1948: A History of the First Arab-Israeli War (86 page)

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243. Yiftah to Golani and Yiftah to Palmah HQ, etc., 1o May 1948, both in IDFA 1z8/51//5o; Tzuri, Dori, to HIS-AD, 2 July 1948, HA 105/127 aleph.
244. Elad Peled, "The Conquest of Safad," HA 222/2.
245. Tzuri, Dori, to HIS-AD, "Events in Safad after Its Conquest," i June 1948, HA 105/222; Ben-Gurion, War Diary, entry for 7 June 1948, 494; Moshe Carmel to IDF/GS, 14 August 1948, IDFA 26o/51//4.
246. See Oded to Golani, 20 April 1948, regarding the evacuation of women and children from Dawwara and Abisiya, and Yiftah to HGS, 2 May 1948, 21:00 hrs., regarding the evacuation of women and children in the area around Rosh Pina, both in IDFA i28/5i//5o; see Palmah HQ to HGS, "Daily Report," 8 May 1948, IDFA 922/75//1066, regarding orders to the village of Hunin to evacuate.
247. Gilead, ed., Book of the Palmah, 2:286; Yiftah to Palmah HQ and Golani, 14 May 1948, 17:3o hrs., IDFA i28/5i//So; Palmah HQ to HGS, "Daily Report," 15 May 1948, IDFA 922/75//1o66.
248. Flyer, and Tzuri, Drori, to HIS-AD, 16 May 1948, HA io5/$4 aleph.
249. Dori to Tzuri, etc., 25 May 1948, IDFA 922/75//1o82.
25o. For example, Daniel, Battalion ii/"D" Company, to Eleventh Battalion HQ, "Report on Zawiya Operation, 19 May 1948," IDFA 128/51//32.
251. Palmah HQ to HGS, "Daily Report," 23 May 1948, IDFA 922/75//1066.
252. Yiftah HQ, "Daily Report," 22 May 194.8, IDFA 922/75//1o82.
253. Dori to Tzuri, etc., 25 May 1948, IDFA 922/75//1o82.
254. Palmah HQ to HGS, "Daily Report," 24 May 1948, IDFA 922/75//1066.
255. Golani/Barak, "Report on Operation in Samakh," IDFA 128/51//33.
256. Tzuri to HIS-AD, "Information about Samakh upon Its Depopulation," io May 1948, IDFA 1196/52//1.
257. Weitz diary, entry for 4 May 1948, CZAA246-i3, 2373.
258. Tzuri to HIS-AD, "The Battle for Beit Shean," 14 May 1948, HA 105/92 bet.
259. Unsigned, "Events on 12.5.48," undated, HA 105/94 aleph.
26o. Jura to Utz, 19 May 1948, HA 105/92 bet.
261. Morris, Birth of Palestinian Refugee Problem Revisited, 227-228.
262. `Etzioni, ed., Tree and Sword, 146.
263. `Etzioni, ed., Tree and Sword, 146.
264. Yadin to People's Administration, 12 May 1948 (first session), ISA, People'sAdministration, 66.
265. See, e.g., Golani to battalion OCs, 13 May 1948, IDFA 9322/75//io82.
z66. Morris, Birth of Palestinian Refugee Problem Revisited, 254-255.
267. Givati HQ, "Operation 'Barak'-General Instructions," [?] May 1948, and Givati HQ to Battalions 51, 52, etc., 1o May 1948, both in IDFA 7011/49//5.
268. Ayalon, Giv`ati Brigade in the War of Establishment, 532.
269. Doron, Elitzur, to HIS-AD, "Batani Sharqi," 13 May 1948, HA 105/92 aleph. See also Ayalon, Givati Brigade in the War of Establishment, 527-552-
270. Morris, Birth of Palestinian Refugee Problem Revisited, 257.
271. Fifty-first Battalion HQ to C Company, "Operational Order `Medina,"' 17 May 1948, IDFA 170/51//49-
272. Ayalon, Giv`ati Brigade in the War of Establishment, $41, 552.
273. Morris, Birth of Palestinian Refugee Problem Revisited, 258.
274. Broadmead to Kirkbride, 5 May 1948, PRO FO 816/119.
275 - Jerusalem Brigade /Operations/Eldad, to Moriah, Metzuda, etc., "Annex No. 3 to Operational Order `Kilshon,"' io May 1948, IDFA Soo/48//33•
276. Yosef Schnurman, "Report on the Receipt of Security Zones B and C," 17 May 1948, CZA S25-io526.
277. Walter Eytan, "American Consul's Representations on Looting in Jerusalem," apparently 4 June 1948, CZA S25-5o35. See also Senator David Warner to David Shaltiel, 3 June 1948, and attached Senator Warner, "Conquered Areas," undated, both in CZA Sz5-9186.
