she froze, aware of Clint doing the same as they faced the nightmare that had been haunting her.

Roberto Manuelo stood in the entrance between the living room and the kitchen, a benign smile on his face as he held the small, lethal submachine gun in one arm, his finger caressing the trigger with obvious enjoyment. At his side stood Jenna Lancaster.

"I would not bother dressing." He watched them with a fanatical gleam in his black eyes. "I would only have to undress her later, and this would only irritate me."

Morganna pulled the edges of Clint's shirt around her staring back at the two in shock.

"I told you she would never suspect me," Jenna drawled mockingly as she propped her hand on a wide hip and tossed her dark hair from her eyes. Her gaze gleamed with a drugged intensity that was almost terrifying. "No more than Mr. Hot Ass Masters thought his private key cards could be duplicated. All it took was being at the right place at the right time. He'll never know how it easy it was to fool him and his
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precious security bitch."

Morganna breathed in deeply, fighting for control as SHE felt Clint's gun by her foot. There was no way to drop and grab it. The machine gun Manuelo carried would cut through the leather couch in seconds.

The only chance they had was to hide the gun.

As the thought raked through her mind, she felt Clint shift, felt his arm come around her as he pulled her against him, subtly pushing the gun against the edge of the couch with his foot as he did so.

"The alarm is wired directly to Masters' control center, Roberto," Clint told the other man quietly. "He'll know you're here."

"My little Jenna took care of this as well." His smile was cold, cruel. "She has been quite an asset in this little venture, just as Samuels was. Of course, her little tryst with one of Drage's security personnel helped immensely. It seemed he gleaned a bit of perverse pleasure from fucking in his boss's office. All it takes to succeed, my dear, is finding the weak link. And he was so very weak when it came to the lovely Jenna."

Morganna saw the calculating gleam in Manuelo's eyes as he flicked a glance to Jenna. He would kill the other girl, and Morganna knew it. Jenna's usefulness to him was at an end.

"And what do you get out of this, Jenna?" Morganna asked bitterly.

"I get rid of you." Jenna rolled her eyes mockingly. "The darling of the office and the clubs. Every Dom wants you, or wants to be like you. You've been a thorn in my side since you showed up, bitch. I'll be Roberto's woman, as soon as all this unpleasantness is over."

Morganna shook her head in confusion. "I didn't do any-thing to you, Jenna."

"'You didn't do anything for me, either." The other girl curled her lip in a sneer. "Every Dom I attempted to snag for myself wanted you instead. Everyone wanted to be Morganna's little friend. It was sickening.

But being rid of you is only the icing on the cake. As Diego's right hand, Roberto was something you don't, sweetie, an unlimited bank account and all the power I crave."

Power she would never live to enjoy.

"He'll kill you," Morganna whispered. "You'll never enjoy the money or the power, Jenna."

Jenna frowned, her gaze moving slowly to Manuelo as she shook her head. "He needs me. Don't you, Robby?"

"Of course, sweetheart." There was a sneer in his words as his thin lips curled into a facsimile of a smile.

"You are always safe."

A triumphant smile curved Jenna's fuller lips as she turned back to Morganna.

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"We have Diego's uncle and nephew," Clint said. "They didn't get away."

Manuelo chuckled at that. "They are acceptable losses as far as I'm concerned. This wasn't by Fuentes'

orders anyway. He won't care to kill them for being stupid."

Manuelo was as sick, as demented, as Fuentes.

"If not by Fuentes' orders, then why?" Clint narrowed his eyes on the couple.

"Revenge." Manuelo's lips twisted as a grimace shaped his expression. "Your bitch is responsible for my brother's death. When she turned him in, allowed those bastard DEA agents to arrest him, Diego killed him. Now you can both pay for it. Diego may be willing to play with you for the life of the family you killed in Colombia, but I don't play."

"Yeah." Clint's voice was cool, chilling in its complete lack of emotion. "That was a shame about your brother there, Robby, but from what I heard, he made a hell of a spy into your little organization."

Manuelo's eyes flickered with rage. "Never. Santos would never have betrayed me."

"Why do you think he was meeting with Markwell?" Clint said softly. "That's why Fuentes killed him. He contacted my man in an attempt to find me. You're a disease. Manuelo, just like your boss. Even your brother knew it."

"You lie! You bastard. I raised Adonis. He was there to kill your man."

Clint snorted. "Uh-huh. Yeah. He knew he could take on a SEAL. Come on, Robby, you know better than that. That's why Fuentes killed him for you. Gutted him like a fish, because he was giving Markwell information."

"He's picking at you, Robby," Jenna whispered at his side, her hand gripping his arm imperatively. "Don't let him make you angry, sweetie."

"He lies." Manuelo jerked his arm from her. "My brother would never do such a thing."

BOOK: #2 Dangerous Games
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