1948: A History of the First Arab-Israeli War (92 page)

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53• Eliahu Elath to Walter Eytan, 21 October 1948, DFPI, 2:83.
$4. Gerges, "Egypt and the 1948 War," 165.
55. Gelber, Independence versus Nakba, 32; Segev, ed., Behind the Screen, 168 -169.
56. Kirkbride to secretary of state, z1 October 1948, PRO FO 816/131.
57. IDF General Staff Logbook, entry for z8 October 1948, IDFA 922/75//1176.
58. IDF General Staff Logbook, entry for 30 October 1948, IDFA 922/75//1176.
59• "5th Brigade War Logbook, for the Month of October," entries from zz, 23, 24, 25 October 1948, IDFA 922/75//900.
6o. Yigael Yadin to Southern Front, "Guideline for Operation `Peter,"' 27 October 1948, IDFA 6127/49//93.
61. Vered, Fightersforthe Freedom of Israel, 3:170-174; Glubb, Soldier, 204-209.
6z. Glubb, Soldier, 209.
63. Vered, Fighters for the Freedom of Israel, 3:178 -179
64. Fifth Brigade/Intelligence, "Summary of Operations 30-31.10.48," 1 November 1948, IDFA 922/75//900-
65. Ben-Gurion, War Diary, entry for 30 October 1948, 786.
66. OC Southern Front to brigades, districts, etc., 27 October 1948, IDFA io46/ 70//434.
67- Vered, Fighters for the Freedom of Israel, 3:184.
68. Vered, Fighters for the Freedom of Israel, 3:184-185.
69. Kaplan to Peri, 8 November 1948, KMA-ACP 6/6/4.
70. Morris, Birth of Palestinian Refugee Problem Revisited, 469-471-
71. Morris, Birth ofPalestinian Refugee Problem Revisited, 471-472.
72. Shin Mem 3/Rehovot Base, to Shin Mem 3/HQ, "Report on the Situation in Ashdod," 8 November 1948, IDFA 922/75//1o17.
73. Shin Mem 3/Rehovot Base, to Operations Officer, Southern Command, etc., "Report on the Entry into Majdal," 7 November 1948, IDFA 922/75//1017-
74. Morris, Birth of Palestinian Refugee Problem Revisited, 471-472. In 1950 the military authorities transferred the Arab inhabitants to Gaza, with a small number moving to Ramle, in Israel (see Morris, 1948 and After, 323-347)-
75. Fifth Brigade/Intelligence, "Summary of Operations 3-4.11.48 [sic]," 5 November 1948, IDFA 715/49//16.
76. P. M. Broadmead to FO, 12 November 1948, PRO FO 371-68386, reporting on what Syrian President al-Quwwatli had told a fellow British diplomat. The Syrian believed-or at least argued-that the Jews were being steadily supplied with armaments by the Russians and "the whole of Palestine would [soon] become a Russian -controlled base."
77. Kirkbride to FO, 3 November 1948, PRO FO 371-68643.
78. Ayalon, Giv'ati Brigade in Face of the Egyptian Invader, 576 -583.
79. Ayalon, Giv'ati Brigade in Face of the Egyptian Invader, 589 - 590.
8o. Cohen, By Light and in Darkness, 206 -211.
81. Coastal Plain District HQ to Battalion 151, etc., "Operational Order No. 40," z5 November 1948, IDFA 6308/49//141.
8z. Coastal Plain District HQ to Southern Front/Operations, 3o November 1948, IDFA 1978/50//1; Southern Front/Operations to General Staff Division, 2 December 1948, IDFA 922/75//1025.
83. Ben-Gurion, protocol of Cabinet meeting, 31 October 1948, ISA.
84. Ben-Gurion, protocol of Cabinet meeting, zo October 1948.
85. Shertok, protocol of Cabinet meeting, 4 November 1948, ISA.
86. Shlaim, Collusion across the Jordan, 347.
87. List of points, protocol of Cabinet meeting, 4 November 1948, ISA.
88. "Excerpts from M. Shertok's Report to the Provisional Government of Israel (Tel Aviv, 26 October 1948)," in Documents on Israeli-Soviet Relations, 19411953, 390. Vyshinskii, according to Shertok, had said that this "was not a problem."