278. Ben-Gurion, War Diary, entry for 11 May 1948, 409.
279. Alexandroni Intelligence Officer, "The Attack on Arab Kafr Saba on 13.5," undated, IDFA 2323/49//6; Rivlin and Sinai, eds., Alexandroni Brigade, 194-207-
z8o. Katz, "Arab Departure." See also Pappe, "Tantura Case"; and "Tantura Massacre," a compilation of oral testimonies. See Rivlin and Sinai, eds., Alexandroni Brigade, 220-230.
281. Morris, "Tantura Massacre Affair"; Morris, Birth of Palestinian Refugee Problem Revisited, 247-248, 299-301, n. 671. In the available archival records on mivtza naval (Operation Harbor), only one piece of evidence refers to killings after the battle: it describes the execution of a handful of captured snipers (entry for 23 May 1948, Tulik Makovsky Diary, Kibbutz Nahsholim Archive). Otherwise, there is no mention of a massacre. An Arab broadcast from 21 June, as reported by Israeli monitors, stated that "an Arab woman who fled from Tantura relates that the Jews raped women in addition to [committing] acts of robbery, theft and arson" ("Jerusalem 16:oo [z1 June 1948]," HA 105/92 aleph; "Palestine in Arab Broadcasts 21-22.6.48," HA 105/88). There is no mention of a massacre.
282. Yadin, protocol of meeting, 1z May 1948, ISA, People's Administration (early session), 64.
283. "Operation `Ehud,"' undated, IDFA 7353/49//46. An early version of the order (Carmen/Operations, [?] April 1948, IDFA 5942/49//53) described the objectives as breaking through to the isolated kibbutzim and to resupply them "for three months," "to attack the villages: Kabri, al-Nahar, Bassa, al-Zib; to destroy the gangs; the menfolk; to destroy property."
284. "Hiram" to HIS-AD, undated but either 13 or 14 May 1948, HA 105/127.
285. Carmeli to General Staff/Operations, etc., "Operation Ben-Ami," 15 May 1948, IDFA 2687/49//35.
z86. "A Letter Written on 26.4.48 from Acre by a Father to His Son Munir Effendi Nut, an Inspector in Police HQ in Nablus," undated, HA 1o5/z5z.
287. "Hiram," untitled intelligence report, 7 May 1948, HA 105237
z88. "Hiram" to HIS-AD, 1i May 1948, HA 105/54.
289. "Hiram," untitled intelligence report, 11 May 1948, HA 105/237-
290. IDF History Branch, "The Arab Salvation Army-31.12.47-23.9.55 ," 71, IDFA 1046/70//182; "Hiram" to HIS-AD, "The Town of Acre after Its Conquest on 17.5," 21 May 1948, HA 105/92 bet.
291. Carmel to the notables of Acre, 17 May 1948, IDFA 922/75//1o25.
292. Carmeli to High Command, i9 May 1948, and appended untitled instrument of surrender, signed by "OC Haganah Acre Sector" and Albert Rock, Ahmed Effendi Abdu, Sheikh Musa Effendi al-Tabari, etc., 18 May 1948, both in IDFA 922/75//1022.
293. "Hiram" to HIS-AD, "The Town of Acre after Its Conquest on 17.5," 21 May 1948, HA 105/92 bet.
294. Carmel to Haganah General Staff, 18 May 1948, IDFA 922/75//1o22.
295. "Hiram" to HIS-AD, 30 May 1948, HA 105/252.
296. [?] to prime minister of Israel, z December 1948, and General Eitan Avissar, president of IDF Supreme Court, 20 December 1948, both in IDFA 1z1/ 5o//165.
297. Tzuri, Carmeli, to Eitan, Tzidoni, etc., 19 May 1948, IDFA 6680/49//5.
298. Rivlin and Sinai, eds., Alexandroni Brigade, 173.
299. Nazzal, Palestinian Exodus from Galilee, 6z.
300. See Morris, Birth of Palestinian Refugee Problem Revisited, 254,515-516. For a misleading account, see Eshel, Carmeli Brigade, 173.
301. Unsigned, `Ein-Gev, "[Testimony] Taken from Ezra Klopfeny, 9.10.48," IDFA 1235/52//I. See also Carmon, ed., Ein-Gera, 35.
302. Unsigned, `Ein-Gev, "[Testimony] Taken 4.7.48, from Zili Diter, OC `Persian' Sector," IDFA 1235/52//1; Carmon, ed., `Ein-Gev, 34,71; Yitah, MAM, to military governor, Western Galilee, 26 October 1948, and Hassan Zickrallah to OC Acre, 20 October 1948, both in IDFA 92,2/52//564.
303. Segev, ed., In Enemy Eyes, 8o-82.
304. Unsigned but HIS, "The Situation in the Area of Kfar `Etzion," 2 November 1947, HA 105/54.
305. Unsigned but HIS, "Details and Echoes of the Attack on Kfar `Etzion on 14.1.48," zo January 1948, IDFA 5oo/48//6o; Knoh1, ed., Battle of 'Etzion Bloc, 113-131, 150-151.
306. Knohl, ed., Battle of Etzion Bloc, 137-149.
307. Orren, "Contribution of Settlements," 206.
308. Major Yitzhak Ya akobson, History Branch, IDF, "The `Etzion Bloc in the War of Independence," undated but from mid-195os, IDFA 922/75//283, 89.
309. Ya`akobson, "Etzion Bloc," 91-92.
310. Ya`akobson, "Etzion Bloc," 96.
311. Ya`akobson, "Etzion Bloc," 102.
312. Tall, Memoirs, 39.
313. Glubb, Soldier, 78.
314. Gelber, Independence versus Nakba, 129.
315. Knohl, ed., Battle of Etzion Bloc, 434.
316. Knohl, ed., Battle of 'Etzion Bloc, 448.
317. J. L. Fishman to chief secretary, 1z May 1948, CZA S25-5.
318. Knohl, ed., Battle of Etzion Bloc, 477; Ya akobson, "Etzion Bloc," 128 -129.
319. Glubb, Soldier, 78.
320. Knohl, ed., Battle of Etzion Bloc, 535, quoting unnamed local Arabs.
321. Ya`akobson, "Etzion Bloc," 130; Tall, Memoirs, 42; Kirkbride to FO, 14 May 1948, PRO CO 537-3904; Glubb, Soldier, 78. Abu Nowar, Jordanian-Israeli War, 61, goes one better and blames the duplicitous Jews for the massacre, which he doesn't explicitly admit occurred, by writing: "The Haganah raised some white flags, but as soon as the [Arab] assault troops came within range, they resumed firing at the advancing troops." The Arab troops then assaulted the kibbutz and took it in "fierce fighting."
322. Knohl, ed., `Etzion Bloc, 478 -4-79-
323. Knohl, ed., `Etzion Bloc, 483. Ya akobson, "Etzion Bloc," 144, attributed the massacre to "the Arab mentality."
324. Ya`akobson, "Etzion Bloc," 132.
325. Ben-Gurion, protocol of Cabinet meeting, 23 May 1948, ISA.
326. Cunningham, "Weekly Intelligence Appreciation," 17 April 1948, PRO FO 37168503.
327. "District Commissioner's Report on Galilee District for 15-31 March," 6 April 1948, CZA S25-5634.
328. Dorothy Adelson to Shertok, (?) April 1948, CZA S25-5471.
329. Abba Eban to John Ross, 12 April 1948, and attached "Appendix," ISA, Documents, December 1947-May 1948, 6o8 - 621.
330. Quoted in I. J. Linton, New York, to S. Brodetsky, London, 2 May 1948, ISA, Documents, December 1947-May 1948, 714-718.