89. Carmel, Northern Battles, 255•
90. Luria, "Hiram," 15-19.
91. Erlich, Lebanon, 210.
92. Ben-Gurion, protocol of Cabinet meeting, z6 September 1948 (the passage was censored by ISA officials).
93• Northern Front to Brigades, Districts, etc., "Operational Order `Snir,' `Hiram,' `Yehoshafat,"' 4 September 1948, IDFA 2289/5o//277. See also Yitzhak Moda'i, "Operation Hiram," iS-51, IDFA 922/75//189.
94. "Meeting of the General Staff of the Israel Defense Forces, Defense Ministry ... 6.10.48," IDFA 172/50//121.
95• Gelber, Independence versus Nakba, 328.
96. Ben-Gurion, War Diary, entry for zz October 1948, 761.
97. Eshel, Carmeli, 251-273.
98. Hughes, "Armed Forces," 36.
99 Ma`ayan, "The North," 1:290-291.
Too. Hughes, "Armed Forces," 35
101. Shertok, protocol of Cabinet meeting, 26 September 1948, ISA.
102. Carmel, Northern Battles, z6z.
103. Ben-Gurion, War Diary, entry for 16 October 1948,749.
104. Ben-Gurion, War Diary, entry for 24 October 1948,770-
,o5. "A" [Northern] Front to brigades, districts, etc, "Operational Order `Hiram,"' z6 October 1948, IDFA 854/52//321.
106. Haifa District HQ, "Operational Order No. z, `Hiram,"' 16 September 1948, IDFA 240/54//a. The words following "evicting the inhabitants of the conquered villages" have been deleted by IDFA censors in the copy made available to researchers. They may refer to the prospective final destination of the evictees-Lebanon.
107. HQ Israel Air Force/Office of chief of staff of Air Intelligence to CoS, Operations, etc., i November 1948 and unsigned, "Summary of Assessments of Results of Air Force Bombings in Operation `Hiram' for the Liberation of the Galilee," 29 February 1949, both in IDFA 600137/51 //941.
io8. Emmanuel Sharon, "Operation Hiram-79th Battalion," undated, IDFA 1046/70//6.
109. Seventy-ninth Battalion/Intelligence Officer to Seventh Brigade HQ, etc., "Report on Operation `Hiram Bet,"' i November 1948, IDFA 2289/5o//277; Sharon, "Operation Hiram-79th Battalion."
110. Sharon, "Operation Hiram-79th Battalion."
111. Yitzhak Pundak, OC Ninth Brigade, "Report on Operation `Hiram,"' undated, IDFA 715/49//9; Carmel, Northern Battles, 270-271.
112. Intelligence Officer Northern Front to Intelligence Service Shin Mem 1, etc., 30 October 1948, IDFA 7 249/49//138; Cohen, History of Israeli Air Force, 3:9596.
113. Intelligence Officer, Seventy-first Battalion, to OC Seventy-first Battalion, etc., "Report on the Battalion's Operations in Operations `Hiram' and `Atzmon' during 27.10.48 -1.11.48," 8 November 1948, IDFAI094/49//77•
114. Two reports by Hemed (Science Corps) Bet to Hemed Staff, 11 November 1948, IDFA 121/50//223.
115. Lt. Col. Binyamin Ben-David (Dunkelman), "Statement by OC 7th Brigade with the Liberation of the Galilee," 30 October 1948, IDFA 957/51//16.
116. Gershon Gilad, Northern Front Intelligence Officer, "Intelligence Report on Operation `Hiram' (28/10-31/10)," 21 November 1948, IDEA 715/49//15• 117. Erlich, Lebanon, 211-214; entry for 6 November 1948, Yosef Nahmani Diary, Hashomer Archive.
118. Gilad, "Intelligence Report on Operation `Hiram' (28/10-31/10)."
ii9. Northern Front to brigades, etc., 7:3o hrs., 31 October 18948, IDFA 715/ 49//3.
120. Erlich, Lebanon, 214-215.
121. Ben-Gurion, protocol of Cabinet meeting, 31 October 1948. Perhaps BenGurion was afraid that informing them might raise the question of who had authorized the crossing of the international frontier and why the Cabinet had not been consulted.
122. "Khirbet Lahis," Ha'olam Hazeh, i March 1978; Erlich, Lebanon, 214, 623, n. 18o.
123. Morris, Birth of Palestinian Refugee Problem Revisited, 479 -482.
124. Morris, Birth of Palestinian Refugee Problem Revisited, 486 -489.
125. Ben-Gurion, protocol of Cabinet meeting, 31 October 1948. But Intelligence Service 1, "Daily Intelligence Report," 1i November 1948, IDFA 5942/49// 72, states that "more than 5o,ooo new refugees reached Lebanon after the liberation of the Galilee."
126. Shimoni to Eytan, "On Problems of Policy in the Galilee and on the Northern Border and on the Link between the Foreign Ministry and the Army Staff," 18 November 1948, ISA FM 186/17-
127. Shimoni to Eliahu Sasson, Paris, 12 November 1948, ISA FM 2570/11-
128. Ezra Danin to Sasson, Paris, 24 October 1948, ISA FM 2570/11.
129. Ben-Gurion, War Diary, entry for 31 October 1948, 788.
130. Carmel to brigades and districts, 10:00 hrs., 31 October 1948, IDFA 715/ 49//3.
131. Northern Front to Second and Ninth Brigades, 09:30 hrs., to November 1948, IDFA 4858/49//495.
132. Northern Front to Second and Ninth brigades, 09:30 hrs., io November 1948.
133. Eleventh Battalion Intelligence to Ninth Brigade/Intelligence, "Report on Daily Activity 3/11," 3 November 1948, IDFA 1012/49//71-
134. Intelligence Officer Fourteenth Battalion to OC Fourteenth Battalion, "Report on a Patrol," 4 November 1948, IDFA 128/51//71.
135. Ninety-first Battalion to Ninth Brigade Operations, etc., "Report on Activities No. 056," 12 November 1948, IDFA 1012/4-9//75-
136. Ben-Gurion, War Diary, entry for 6 November 1948, Boo.
137- Yehoshua Eshel to Northern Front, [?] November 1948, IDFA 756/61//128; Kaplan, Cisling, etc., protocol of Cabinet meeting, 18 November 1948, ISA.
138. Ben-Gurion, protocol of Cabinet meeting, 9 January 1949, ISA.
139. Ma`ayan, "The North," 1:292.
140. Sela, "ALA in Galilee," 1:248.
141. Ben-Gurion, protocol of Cabinet meeting, 31 October 1948; "Ami (Assaf)" to Intelligence Service 1, 16 November 1948, IDFA 7249/49//138•
142. Ben-Gurion, protocol of Cabinet meeting, 31 October 1948.
143. Shertok to Eytan (for Ben-Gurion), ii November 1948, ISA, DFPI, 2:164-165.
144. Ninth Brigade/ Operations to military governor, Acre, etc., "The Organisation of the Government in the Conquered Area. General Instructions," 16 November 1948, IDFA 128/51//34.
14$. Northern Front to military governor, Western Galilee, etc., 18 November 1948, IDFA 26o/51 //$4.
i. Hard on the heels of Operation Hiram, David Ben-Gurion proposed to Yigael Yadin the conquest of parts or all of the West Bank (Ben-Gurion, War Diary, entry for 31 October 1948, 790)-
2. Ben-Gurion, War Diary, entry for io November 1948, 8o8.
3. Moshe Shertok to Goldie Myerson (Meir), 5 November 1948, and Chaim Weizmann to Truman, 5 November 1948, both in ISA, DFPI, 2:141-143, 143 -146.
4. Truman to Weizmann, 29 November 1948, ISA, DFPI, 2:247-
5. "Meeting of the Israeli Delegation to the United Nations General Assembly (Paris, 17 November 1948)," ISA, DFPI, 2:190.