331. Shertok at meeting of People's Administration, 12 May 1948 (first session), ISA, People's Administration 4-7-
332. "The Palestine Situation (Summary of Conclusions Reached by Representatives of CIA, State, War, and Navy in Conference 5 May 1948)," USNA CIARDP67-ooo59Aooo2o0200011-5.
333• For drafts of the truce proposals and Shertok to Ben-Gurion, 28 April 1948, see ISA, Documents, December 1947-May 1948, 811-832, 692- 693, respectively.
334• The five successive versions of the proposals are in ISA, Documents, December 1947-May 1948, 821-832.
335. "Second Provisional Draft," 29 April 1948, ISA, Documents, December 1947May 1948, 828-830.
336. See, e.g., Shertok to Marshall, 29 April 1948, ISA, Documents, December 1947May1948, 695-696.
337• JA, New York, to JA, Palestine, 7 May 1948, and Shertok to Ben-Gurion, 4 May 1948, ISA, Documents, December 1947-May 1948, 746 -747, 726 -727, n. 2.
338. Ben-Gurion, protocol of meeting, JAE, 16 April 1948, CZA; ISA, Documents, December 1947-May 1948, 727, n. 3; and Ben-Gurion to Shertok, 4 May 1948, Documents, December 1947-May 1948, 729.
339. "Meeting: M. Shertok, E. Epstein-G. Marshall, R. Lovett, D. Rusk (Washington, 8 May 1948)," ISA, Documents, December 1947-May 1948, 757-769.
340. Lippman, "View from 1947," 23-26.
341. Lourie, New York, to Shertok, Palestine, II May 1948, ISA, Documents, December 1947-May 1948, 776 -777-
342. Epstein to Ben-Gurion, ii May 1948, ISA, Documents, December 1947-May -T948,777-
343. Yadin, protocol of meeting of People's Administration, iz May 1948, ISA, People's Administration, 63-64, 66, 67. Ben Gurion (57) commented that the attack on the bloc could be considered the start of the pan-Arab invasion.
344. Ben-Gurion, protocol of meeting of People's Administration, 12 May 1948, ISA, People's Administration, 75 -76.
345. Ben-Gurion, protocol of meeting of People's Administration, iz May 1948, ISA, People's Administration, 73.
346. Sharef, Three Days, 123.
347. Ben-Gurion, protocol of meeting of People's Administration, 12 May 1948 (evening session), ISA, People's Administration, 113.
348. Naor, "Big Wednesday."
349. Sharef, Three Days, 281.
350. Sharef, Three Days, 185.
351. Sharef, Three Days, 288.
352. "Editorial Note," FRUS, 5:993.
353• Chaim Weizmann to Truman, 13 May 1948, ISA, Documents, December 1947May 1948, 988 -989.
354. Ben-Gurion, War Diary, entry for 14 May 1948, 416.
Epigraph. Abba Eban, "Conversation with Abdul Rahman Azzam Pasha, ,5th September 1947," 19 September 1947, CZA Sz5-9ozo.
i. Ismail Safwat, "Second Report," 27 November 1947, in Segev, ed., Behind the Screen, 71-72-
z. For the effect of Deir Yassin on the Syrians, see Troop, Damascus, to secretary of state, 3 May 1948, USNA, 8oo Syria/3-$48.
3. Gelber, Independence versus Nakba, zo8.
4. Robert Memminger, Damascus, to secretary of state, 9 May 1948, USNA, 8oo Syria/9-$48.
5. Unsigned, "Memorandum by the Arab Section of the Jewish Agency's Political Department," i March 1948, ISA, Documents, December 1947-May 1948, 400.
6. Dean Rusk, Baghdad, to FO, i December 1947, PRO FO 371-61580.
7. Alan Cunningham to secretary of state, 28 December 1947, PRO FO 37161583.
8. Alec Kirkbride to FO, 2 May 1948, PRO CO 537-3901.
9. For example, Jaffa mayor Yusuf Hailcal's statement in Baghdad in late April, reported in unsigned, "The Military Operations in Palestine According to the Arab Press," z6 April 1948, CZA S25-8996.
io. Gelber, Independence versus Nakba, 191.

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