6. Walter Eytan to Ralph Bunche, 6 December 1948, ISA, DFPI, 2:271.
7. Doran, Pan-Arabism before Nasser, 18q.
8. Glubb, Soldier, 214-216; Abu Nowar, Jordanian-Israeli War, 247-348.
9. Shertok to Eytan, 3o November 1948, ISA, DFPI, 2:248.
To. Paul Mohn to Ben-Gurion, 9 December 1948, ISA, DFPI, 2:278.
11. Ben-Gurion, protocol of Cabinet meeting, 8 December 1948, ISA.
12. Ben-Gurion, WarDiary, entry for 27 November 1948, 853.
13. Ben-Gurion and Bentov, protocol of Cabinet meeting, 15 December 1948, ISA. ISA censors have blacked out part of Bentov's statement-question; presumably the missing passage dealt with the possible expulsion of the inhabitants.
14. The text in the ISA cabinet protocol actually says the opposite-but it would appear that a "no" was mistakenly dropped from the transcript.
15. Protocol of Cabinet meeting, 19 December 1948, ISA.
16. Ben-Gurion, War Diary, entry for 19 December 1948, ISA. One of the Russians, Second Secretary Nikolai Sergeev, advised Ben-Gurion "to cleanse [i.e., destroy] the Arab armies one after the other."
17. Ben-Gurion, WarDiary, entry for 17 November 1948, 831-832.
18. "Meeting: D. Ben-Gurion-P.I. Ershov (Tel Aviv, 27 December 1948)," in Documents on Israeli-Soviet R elations, 1941-1953, 423.
19. "Meeting: D. Ben-Gurion-P.I. Ershov (Tel Aviv, 27 December 1948)," 422.
2o. Gelber, Independence versus Nakba, 331.
21. I. J. Linton, "Meeting: I. J. Linton-H. McNeil (London, 3o December 1948)," 4 January 1949, ISA, DFPI, 2:343.
22. "D" [Southern] Front HQ/Operations to 1, 3, 8, TO, 12 brigades, etc., "Operational Order Horev," undated, IDFA 922/75//561.
23. Segev, ed., In Enemy Eyes, 1o5.
24. Neguib, Egypt's Destiny, 25 - 27.
z5. Segev, ed., In Enemy Eyes, io6.
z6. `Etzioni, ed., Tree and Sword, 345.
27. `Etzioni, ed., Tree and Sword, 337-344.
z8. `Etzioni, ed., Tree and Sword, 337-349.
29. Giv`ati, Path of Desert and Fire, 252; Ben-Gurion, War Diary, entry for 24 December 1948, goo.
30. Giv`ati, Path of Desert and Fire, 255 -257-
31. Vered, Fighters for the Freedom of Israel, 331-359.
32. Negev Brigade, 212.
33. Segev, ed., In Enemy Eyes, 116.
34. Negev Brigade, 2 12.
35. Segev, ed., In Enemy Eyes, 118.
36. Ben-Gurion, War Diary, entries for 27-29 December 1948; Vered, Fighters for the Freedom of Israel, 3:368 - 370.
37. Ben-Gurion, protocol of Cabinet meeting, 29 December 1948, ISA.
38. Quoted in Vered, Fighters for the Freedom oflsrael, 3:369.
39. Quoted in Vered, Fighters for the Freedom of Israel, 3:372.
40. Ben-Gurion, protocol of Cabinet meeting, 29 December 1948.
41. Rabin, Memoirs, 38.
42. Vered, Fighters for the Freedom of Israel, 3:374. The sight of endless abandoned shoes in the sands of Sinai was to characterize the Israeli victories in the selfsame battlefields in 1956 and 1967.
43. Vered, Fighters for the Freedom oflsrael, 3:376.
44. Vered, Fightersfor the Freedom ofIsrael, 3:378; Rabin, Memoirs, 40.
4$. Cohen, By Light and in Darkness, 238.
46. Rabin, Memoirs, 40.
47. Ben-Gurion, War Diary, entry for 3o December 1948, 913.

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